8 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, February 14. '9W For Stic Complete restaurant outfit, as good as new; has to be sold and will go cheap. Also nine bed room sets, that have been in use only about three months, i-'or par tlculars, address John Anthony, La Grande, Oregon. Standard or fancy table wines, cham pagnes and after dinner liquors at the Mint saloon, corner Center and Sumpter streets. Nelll Mercantile company received t1 heavy Invoice of rubber footwear of all kinds and sizes. Look at that. The celebrated Green River whiskey "without a headache," at the Capital Hotel bar. Mining maps drawn and blue printed by C. II. I;cuner, C. I:., at Townslte company office, near depot. The celebrated Jed Clayton brand of whiskey at the Mint saloon, corner of Center and Sumpter streets. Kvery pine of type in THIS MlNI-H plant is new and strictly up to date. A back number jobcau't be done in this office. Mrs. Emma Potter, FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING Opposite Cornwell Si Sullivan's Stable, on Cracker Street. SUITS FROM $5 UP. Tailor-Made Suits a Specialty. The Walla Walla Feed Yard W.W. KllOHI-N, Crop. m-ALI-K IN HAY, GRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. FREE DELIVERY. Good Feed Yard and Stables For Freighters. Warehouses and Offices, Sumpter Vallay Railroad Track. SUMPTER, OREGON LINES OF THE Sumpter & Eastern Oregon Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMI'TKH-CANYON HOUTI-. i'op. tn. I l.v , Sumplfr Ar ictio i. m. do p. m. ! Ar CllflorJ . ..l.v a. m. I'4a p m. I l.v UlforJ Ar :oa. m. :io p. m. I Ar Autln . ;.Lv 00 a. m. Cbnnrrling at Autlln with Ugt lor Canyon City anj Inlrrlnr polntt. I1 4 p. m. I.v CllflorJ .Ar I t:o a. m. imp, m. I Ar .Hnnanta. l.v b:nt.m. Connrcllni; at llnnanfa with tt.ifr (or I'yx Mohlnvinvlllr, Wortry, Virginia, Don Juan anj I'rlchrr mlnrj, SIIMI'TCK-CUANITI: HOUTI:. Sumntrr. (ir.mllr. .Arl .Lv ioo a. m. TUQIi m fil p. m, I l.v 4 li p. in. I Ar livery at (iranltr In Norlh I oik, McJ Hoy, Han xelte anj aJjacrnt mlnet. SUMI'TIIIMIOUHNI: ROUTE. ii in p, m. I l.v I ii p. m, Ar I y p. m. I Ar. Sumpter. Ilourne Columbia .Ar l.v ,l.v g: 10 a. m. 8 iu a. m. 7: to a. m, InduJIne North Pole, Ii. A I!., Climax, Ohio an J aj fxrnt mlnev SUMPTER FISHMPOULTRY; f MAKIltl.- Oppotlte Md'wen ft Sloan' Livery Ham, Center Street. FRESH FISH AND POULTRY DAILY. OYSTER COCKTAILS !' A SPECIALTY. J !! Cl-CII. HOSKASON, MGR.i ' CASE FURNITURE COMPANY THE HOME FURNISHERS Parlor, Dining and lied Room Furniture In sets or separate pieces. Beautiful line of Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come in and let us e.Nplaln why you can save money by buying at home. We can posltivelv Jo so. Opera House Block - Sumpter. Oregon eill Mercantile ....Company j MEN'S FUSNISHERS S Immense shipment of clothing now en route from Chicago. Wait for it, All goods up to date in style. The Sumpter Lumber Company The Only Place To get bills filled promptly and completely. Kiln-dried and finished lumber. Sash and doors wholesale and re tail. Jobbers' prices on wholesale orders. J, B. STODDARD. Manager Sumpter Feed, Livery and Freight Stable CORNWELL & SULLIVAN: Props. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. -HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE-K Sumpter Livery Stable McEwen & Sloan, Props. First Class l ivory Rigs and Saddle Horses ALWAYS ON HAND MODERATE PRICES Experienced Guides to all the Mining Gimps. Your patronage solicited. THE BEST APPOINTED. & S Pharmacy IN EASTERN OREGON. No prescription too difficult to fill. (Service day or night.) A complete line of druggists sundries, stationery and toilet articles. L. C. EDWARDS, MANAGER. The Sumpter Drug Co. SUMPTER, OREGON. nooooooooooooo y Exclusive I UC At I rlL for the Celebrated SEATTLE BOHEMIA H. HEER On draught or by hotle- High Grade Wines, aooooooooooooo Liquors and Clgai JLYMPUS" 1 H. FINGER, Proprietor. 1 Sumpter, Or. .