The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 14, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, February 14, 1900.
I United Sutet Uni Office.
I La Grande, Oregon, January 15, tgoo.
Notice l hereby given, that William Smith, whose
postoffice address l Baker Qtv. Baker county, Ore
gon, In behalf ol himself and hit co-owners, Fred
Knuth. W. S. Powers, and John U Sullivan, hai filed
an application lor patent lor the lode mining claim
calleJ the Myrtle quarti mine, situated In no orga
nlreJ mining district, Baker countv. Oregon, anJ
designated by the field notes and official plat on file
In this office as Mineral Survev No. iti In section two,
township nine south, range thirty-six E. W. M., salj
Mineral Survey No. tj being "described as follows
(magnetic variation being from to degrees 1$ mlnuiet
to to degrees 15 minutes east):
Commencing lor a description of the exterior boun
daries ot the Myrtle quart claim at Cor No. 1 ol this
survey, Identical with the NEcorol location, the H
arc cor between sections and t tp o S, R 0 E. W.
M. bears N So degrees tr minutes E 506 It. Thence
S i degrees it minutes E var to degrees as minutes
E 1 )V! it to E center post, seta tamarack post 4 In
sq i tt long it In. In the ground with a mound ot
earth around It, marked It "Myrtle E. C S. m" lor
east center post, tit. I ft to cor No. t. Identical with
the SE cor of location, set a tamarack post 4 In sq tH
It long it In. In the ground, with a mound of earth
around It, marked It ''Myrtle cor in" lor cor No. a
ol this survey. Thence N tt degrees it minutes W
var to degrees is minutes Emit Mammoth Gulch
course southwesterly 1464.4 It to cor No. 1, set a tir
post 4 In sq 4K tt long il In. In the ground with a
mound ol earth around It, marked II ''Mvrlle Cor -171"
for cor No. 1 of this survey, the SW cor 01 lo
cation bears N 14 degrees W tit ft. Thence N it de
grees it minutes Wvar to degrees tt minutes E too
It to west center, set a pine post 4 In sq tti ft long il
In. In the ground, with a mound of stones and earth
around It, marked II "M rile W. C S- iti" lor west
Center post, the west center location tree bears N to
degrees W 44.1 II 400 it to cor No. 4. set a fir post 4
In sq 4) tt long, it In. In the ground, with a mound of
stones and earth around, marked It "Mj rile cor 4
I7t" for cor No. 4 of this survey. Fhence N it de
grees ot minutes E var to degrees it minutes E 140 ft
to cor No. t, Identical with the NW cor ol location, a
Iking vetlow pine tree it In In diameter, marked II
"Mrtlecor No. fits." Thence S tt degrees t)
minutes E var so degrees it minutes E 1 8 tt Mam
moth Gulch course southwesterly, t io.t tt to cor No.
1, the place ol beginning, the said claim containing
an area ol 16. too acres ol land.
The presumed course of the lode It a little north of
west and south ot east. The number ol teet clilmed
on the lode Is tourteen hundred and sixty lour and
tnree-lenlhs linear teet extending from discovery
shaft easterly tT leet to east center end and westerly
tar feet to west center end of Mineral Survey No. it),
as described In the loregolng field notes.
The surtace ground varies on the south side ot the
lode from three hundred feel on the southwest end
line of the lode to two hundred and twentv-one and
elght-lenths leet on the southeastern portion thereol,
and on the north side ol the lode, wldtti var) Ing Irom
two hundred and lortv feet at the northwest end line
of the lode to three hundred and thirty-five and five
tenths feet on the northeastern portion thereol.
The notice ol location of said Myrtle quarts mine
Is of record In the offi t ot the recorder 01 convey
ances ot Baker county, at Baker City, In book L ol
quarti mining location records at page it thereol.
The only ajjolnlng claim Is the Lilac puarti mine
on the cast. The adja.ent claims are the Cold Stand
ard Lode claim on the south, also the Monteiuma
lAde claim on the south, the Log Cabin Lode claim
on the weal and the I'eJro Lode claim on the north.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining
5 round, vein, lode, premises or any portion thereof so
escribed, surveyed, platted and applied for, are
hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are
duly filed according to law, and the regulations
thereunder, within the to day period of publication
hereof, with the register ol the United States land
office at La Grande, In the suit of Oregon, they will
be barred by virtue 01 the provisions ot tne statute.
E. W. Uaruhtt, Register.
United Slates Mineral Survey No. 167 A. A B. Ap
plication No. tot.
, United States Land Office.
I La Grande, Oregon, Jan sj, 1000.
Notice It hcrebi t lien that In pursuance with the
act of congress approved May 10, it?t, the Columbia
Gold M'ning company, a corporation duly organised
a,nd existing under and by virtue of the laws ot Ore-
gon. whose poslottice Is Sumpter, Baker county,
Oregon, has made application lor a patent for the
Old Middleman and the Tin Horn quant claims, and
tor the Tin Horn mill tile and lor the Cyclone m II
tile, situated in no organised mining distilit, Ir. Baker
county, sute ol Oregon, and described by tne omcul
plat herewith posted and by the field notes on Me in
tne oMct ol the Register of La Grande Land District,
State el Oregon, as follows, vlt: with magnetic varia
tions at to degrees at mlnuiet to to degrees so min
utes etst.
Description of exterior boundaries of the Old Mid
dleman and Tin Horn quarti claim t Mineral Sur
vey No, 6t A., to wit:
Beginning at a post marked "Cor. No.. i-ttiA
that bears 1 19 degree e 519 teet from U. S. Mineral
Monument No. i, the tame being comer No. 1 of the
Tin Horn quant claim; thence 1 at degrees w mlnuiet
e too teet 10 a post marked " jfi A, being comer
No, 4 ot the Tin Horn quant claim; thence 1 4) de
greet so minutes w too feet to a post marked " 7-7
A," being corner No. 7 of the Old Middleman quant
claim; thence n 6 degrees it minutes tt leet to a
post marked "i-str A," being comer No. 1 ol the
Old Middleman, irom which comer No. 1, U.S.
Mineral Monument No. 1 bear 1 degree or minutes
w it 46 leet distant; thence 1 11 degreet at minutes
too teet to a post marked "a- sit A, being corner No.
a ol Us Old Middleman; thence s ft degreet tr min
uesw tin teel to a post marked "i-jtt A, being
comer No. j ol the Old Middleman quant claim;
lieoce n 11 degree at minutes too leet to a post
minted "a-stT A," being comer N0.40I the Old
Middleman quant claim; mence a yt degree sr min
utes e tot teet 10 a potl marked "f rT A. being cor
ner No. j ol the O.d Middleman quarts claim; thence
n 40 degrees to minutes w ti . icei wa pwsi
"a-167 A," being comer No. s of the Tie) Horn quant
claim; thence n 41 degrees a miaul titoo leet to
Kceol beginning,
scrlpuonof Tin Horn ntlllltlle-Mtneral Survey
No. t B, to wit: '
Beginning at corner No, ol the Tin Horn quart
claim, a post marked "1-17 B," Mnt; comer No. 1
' Tin Horn mill site; thence at degree so mlnu t
ei ft leel to corner No. 1 ol ,, Old Middleman,
postmarked "e- B;".theisce tteWgrejstr min
utes w 604 leet to corner No. ot the Old Middlemen
Suarti muse, a pott marked "i-str A:' , thence n 11
egrees at minus w 10 leet to intersection wins east
Ha of Appomattox quarts claim M. S. No. sw. a post
marked "a-str B;" dkeani 40 egret so minute
Kescripooe, t ttoCycltMiitH !-Mineral Survey
NiV IB B att WtC
Ifetlamtaf a! corner No. tot the ttdMlddsesxan
eastrtaUaka, at tat a? tilnutmitt
feet, a post marked "t-167 B." being corner No. t of
the Cyclone mill site; thence s to degrees 10 minutes
w 660 teet to a post marked "1-167 II." being corner
no. 1 01 tne -ycione mm sue; mence n tt decrees t
minutes w i teet to a poit marked "4-167 B. ' being
corner No. 4. Cvctone mill site; thence n to degrees
10 mlnuiet e 660 teet. a pott marked "i- tT B," being
corner No. 1, Cvclone mill site: thence s 11 degrees
41 minutes e its teet to place of beginning.
Which said Tin Morn quant claim It fifteen hun
dred (1500) fret in length and extend seven hundred
and fitly Ot) lel northeasteriy and Tt Iff south
westerly along the Tin Horn lode, bearing gold, Irom
the dlicoverv point thereof, with surtace ground lour
hundted (40J) leet In width, being 1 11 leet northwest
erly and 100 teet southeasterly Hum said lode; and
the notice ol location ot which Is recorded nn page
jot Volume E ot Records of Quarts Claims for
Hkr C!nuntv. Orevnn. In the office ol the recorder
ot said count) . The adjoining claims to said Tin
norn quant ciaim reing ine tiunuia quaii inim.
Mineral Survev No. ito. on the nerthwest: the mil-
tanla quant cljlm the said Old Middleman quarts claim
adjoining partially on the cast, south and west; and Is
also adjoined by Tin Horn mill tile; the Appomatox
quarts claim, Mineral Survey No. 104, the northeast
erley corner of which is with the south
westerly corner of said Tin Mom quant claim, all
else being vacant, unoccupied land. There being no
conflicting claims.
said Uid Ml1IJI.iB.1n quant Claim it nitecn nunarra
(too) leet in length, and extends 6I teet southwest
erly and Iit leet northeasterly along the Old Middle
man lode, beating gold, from the discovery shaft
thereon, with surlace ground six hundred (600) teel In
width, being three hundred leelon each side ot said
lode, except that portion thereo. covered by the Tin
Horn quarti claim a above detcrlred, the notice ot
location of which Old Middleman quant claim It re
torded on page it Vol H ot the records of quaitt
culms of Baker county. Oregon, In the office ol lite
RecorJerol said county. The adjoining claim to
tald Old Middleman quant cMm being the Tin Horn
in a northerly direction, tne itn Mum m,u sue, ana
the Cvclone mill sl.e. and Telephone quarts claim.
and the Alterthougttt quatlt claim being the nearest
claim to the east, there being nn adjoining claims to
the south except a.aro e Mniej.ana anri.ereing
vacant, uto.-cupled land Tliete lelng no conflicting
claims except the said Tin Horn quatlt claim as
above staled, application lur patent ol which Is hereby
Cyclone mill she aJjolns the Old Middleman
quint claim on me northwest corner thereol and
Telephone quant claim and adjoins no other quant
claims: all cite being vaianl, unoccupied land, and
has an area ol tour and st-ituu (miO acres! the no
tice ot location ol which Is retoidrdon pagesjool
Volume I ol Re.ords o Quarts I ocallons tor Baker
County, Oregon, In Hie otitic ol the Recorder 01 Con-
eyanccs thereol, and a more particular description 01
which l hcrelnbnure set loilli.
Said Tin Horn mill site adjoins the Appomattox
qur.1 claim, Mineral Survey to. tot, the
quant claim, Mineral survev No. 17J. iheaboe men
tioned Tin tlotn and Old Middleman quarti tlalmt
and Telephone quarts cl-ilm, and contains an area
of one and 716-1000 (1.146) acres, ll else being va
Cim, uno.cupled land, the noilce ol location ol which
Is recorded on page sus o Volume M ol the Records
of Qujrli Unat'on. lor Baker County, Oregon, In
tne omceor me rcecordrr inereui; ana a raimuia,
Je.crlp.lon of widen Is hereinabove set lorth.
Any and all permn.vlilmlng the mining
ground, vein, lode, or any portion ttiereol so
descrl.ed, survcted, platted and applied lor, are
hereby notified that unk- their adterse claims are
duly tiled according to law, and the regultt.on.
thereunder, within the lime prescribed by law, with
the Regl.terof tne Lnlted Slates Land Office at La
Grande, County o. Union, State ot Oregon, they
wl I be barred by virtue ot the pro Isions o. said stat
ute. E W. BARTLbTT, Register.
Dale ol first pul llcarlo 1, February 1, tutu. Dale ot
last publication, April tt, iwou.
United Sutet Mineral Survey No. 66. Application
I United Stales Land Other,
I La Grande, Oregon, Jan. so, ivoo.
Noilce Is hereby given that In pursuance with the
act ol Congress approved May 10, itie, the Colum
bia Gold Mining Company, a corporation duly orga
nised and existing under and by virtue ol the laws ol
the stale of Oregon, who.r post office It Sumpter,
Baker County, Oregon, has made applUatlontur a
p.tent tor the Cyi lone Consolidated quarti claim,
situated In no organitcd mining district.
lu Baker County, Slate e: Oregon. In
cluding the Cyclone and I'rolectlon quant cMmt,
and described by the official put herewith posted and
by the field notes on hie In the office ot Ih Register
01 La Grand land district, Sute ol Oregon, as fol
lows, with magnetic variation at to degrees it min
utes east, vlt:
Description ol the Cyclone Consolidated Quarti
Claim (consisting o. the Cyclone and I'rolectlon
quarts ilalras). Mineral survev No. tt. lewlt:
Beginning at a post marked "Cor. No t 16,
which It s t 1 degrees at mlnuiet w tit leel Irom U. S.
Mineral Monument No. 1, the tame being toiner No.
t ol the I'rolectlon quarti claim; thence 41 degree
jo minutes w 1 too leel 10 a post marked "a. ibt, being
corner No. e of the I'rolectlon quart claim; thence
n 11 degreet at minutes w tut leel to a potl marked
" 1, 166. being comer No. 1 01 the Protection quarti
claim; thence n 41 degree sa minute e toe leet to a
pott marked "(.sit, being corner No. tot theC
clone quarti claim; thence n at degreet to mlnuiet w
ii leel to a Dost marked " 1. itt." being comer No. 1
ol the Cyclone quarti mine; Ihencen 41 decreet so
minuies .JS icei iw a pvsi mamvi. e.fww, .-.
comer No. 4 of Cyclone quarti claim; thence tt de
gree w minute ti feel to a postmarked "1.160.
which It n 4 degiees 41 minutes w set teet Irom U, S.
Min. Monument No. 1, being corner No. 1 ol the Cy
clone quarti claim; thence 41 degreet so mlnuiet w
! leet to n po.t marked " to," being corner No. a
ol the Protection Jalm: thence t degreet tj min
ute tot leel lo the place 01 beginning.
Which aald Cyclone quart! -claim is ml lectin
length and extends uttleel northeasterly along the
Cyclone lode, bearing gold, irom the south center end
pott 01 laid Cyclone quarts claim, tald pott being
marked "S Center End Post Sur. No. j66." with sur-iii-.erotuiiiit
leal In width, betas' too leel north-
wetterly and 1 11 teel southeasterly from tald lode,
and Ih notice of location ol which It recorded on
page itj ol vo'ume H, Record ol Quaru Claim lor
Baker County, Oregon, In the oflke ol the Recorder
of tald county.
The adjotalag claims to tald Cyclone quaru claim
being the Protection on the south, the Eureka on the
southeast, the Victory on the north and Onto on In
weil, said Protection claim being Included In this
oooc ol application lor patent, all else being vacant,
unoccupied land. There being no conflicting claim.
Said Protection quaru claim It iy Itelln length
and extendi it?l feel noftheatterty and tt ft town
westerly along the Protection lode, bearing gold, Irom
the discovery point thereon; with turlac ground tot
feet la width, being it leel on lis toutheasleriy side
and 11 tart a the northwesterly tide of tald tode. Ih
aottca of location at which Protection quaru claim I
recorded m page trial volume J ol the record at
quarti claka at Baker county, Oregon, In Ih oc
at Jkt Couaw.lUcaraar at tM county. The adjoin-
Ing claims to the I'rolectlon quant claim being the
C clone on the northeast, and the Columbia quant
claim, Mineral Survev No 170, on the south, and the
Ohio on the north. All else being vacant, unoccu
pied land. There being no conflicting claims.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining
ground vein, lode, premises or any portion thereol so
described, surveyed, plated and applied lor are
hereby notified that unless their adverse claims have
been hied according to law and the regulations there
under within the time prescribed by law, with the
Register of the United Stales Land Office at La
Grande, in the county of Union, Stale ol Oregon,
they will be barred In lrtiie ol the provisions ol said
statute. E. W. BARTLLTT. Register.
Dale of first publication Feb. 7, torn. Date of last
publication April it, tooo
I United Slates Land Office,
I La Grande. Oregon, January it, io.
Notice Is hereby given that I red vVorley and J. W.
Duckworth, whose postoltlce address Is Sumpter,
Baker county, Oregon, have filed an application tor
patent lor the lode mining claim called the lilac
quarti mine, situated In no organlied mining district.
Baker countv, Oregon, and detlgntted bv the held
nolet and official plat on hie In thlt office at Mineral
Survey 176, In sections one and two In township nine
south, range thlrtyslx E. W. At., said Mineral Sur
vev No. ito describing the said Lilac quatti mine as
lollows (magnetic variation being to degreet tt mln
uiet eatl):
Commencing lor a description of the exterior boun
daries ol the Lilac quarts claim at Corner No. 1 ol
this survey, Identical with the NWcorol location,
the V sec cor between sections 1 and a tp o S, R 10
E. W. M., bears N tt degrees a minutes E sut.4 ft,
thence tuulli 11 degrees it minutes E vtr to degreet
tt minutes E along the first course ol Mvrlle Lode
Sur itt, r H 10 west centre post, Identical with east
center po.t ol Mvrlle lode sur tit. a tamarack post
t In sq 1 It above the ground with a mound ol earth
around It marked "Mvtlle ti.CS. in' marked II
"LllacW.CS. lit" tor west center post, too It lo
cor No t. Identical with the SW co ol location, tet a
tamarack pott 4 In ti s)s tt long it In. In the ground
with a mound of earth around II marked it
"Lilac cor No. e-r6" lor cor No. 1. Thence
N 76 degreet it mlnuiet E var to Je-
f ;rres it minutes E 464.4 II Intersect
ng section line between sections 1 and 1 Ip o S, R t
E. w. M. it4.6 II to cor No. 1. Identical with Sis cor
ol location, Identical with cor No. 1 Hunker Hill Lode
Sur tu, lound a fir post 4 In sq It above the ground
with mound ol earth around It marked "Hunker Hill
Cor i-11" matked II "Lilac Cor i-iit" tor cor No. .
Thence N 1 1 degrees it minutes W var so degrees 11
minutes E along the third course ol Bunker Hill lode
Sur its (Itrporled In Sur 114 lo be N 1 1 degtees it
minutes Wl wo II lo east center. Identical with Hie
east Center post ol location, and point ul discovery,
identical with the west renter Hunker Hill Lode Sur
ltd. found a tir post 4 In sq 1 It above the ground
marked "Bunker Hill W. C to" maiked II "Lilac I:.
it6" C S. lor east center post, too It to cor No. 4,
Identical with the NE cor ol location, Identical with
cor No. 4 ol Bunker Hill Lode Sur ito, lound a tir
post 4 In sq 1 II above the ground wl h a mound of
earth around II marked "Bunker IIMICors-ltg
marked il "Lilac Cor 4- ito" for cor No. 4. Thence S
rt degrees st minutes W var to degrees tt minutes U
6ut.l It Intersecting section line ttetween section 1
and tp v S, R 16 E. W, M. corns 1 degiee at min
utes W S74II It to NW cor tec 1, 1194.6 II to cor No.
1, the place ol beginning, embrtclngan areaol n.l(t
acretol land.
The pretumed courte ol the lode It nearly east and
west. The number ol led claimed on the lode Is
twelve hundred and ninety-lour and six-tenths linear
leel, extending along the center line ol Mineral Sur
vey No. it6. extending westetley Irom discovery
shall at east center endol said claim. The sutlne
ground Is three hundred leet In width on the ninth
tide ot the lode and three hundred leet In width nn
the touth tide ot the lode.
The noilce ol location ol said Lilac quarti mine It
of record In the office of the recorder ol conveyances
ol lUker county, Oregon, at Baker City, In book I ol
cords 01 quant mining locattont at page 100.
Adjoining claims: On Ihe easl by the Hunker Hill
I n.U Sur iso. un Ihe we. I bv Ihe Mvrlle Lode Sur ITS.
Adjacent claims: On the NW Is Ihe Pedro Lode and
on Ihe SW Is Ihe Monteiuma Lode.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining
a-round. vein. lode, premises or any portion thereol,
so desalted, surve) ed, platted and applied lor, are
hereby notified thai unless their adverse claims are
duly filed according to law, and Ihe regulations there
under, within the to dav period ol publication hereof,
with Ihe register ol Ihe United Stales land office at
La Grande, Oregon, they will be barred by virtue ol
the provisions ol Ihe tlatute.
C. W. Hahuutt, Register.
1 United Sutet Land Office,
I La Grande, Oregon, January it. 1900.
Noilce li hereby given that William Smith, whose
postomcc address Is Baker City. Baker county. Ore-
ton, In behall ol hlmsell and hit co-owneri, Jennie
1. Ferguson. J. L Fuller, M. K. MacRae and John
l Sullivan, hat hied an application lor patent lor the
lode mining claim called Ihe Hunker Hlllquartt mine,
litualed In no organlied mining district In Baker
county, Oregon, and designated by Ihe held notes and
official plat on file In thlt office at Mineral Survey No.
119 In section 1 township 9 S, range r E. W. M.( said
Mineral Survey No. ito being described at lollowt
(variation, magnetic, being to degree at minute
easl): , .
Commencing lor a description of Ihe exterior boun
daries ol Ihe Bunker Hill quarti min al Corner No.
t, which corner It a poll 4 In. sq. M feet long set it
In. In the ground with mound of earth scribed i- tg,
whence Ih X section comer on north ild ol section
1 In township 9 S, R st East bear No. 1040 East 1 1.I1
chains distant, thence S 11 degreet it minutes Last
too leet tail center end pott, too leel to cor No. e, a
potl 4 In sq sH II long tet it In. In Ihe ground with
mound ol earth scribed -ty, thence S ri degree tt
minute W 1 too ft to Cor No. 1 a potl a In tu tH II
long l it In. In Ihe ground with mound of eailh
scribed 1-ito, fir t In. India bears Naldeg Eill
diss. Mated and scribed B T I- v. thence N 1 1 de
gree 11 mlnut W too II wttl center end post, too
It to cor No. 4 a post In. sq 4X II long it In. In the
ground with mound ol earth scribed 4-19: thence N
rt degree tt minute E 1 too II to cor No. 1, the place
01 beginning and containing so.66 acres.
Tht pretumed court ol the lode It nearly eatl and
well. The number of leel claimed on Ihe lode I fif
teen hundred feet, extending S 76a II 76 degree tt
nslnust W la W canter end potl. Tea II N Tt degrees
at minute E to E center end potl. Irom discovery
nail. 1 rte lunace ground cuimed it inrce nuaditd
feet In width on the north side of Ih lode, and three
hundred feet In width on Ihe south side ot the lode.
The node of location of tald Bunker Hill quaru
In I of record In the oBc of the recorder ol coa
, veytacet ot Baker county, at Baker City In book L of
location of quart! mining cUlmt al pag iti.
Adjoining claims: Oa the eaal Cone Cat quaru
mine, and on the west the Lilac quarti mine.
Any and all petsons claiming adversely the mining
ground, vtln, lode, premises or any portion thereof
so described, survev e J. platted, and applied for, are
hereby notified thai unless their adverse claims are
duly filed In the U. S. Land office at La Grande, Ore
gon, and within the 60 day period of publication
hereof, with the register of the United Sutes Land
office at La Grande, Oregon, they will be barred by
virtue ol the provisions ol Ihe statute.
E. W. lUHTlUTT, Register.
I United Slates Land Office.
I La Grande, Oregon, January 1, 19m.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June I. till,
entitled "An act lor the sale limber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
Stales by acl ol August 4, 101.
of La (Srande, county of Union, Stale of Oregon, has
this dav hied In this office his swotn statement No.
6 to, for the purchase of the lota t, and I and tw t-t
nei-4at section No. 6 In township No. I south,
range Nn. it E. W. M.. and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable lor lis timber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before Ihe Register and Re
ceiver ol this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday,
the 16th day ol Match, totu- , .
He names as witnesses: Joseph N. Dltmais, ol
Granite, Oie., Grant Thornburg, of Granite, Ore.,
William II. Sargenl, ol La Granle, Ore., Charles L
IVix, ol la Grande, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested In file their claims In
this office on or before said ttlh dty ol March, lonu.
11 W. HAHflt-tt. Register.
j United Slates Land Office.
I La Giande, Oregon, January K, lotu
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol Congress of June 1, itit,
entitled "An act lor Ihe tale ol timber landt In Ihe
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
Ion Territory," as extended to all Ihe Public Land
Slatei by acl ol August 4. itgi,
ill'OHdll 0. Ill MUCK,
of Sumpter, county ol Baker, slate ol Oregon, has
this day hied In this office his sworn statement No.
tt, tor the purchase ol Ihe n) sell and s!s net! ol
section No. tt In township No. 10 s, range No. it I
W. M., and will offer pinot lo show that Ihe land
tnueht U more valuable for Its timber or stone than
tor agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim
to sard land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at U Grande, Oregon, on I riday, Ihe erd day
ol March, loou.
He names as witnesses: Richard J, Takman, of
Baker Clly. Ore., Ihonas L Ummers. ol Sumplci,
Ore.. I tanks. Ilalllle, ol Sumpter, Ore., Waller II
Van Duyn, ol Sumpler, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands ate requested In tile their claims In
this office on or before said rd day ol March, iuv
E. W. lUklinrr, Register.
United Stales Land Office,
I La Grande, Oregon, Dec. t, isVm
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions ol the acl of Congress ot June I, lit,
entitled "An act for the tale ol Umber landt In the
SUIet ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended lo all Ihe Public Land
SUtes bv acl ol August 4, itus,
ol Baker City. County ol lUker, Suie ol Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn ttatement
No. 614, for the purchase nf the s! nw,n,' seU
nl section No. it In township No. t s, range No. it I
W M, and will offer proof to show that Ihe land
sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than
I lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
lo said land before Ihe Register and Receiver nl this
office al La (jrande, Oregon, on I uesaay, me suit
dav of February, iuoo,
He names as witnesses: George J. Barrett, John
lleiberlc, C II. Godfrey, George Crawford, allot
Granite, Oregon,
Any and allpersons claiming adversely Ihe above
described Unit are requeued to tile their cUlmt In
thit oface un or before said t.ah day ol I ebruary,
tono. E. W. IIARTLtTT. Register.
I United Slates Land Office,
J La Giande, Oregon, January 1 1, iv
Noilre li hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, till, en
titled "An act lor Ihe tale ol timber Undt In the
Stalet ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," at extended to all the Public Land
Slatei by act ol August 4, itus,
ol Baker City, county ol Baker, sute of Oregon, has
this day filed In this office his sworn sUtemenl No.
tit. lor Ihe purchase ol the sK swtf section i and
ilinwit of section No. 11, In lowmhlp No. 10 s,
range No. it E. W. M., and will offer proof to show
thai Ihe land sought Is more valuable for IU Umber 01
none than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim 10 tall land before Ihe Register and Re
ceiver ol thliolficeat La Friday,
Ihe tird day of March, 1000.
H name at witnesses: Thomas L Lammers. ol
Sumpter. Ore.. Frank S. Halllle. of Sumpler, Ore.,
Waller II. Van Duya, ol Sumpler, Ore., George C
Helmlck, of Sumpter, Ore. . . ,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are request lo file their cUimsIn
this office on or belore aald iird day ot March. io"
E. W. HANUOT, Register.
United SUtes Land Office.
La Grande, Oregon, January t, low
Notice Is hereby given thai Thomaa J. Whlted. ol
Unity, Oregon, ha filed notice ot Intention lo make
proof on hi desert-Und claim No. mi. for Ih ne 1-4
of w i-t ol sec 11 ip i , r it t- w. M., beloit
county clerk of Bakir countv. at Baker Clly, on
Friday, the iird day of February, iota
He name the following wltnestet lo prove the com
plete Irrigation and recUatation ot tald Und:
P Samuel Cavln. George Wlliiter. Boyd C Elliott,
Michael Rout, all of Unity. Cfcegon.
E. W. Batman, Regltter.