Wednesday, February 7, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. ) FABULOUSLY RICH. Carries High Values in Gold, jLead and Native Copper. j H.J.Hill, whose home Is in Oregon City, but who has mined In this district for 'eight or nine years past, was In town Saturday. While here he displayed ome of the finest samples of native copper ever taken from the ground. One speci men is about the size of an egg, fully three-quarters of which Is pure copper, carrying rock almost black in color. The other is a native copper brick, almost rec tangular in form, weighing about half a pound. He says that these specimens were taken from the Fourteen Thousand Dollar Nugget, Nos. 1 and 2, which claims are situated twenty-two miles from Sumpter, eight miles southwest of the Bonanza mine. These claims were located late last fall by himself and Otto Olesen.also of Oregon City, where he is superintend ent'of the Electric Light company. He claims to have a four-foot ledge, all of which carries great values in copper and lead; one assay having shown as high as fossil! gold and the lo vest 5S5 i the precloi-s metal, together with 30 ounces of sliver and 65 per cent lead. The name of the property Is taken from the fact that in this vicinity the famous 1 4,000 gold nugget was found some years ago, and some mouths later one of about half that value. In working over these old dry diggings last spring a man named Starr found one 1 14 nugget and other smaller ones. Mr. Hill thinks his claims are on the ledge which supplied these rich placer diggings with gold, which opinion he bases on the character of the quartz. The shaft now being sunk begins at the, mean water level and as depth is at tained the srepage prevents rapid and economical development. To overcome this difficulty the owners contemplate. organizing a stock company and putting In pumping machinery. , , For Salt. t Complete restaurant outfit, as good as new; has 'to be sold and will go cheap. Also nine bed room sets, thit have been In use only about three months. l;or par ticulars, address John Anthony, La Grande, Oregon. Mining map drawn and blue printed by C. H. Penner, C. E., at Townsltel company office, near depot. Sewing.... ....Machines Agent for Wheeler a Wilson The White The Climax Sewing Machines And several Second-Hand Machines for rent, sale or exchange. Every thing and anything in the line of New and Second-Hand Furniture and Stoves. M. H. ALLEN, Center St., opp. Healy llldg. Arrived... Arrived ADLER'S Crystal Palace, With a full and complete line of., Stationery, Books, Musical; Instruments, Pianos, Organs, Etc. If '' 1 1 1 1 A. P.' JOSS, President A, J. GOSS, Cashier s Bank of Sumpter a TriMictt t OtMrtl luiklnf ImImii Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON l CASE FURNITURE COMPANY THE HOME FURNISHERS Parlor, Dining and Bed Room Furniture In sets or separate pieces. Beautiful line of Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come in and let us explain why you can save money by buying at home. We can positively do so. Opera House Block - Sumpter, Oregon 5E O.C.McLEOD R.C. PENTLAND 1 0. C. McLEOD & CO. 1 Real Estate and Mines. 3 WE have control of the best Real Estate proposition in Sumpter, and our offer ings are at BED ROCK figures. We sell, lease and rent properties. Our specialties are bargains and we do business on a strict com mission basis. GELLATLY'S ADDITION We are exclusive agents for this property, adjoining the townsite at the head of Granite street. The lots are placed on the market at the opening price of 50 per lot for a short time only. Buy now and make 100 per cent profit. MINING PROPOSITION Purchase price, 5000. A working bond on a promising group of claims near Sumpter. Devel opment will justify purchase at live times price asked. Surface showings of high value. gE O. C. MCLEOD & CO. E gT SUMPTER, OKKGON. The Triumph Cigar IS THE World' Best Havana Cigar. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. CHAS. I. FLYNN & CO. - Manufacturers A) J Capital Hotel THOS. KILPATRICK Proprietor Centrally Located. ! Electric Lights. : - 1 -.. Newly Refurnished. Free 'Bus and Bag gage Service. f -Headquarters (or Commercial and " Mining Men. ' Passengers WayblHed To all Points on Stages. SUMPTER, OREGON.j v - J."