Wednesday, February 7, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. MORE BRICK BLOCKS. David Wilson Here to Resume Building. David Wilson, the man who Is famous for having built more brick blocks than any other one individual in the Northwest, arrived in Sumpter several days since to look after his interests here. MlNbR readers will recall the fact that last fall he entered into a contract svlth the Sumpter Townsite company to erect joo feet front of brick structures on south Mill street, Including a modern hotel 100 feet square. Two stores, of fifty feet frontage, were completed last fall. Although these are not now within the business limits of the city, strictly speak ing, it is extending in that direction so rapidly that they have both been rented at a good figure. Mr. Wilson is here now for the purpose of erecting two more stores adjoining these to the north. For the present they will be only one story in heighth. Brick have been contracted for at Baker City at a high price. According to the terms of the contract it is not yet time to begin work on this portion of the block, but Mr. Wilson sees the wisdom of hastening operations. He will not commence the construction of the hotel until he gets his own brick yard in operation. This he will do as soon as the weather permits in the spring. Its capacity will be 20,000 a day. Along the block immediately south of the railroad track, and It is hoped its en tire length, Mill street will be widened from sixty to eighty feet, property owners on each side giving ten feet. W. H. Mosby and Mr. Wilson interviewed the owners of lots on the two blocks Monday and yesterday and secured signed agree ments to this effect, covering all except about too feet, and this will doubtless be covered in a day or two. The Wilson block sets back ten feet from the present front of the lot, with this idea in view. Non-Commtuloncd Offlotn Troop B. The weekly drill of Troop "B," the Sumpter Rough Riders, was held Monday night in Ellis hall. Hirst Sergeant Thorn ton instructed the men in foot movements and marching. The uniforms, arms and equipments are expected to arrive March 1. Captain Muir has announced the fol lowing as his selection of non-commissioned efficers: First sergeant, M. E. Thornton; second sergeant, Otto Her locker; third sergeant, W. W. Warren; guidon sergeant, Sam R. Stott; troop phy sician, Dr. M. E. Anderson; corporal, H. G. Wood. B. H. Davis has been detailed to act as secretary to the captain. Every piece of type in THK MINER plant Is new and strictly up to date. A back number jobcan't be done In this office. See those new omforters and blankets, at the Nelll Mercantile company's. Several tons of grain hay for sale, quire at THE MINER office. En- i! HANRAHAN.... THE PAINTER i t 1 If you dttlre , ARTISTIC HON WORK d Order Irom one who T. know how. House Painting ind 11 It thouM t Jon. I only know only on- klnj nl work, nj lli.t 1 ILT ri AtC t HANRAHAN, THE PAINTER. upp. iMKhi'i on Mill Mrrct 4-. Jwlry and Watch MZJLm -RMH ml JEWELRY FACTORY ... LEADING JEWELERS, Mitchell Smith, Mgr. Baker City WANTED Mining Properties on working bond A good promising property something ranging from $5000 to )p,ooo A producer ranging In price from Sioo, 000 to $750,000 and upward For sale 6 new houses and lots. Fritz & Dwyr COR. CKNTCR AND ORANITC hmmnnri PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED hmnnnnrt M. B. MERCER (Succtttor 10 A. HUlier Co.) The Druggist TOILET. ARTICLES,. STATIONERY OPT ICAL GOODS SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. 1. 1 WE BUY ALL OUR GOODS IN CARLOAD LOTS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL EXPANSION The Order of the Day AT C.J.JOHNS' BIG STORE Having added the entire stock, store building and ground of the Sumpter Hardware Co. to our for mer large GENERAL MARCHANDISE establish ment, we call special attention to the fact that the PLUMBING AND STEAMFITTlNG department will be made a prominent feature in the future, and your orders will never be delayed. Plenty of material and skilled workmen. j j j C. J. Johns w. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience In Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City; Oregon. ! KENTUCKY LIQUOR HOUSE Wholesale and Retail rinttt bran di ol honJrJ Mil RnoJt, IncluJInr Ol J Ovcrholi, Or n Mlvr, Monogram, Jmi Moor Walton' Scotch, Canadian Club WhUkl anil Mrnntity .Star HranJy, GAGEN & SLOAN, - - Proprietors Gen'l Agts. Celebrated Olympia ileer on draught or by bottle. THE GEM SALOON A. J. STIIMSOIM, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brandsjaf Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON P. D. HEALY s umpter hoe tore" REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE Agency for Green-Wheeler and Buckingham & Hecht Shoes.