The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 07, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, February 7, 1900
United Statet Land Office,
I La Grande, Oregon, January M, loon.
Notice It hereby given that I red rVorley and J. W.
luckwotth, whote potlofflce addrett It Sumpter,
Haker county, Oregon, have filed an application to
patent for the loJe mining ilalm called the Lilac
uuarti mine, tltuated In no organlird mining Jlttrlcl,
Ilaktr county. Ore.oV.VanJ 3 in.t.J hv.h. Vi.Vj
note, anj official pill on file In thl, office .. Mineral
Survey t. In leclloni one and two In town.hln nine
vV!,i,d,.!yh;:LF'W',),i'M"IJ M'nHSu'-
VfV no. ITO dfftCrlMnr lfi ill J 1.11 Jf nuitli mlnit
follow, (magnetic variation helnt- dea-reei .. mini
tatet eatt).
mi. - -
f.n...ri.. . . a ,.i .1 . ... .it
Commencing for a detcrlptlon of the etterlor houn-
nlet of the lilac quart! claim at Corner No. t of
It turiat' l.l.nfls.l iwlit. .!. Mil .. ... I... !...
the V tec cor between tecllont I and lp u S, K 6 I
I. w. M., bean N tt degreet t mlnutet I. vit-t it, '
thence touth i degree! 15 mlnutet V. var to drgreet !
tt mlnutet I: alone the hrtt rnurtr nl M.till,.l.
Sur jt, p ft to wett centre pott, Identical wlih eatt I
center potl of Myrtle LoJe tur tt. a tamarack pott '
4 In t 1 fl above the ground with a mound of earth
around It marked "Mtrtle CCS. m" markeJ III
"IllacW.CS. r" lor wett center I flit, 6u It to
cor No t, Identical with the SW en- of location, tel a
tamarack putt 4 In to a!i ft long tl In. In the ground
with a mound ol earlh aiound It marked It
"Lilac cor No. t6" tor cor No. . Thence
N to Jegreet if mlnutet C var to Je
greet tj mlnutet II 4(0.4 It Intellect
Ing tecllon line between tecllont 1 and lp u S, H 16
I:. W, M. itvt.6 tl to cor No. 1, Identical with Si: cor
ol location, Identical with cor No. 1 Hunker Hill Lode
Sur 1;, found a fir potl 4 In t 1 It above the grounj
wltli mound of earlh around It marked "Hunker Hill
Cur 1-11" marked It "Lilac Cor im' for cor No. .
Thence N 11 degreet it mlnulet W var tJ Jegreet at
mlnulet I: along the third courte of Hunker Hill latJr
Sur x (UeporteJIn.Sjr t' be N 11 Jegreet i
mlnutet W) yi tl to eatt center, IJentlcal with the
eatt center pott ol location, and point 01 Jitcovery.
Identical with the wett center Hunker Hill Lode Sur
lj, found a fir pott 4 In 1 1 ill above the gtound
marked "Hunker Hill W C " maikeJ ll "Lilac I:.
ItO" C. S. lor eatt center pott, ( ft to cor No. 4,
cor No t, Identical with the SW en- of location, tel a
urniuai wiiii ine ri. cor oi location, Identical wllh
cor No. 4 of Hunker Hill LoJe Sur it), liunj a fir
potl 4 in t 1 ft above the giounj wi li a mounj ol
earth arounj It markeJ "Hunker Hill Cor 4-iu"
markeJ ll "I liar Cor 4-ito" lor cor No. 4. Ihenre S
to Jegreet 15 mlnutet W var to Jegteet tl mlnulet I.'
In I It Inlertecllng tecllon line between tecllont 1
anj 1 1 111 v S, R 0l- W, M. couite t degtee u mln
ulet W .MM tt to NW cor tec 1, 1144 6 II to cor No.
1, the place ol heglnnlng,emtra(lng an areant ir.Sii
at let ol lanJ.
The pretumej courte of the loJe It nearly eatt anj
wett. The numlwr ol leet clalmeJ on the loJe It
twelve hunJieJ anj nlnelylour anj tW'trntht lineal
feel, etlenjlng along the center line ol Mineral Sur
vey No ti, etlenJIng wetteile) Horn Jltioverv
thafl at eatt center enj ol talj claim. I" e tutlacie
giounj It three hunJieJ feel In wljili on the no III
tlJe of the loJe anj Ihiee hunJieJ leet In wlJth on
the toulli tlJe of the loJe,
The notice ol location of talj I Mac iuatl mine It
ul tecoiJ In theofflieot the reinijer 01 ionveancet
ol liaker county, Oregon, at lljker City. In hook I :
lecorJt ol gualli mining location! at page lti.
njjoining ciaimt: Kin tne eatt by the Hunker Hill
loJe Sur im, on the wett hyiheMwlle loJe Sur in
AJacenl clalmt. C)n iheNW It the 1'eJio LoJe anj
on tne sw it the Monleiuma loJe.
Any anj all pertont 1 lalmlng ajvertelv the mining
grounj, vein, foje, premltet or any pottlon thereol,
to JetcilleJ, turve)eJ, plalteJanJ appllej lot, are
heleby ruillhej that unlett their ajverte clalmt are
July hlej accor Jlng to law, anj the legulaliont there-
unjer. wiinin ine u.uay ieiioj ol pullicallon hereof,
wlih the regliier of the UnlteJ Statet lanJ office at
LldlanJe, Oiegon, they will be bailed by virtue ol
the provldont ol the tlatule.
I.W, IUhIIHW, Uegltter.
I Unite J Statet LanJ Office.
I laliianje, Oregon, Januarvii.ioiaj.
Nollre It heteby given, thai William Smith, who. aJJiett It Hiker Ulv, Haker count), Ore.
on. In hehall ut lilmtelt anj hit COMinert, I reJ
Knuth, W S. IWett, anj John I- Sullivan, hat heJ
an application lor patent tin the loJe mining claim
CalleJ Hie Millie .ujiii mine, tlluateJ In noorga.
nliej mining Jlttilcl, Haker countt, Oregon, anj
JeilgnaieJ H the held nolet anj official plat on tile
In Ihit office at .Mineral Survey No. itiln tetllon loo,
lonttilp nine touth, lange lhlil-ti 13. W. M., talj
Mlneial Survey No. m being JetctlbeJ at lollowt
(magnetic tatlailon lelng Irom to Jegreet if mlnulet
to Jegteet tl mlnulet eatl)
(jimmenilng lot a Jetctlpllon ol Iheetletlor boun
Jailet of the Mtllle qiiaili claim at Cor No. 1 ol thlt
turvet, IJentlcal with the Nl. cm ol location, the i
rt cor between teitlont 1 anj t lp o S, k 0 li. W.
M. beait N i Jegteet it mlnutet I: vb tt. Thence
S 1 1 Jegteet it, mlnutet L vat eu Jegreet tt mlnulet
I. lit. ft to reenter pott, tela tamaiack potl t In
t. 41 ll long if In, In the giounj with a mounj o
eaithaiuunJIt, maikeJ It "Mtitle I.'. C S. ri" lor
eatt center pott, ht.II locorNo. , IJentlcaiwIiti
the SI. cor of location, tel a lamaiack potl 4 In tq 41,
ttlong il In. In the giounj, wllh a mounj t eailti
aiounj ll, maikeJ It ''Mllle cot a-m" lor cot No. a
ol thlt tutvet. Thence N tj Jegleet at mlnutet W
vai . Jegreet l mlnulet I'. tti II Mammoth tiulcli
couite tuulhwetteily 1464.4 ft locorNo. 1, tl a fir
pott 4 in tq 4i It lung it In. In the giounj with a
mounj ut eailti aiounj ll, maikeJ ll Mvlllel.'of
IM" lor cot No. 1 of thlt tutte. the SW cor ol lo
cation beait N It Jegieet W tit tl. Thence N 11 Je
fleet it mlnulet W tat i Jegleet M mlnulet I. i
I to wett center, tel a pine pott 4 In t 41 II long ll
In. In the giounj, with a mounj ol tionet anj eaitli
aiounj It, maikeJ ll "Mwile W, C S. tt" lor wett
center pott, the wetl center location liee heart N ft
Jegteet W 4t. t tifllo cor No. 4, tel a fir potl 4
In t) tH ttlong, l In. In the gtuunj.wltha mounj ol
lionet anj eanti aiounj, maikeJ II "M)ttle cor a
IM tor cor No. 4 0t thlt tuite. Thente N it Je
gteet ui mlnulet L tar tj Jegieet i mlnulet f. 140 H
10 cor No. t, IJentlcal with the NW cor ol location, a
IMngtellow pine tire illnln Jlamelet, maikeJ ll
M)iilecof No. t-i." Thence S tt Jegieet it
mlnutet I. tai eu Jegteet it mlnulet V. 1 l tl Mam
moth (tulch coutte touthweileily, tpAe tl toctw No.
i.lheptaceol beginning, the talj claim containing
anareaol i6.Tu0actetol lanJ.
The pretumej Couite ol Ihe lode it a little north nl
wett anj touih of eatt. The number of leet claimej
on the lode li fouiteen hunJieJ anj tltty-lour and
ttnee-tentht linear leet etlenjlng fiom Jltcotety
that! eatteily tut feel r eatt cenlei enj and wetteily
tut leet to wetl center enj ol Mineral Suit ey No. im,
at JetctlbeJ In the foregoing nelJ nolet.
The tuiface gtvunj vailet on the touth tide ol ihe
leja Iroa Ihiee hunjrej feet oa the touthvett end
line ( the lode to laro hunjrej anj twenty, -one anj
elghl-teejiht leet on the touttieattrni pwtlon theieol,
nj M the north tlJ el let tod, width vatlng tiom
two hunJieJ anj tort)' feel at Ut naethwttl end line
of the lode 10 three hundreJ and Ihlrlyfive and five
lenlht feel on the northeattern portion thereof.
The notice of location of talj Myrtle quarti mine
It of recorj In the offi.'eof the recorder of convey
ance! of Haker county, at HakerClty. In hook Lot
luarti mining location recorJi at page ij thereof.
The onlyaujolning claim It the Lilac puarli mine
on the eatt. The adjacent clalmt are the GolJ StanJ
arj LoJe claim on the touth, alto the Montetuma
jiit claim on the touth. the Loir Cabin LoJe claim
hi the wett and the Pedro LoJe claim on the north.
i . Si T'LV." LT .T "T TJ" .".""! L nn
JetcribeJ. ,i yU p aH.J an P led for. .,i
i hereby notified that un en their advine clalmt a"
Ju,v fM ""Jim o law. anj " he" reVuEfC
' ih.cinl.f a7. a ..... , i . a.ii-.i "
I h..i wi A .h. ..: T... ",'S.I . i"T. ".' H?l" 1
.".. T:v:";."1i:i-...".'."- !"""""
I be hatred by virtue ol the provltloniot the itatute,
E. W. HAUiurr lievltier Kegltler,
wi.t.r ! l ui.ndr, in ine tiaie or uregon. iney will
I United Statet Land Office,
I l-afiranJe.Oregon, January 1 j, 1900.
notice It hrrrhv Lan thai William mlih it.n.
pottoftice addrett It Maker City, liaker county, Ore
gon, in renair 01 nimteit and hit cu-ownert. Jennie
11. rerguton.j. u tuner, m. k. lnacKae and John
U Sullivan, hat tileJ an application Inr patent lor the
luje mining claim CalleJ the Hunker Hill quart! mine,
tltuitejln no organl'eJ mining Jlttrlct In Haker
county, Oregon, anj JetlgnateJ by Itie li.l J nolet anj
official plal on file In thlt office at Mineral Survey No.
in In tecllon tnwnthlp 0 S, range 6LW, M., talj
Mineral Survey No. jtu being Jetcrlbe J at follot
(varlabon, magnetic, being o Jegreet at mlnulet
Commencing for a Jetcrlntlon of theetierlor tviun-
Jailet ol the Hunker Hill uuarti mine at Corner No.
1, which corner it a poll 4 In. (4. 4)1 leet long tet il
In. In Ihe grounj with mount ol earlh tcrlbeJ fx),
whence ihe ( tecllon corner on north tIJeol tection
1 In tnwnthlp v S. K r& Latl heart No. 1040 Latt ii.Da
chalnt Jlilant, thence Si Jegreet it mlnulet Latt
Hi leet Latl center end pott, tau leel to cor No. t, a
potl 4 In tq 4!i fl long tel IB in. in Ihe grounj wllh
mnunJ of earlh tcrlbeJ e-ieu, ihence S t Jegreet 45
mlnu ei W nou 11 tu Cor No. 1 a potl 4 In tq 4)1 ll
long tel tl In. In the grounj with mounj ol earlh
tcilbeJ -tv. firt in. India lean NaSJeg I". nil
Jitt. I laieJ anj tcrlbeJ 11 T -k, Ihence ti 1 1 je
greet it mlnutet W tuull wetl center enj pott, 600
II 10 cor No. 4 a potl 4 In. tq 4l It long il In. In Ihe
grounj wllh mounj nl earlh tcrlbeJ 4-in; thence N
to Jegteet tt mlnulet I: ituu It to cor No. 1, ihe place
ol beginning anJ containing 10.60 acrrt.
Ihe pretumej courte ot Ihe loJe It nearly eatt anj
wett. 1 ne number 01 leet clalmeJ on Ihe loJe It In
tern hunJieJ tert, etlenjlng S too It to Jegreet at
mlnutet W to W center enJ pott, tto ft N to Jegreea
it mlnutet I: to I: center enj pott, from Jitcovery
than. The tuila.e grounj clalmeJ It three hunJieJ
tret In wljili on Ihe mirth tlJe ol the loJe, anJ three
nunjiej leet in wuin on the toulli tlJe of Ihe lode.
I he notice ol location of tald Hunker Hill quart!
mine It ol record In Ihe office ol Ihe recorder nl con
vet ancet ul Haker county, al Haker City In hook L of
locailont of quaiti mining cl.lmt at page 161.
Adjoining clalmt: On Ihe eatl (kine Cate quart!
mine, and on Ihe wetl the Lilac quart! mine.
An and all pertont claiming advenely Ihe mining
giounj, vein, lode, premltet or any portion thereof
to Jetcrlhed, turveyel, platted, anj appllej lor. are
neiebf notlheJ lhal unlett their aJverte clalmt are
July Ale J In the U. S. LanJ office at La (iranje, Ore
gon, anj within tne tu Jay perloj ol publication
tierroi, wlih the regltler ul the UnlteJ Statet LanJ
office al La (itanje. Oregon, they will be barreJ by
virtue ul ll profitlona ol the ttalute.
I:. W. lUHtUIT, Hegltter.
UnlteJ Statet M'netat Surve) No. 6t A. ft II.
I'licaiKin No. o8.
1 UnlteJ Statet LanJ Office,
I La (IranJe, Oiegon, Jan J. ioio.
Notice It herebgiten tnai In purtuance wim ihe
act of coigrett appiovej May 10, lVi, the Columbia
(ii.lj M nlng compan. a corporjilon Jujy oiganlieJ
anj etlibng unJri anj by vutue nt Ihe lawt of Oie-
gon, whote
potl ottice It Sumpter, Haker couniy
rgnn. hat maJe application lor a patent tor the
OIJ MiJJieman anJ liir I in limn quant clalmi, and
or inr 1 in norn m 11 tne anj tor tne lactone mil
tile, tlluateJ in no organueJ mining Jlttilcl, Ir Haker
Couni) , ttale ol Orrgon, an J Je ill eJ hv tne official
plat lieiewllh potted anj by Ine h.-IJ nolet on Me In
I e oii'ceol the Krgltter ul La (iranje LanJ Dlttilct,
.t.ati-o Oiegoi.aa lol oat, vli: wii 1 magnetic t alia
llont al to Jegteet tt mlnulet to to Jegreet o mln-
uiet etti.
Deittlpllon ut exterior buunjatleiul Ihe OIJ MlJ-
JlimmanJ Tin Ho 11 quarli ilaim,-Mineral Sur-
tet No, r A., 10 li:
lit ginning al a po.l maikeJ "Cor. No. i-i6tA"
thai bran 1 19 Jegieet 51 1 leet Irom U. S. Mlneial
Monument No. 1, the tame being corner No. 1 ol the
Tin Horn quam 1 laim; thence t 46 Jegieet 10 mlnulet
v v. i '.. -". m.mni ,'pmi irwa iuin.1
No, 4 n lit lin llninquatii claim; t'rniet4Jt
gtert o minute, w tv" teelloapotl maikeJ"t-6t
A, ' telng coiner No. t ul ihe OIJ MUJIeman quam
claim; turner n ,6 Jegreet tt nunulcte6t Irrlloa
ii.lmaikej "i-tA." brl.lg coinrr No. t ul the
I.J MlJ Irman, Hum whltli coiner No. I, U.S.
Mineral Monument No. i heart n t Jegrer ot mlnulet
w U46 teei Jlttan.; Ihrnce t Jrcrret at mlnulet r
(u Irrt to a potl maikeJ "t-t A, Ulng turner No.
t oi the OIJ MUJIeman; thente t )6 Jegreet t mm
uetw itiu leellua pott maikeJ "ft A." bring
toinrr No. ol the OIJ AlUJIrman quant claim;
Ihrnce n n Jegreet at mlnulet w duo ireltnapxtt
maikrJ "4-161 A." cuiner No. 40I the OIJ
MUJItman quam claim; mrnce n 56 Jrgiret tr mln
uirt e (ut Irel lu a putt maikeJ "- 6t A," bring cor
ner No. tol IlirO.J MUaleman quail! claim; Ihence
n 46 Jrgiret tu mlnu et w ai . teel to a po.l maikeJ
"t-161 rt," bring coinrr No. a 01 the Tin Horn quarli
cla.m; lientt n alJegieet pimlnutrt e 1500 leel to
flacr ul beginning.
tetCilplonol Tin Horn milt tile-Mlneial Survey
Nik 6r ll, to wit.
Ilrgiiimng at coiner No. a ot the Tin Horn auarti
claim, apott maikeJ "i-6tH," being corner No. 1
ol Tin llom mill the; thence t 46 Jegrret to atlnmet
t ai 1 1 Irel lo turner No. t ol iht Old MUJIeman, a
potl maikrJ "6t ll." ihence t 56 Jegrret at mln
utet w 604 leet 10 coiner No. 4 ol the Old MUJIeman
qutili mine, a pott maikeJ "-6tA;" llieiwe n n
Jegieet tt minuet w o left lo imtrttctian with tail
line 01 Appnmjitot quaitt claim M. S. No. tot, a pott
maikeJ'ViGr H." thence na Jrgtret tommuiea
tru feel lu place uf beginning.
Oetcilpllon of the Cyclone mill tlte- Mineral Survey
No. rt H, to wit.
Heglnnlnc at cornet No. 10I tht'OI d Middleman
quarti claim, thence t Jttrtttat ttlnuttt 1 160
leet, a potl milked "a- ei B, being corner No. a ot
iht C clone tald tit; ihence t to Jegieet to mlnutet
w ocu irrt to a pott ttatkea "t-"to, retngcorwer
No. 1 ol tht Cyclone eatll tlte; thence n Jegreet at
mlnulet w 1 ta tett to a past maikeJ "4- t H'1 being
corner No. 4. Cyclone mill tile; thence n to degreet
jo mlnulet e 660 feet, a pott mirkeJ "i-6t 11," being
corner No. t, Cyclone mill tile: thence t dt;fm
4; mlnutet e 164 feel to place of beginning.
Which laid Tin Horn quarti claim It fifteen nun
dred (1500) leet In length and txtendt teven hundred
and filly by) feet northeasterly and 75 leet tojih
wetterly along Ihe Tin Horn lode, hearing gold, Irom
Ihe Jitcovery point thereof, with turlace ground four
bundled (400) leet In width, being infect nonhwett
erly and 100 leel aoutheaaterly Irom tald lode; and
the notlct of location of which It recorded on page
18501 Volume E of Record! of Quarti Chlmitor
Uaker County. Oregon, In the office of the recorder
ol tald county. The adjoining claims to tald Tin
Horn quarti claim being the Col urn t la quart! claim,
Mineral Survey No. 116. on the nerthweit: Ihe Brit-
tanla quart! claim the tald Old Middleman quarti claim
adjoining partially on the eatt, touth anj wett; anj it
alto adjoined by Tin Horn mill tlte; Ihe Apponatox
quarli claim, Mineral Survey No. aoa, the nottneatt
erley corner of which It Identl.-al with the touth
wetterly corner ol tald Tin Horn quam claim, all
elte being vacant, unoccupied land. There being no
conflicting clalmt.
Said Old Middleman quarli claim It fifteen hunJred
(iw) leet In lengih, and extendi 6") leel touthwett
erly anj hit feet northeatterly along Ihe Old Middle
man lode, hearing gold, Irom the Jitcovery thalt
thereon, with turlace grounj tit hundred (600) ieet In
wljih, being three hunjrej leel on each tlJe ot talj
LJe, except that portion ihereo. covereJ by the Tin
Horn quart! claim at abo.e JetctlbeJ, the notice of
location ol which OIJ MUJIeman auarti claim It re-
corJeJon page tt Vol hot the recorJi of quarti
ciaimt ol Baker couniy, Oregon, In the office 01 tne
KecorJer ot tald couniy. The ajjolnlng clalmt to
taU OIJ MUJIeman quarti claim telng the Tin Horn
In a northerly direction, Ihe Tin Horn m.ll tlte. anJ
Hit Cyclone mill the. anj Telephone auarti claim.
anj Ihe Alterthouglil quaitt claim being the nearett
claim to ihe eatl, there being no adjoining clalmi to
ine touin etcepi ataro.e Matej, anj an elte being
vacant, tno.'curleJ land. Then telnr no conflicting
clalmt except the tald Tin Horn quarli claim at
above ttaleJ, application tor patent ol which It hereby
Said Cyclone mill tile adjoint the OIJ Middleman
quarti claim on the nonhwett corner thereol and
Telephone quarli claim and adjoint no other quarti
clalmt: all elte being vacant, unoccupleJ Ian J, anj
hat an area 01 lour anj at-iooo (4.045) acret: the no
tice ol location ot which It recorJeJ on page 190 of
Volume I 01 He.orJt of Quarlt Locailont lor Haker
Couniy, Oregon, In the olticeol the MecorJerol Con
veyance! thereol, anj a more particular detcrlptlon of
which It herelnbelore tet torlh.
SalJ Tin Horn mill tile aJiointtht Appomattox
quarii claim, Mineral Survey No. aoa.the Columtia
quarti claim. Mineral Survey No. its, iheatxwe men
tioned 1 in llom anj uu MUJIeman quarli clalmt
anj Telephone quart! claim, anJ contain! an area
ot one anj tab-1010(1.746) acret, all tlte being va
cant, unotcuplej land, the noilce ol locat'on ol which
It re.orJeJ on page J4 o. Volume M ol tne RecorJi
ol Ouattt locatont lor Haker County. Oregon, In
the o.bceol the MecorJer tliereoi; anj a particular
Jt.crlp.lon ol which It hereinabove tel loitn.
Any and all pertnniilalmlng ajvrrtely the mining
grounj, vein, loJe. premltet o.- any portion thereol to
Jeter lied, turvryeJ, rlatieJ anj applleJ lor, are
hereby notified that unlett ihelr ajterte clalmt are
July lileJ accoiJIng to law, and tne regulations
thereunder, wiinin tne lime preatMreJ ly law, with
the Kegltler of tut UnlteJ Statet LanJ OlhctalLa
(irjnJe, County ot Union. Slate ol Oregon, they
wl I he ratreJ by tlrtue ot the pro.ltlont o talj tlat
ule. I- W. IIARTLtTT. Kegltler.
Dale ol firit puMlcatlo.i, February 1. 1000. Date of
latt publication, Aptil i, 1000.
UnlteJ Slatet Mineral Survey No. j66. Application
o. ou.
I UnlteJ Sutet LanJ Ottice,
) La GranJe, Oregon, Jan. to, 1900.
Notice It hereby given thai In purtuantt with tht
act ol Congrett approveJ May to, ilia, Iht Colum
bia GolJ Mining Company, a corporation July orga
niieJ anj exittlng un jer anj by virtue ol Ihe lawt ol
Ihe ttate ol Oregon, whote pott offfct it Sumpttr,
liaker County, Oregon, hat maJe application for a
pjirnt tor the, Cytlone ContollJateJ quarti claim,
tlluateJ In no organlteJ mining Jlttrlct,
in Haker County, Slate 01 Oregon, In
cluJIng Ihe Cytlone anj Protection quarti clalmt,
anj JetcribeJ by ine o hclal plat herewith potleJ anj
by Ihe liel J nolet o t tilt In the ottice ol tht Kegltler
01 La GranJe lanJ Jlttrlct. Siale 01 Oregon, at lol
lowt, with Magnetic variation al to Jrgiret t mln
ulet eatt, vli:
Detctlpllon ol ihe Cyclone ContollJateJ Quarli
Claim (contltllng o. Ihe Cytlone anj Proirction
quar 1 ciaimt). Mineral turvty No. 66. tewli:
lleglnr.lng at a potl maikeJ "Lor. No 1 166,"
whlcn It t ti Jegreet 4j mlnutet watt leel irom U.S.
Mineral Monument No. t, the tame being comer No.
lol ihe Protection qjaiti claim; Ihence 1 4 1 degrees
pi minuiet w uo .ret 10 a potl maikeJ "a. 100, being
corner No. a ot the Protection qujtti claim; thence
n tl Jegreet si mlnutet w 145 leel to a po.t markeJ
"l.66, being coiner No. 1 ol Ihe I'ro.eciiun quam
claim; thence n 41 Jegreet 10 mlnutet 1 6j leet lo a
pott maikeJ ''. 166." being corner No. to. Ihe Cy
clone quaili claim; thence n at Jegrret o mlnutet w
I i teei 10 a potl maraej 1. 100, 1 cing coinrr no. 1
01 lie C) clone quarli mine; inrncen 1 1 Jrgreet o
minuiet v iitDleel to a potl maikeJ "4. it, being
toinrr No. 4 ol Ctclonequartt claim; tht net 1 4a Je
greet hi mlnulet t i ferl to a pott markeJ "1.166,"
whl.h It n 4 Jegieet 45 mlnulet w 446 irel Irom l). S.
Mln. Monument No. 1, being coiner No. 1 ol Ihe Cy
tlone quam claim; Ihrnce t 4 1 Jegrret o mlnutet w
tto teel to a potl, maikrJ "4.160," being corner No. 4
ol the Piolrcllon lain: Ihrnce 1 51 Jegreet at mln
utet e tgt Irrt lo Ihe place ol beginning.
Which tall C vi lone quam claim It it feel In
length anj extendi 1158 irrt northeatterly along ihe
C clone loir, brailng golj, trom the touth center enj
potlol talj C clone quatti claim, talj pott being
m.tkeJ "S Center Enj Potl Sur. No. (66, wllh tur
lace giounj 1 11 tret In wljih, being (oo leet nocih
wetterly anj an teel touiheatterly Irom talj loJe,
anj tne noilce ot location ol which It recorJeJ on
Kgr 6joi to'umr I-, RecorJtol Quarii Ualmtlor
iker County, Orrgon, In the office ol Hit KtcorJer
ol taU county.
Tht ajjolnlng clalmt to tallC)dont quarti claim
bring iht Proltctlon on tht touth. the Eureka on Ihe
toutlieatt. the Victory on tht north anj Ohio on the
wett, taU Protection claim bring IncluJtJ In this
no ice ot application Inr patent, all else being vacant,
unoccupleJ lanJ. Theie being no conflicting clalmt.
SalJ PiotrClloi q lain il Inlti ui leel In lengih
anjtrxl nJi 1115 leel no thtitieiland at fret south
wetteily alon; t le I'roirci 0.1 loJr, bearing gold, trom
Iht ditcoery po.nt therroii; with surface ground ivt
tetl In width, being 6 tret o t Iht touthtatltrly tide
and n Irel on the norl.iwetterly tide ol tald loJe, tht
noilct ol locat'on ot whkh Protection quant claim It
recoiJr J on page trr ol volume J ol tht ttcorJtot
quarti ciaimt ol liaker county, Oregon, In Iht ofHct
ol the Couniy RecorJer ol salj county. Tht ajjoln
lng ciaimt to Ihe Protection quarti claim being Ihe
Cv clone on the northeast, anj Iht Columbia quarti
claim, Mlntral Survey No tt. on tht touth, anj tht
Ohio on tht north. All tltt being vacant, unoccu
pied land. There being no contllcting clalmt.
Any and all pertont claiming aJvertelythe.mlnlng
grounj vein, loJe, premltet or any portion thereol to
Jetcrlhed, surveyed, pla'ted and applied lor are
hereby notified that unless their advert clalmt navt
been tiled according to law and the regulations there
under within the time prescribed by law. with the
Regltler of the United State! LanJ Offfct at U
Grande. In the county of Union, State of Oregon,
they will be barreJ In virtue of the provlilons of sal J
statute. E. W. BARTLETT. Regltler.
Date of first publication Ftb. t. tooo. Date of latt
publication April 18, 1(00
Department ot the Interior.
LanJ Office at La Gran Jt, Oregon,
January 1. 1000.
Notice Is hereby given that Ihe fotlowlng-nameJ
settler has file J notice ol his Intention to make final
proof In support ol his claim, anj that talj proof will
be maJe belore county clerk of Baker county at
Haker City, Oregon, on February a), 1000, vli: II.
ol Unity, Oregon, lor the nw 1-4 sw 1-4 tee it anj
n i-ie t-4, tw i-4 ne 1-4 teciStpiit.r itE. W. M.
He namet the following wlinettet to prove Ms con
tinuous retlJence upon anj cultivation ol tald land,
Boyd C Elliott, Lewlt Elliott, Thomas J. Whlted.
Patrick McGlennon.all ol Unity, Baker County, Ore
gon. E. W., Register.
Department ol tht Interior.
LanJ Office at La Grande, Oregon,
January 16, 1900.
Notlct Is hereby given that tht fotlowlng-nameJ
settler hat lileJ notlct of hit Intention to make final
proof in support ot hit claim, and that said prool will
be maJe belore county clerk ot Baker County, at
Baker City, on March I, tooo, vli: H. E. 8046 ol
ol Sumpter. Oregon, for the n)j iw 1-4 and tw 1-4 of
1 1-4 anj lot t ot tec ao tp 9 1 , r it E. W. M.
He namet the following wltnetsts to provt hit con
tlnuout retlJenca upon anj cultivation ol talj lanJ,
Peter D. Ettrs, J. F. Shclton, C D. Gots, Isaac
Willlamton, all ol Sumpter, Oregon.
E. W. Bamtlett, Regliter.
I UnlteJ Stales Land Office.
I La GranJe, Oregon, January to, 1900.
Notice of telecllnn of lanJ in lieu ol land in the
lorett reterve.
Notice It hereby given thai C W. Clarke, ol San'
rrancltto, California, hat maJe application unjer
and by virtue ol Iht provltlont ol tht Act ol Con
gtrtt ol June 4, iBot, totelect tht tH ol itH ol tec
4 twp 0 1, r tt!4 E. W. M. ol the lanJs subject to salt
al La GranJt, Oiegon, In lieu ol the ne ol aeX ol
tec (6 twp 1 n, r tt E. M. D. M. ol lanjt in tht Stan
Itlaut rotetl Reterve and that Ihe laid applicant will
offer proof to show that the salj lands art nonmln
eral In character anj unoccupied on Thursday, Iht
tin day ol March, 1000, belore tht Register and Re
ceiver of Iht U. S. Land Office, al La Grandt, Ort
gon. Any and all pertont claiming adversely Iht above
JetcribeJ lanjt or any por.lon thereol are hereby aj
vltrJ to tilt their ajvertt clalmt, with tht Regltler
anj Receiver, on or belore iht talj Ith day ol March,
1900, or thty will be barreJ by virtue ol Iht statute.
& W. Bartutt, Register.
To Trank WheUle: You art hereby notlfiej that
Samuel May and C R. Konkle, your co-owners In
thott cettaln mineral clalmt know as iht King Btt
Rioup, contltllng ol tht Quttn Btt, King Btt an J
lut Bird quarti claims, tltuated In Grant and Baker
countiet. near tht Granite road, have performed tht
attettmenl work as required by law, and you art
hereby required within 90 days from date hereol to
pay your proportion ol tht expenditure upon tald
Sumpter. Oregon, January it, 1900.
United Suits Land Offfct,
La Grandt. Oregon, January 5, 1900.
Notice la harahv alvn thai ttitv.l f. PIIIa.1 n
ii.i.' ...... :--'. - "-. "-. .?:."'
unity, naiier wiuniy, urtgon,nas niej nonet 01 in
tention to make prool on lilt desert-land claim No.
45. lor Iht lot 4 tee 11 tpitt, r it E.W. M., lot 4 tec
6 tp 1 1 a. r it E. W, M.. before couniy cltrk, Baker
county, at Baker City, Oregon, on
Friday, tht sird day ol February, 1900.
He namet tht following witnttses to provt tht
comple t Irrigation and reclamation ol tald land:
Thomat JWhlteJ. Michael Routt, George Wll
gater. Patrick McGlennon.all ol Unity, Oregon.
E. W. Uartlstt, Regltler.
UnlteJ Statet LanJ Office,
La GranJe. Oregon, January t, 1900.
Notice Is herebv given that Thomas J. Whlted, ol
Unity. Oregon, hat hied notice ol Intention to make
prool on hit Jetert-lanJ claim No. atl. lor Iht nt 1-4
ol tw i-4 0l tec 11 tp 11 1, r tE.W. M., betort
couniy clera ol Baker countv, at Baker Oty, on
FrIJay, ihe air J Jay ol February, 1900.
He na net the lollowlng wltnetttt to prove tht com
ple t inlgailon anj reclamation of said land:
SamuerCavln. George Wilgattr, Uoyd C Elliott.
Michael Route, all ol Unity, Oregon. '
E. W. Bamtlett, Regltler.
To Tiiowas Rvav You art htrtby notlfiej that
Itaac Willlamton, H. D. Nebtrgall anj S. S. Horner,
your co-owners in tht quarti claim known at tht
"Prlif. tltuated on Fruit creek, near the Columbia
mine, in Biker county, Oregon, havt performed tht
atttttmtnt work thereon at reiulreJ by law, and you
are htrtby rtqulrtJ within 90 jays Iron data hereol
to pay your proportion ol tht txpendllurt upon Hid
SlgneJ: Isaac Williamson,
H. D. NtacaoAU,
Sumpttr, Oregon, January jt, 1900.