Wednesday, January 24, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. y Money for Hllgaid-Gnuilte Rod. Mr. Robert Smith returned Tuesday from Chicago, where he went a few days ago in the Interests of the Hllgard-Gran-Ite railroad. Mr. Smith states that If no more than half the toiuiage that has been assured can be had, money enough to complete the road to Granite will be forth coming. And he confidently believes that there is abundant tonnage to justify the building of the road. This road Is not, he says, conditioned by a possible road from Sumpter to Granite. It has its own country to draw upon, and will scarcely be affected by such a road as is proposed at Sumpter. The company is now paying 100 per uay for engineering work, and the enterprise is by no means wholly speculative. La Grande Journal. Whist Club Prty. The first meeting of the Sumpter Whist club was held at the home of Judge and Mrs. C. E. Stelfen on last Friday even ing and was an enjoyable and successful affair. There were prct.ent Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jett,Mr.andMrs. Henry Cassldy, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Tedrowe, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Marsh, the Misses Myers, Miss Carrie Spalding, Miss Lulu Jett, Mr. A. P. Goss, Mr. E. C. Koblln, Mr. M. E. Thornton, Mr. E. I.. Manning, Mr. I;rank Jewelt. Mls Lulu Jett captured the first prize for the ladles, Mrs. Tedrowe the booble prize. In the gentlemen's prizes, Judge Steffen won the first and Mr. Thornton the booble. ORDINANCE NO. 47. AS OKDINANU: Dd-INIM! TMIi DUTItS AND CD .il'CNSATION OP CITY PHYSICIAN I OK run town ok .sumpthk. He It orJjIneJ by the Common Council ol itir Town ol Sumpter, Maker Count) , Oregen: StCTION 1. Hie o!tic ol Cllv Physician ol lit Toon ol Sumptrr I hereby creati-J, vaU Cllv l'hl clan to he elected tv the Common Count II ol thr Townol SumptrranJ to erve Jt thr rteaiure ol the Council. StC 1. tl thall be the Jut ol Hit Cttv l'hlcln ol thr Town ol Sumpter to attenj anJ prescribe lor any patient who ma have aconugloutJIieate within the Town ol Sumpter, when reunlej to Jo by Ih Health Officer ol salj town or any rion whom thr Council ol ulj loan hatl Jlrect to re pietcrlheJ lor bv orJer ol the Common Council. StC . The compensation ol the City I'httlclan shall be HteJ Irom lime to time by the Common Giun til ol the Town ol Sumpter. 1'aoe.lthe Common Council anJ oppimeJ by Ihe Major thlt ih Jay ol January, iuixi. A. W. l:i Lis. Acting Major. Attest: H. L. ManmmI, HeenrJer. ORDINANCE NO. 48. AN ORDINANCE l)i:i ININti THfi DUTIES AND COMPENSATION OI: THC HDM.TII OiriCLR OP THH TOWN OF SUMPTLH. He II orJalneJ by the Common Council ol the Town ol Sumpter! SUCTION i. The office ol Health Oihcer l hereby 1 r rale J, salj Health O ticerto be elrctrJ by the Com mon Council ol the Town ol Sumpter anJ lo hoM office at Ihe pleasure ol the Council. StC. . It shall be the July ol the Health Officer lo rare lor the Keneral health ol the Town of Sump ter anJ lo have lull authority to quarantine any con tagious Jisease within thr town. M'C. . The Health Officer ol the Town ol Sump ter shall be ex-olhcio a police officer ol salj town. Sec. 4. The compensation of the Health Officer thall be fixe J Irom time lo time by Ihe Common Coun cil of Ihe Town ol Sumptei. I'asseJ the Common Council anJ approved by Ih Major llils aoth Jay ol January, iqoo. ' A. W. Cuts, Acting Major. Attest: b". L. ManmnO, RecorJrr. ORDINANCENO. 49. AN ORDINANCE TO PKOHItllT THE MAIN TAINING. CONDUCTING, OPERATING. PLAY ING OR USING ANICKEL-IN-THE-SIOT MA CHINE OR ANY DEVICE OP LUCE CHARAC TER WHEREIN ARE USED CARDS, DICE OR ANY SUBSTITUTE THEREFOR OR WHEREIN THERE ENTERS ANY ELEMENT OF CHANCE 'WITHIN THE TOWN OF SUMPTER. IIAKLR COUNTY. OREGON. He It orJalneJ by the Common Council ol the Town ol Sumpter. StCTION 1. Each an J every person who (hall Con Juct, maintain or operate either as owner, proprietor, lessee or employee, any nlckel-ln-the-slot machine or other device ol like character wherein are uteJ carJs, dice or any substitute therelor or wherein there enters any element ol chance, whether Ihe same be playeJ or operateJ lor money, checks, creJIt or any other thine or representative ol value, shall be guilty ol a mlsJemeanor anJ upon conviction shall be pun IsheJ by a fine ol not more than $10. Sec. a. t Each and every person who shall, as owner, proprietor, lessee or employee, permit any minor to play any ntckel-ln-lhe-slot machine men tioned In section one ol this ordinance shall be deemed guilty ol a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be lined not more than filly dollars nor less than twenty dollars or Imprisoned In the city fall not more than twenty days. Passed the Common Council and approved by tha Major this sotti day ol January, 1000. A. W. Ellis, Acting Mayor. Attest. E. L Manninq, Recorder, Coming.. El I Coming ADLER'S Crystal Palace, With a full and complete line of., Stationery, Boosk, Musical Instruments, Pianos, Organs, Etc. WANTED Mining Properties on working bond A good promising property something ranging from J5000 to 530,000 A producer ranging In price from t ioo, 000 to f 750,000 and upward For sale 6 new houses and lots. J Fritz & Dwyor COR. CENTER AND QNANITE The Triumph Cigar IS THE World's Best Havana Cigar Their Excellency Cannot be Excelled. Convince yourself bv giving them a trial. For Sale Everywhere. Insist on Having One. CHAS. I. FLYNN & CO., Manufacturers rrrtnnnnnnr CASE FURNITURE COMPANY SEE "J 0. s. "3 HOFFMAN . . . FOR . . . Hay, Grain and All Kinds of Feed ...Also... Good Feed Yard and Stables for Freighters. w":v.uXVrtfcT Sumpter 1 " SUMPTER FISHmPOULTRY MARKET. Opposite Mcfcwen It Sloan's Livery Ham, unter Mfeet. FRESH FISH AND POULTRY DAILY. OYSTER COCKTAILS A SPECIALTY. Jft ECIL HOSEASON, MGR. Vr THE HOME FURNISHERS Parlor, Dining and Hed Room Furniture In sets or senerate pieces. Heaiitiful line of Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come In and let us explain why you can save money by buying at home. We can Positively do so. Opera House Block, - Sumptet, Oregon Capital Hotel THOS. KILPATRICK Proprietor Centrally Located. Headquarters for Electric Lights. Commercial mid Newly Refurnished. Mining Men. Free 'Bus and Bag- Passengers Waybllled gage Service. To a" Poll,ts Stages. SUMPTER, ORgGON. A. P. (JOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 & Tit Draft drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. 1 lor rem. SUMPTER, Safety Deposit boxes I OREGON ''