THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, January 24, 1900 IMHF.R LAND, AT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTI I: FOR PUBLICATION. (United Stain Land Offer, iU (irandr, orrgon, Nuv , 1870. Nolle l hrrrhy given that In compliance with Hi I rnvlslons of Id jrt of Congress of June 1. 1878, rn lltlrd "An act for Ihr salr of limber lands In Hi Slain of California, Orrgon, Nrvada anj Washing Ion Trrrllory, at rttrndrd to all the Public l-anj Stairs by act of August 4, iR.,,, MAPVir 1.. MXIMV. of Sumplrr. Countv nl llakrr. Siaim! flr.unn h.. Hilt day filrd In this offlcr tilt sworn stattmrnt No, oif, lor in purcnatr 01 in w; nr 1-4 and ryt n 1-4 of Srrilon So 8, In Township No. 10 south. Hang so. 17 I, W M, and will oltrr proof to show thai th lind sought Is mme taluablr lor lis timber or tton loan for agricultural purposes, and lortlabllsh il claim lo said land brlorr Hi Rrglttrr and Rrcrlvrr of this oftlc al la (irandr, Orrgon, on Thursday, Hi ijth day of lehruaiv, ii. it names as witnesses l.d Hunter, llarlt WiHids Itiac Williamson, John lllnlnn, all of Sumpler, or gon Any and all persons claiming adversely Hie above drscrlbrd lands arr rrqurslrd lo hi thrlr claims In this olflc on or brlorr said Mill day ol Irhtiurv, i'C". I: W. IIAMIII rr, Register. IIMHhH LAND, ACT JUNF. 3, 1878. NOTICF FOR PUBLICATION. Unllrd .Males I and Ollice, I I a (irandr, Oregon, Dee. , iff) Nolle Is heirht gUrn that In eompllaner wlih Hi (lovlslnns of Ihr ail ol Gtngrrts of June . 1878, entitled "An acl for Ihr sal ot limber lands In the States of Calllornla, Orrgon, Nrvada, and Washing Ion trnllorv," as rttrndrd to all Hi I'ubllcland Stairs bv art ol August 4, iB.,j, Jims Tltowti s, of llakrr City. Counlyol llakrr. Slalr of Orrgon, nas mis jay mrd in mis oilier tils sworn slalrmrnl No. 014, tor Ihr purrhatr ol Ihr s' nw, n', swif of srell ellon No. 1'. In Inanthlp No. H t, rangr No. it I: tin of I ar vnif h" hswjx, as. lot agilculluial piirxies, and to establish Ills claim to sard land belnrr th Meglsler and Mrreltrr ol this oltirral la (irandr, Orrgon, on lursd.iv, Ihr mlh dav ol I rbruary, w-m. II names as (irorgr I llairrll, John llribnlc, C II. ti'illie), deoigr Ciawlord, all ol (iianlle, Orrgon, Anv and allprrsont claiming adinsrlv Ihr abovr described lands air rrurslrl to Mr Ihrlr cltlms In this nlticr on or bdor said ..llijv ot Irbluars, ,-. L. W. HAW II I t I, Mrglslrr. IIMHIiR LAND, ACT JUNF 3, 1878. NOTICI: FOR I'UHLICATION. I Unllrd Slates landciltlir, I la (irandr, uiegon, Nov. iH, iK.ri Notice Is heieby gln thai In eompllaner wlih tin piiivlslons ol the att ol Congress ol Junr , 1878, rnlllled "An acl for Hie sale ol limber lands In Hi slates of Calllniiila, nirgon, Nrtada, and Washing. Ion Iritlloiy," as rslriidrd lo all Ihr public land sltirs bv att ol August 4, iK,,, ISAAI MltllAWSOS, ol Sumplrr, Counlyot llakrr, Slalr ot otrgon, has this dav bird In this oilier his swoin slalrmrnl So; ', lor Ihr puichasr ol Ihr sr 1-4 ot sretlon No. 10 In township so, 10 soulh, rangr No. ? I' W S, and will oltrr pioot lo show that Ihr land soughl Is itioir valual Ir lor lis llinbrr m stonr than lor agrl tiilluial puiits, and lorstalllsh his claim losald land l-rloir Ihr IrrgMrr and Mrerltrf of this nlller at laliiaiUr,Mrgon,on I HJay, Ihr 1MI1 davollrb niai), ii.k He namrs as wltnrtsrs Andrew llrwar. Van Mriissrlaer Mead, William C, llora.on, Aithlbald DownlrSi., allot Sumpler, oiegon. Anv and all prrsons claiming adtnsrlv Ihr ahive drsnlbrd lands air lepiested lo Mr Ihrlr claims In Hils otlltr on 01 brlorr said Hllida tit I rbtuars, vs L. W. llAutiiii.Rrglslrr. IIAMILR LAND, ACT JUNI: J, .878. NOTICI: FOR I'UHLICATION. Unllrd Stilrs land oilier, I la liiandr, llirgon. Sot 41, i, Notltr Is lirirby gltrn that In compliant wlih Ihr provisions til Ihr acl "I Congirss ol June 1,1878, rnlllled "An acl foi ihr sale ol limber lands In the stales ot C.illioinla,oirgtin, srtada, and Washing. 1.01 Triilltny," I pans. 11 sll win, ol Sumplrr, Countvol llakrr. Stair of nirgon.has Hilt da hlrd In this oilier his swoin slalrmrnl No. !!, lor tlir puitliasr til thr ij s fa se. a, nr 1-4 nr i4 srCi ! and nw 1.4 nw 1.4 src. No. it. In looiislilpsn. u soulh, langr So. 17 . W M, and will oiler prool to show that the land sought Is mmr saloablr tot lis limber 01 stone Hian tor agilculluial puiposrs and to rstabllsh his claim to said land be loielhe Meglsler and MrcrUrr ol this otlltr al U liiandr, Dirgon.tin Ihursday the iflh dayotl'rb iuai, lien. He namrs as wllnrsses: Jamrs II. Irishman, ot la liiandr. oirgon, Jamrs II, Stoddaid, (irnliy lallateio, I'siher A Stoddard, ol Sumplri. Oirgon Ant and all prisons claiming adtrtsrly Ihr abote drsctlt'rd lands ate teurslrd to Mr thrlr tlaimsln this otllt eon or brlnie said Hill dav ol I rbiuaty, i' L. W. Ilsutliu, krglstrl. 1IMIIIR LAND. ACT JUNI. 1,1878. NOIICI: IOR I'l'lll K.ATION. I United Stairs I and OibCr, I ta (iiandr, Oirgon, lre. 1 1, irsra Notlt'e Is lirirby gUrn that In eompllaner with thr puitltlons ol the att ol Congirss ol June 1. 1878, rnlllled "An acl Id llir sale ut llml-rl lands In Hi Stairs til Calllornla. Oiegtin, Nrtada, and Washing. Ion Iritlloiy," as rttrndrd to all thr I'ubli. land Slates by act ol August 4. if-., (.IIKIS1ISN 1IIOWMS, ol (iianlt, Counts' ol (iiant, Slalr 1.1 Oirgon, has Hilt Jay Mrd In Ihlt other his sooin slalrmrnl No. 4,lot Ihr purchase til lol 4, src . I s, r it'll! W M, lots 1, a and sol sntlon No 1 In township So u 1, lang No t I: w M, and will oltrr piool to show that Itirund sought It mole taluablr lor Its llinbrr or tton than lor agilculluial puiputrs, and to rstab hit claim lo said land betoie thr krgltirr and He. trlter ol Ihlt ottitr al la (iiandr, Oirgon, on Wednesday, th tist day ol I'rbiuai), ivss Mr namrt as wllnrsses: (ieoige Crawford, Chailes II. (iodtiev, (ieorgt J. llairrll, John Ivribriic, all ol (iianltr, Orrgon. Anv and all pettoni claiming adtrisely the aNise drscrlbrd lands ai requested lo Me Ihelr claims In on or Prior said titt dav ol lebiuaty, luox C W. llANTIItl, rtrglttri. Tlvim LWD, ACT JUNE 3, 1B78.-NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. I UnllJ Stales Land Office, 1 1 la I .rand. Clfrvrtn. Jinuifv i. imvi. Nolle Is hrrrbv aivrn thai in compliance with Ih provisions of Hi act of Congress of Jun , 1878, entitled "An act for th sale of limber lands In Ih States of California, Oregon, Nrvada and Washing lon Trrrllory," as extended to all the Public Land .Main ry act of August 4, 1B01, WILLIAM It. SAIrt.l-NT. of La Cirand, county of Union, Stat of Oregon, hat Ihlt day filrd In thlt office hit sworn tlaimnt No. I ''!' " ' purchase nl Hi t i-i sw 1-4 of section 15 ' nJ n " "" i'i nt arcnon no. join lownsnipno. South, Mange No. it E. W. M:, and will offrr proof j lo n,,w " Hi land soughl Is more valuable tor Its I Umber or tlon than tor agricultural purpottt, and lo I rtahlltti rils claim 10 said land belore the Register 1 nJ Recrlvrr of this oilier at La tirandc, Orrgon, on I 'JJ' " tlt dav ot March, 1900. " namrs as witnesses: Jorph N. Dltmars, of 'wanne, wrr urani inornmirg, or iirannr, urr., Charlrt L. lux, of La lirandr, Or., John C. I rrncli, of La (irandr, Orr. Any and all prrsons claiming advrrtrly the abovr described lands air rrqurslrd lo filr thrlr claims In this olhee on or brfoir said 16H1 day ol March, iumu. E. W. llAWIIfrT, Hrglslrr. TIMHF.R UNI), ACT JUNIi 3, 1878. NOTICI: FOR I'UHLICATION. I United Slain I and Office, I l-a Ciiandr, Orrgon, Dee. t, 1840. Nollcr Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol Ihr acl ol Congrrisol Junr 1, 1878, rn tilled "An at I lor Ihr sal ol limber lands In Hi States ol Calllornla, Orrgon, Nrvada. and Washington Trtrltory," as ritrndrd to all the Public Land Slates by acl 01 August 4, iHu, jawis v.'. (.All, ol Sumplrr, County ol llakrr. Slate ol Orrgon, has Hilt dav filed In Hilt oilier hi. sworn slalrmrnl No. dit, torlhr purchase ol Hi wis nw 1-4 Section 14, n 1-4 n 1-4 Section ,sr i"4 fol Section No. j SS ?-jWffS ...,..., .... ..a wr i., w r .IINM III, (l,lUIIUIfll puipotrs, and lo rstabllsh his claim 10 said land he loielhe Register and Receiver of this oilier at la (iiandr, Oirgon, on I rlday, the aid day ol I'rbiu- arv, ne, Ue namrs as wltnrssrs: Jamrs II. Stoddard, (irn liy rnlralrto, l.'nimrll II. (iraybral, Wilson II. Meed, all ot Sumplrr, Oirgon. Any and all persons claiming advrrsrly thr abovr jescrirrj unjs arr rriirstrj 10 me mis inner on or belore sau aijjavol i:. W, IIAK I I.I ri.Wm-R LAND, AT JUNK j, lij.i. NOTICIi FOR I'UHLICATION. I Unllrd Slatrs land Other, I Iji (irandr, Orrgon,, December ,, i8,w. Nolle Is hereby given that In eompllaner with th piovlslons ol thr acl ol Congress ol Junr , 1878, rnlltlrd "An act for thr sal ol limber lands In Hi Stairs ol CalllotnLi, Orrgon, Nrvada, and Wash ington rniltory," as sl rndrd to all th Public I and Stairs bv acl ol August 4, 8,, fOSA A. ('All, ol Sumpler, Counts' of llakrr. Slat ol Orrgon, hat this day hlrd In this oilier hrr sworn slalrmrnl No. (no, im in purcliasrol thr w'j nr i-aandr.'i nw 1-4 ol SrttlonNo 14 In lownship No. us, Range No. it I W M, and will oltrr proot to show that the land I soughl Is nioir valuable lor lis timber or stone than lot agilculluial purposrs, and lo rstabllsh tin I claim to said land brlnie the Hrglstrr and Rrcrlver ol I this otticr at la (irandr. OrrtMin. on I ildav. ihriird I dat ol lebruarv, lomk She names as wlinrssrs: lamrs II. Stoddard, lien-lit- Talralrm, I mmrlt II. (iratbeal, Wilson II. Rrrd, allot Sunipiri, Orrgon. Any and all prisons claiming adt rrsely thr abovr described lands arr rr-urtted 10 Mi thrlr claims In this otticr on or before said aird dav ol I rbruary, !. E. W IIA. IT LTT, Register. 1IMHI.K LAND, ACT JUNI: 3, 1878. NOTICI: FOR I'UHLICATION. I Unllrd Stairs Und Ofticr, I I I a (irande, Orrgon, Dee. (j. ilvw. Notltr Is hrlrby git en that In eompllaner wlih Ih pint Islons ol Ihr act ol Congirss ol Junr , 1878, rnlltlrd "An act lot Ih sal ol timber lands In th States ot Calltoinla, Oiegon, Nevada and Washing ton rnilloit," as rttrndrd In all the Public Land Stairs b) acl ot August 4, i8g, I.AuhiI! fHOWMS, ol llakrr City. Countv nl llakrr, Stat ol Orrgon, has this dat Md In this otticr hrl sworn statement No. hi j, lor thr puichasr ol Ihr sr 1 aswi-a w s 1 4 and hit 4 ol Set tlon No, iu In Township No. H s, Rangr No. it I: W M, and will oflrr prool to show that Ihr land soughl is mole taluablr lor Its timber nr stone than tor agricultural purposrs, and to rstabllsh heii I Jim to said land brlorr thr Register and Hr crlvrrol this otticr at t a (irande, Oirgon, on Turs dav. Hi 40II1 day of I rbtuatv, igtst. Sh namsaswlinrssrs! tirorgeJ. Haunt. (irorge Ciawlord. Chailes II. (iodliry, John lietbeilc, allot dranlle, Oiegon. Any and all prisons claiming adtersrly thr abovr desitlbrd lands air Irqurslrd to Mr thrlr claims In Ihlt otticr on 01 brlorr said aoth dav ot I rbruary, I". L. W. HARTI 1:1 T. Rrgltlrr. TIMHF.R LAND, ACT JUNI: 3, 1878. NOIICI: FOR I'UHLICATION. I Unllrd Stairs Land otlltr, I la (iiandr, Orrgon, Nov. , 1800. Nollcr Is hriebv given that In compliance with the piotlsionsol thr aeiol Congirss ol Jun 1, 1B7H, en titled "An act lor thr sale ot limber lands In thr Stairs ot Calllornla, Orrgon, Nrvada and Washington Trr ih. ov," as rttrndrd to all Ihr Public Land Stairs by acl of August 4, i&jj, JAMI'S II. IHMIWAN, ol I a (iiandr, County ol Union, Slate ol Otrgon, has this dat Mrd In this ofticr his twoin slalrmrnl No. Mi, lot Ihr purcliasr ol thr si te 1-4, nw t-4 se 1-4 and s 1-4 sw 1-4 ol Section, so. 11 In lownship so. u south, Rangr so. 11 L W M, and will ollei prool lo show that thr land soughl Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than tor agilculluial purposes, and 10 estab lish his claim to said land belore the Register and Rrcrlver ol this otticr at La (irande, Oregon, on Thutsdav, the itih day ol February, two. He names as witnessrs: I tank (i Shaver, (ienliy Talialero, Jamrs II Stoddaid, I red Atkinson, all ol Sumpirt, Oirgon. Any and all prisons clalmlnr adversely the above drscrlbrd lands arr iniurstrdlo Me Ihrlr claims In this oltleeonoibeforesalditthdavot February, touo. I follow (magnetic variation being to degrees t mln L. W, liAHUUT. Register. I utet east): TltiHER UND. ACT JUNE 1, 187B.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I United Stain Land Olflc. I La (iiandr, Oregon, January it, tooo Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the acl of Congress of June ), 1878, entitled "An acl for the tale of timber lands In the Slain of California, Orrgon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," at extendrd to all the Public Land Statet by act ol Augutt 4, 1891, .NATHAN C. HICHAMDS, ol Sumpler, cuuntv of Baker, tlate of Oregon, hat thlt day hied In Ihlt office lilt tworn statement No. 6 17, for the purchase of the tw 1-4 of Section No. 16, In Township No. 10 1, Hang No. 17 13. W. M., and will oiler proof to show thai the land tough! It more valuable for lit timber or ttone than for agricultural Jiurposes.and to establish hit claim to said land be ore the Register and Receiver ol this ofhee at La (irande, on Thursday, the )th day ol April, tooo. He names at witnesses: II. R. Mead, D. T. McCoy, Isaac Williams, George W. Jell, all ol Sumpler, Ore gon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file Ihelr claims In this office on or belore said slh day ol April, 100). E. W. tlAHTierr, Rrglster. IILSCRT LAND. FINAL PROOF. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. United Stain Land Office, La (irande, Oregon, January t, torn. Notice Is hereby given that Ihomat J. Whlled, of Unltv. Oregon, hat filed notice of Inlrnilon to make prool on his drsrrl land elil-n No. 111. for ihr nr t-a of sw 1-4 of src 11 lp it t, r t E. W. M., before county clrrk ol llakrr countv, at Baker City, on 1 ruay, in irj jay of 1 rbruary, tooo. He names the lollowlni? wllnrsses lo prov the com ply Irrigation and reclamation of said land: Samuel Cavln, (irorge Wllgater, HoyJ C Elliott, Michael Rouse, all ol Unity, Oregon. E, W. IIahTU.iT. Register. I.IF.U LAND- NOTICF. FOR TION. UHLICA- j Unllrd Slates Land Office, I La (irandr, Orrgon, January so, tooo. Nolle ol selection ol land In lieu ol land In Ihr lorst reserve Notice Is hereby given that C W. Clarke, of San Franclsto, Calllornla, hat made application undrr anj by virtu 01 tn provisions 01 the Act ol Con Islaus I'-orrtt Rrtrrve and that the tald applicant will oflrr proof to show that the tald lands are nonmln eral In charactrr and unoccupied on Thursday, the mn day 01 marcn, loon, worr me Kegisier and Ke crlvrr ol the II. S. LandOltlcr, at La (irande, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above drscrlbrd lands or any por.lon Hiereot arr hereby ad vised to file Ihelr adverse claims, with the Register and Receiver, on or belore the tald 8th dayol March, ono, or they will be barred bv virtue of the tlatule. I:. W. llAHHUir, Register. NOTICE OI: APPLICATION PATENT. POR I United Statet Und Office, I Iji (irande, Orrgon, January 15, 1000. Nolle Is hereby given thai William Smith, whot pottomce ajjress it luker t-liy, llakrr county, Urr i.hih'I. ...IT,. I, .Martr, ..Ijr, iwnci SlfUllla Vl V in, In brhall of himself and his co-owners, Jennie 1 1). I rrgusnn, J. L. I'ullrr, M. K. MacRae and John ' U Sullivan, has hlrd an application lor patent for the HKie mining claim canej me Hunker Mill o.uatti mine, situated In no organlied mining district In Baker countv, Oregon, and designated by the held notes and official plat on Me In Ihlt office as Mineral Survey No. iiu In section 1 township q S, range 6 L". W. M., tald Mlnrral Survey No. in being described at tollowi (tarlatlon, magnetic, being 10 degrees 4t minutes east); Oimmrnclng lor a descrlpllon ol theestrrlor boun daries nl Hie Hunker Hill tiuarli mine al Corner No. 1 , which coinrr It a pott 4 In. s- 4 Irel long set 18 In. In the ground with mound ol earth scribed i-m, w hence Ihr H section corner on north side of section 1 in townsnip u , n 10 tast peart no. vho Last tiiaiiis uisiaui. inrotriii urgirrs it miouirs ijisi Hi Irel last center end post, fen tret 10 cor No. t, a post 4 In sj. 4.S II long tel 18 In. In the ground with mound ol earth scribed t-iru, thence S 7 degrees at minutes Wi 51.1 It to Cor No. a post alntd.4!ll long set 18 In. In the ground with mound ol earth scribed i-iiu.hrT In. In dla bears NaBdeg Ell dlst. Hated and scribed II T i-im, thence N i de glees it minutes W null west center end post, 600 II In cor No. a a post 4 In. h H II long 18 In. In the ground with mound of earth scribed 4-1), ihence N 70 degrrrt 4t minutes I. tti II to cor No. 1. the place ot beginning and containing m.M acret. The pretumed course ol the lode It nearly rati and west. Thr number ol leet claimed on the lode It hi tern hundrrd led, extending S too It 70 drgrres at mlnutrs W in W center end post, 740 li N 70 drgrres 4t mlnutrs E to E crnter end post, from discovery shall. The suitair ground claimed Is three hundred Irrt In width on the north tide ol the lode, and three hundrrd leel In width on the south side ut the lode. The notice ol location ot said Hunker Hill quarti mine It of rrcord In the order ot th recorder ol con tesancet of Baker county, at Baker City In book L ol locations ol quant mining claims at page 161, Adjoining claims: On the east (ione Case quarti mine, and on the west the Lilac quant mine. Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining ground, vein, lode, prrmlsrs or any portion thereol so drscrlbrd, surveyed, platted, anj applied for, are hereby notified that unless Ihelr adverse claims are duly hied In Hie U. S. Land office al La (irande, Ore gon, and within the bo Jay period ol publication heirot, with the register of the United Statet Land office al Iji (irande, Oregon, they will be barred by virtue ol ihe prot Itlont ot the statute. E. W. HtKULTT, Rrglster. NOTICE OF APPLICATION PATENT. FOR I United Stales Land Office, ) LatiranJr. Oregon, Jinuarv 11, mu. Notltr It hriebv git en that I red tVorley and J. W. Dutkworth, whose postoKlce addiess Is Sumpler, Baker county. Oregon, have Med an application lor patent lor the lode mining claim called the Lilac quarti mine, situated In no organlied mining district. Raker countv, Oregon, and designated by the field notes and official plat on Me In thlt office at Mineral Survey ir. In sections one and two In township nine south, rang thlrlfslx E. W. M., tald Minetal Sur try No. ito desctlNng ihe said Lilac quart! mine at I Br.l. fit llinx .. .S.1 In lat Ilia M IC nf sal nl nirir claims in ",.. . ,:,rv.J m .. .,.. ,.;y...j:;:. :;.;,. I rbruary. tgi.K 1 '7' ,'.- ,"'," V" ,"7.;.r.'.''r:.,7'-w. :TT, Hrglsler. . 0 . E V, D M. o( i.n ., ,, c,,n. Commencing for a description ol the xterlor boun darlet of Ihe Lilac quarti claim at Corner No. 1 of thlt survey. Identical with the NWcorof location, the tec cor between sections 1 and a tp q S, R y E. W. M., bears N 77 degrees 1 minutes E 594-4 It, thence south 11 degrees it minutes E var eo degrees 5 minutes E along the first course ol Myrtle Lnde Sur 75, too II to west centre post, Identical with east center post ol Myrtle Lode sur itj. a tamarack post 4 in tq II above the ground with a mound ol earth around it marked "Myrtle ECS. )ts" marked It "Lilac W. C S. t6" for west center post, 600 ft to cor No 1, Identical with the SW cor of location, set a tamarack post 4 In sq ',$ ft long 18 In. In the ground with a mound ol earth around it marked It "Lilac cor No. -it6" (or cor No. . Thence N 7 degren at minutes E var jo de grees it minutes E 461.4 It Intersect ing section line between sections and a tp q S, R )6 E. W. M. i4.6 It to cor No. 1, Identical with SE cor of location. Identical with cor No. 1 Hunker Hill Lnde Sur K), lound a fir post 4 In sq 1 ft above the ground with mound of earth around It marked "Bunker Hill Cor i-ao" marked It "Lilac Cor 1-176" for cor No. . Thence N it degrees 15 minutes W var 90 degrrrs 15 mlnutrs E along the third course of Bunker Hill Lode Sur 199 (Reported In Sur jto be N 11 degrees it minutes W) 100 II in east center, Identical with th east center post ol location, and point of discovery, Identical with the west crntr Bunker Hill Lode Sur iao. lound a fir nnst 1 In 11 1 ft above the r-round marked "Bunker Hill W. C x) marked It "Lilac E. C S. )t6" for east center pott, 600 II to cor No. 4, Identical with Ihe NE cor of location, Identical with cor No. 4 ol Bunker Hill Lode Sur jj, lound a fir post 4 In sq 1 fl above the ground whh a mound ol earth around II marked "Hunker Hill Cor 4-1)" marked It "Lilac Cor a- t6" for cor No. 4- Thence S 76 degrees at mlnutet W var so degrees at minutes E M-Dlt Intersecting sretlon line between sections t and a tp u S, R 6 K. W. M. court t degree o min utes W 274 1.5 It to NW cor sec t, 144.6 It to cor No. 1, the place ol beglnnlng.embraclng an areaol 17.8)1 acres o( land. The presumed course ol the lode It nearly eatt and west. The number nl leel claimed on the lode Is twelve hundred and ninety-lour and alx.-trn.ths linrar (ret, extending along the center line ol Mineral Sur vey No. t6, extending westerley Irom discovery shall at east center end ol said claim. The surface ground Is thrre hundred feet In width on the north side ol the lode and three hundred leet In width on the south tide ol the lode. The notice ol location nl tald Lilac quarti mine Is ol record In the office of the recorder of conveyances of Baker county, Oregon, at Baker City, In book I of rcords of quartt mining locations al page 160, Adjoining claims: On Ihe east by the Bunker Hill Lnde Sur 10, on Ihe west bv the Myrtle Lnde Sur 175. Adlacent claims: On the NW Is the Pedro Lode and on Ih SW Is Ih Montetuma Lode. Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining ground, vein, lode, premises or any portion thereol, so descrlbrd. survetrd. rlaltrdand applied for. are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed according lo law, and the regulations there under, within Ihe 60 day period ol publication hereof, with Ihe register ol the United Statet land office al La (irande, Oregon, they will be barred by virtue ol Ihe provisions ot the statute. E. W. llARTUTT. Register. NOTICE OF APPLICATION PATENT. FOR t United Stales Land Office, I La (irande, Oregon, January it, luoo. Notice Is hereby given, that William Smith, whose postoffice address Is llakrr Cilv. Baker county, Ore gon, In brhall ol himself and his co-owners, Fred Knuth, W. S. Powers, anj John L Sullivan, has filed an application lor patent lor ihe lode mining claim called Ihe Mtrtle quarti mine, situated In nn orga nlied mining district, Baker countv, Oregon, and designated by the held notes and official plat on Me In this office as Mineral Survey No. 175 In section two, township nine south, range Ihirly-six E. W. M., tald Mineral Survey No. 175 being described as follows (magnetic variation being Irom ao degrees 11 minutes to o degrees at minutes east): Commencing for a description of the exterior boun daries ol Ihe Myrtle quarti claim al Cor No. 1 of this survey, Identical with Ihe NE cor ol location, Ihe If sec cor between sections 1 and a tp g S, R 6 E. W. M. bears N 80 degrees a? mlnutet E tv It. Thence S 1 1 degrees it minutes E var 10 drgrres at mlnutrs E 115. ft to E center post, tela tamarack post a In sq i) fl long 18 In. In Ihe ground with a mound ol earth around II, marked It "M rile CCS. m" tor cast center post, ttMtl to cor No. t, Identical with ihe SE cor nl location, set a tamarack post 4 In sq 4 j fl long 18 In. In the ground, with a mound of earth around 11, markeJ 11 "Mtrtle cor t-m lor cor No. a ol this survey. Thence N 11 degrees a, mlnutrs W var to degrees at minutes II rat II .Mammoth (iulcli course southwesterly 1464.4 II tn cor No. 1, set a fir post 4 In sq 4(4 ft long 18 In. In Ihe ground with a mound ol earth around It, marked It ''Mvrtle Cor 1 17t" lor cor No. 1 ol thlt survey, the SW cor ol lo cation bean N 84 degree! W tit It. Thence N 11 de grees it minutes W var ao degrees it minutes E too fl to west center, set a pine post 4 In tq H II long 18 In. In Ihe ground, with a mound of stones and eatth around It, marked It "Mtrtle W. C S. )7j" for west center post, the west center location tree bear N 60 degrees W 44-t II 400 It to cor No. 4, set a hr post 4 In sq 4,'s It long, 18 In. in the ground, with a mound ol stones and earth around, marked It "Myrtle cor 4 ITt" lor cor No. 4 ol this survey. Thence N ta de grees ot minutes E var so degrees it minutes E 140 It tn cor No. 5, Identical wlih the NW cor ol location, a living yellow pin tree 18 In In diameter, marked It "Myrtle cor No. t-pt." Thence S tt degrees a, minutes E var so degrees it mlnutet E 1 185 It Mam moth (Julch course southwesterly. 1 106.1 It to cor No. 1, the place ot beginning, the said claim containing an area ol 16.706 acres ol land. The presumed course of the lode It a little north nl west and south of east. The number of feet claimed on the lode Is fourteen hundred and sixty-four and three-tenths linear feet extending from discovery shall easlelly 5J leet lo east center end and westerly J7 leet lo west center end ol Mineral Survey No. 175, as described In Ihe foregoing held notes. The surlace ground varies on the south side ol the lade Irom three hundred feet on the southwest end line ot the lode to two hundred and twenty-one and eight-tenths leel on the southeastern portion thereol, and on Ihe north side nl the lode, width vartlng Irom two hundred and forty feet at the northwest end line ol Ihe lode to three bundled and thirty-five and five tenths feet on the northeastern portion thereof. The notice ol location of said Myrtle quarti mine it of record In the office of ihe recorder ol convey ances of Baker county, at Baker City, in book L of quarti mining location records at page 1; thereof. Tie only adjoining claim Is Ihe Lilac puarti mine on the east. The adlacent claims are the Gold Stand ard Lode claim on the south, also Hie Montetuma Lode claim on the south, the Log Cabin Lode claim on ihe west and Ihe Pedro Lode claim on the north. Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining ground, vein, lode, premises or any portion thereol so described, survetcd. platted and applied for, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly Med according to law, and the regulations thereunder, within Hie to day period ot publication hereof, with the register ol Hie United States land office at La Grande. In the tlate ol Oregon, they will be barred by tirtueol the prot islons ot the statute. E. W. Bsrtlltt, Register.