w THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, January 3, 1900 The Sumpter Miner Oflicl.il Paper o( the Town of Sumpter. I'Uiilimiiii tvrny whiscmmv iir (.. II. MARSH ami J. W. CONNELLA SUinCfll'tlOH MA! IS One Year .... fa.oo Mi Months 1. 15 ALWAYS IN AIIVAM.L'. I nlnrJ at the postolflce In Sumpter, Oregon, for luilMnllfin lluuugh Hit nulli l second class matter. Till: linker City Republican, In its tele Kraph headline, designates the Hners as "the enemy." OI- course, "all signs fall in dry weather," hut if the expected stampede to the Sumpter district In the spring fails to materialize, then the race can with some degree of reason begin to figure on dodg ing those most inevitable of all sure thing games, death and taxes. AND now the director of the mint steps to the front with the explanation (hat the cause of the present stringency In the money market Is that people have been "hoarding for speculative purposes" which Is the prlr winning specimen of idiocy which has yet been advanced by linauclal experts. IP Maker City wants this portion of the present county of Maker to help pay for that palatial court house which she builds while Indulging In her favorite occupation of pipe-dreaming, it would be wise to have the vote on the bonding proposition taken More the two or three thousand newcomers to the Sumpter district be come legal residents. Tilt: Molse Statesman gives expression to a grievance to which Sumpter people .tie now vainly endeavoring to become ac iiislomed, having given up all hope of remedying the rotten evil. It says: "If any one wishes to express anything to Sumpter, Oregon, he would better pur chase a ticket and convey the package personally. The express service between Moise and that place Is no more reliable tli.111 the Hesse At Sttirges clock." IT IS predicted by I Jr. Menjamin Is. An drews, former president of Mrowu uni versity, at present superintendent of Chi cago public schools, that the surrender of the Moers to England will inaugurate a great International war. lie sivs the United States can't keep out of it and speculates on what side this country will tight. So Ur as the International war Is concerned, that Is not at all improbable, but why tills government should be forced into the free-for-all scrap, Is difficult to see. If she is true to the traditions which have made her great, she will remain strictly neutral, and sell her food products to the highest bidder for cash. IT IS stated that the reason for the fail ure of the (Kobe National bank, Boston, was the result of the light made on the Independent copper companies by J. D. Rockefeller and his Amalgamated Cop per company. Some months since this truly good man acquired a taste for cop per. Having a voracious appetite, he couldn't I satisfied until he secured the Huston and Montana mine for his trust. The only way to acquire this was to smash the Globe bank, a large stock lioldcr. After little meditation and much prayer, claiming Divine guidance the while, he proceeded to put into execution this inspired scheme and it uou out. Then he celebrated the triumph of his righteous cause by giving J 10,000 to a nigger college in Tuskeegee, Alabama. It is said that copper securities liave shrunk f 50,000,000 since December 1, and 197,000,000 in ten months, since Rockefeller's covetous eye turned in that direction, THE MINER receives every day from papers in different parts of the country re quests for exchanges. Although THE MINER has no Interest whatever in the sections of country represented by many of these publications, it would gladly comply with their requests, In conformity with a time honored custom of the craft, were It possible to do so. But such is not the case, our press capacity at present being so limited that we are in reality not able to supply the demand for paid copies. This condition of affairs will be remedied, however, at no distant day, when the brethren of the press will be furnished with a paper which a technical knowledge enables them to appreciate even more fully than does the general public, that Is Itself not slow In recognizing the merits of THE MINER. A PRESS dispatch sent out from Port land, under date of December 28, quotes General Passenger Agent Hurlburt.of the O. K. & N., as saying: "From informa tion received it Is evident that In the min ing centers of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and California, there is much talk about the eastern Oregon mines, and particu larly about Sumpter and adjacent districts. Further reports received from the Colvllle reservation and Rnsslaudand Sandon dis tricts in British Columbia indicate from these quarters toward eastern Oregon 11 large movement of prospectors, miners and capitalists, and people directly inter ested in the mining centers of the east are also Interested and are arranging to send out experienced mining men, with the view of investing of large amounts In the new gold fields. Everything indicates an ex cessive passenger traffic the coining season." W. P- MURRAY, Atuyer nd Chemirt, I am prepared la make test! on tree milling ore, giving the per cent ol III value that may be extracted by Hie Iree milling proem, alto the degree to which ore may be concentrated. Minis Iiiminad " Raaartad on. Res ulli ol assays given only lo the persons leaving work or on their written order. SUMPTER, OREGON JOHN C, IBASUkE. WILLIAM O'UOSSEIL OIAS. T. HYDE. EASURE. HYDE & O'DONNELL, Attorneys-at-Law. Omcrv Haskell Building, Raker City. J K. WHEELER, CITY ENGINEER. QH. FENNER, Civil and Mining Engineer. tl. S. Deputy Surveyor. t'nglnrer for the Sumpter Townslte Company, United. TmmIIm SfMfeJ wmJ Pltttri. Ut Prlallnf Maafiaj. All work per winallv and professionally executed. Sumpter, Oregon. D. LINDSAY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Mining and Civil Engineer. V. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor. Mine examinations and reports made. Special at tention given lo canlde process. p E. POINDEXTER, MINING OPERATOR, SUMI'TER, ORE. Mines examined and reported on. Reference, any business or mining man In Sumpter. C A. C. STARR. Attorney-at-Law Opera Mouse llulldlng, Sumpter, Oregon STOTT SHEI.TON, ?.: Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER, OREGON W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, JIAKIM CITY, I OREOON Reliable plans, specifications and estimates furnished I'aitlcular attention paid lo diseases ol Hie I ungs. Heart and Kidneys. Temporary onVr, Star Hotel. Sumpter 1 Bottling Works jt j j j Cjagen & Sloan, Proprietors. jtjtjtjtjt Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. jt jt j j jt SUMPTER, OREGON FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (cmiiatta) Capital Stock f 20,000 Ol I ICE s- J. II. RorWns Pretilrnt J. W. Scrfber Vice-l'retlJeni J. W. Mead Cashier OIWICIOWS. J. W. Scrlber R. II. Miller J. W. Mead Clark Sayde J. II. Rot-Has Transacts a General Hanking and Ex change Business. , No Interest IsiU on Deposit. QHAS. E. ROBLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Noury Public Rooms b and S Nelll lllk. SUMPTER, OR. QARRIE F. SPALDING. Stenographer and Typewriter. Located wjth Erwln Co. SUMI'TER g C STEFrEN. Justice of the Peace, Sumpter District General Conveyancing L. T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter. Oregon. Special Attention GKen la Surgery and so DIs. eases ol Women. Orace and residence, Nelll HUick Basche Hardware Co. DRS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons ' ' c M. PMRCe, m. 0. t). W. TAPE, M. I). TeleplMne Main i. SUMI'UR.OKEOOS. DKS. HENDRY & BROOKS, DENTISTS. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Oltlce, Center Street, opposite McEten & Sloan's Livery Uarn. Sumpter. Oregon. I Successors to W. R. HAWLEY Sumpter, Oregon. GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery eo Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps . 1 C.C. Basche MANAGER i I'