The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 03, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, January 3, 1900
Appropriate Name Directors
and Officers Selected.
The Sumptcr Hospital association lias
selected as a name for the hospital to he
built here, "St. Mary's Universal Hospi
tal." This Is peculiarly appropriate, In
asmuch as the given names of Mesdamcs
N. C. Richards, John M. Murpliey and
W. W. Warren, the ladles who originated
the worthy undertaking and secured the
subscriptions, are Mary. The word "uni
versal" Is Inserted to indicate that the in
stitution will be non-sectarian In character,
open to all.
'I lie directors are A. V. Kills, W. C.
Calder, N. C. Richards, John J. Penhale,
I. II. Rohhins, Mrs. Charles S. Warren,
Mrs. N. C. Richards, Mrs. John M. Mur
pliey, Mrs. I.. T. Hrocl and Mrs. W. W.
Ihcse directors have selected the lol
lotting ellicers: C. J. Johns, president;
I. II. Knbhins, vice president: A. I'. ioss,
treasurer; C. II. Robllu, secretary, and
these lionorary vice presidents: Hon.
Charles II. Mackintosh, W. I.. Vinson,
General Charles S. Warren, K. J. God
frey, John J. lingllsh, Captain C. H.
I'lioiupsou, Colonel S. W. Kay, J. H I
Stoddard, J. W. I.nrkln, ( ienrge Hayes,
S. ChapiiMU, John Ihomseu, Kd l.e !
Claire, liuill Meleraud Leo l.ainmers. I
A meeting will lie licld toinorrott even-l
Ing hi tin- Suinptrr lowuslte company's
oltice lor the purpose of transacting some
Important business, relative to the early
inauguration ul building operations;
whether or not it is advisable to begin he
lore spring. I he site tor the hospit-il,
olfered by the lownsite company, will
then also he selected.
I he unusual amount of sickness pre
vailing during the past t o or three weeks
has cmpliasled the necessity of a hos
pital here, and It is hoped that it has also
aroused the people to a sense of their diitv
in the mailer, tu supply this crying need
it tile earliest pnsslmV date. At the pres
ent time, lieu one is tal;n sick, miles
lie has a home and proportionally lew
lieie have he must ellher go to the hos.
pilal at Haker, or remain here In a noisy,
inconvenient public house, neglected. It
Is Impossible to secure a trained nurse and
very dlllicult to get any one to wait upon
the sick. It Is very urgently important
that tills want be supplied and Till: MlNliH
Is requested that il urge all Interested to
show their interest by attending the meet
ing tomorrow, Thursday, evening.
Gold Production In 1899.
I he preliminary estimate of the produc
tion of gold and sliver in the United States
during the calendar year 1800, made by
.Mr. Huberts, director of the mint, shows
a total gold production of 7oa.,i7o, an
Increase over the production of last year
of i,2j(i,67o. I he production of silver
during the year Is estimated at 574,4:4,-,
6, an Increase dining the year of fj,,
040,211. Oregon is credited with produc
Ingonly Ji, 550,387 in Increaseovef
the production of iSjS of about 5400,000. '
As all familiar ttlth the tacts know, this '
Is a very low estimate for this state. I
John Todd Couldn't Find the Caucus.
John Todd went on a still lonesome
hunt for the democratic caucus Friday
night. He climbed two flights of stairs
and fell over a trocha of barb wire
"enough of the d 11 stuff," said John
"to fence all John Day." He careened
down the middle of the street, about 12 p.
in., after a three hours' caucus with him
self in Hnrley Wood's, and if he had met
a republican he would have beat him like
a dog. Al Jones and old man Bellinger
tried to square the matter, but John was
forced to ease his outraged feelings by
wiring Menuo Unzlcker for more money.
Kvery piece of type in THE MINER
plant is new and strictly up to date. A
back number jnbean't be done in this office.
t United States Land Office,
., , . . U Grande, Oregon, Dec. i. 189Q.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol theactof Congrestol June 1,1878, en
titled" An acl lor the tale of timber land In the State
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory, a emended to all the Public Land Statet
by act of August 4, 1801,
of Sumpter, County of Haker', Sta'te of Oregon, hai
thlt day filed In this office hit sworn tlatement No.
615, for the purchase of thewjj nw 1-4 Section 14,
ne i-4 ne 14 Section 11. i. i-i i.jnl swtlnn Na.
18 In Townthlp No. 9 1, Range No. 17!. WM.andl
will offer proof to thow that the land sought Is more 1
valuable lor Its timber or ttone than for agricultural I
purposes, and to establish his claim In said land be-
fort the Register and Receiver of this office at La
drande, Oregon, on I rlday, the d day of Febru
ary, IQUO,
He names as witnesses' James II. Stoddard, Gen- I
iry laieaiero, i.mmeit II. (jrayr-eal, Wilson II. Keed,
all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said aid day of I ebruary. 1000.
C. W. llAHTLr.TT. Register.
United States Land Office,
(La (irande, Oregon, Nov, 11, 1899.
Notice Is hereby L'lvrn that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol Congress nl June , 1878, en
titled "An act lor the sale al timber lands In the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washlntnn Ter
tllnrv." I1IMHY 1AIIAMKO,
ol Sumpier, Count.' nl Haker, State of Oregon, has
this day filed In Ibis office his sworn statement No.
rilo, tnr the purchase ol the lots 1, 4 and ., and se 1-4 !
nw 1-4 nt Section No. 6, In Timnchlp so. 10 south, j
range So. 17 V. W At, and will oiler proof lo show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Its limber or '
stone man tor Agricultural purposes, and to estaMisli
his claim In said land betiire the Register and Re-
Celver ol thlsolllce at la lirande, Oregon, on Thurs
day, Ihe t iih d ly of I ebruary, !.
lie names as witnesses, I rank (i Shaver and James
II StnddarJ. ol Sumpter. Oreuen: Jamea H lelsh-
man, ol La lirande, Oregon; Charles l-enjue, of 1
Sumpler regon.
Any ,in J all persons claiming adversely Ihe above- I
described lands are re luested lo hie their claims In 1
Ilils otlce on or before said 13th day nt I ebruary, iy". 1
I.. W.llAHllirt, Register.
( United Slates Und olllce,
I la lirande, Qiegon, Snv. ia, 18.).
Notice Is hereby given Dial In compliance with Ihe
prnvlvlonsnl the acl of Congress of June , 1878, en
titled "An act tor Ihe sale ol limber lands In the Stales
ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevadi and Washington Ter
mors," as extended to all Ihe Public Land Slates bv
ad i.l August 4, iSn,
JtMls 11, IlltlltUS,
ol la (irande, Counlv ol Union, Stale ol Oregon,
has this day hied In this oltice his sworn statement
S11. mi, lor Ihe purchase ol Ihe s'j se 1-4.
nw 1-4 se t-4 and se 1-4 sw 1-4 of
Section So. ti In township So. g south.
Range So. ir I! W M, and will oiler ptool to show
that the land sought Is inure valuable tor Its limber
or stone than lor agricultural purpnies, and to estab
lish his claim hi said land before the Register and
Receiver ol this olllce at la (irande, Oregon, on
Ihursdav, the.Mihdav ol I ebruary, ia.
He names as witnesses: I rank (i Miaver, (ientry
Talialrro. James II Sloddard. I red Atkinson, all of
Sumpter, cliegon. I
Anvand all Persons claiming adversely the above- I
described lands ate requested to hie their ilaims In
Ihlsoltlteiinor beloiesald Mltidayof I ebruary, tv".
I.. W HsUIII IT, Register
I United States I and Oltice,
I La (irande, Oregon, December , i8..
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of Ihe act of Congress of June , 1878,
entitled "An acl for the sale of timber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," at estended lo all the Public Land
States by acl of Augutl 4, 1841,
of Sumpter, County of Haker, Stale of Oregon, hat
this day filed In this oltice her sworn statement No.
616, for the purchase ol the w1, ne i-aande! nw 1-4
01 ,-iernon no 14 in inwnsiiip rvn. 9 t, Kange ;v.
17 V. W M.and will nfter proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Hi limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim lo said land before Ihe Register and Receiver of
this office at U (irande, Oregon, on I rlday, thesird
day of I ebruary, tuuo.
She names as witnesses: James 11 Stoddard, (ien
try Taleafem, I.mmeit II. (irabeal, Wilson II. Reed,
all nt Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Hie above
described lands are requested to hit their claims In
this oltice on or before said air J dav of I ebruary,
1000. K. W. HA cTI I.TT. Register.
I Unlled Stales Land Ollue,
) Iji (irande, Oregon, Dec. 6,1899.
Notice Is herrbv given that In compliance with the
provisions ol Ihe acl of Congress of June . 1818,
entitled "An act lor the sale of limber land. In the
Stales of Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended lo all the Put He Land
States by act of August 4, 189a,
CAkMiu tllOMM s,
of Haker C'lly, County of Haker, Stale of Oregon,
has this day tiled In this oltice her sworn tlatement
No. 617, for Ihe purchase of the te 1 iiwi-i wi,
se 1-4 and lot 4 of Section No, 6 In Township No. 8
t. Range No. 15 i: W M, and will nfler proof to thow
that the land sought It more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish
her claim to said land before the Reglsier and Re- 1
Celverof this office at La (irande, Oregon, on Tues
day, the aoth day of lehruary, ivu
She names as witnesses: George J. Harrett.Cieorge
Crawford. Charles II. Godfrey, John Herberle, all of
(iranlle, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
thltolficeon or before salj aoth dav of I ebruary,
!. L W. IIARTLI.TT. Register. 1
I United Slates Land office.
) La (irande, Oregon. Mov. 18,1899
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
provisions of the act of Cofigrett of June j, 1878.
entitled "An acl for the tale of timber lands In the
states of Calllornla, Oregon. Nevada, and Wash ng
ton Territory," as extended to all the rubllc land
states by act of August a, 1891,
of Sumpter. County of Haker, State of Oregon, has
this day hied In Ihlt office hit sworn statement So;
608, lor the purchase of the se 1-4 of cion tip. ib
In township So. 10 touth, range So. n h W M,
and will offer rroof to thow that the land tought
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish hit claim to tatd
land before the Regltter and Receiver of this office at
La (irande, Oregon, on I rlday, the 16th day of beb
ruary, iuuo ..
He names at witnesses: Andrew l""' J.",
Rensselaer .Mead. William C. Iloseason, Archibald
DownleSr.. allot Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all rersont claiming advertely the above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this office on or belore said 16th day of February,
,,00. E. W. HaktlltT, Register.
I United States Land Office,
I La (irande, Oregon,
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
provisions ol Ihe act of Congress of June 1,1878,
entitled "An acl for the sale of timber lands In the
slates of California, Oregon, Sevada, and Washing
ton Territory,"
ol Sumpter, County of Haker, State of Oregon, hat
this day hied in this olllce lilt sworn statement So.
609, lor the purchase ol. the e i-j se 1-4 sec. ao, ne
r-4 ne t-4 tec:), and nw 1-4 nw 1-4 tee s.o. atj.ln
township so. 9 south, range So. (7 l w .M. andwlll
oiler proof 10 show that the land sought Is more
valuable lor lit timber or stone than for agricultural
purposei and to establish his claim to said land be
lore the Register and Receiver of this olllce at La
(irande, Oregon, on Thursday the 151I1 Jay oiler-
! He names as witnesses: James II. Lelshman, nt
la(iranJe, Oregon, james 11. isioajara, uriiuy
Talialero, Tether A. Stoddard, of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
Jescrlbed lands are requested to tile their claims in
this olllce on or before tald 15th Jay of February,
,o,,. I:. W. llAklUIT, Regltter,
I UnlteJ Slatet l-and Oltice,
I La (irande, Oregon, Dec. n, 1899.
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions ol the acl of Congress of June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act for Ihe sale ol timber landt In the
States of Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as estended 10 all the Public Land
States by acl of August 4. i89.
i-.limsiiAS iiiovtsus,
of (iranlle. County ol Oram. State of Oregon, has
thlt Jay hleJ In this oftice his tworn tlatement No.
6,4, tor Ihe purchase ol lot 4, tec )l. tp8t. r 'i II:
W M, lots 1, a and of section No 1 In township No
9 1, range No 11LW M, and will offer proof to thow
that the land sought It more valuable lor lit timber
or ttone than lor agricultural rurposet, and 10 ettab
llsh hit claim to tald land belore ihe Register and Re
ceiver of this oltice at La (irande, Oregon, on
Wednesday, Ihe ist dav ol February, toco.
He namesaswllnesses. deorge Crawford, Charles
II. Godfrey, George J. Harrett, John Herberle, all of
(iranlle, Oregon.
Any and all persont claiming advertely Ihe above
detcrlhed landt are requested to file their clalmt In
litis oltice on or belore said 11st Jay of February,
1900. C W. Hakultt. Register.
Suing Sugt Company (or Damages.
Daniel W. Hass, of the state of Wash
ington, has brought suit in the United
States court against thr Sumpter Stage
and Transportation company for 1M750.
At 1 o'clock on the morning of August 8,
iSw, the plaintiff alleges that he was
thrown from a stage of the defendant and
sustained Injuries from which he has not
yet recovered, and for welch he feels dam
aged to the e.stent of )ooo. The other
41750 Is for loss of time and expenses.
Cortland Telegram.
I United Stales landOffce.
I la lirande, Oregon, Nov. 1899,
Noilte Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
piovlilontof the acl ol Congress of June , 1818, en
titled "An ait lor the sale of timber lands In Ihe
Stales ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton lelillory," as extended to all the Public Land
States b) acl of August 4, 189a,
IIAHMv :. toosiv,
t'f Sumpter, Counlv ol Haker, State ol Oregon, has
this Jay tiled In this olllce his sworn tlatement su
(x, lor Ihe purchase ol the w! ne 1-4 and tK nw
1-4 of Set lion su, 8, In Township So. 10 south, Range
so 17 i: W M, and will oiler piool in thow that the
land tought Is more valuable lor lis timber or stone
than tor agricultural purposes, and In establish his
claim in said land beloie Ihe Register and Receiver
of this olllce at la (irande, Oregon, on Thursday,
the Mlh day ol lehruat), iuv
He namesaswllnesses l.d llouser. Daily Woods
Isaac Williamson, John lllnton, all ol Sumpter, Ore
gun Any and all peisons claiming adversely Hie above
described lands ate lejuetted In tile their claims In
i this oltice on or belore said nth day ot lehiuaiv,
19.U. L. W lUuitin. Register.
' I United S'ates Land Oltice.
I j La (iiande, Oregon, Decs. 199-
' Notice Is heieby given that in compliance with Ihe
piovlslons ot Ihe ait ot Cnngiess ot June 1,1878,
I entitled "An act for Ihe tale nl timber lands In the
Mates or tuniTotnialx.iiegon,evaaa,anj wasning
ton Territory," as extended to alt the Public Land
Slates bv acl of August 4. 1891,
ions lnowsts,
ol Haker Cllv, County ot Haker, Slate oj Oregon,
has this da tiled In this ottice his sworn statement
No. ini.for Ihe purchase ol the t'j nw',, n', tw','
ol section No. 16 In township No. 8 s, range No. I:
W M. and will otter pioot to show that the land
tought Is more valuable for Its timber or ttone than
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim
to tald lanJbelme Ihe Regltter and Receiver ot thlt
office al La (irande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the aoth
Jay ot I ebruary, iw,
He names at witnesses: George J. Harrett, John
lleibeile, C II. Godfrey, George Crawford, all ol
Any and aUpersons claiming adversely Ihe above
Jesiilhed lands are requested to hie their clalmt In
thlt 0R1C on or before tald ruth day of l-ebruary,
vox t. W. HAHTLLTT. Register.
A. J. STINSON, Prop.
(Successors to Snyde le Stlnson)
Only the Best Brands of liquors Served Over the Bar
Parlor, Dining and Bed Room Furniture In sets or senerate pieces.
Beautiful line of Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come in and let
us explain why you can save money by buying at home.
We can positively Jo so.
Opera House Block, - Sumptet, Oregon
the Celebrated
On draught or
by bottle.
The Olympus"
H. FINGER, Proprietor.
High Grade Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
Sumpter, Or.