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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1899)
Wednesday, December 20, 1899. THE SUMPTER MINER. The Sumpter Miner Paper of tlie Town of Sumpter. I'uiiimiiu i.viuy wiiiisisiiAV iir H. MARSH AN J. W. (,ONNi:i.l.A SUhsCWII'llos UA1I S OnfVrjt M Miinilit .$ J.uo !! AlWAVS IS AIIVAM.I. I.ntrred al Ihi- pottuMre In Sumpter, Oregon, lur rranvnlitlon Itifnufli Hip malls as second class inaurr. Al.TIIOlOII there Is no Hlhllcal au thority for the statement, it is true, never theless, thai pride follows ;i sudden eleva f inn. ACCORDING tun paper published there, : man in Snohomish county, Washing ton, brought suit against his wife for divorce, 011 the ground of non-support. .Here is a great chance for the funny para graphed. IN Till: interest particularly of local merchants ami for the general gnoJ as well, 1111: MINER hopes that there will never he a department .store in Sumpter. This is not a ten-cent counter town and if the fates are kind, it never will lc. TWO years ago a I'orlland drummer h id (11 tale a lot In Sumpter on a debt for 5ioo. lie sold It lately for 5ii5o. Sump ler no.v his over jjoa population, mid by next June will havemorethaii l.aCraude. When wi-started the Sumpter News there in February, iAj, Sumptcr's population was about lilly. Cove Ledger. EVI-N prospects in the Sumpter mining district have a cash value, and the woods aie lull of buyers. The reason for this Is that the fact Is becoming known that there lias never yet been a failure where the uuil(ii:s "wrnt down." How long In fore a blank will be drawn no one knows. It now looks as if "every body wins a prize." Will rm.'Kw not the Portland Tele gram will succeed In its laudable effort to arouse the business men of Portland to the Impart nice of winning (he good will I and trade of the Sumpter mining district, I Is a problem; but one thing Is sure, the ( Telegram itself has already won the good will of all our people and lis circulation In ' ami around Sumpler is growing rapidly dally. No outside paper has done more loaJvaiicelhe material Interests of this section of the slate, and its successful ef torts In this direction should and will re ceive substantial appreciation. 'Mill mining camp of Sumpter, in east ern Oregon, has been enjoying a genuine boom during the past six months, ;md the , placets miking rapid and substantial J growth. The camp is proving very at tractive to mining men of means and e.-' perleiue, uhlle several Important Miikes ' have been made there of late which add tueltothe excitement now raging there, and, as big companies have obtained good J foothold In the district, Its future seems, assured, one indication of the activity reigning there being that a week ago seven carloads of milling and mining ma chinery were unloaded at that place. Editorial In Salt Lake Mining Review. AND now the papers published In uelghbjrln.j to.vns are displaying much solicitude regtrding Sumpter's future, for feirsin: nev aJjicent camp will grow Into prominence and prosperity. This so llcitu Je Is uncalled for . Sumpter occupies icon n Hiding position relative to the gold blJiof this district and Is fully able to ke care of Itsrlf, as against all comers. rtIG MINER hopes that Granite, Hourne, Iinyon City, Susinvllle and any new camp that may be started will grow into important, booming towns; which hope is based on a selfish motive, knowing that every advance in material progress made by any section of the surrounding country will benefit Sumpter directly. Nor can this paper understand and appreciate that dog lu the manger spirit which regrets to see another town or Individual prosper. Nor can it comprehend why any reason ing being should think that if any town or individual prospers, some other is Injured. The proposition is so absurd that even to argue it, is Itself proof of defective judg ment. NAPOLEON once said of the English army that the private soldiers were lions, led by officers who were asses. The light ing In South Africa of late would Indicate that the same conditions obtain to this day. The Doers, In the slang of the day, "are not doing a thing" to the English troops. Hut, however many lives and how much treasure it may cost, the Eng lish will conquer these sturdy, persistent, expatriated Dutch, and the greater Eng land's loss, the harder will be the terms of settlement when the account comes up for adjustment in the governmental clearing house. Though this.seems to be the inev itable result, owing to the relative strength of the two warring people, it causes a thrill of pleasure to all lovers of justice to see how dearly the Doers arc selling their rights and liberty. Then, there is another side to the picture; though England may be the great land pirate of the world and, as Napoleon said, the com manders of its armies asses, they are as brave a body of lighters as ever went into the field, as the list of dead and wounded officers prove and all good people hate to see brave men die, even if they do not sympathlze-willi their cause. Sumpter l Bottling Works s j j j j j Ciagen ' Sloan, Proprietors. jt jt jt jt jt Manufacturers of all kinds of car Nutated drinks and ciders. Or ders tilled and shipped on short notice. J J J J SUMPTER, OREGON New Bakery jt jt jt AND CONIM-CTIONERY All kinds of Flesh Fruit in Season. O. HRECHTEL, Proprietor Opposite S.V. Ry. Depot. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (me..,...,..) Capital Stock 20,000 OMIl'lDS. .1. II. ttuMInt I'leslJent J. W. Sctlber Vlce-I'resldent J. W. Mm J Cashier IIIUICIOKN. J.W.Scilber H. II. Miller J. W. Mm4 ClaikSnyde J. II. kot-Mn Transacts .1 General Hanking and Ex change Business. So Intetest Paid on Deposits. tfm P. MURRAY, Astayrr and CbtmUt, I am prepared to moke tests on (fee mltllnit ore, giving the rer cent ol Its value that may be extracteJ by the tree milling process, lk0 the degree to which ore may be concenirated. Mints Enmlnid and Reported on. Results ol assays given only to the persons leaving work or on their wrllien order. SUMPTER, OREGON JOHN C. ILASUWr. WIIUAW O'llOSSUL ciias. 1. mm. ICASUHI:. HYDIi & O'DONNTLL, Attomeys-at-Law. Olliers: Haskell HulUIng, llaker City. U K. WIII:i:LI:W. CITY UNfilNEER. Mining and Civil Engineer. I). S. Deruty Mineral Survejor. Mine examinations and reports made. Special at tention given to canlde process. E. POINDEXTER, MINING OPERATOR, SUMl'TKK. ORE. Mines examined and reported on. Retclence, any business or mining man In .Sumpler. F. A. I- STARK. Attorney-at-Lnw Opera House llulldlng. Sumpter. Oregon S'fOTT A SIIELTON, .J" Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER. ORLCON W A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, ItAKl'k CITY, ! OKICION Reliable plans, specifications and estimates turnlstied CHAS. E. ROHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Notary Public Hooms 6 and 8 Nelll I Ilk. SUMI'TLR. OR. PARRII: I.SIVUDINC, Stenographer and Typewriter. LocalrJ with L'rwln & Co, SUMPTER E. c .sti:i i i.n. Justice of the Peace, Sumpter District. Central Conveyancing L. T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention (ilven to Surgery and to Dis eases ol Women. Oince and residence, Nelll lllick. DRS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C N. I'tAUCt, M. I). II. W. TAI'L'. . II. Telephone Main 15. SUMI'UK, ORtfiON. QRS. HENDRY & HROOKS, DENTISTS. Crown and Dridge Work a Specialty. Otllce, Center Steeet. opposite McEwen & Sloan's Uvery Ham, Sumpter, Oregon. Fine job printing only at THE MINER office. Basche Hardware Co. Successors to W. R. HAWLEY Sumpter, Oregon. GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery e Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER '