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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1899)
THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, December 20, 1899 IBEX BRINGS $300,000. S. W. RAY, OF PORT ARTHUR, CANADA, THE PURCHASER. Mine Sold Last February for $65,000 Jlmmy Fain Perished on the Divide While Carrying; the Good Newi to HI Partners A. L. McEwen Now in Charge of the Property for the New Owner. Alter doens of rumors from as many sources, it can now be definitely stated for a fact that the Ibex mine has passed Into new hands. The first cash payment, a substantial one at that, was made last Friday and the deed placed in escrow. The new owner of this valuable prop erty is Colonel S. W. Hay, a resident of Fort Arthur, Canada, but who lias been in this city and district since October 17, on a mission which is now partially ac complished by this new acmiMtion, though 1. 1 1 . 1 1 1 ., . . I nr nas in 111c oriel tune since coming Here srviiml nllier linUliu.v ... ..i.ii. ... nw i-4 nt nrctmn o. in tiiwnswp mi. 10 souw, securcu inner noiuiugs, .iinong winch are Mni!, Vl, ., . anj wiiinifrr prnottoshnw the White lilephaut and three or fmir ","' "" '""' " ' mnrr vniu.iMe lor in iimhrr nr ,, .. , . . slunr than Iur agricultural purputrs, anj In establish other properties. Only ten days ago A. hit claim to s.uj lanj incur mi- Hrgitirr nj Re- I Mi-hvifii iiiirrli-iv,l Him I IiiIm ij, celvet nlthlsnlllce at l-n GianJe, Oiegon, on Thurf i.. AKi.urii purchased the utile Jessie' jv. ih-t)iii Jiy t i rt-ruirv. i. fraction for him, adjoining the White hie-' Hrnamrsaswitnrssrs; I rank (i. shaver anJJamet . . , ,-v .1 , , .. ill MoJjarJ, il humpier, Oiegun; Jamet H l.elth- pliailt, Irillll O. MeillcrsteiU, of bllllipler. I in, ul U (iranjr, Oregnnj Charles len.)ue. uf Under the able management of Mr. s An v -n j -1 'f i-'on c u i n.i n c ajverseiythe above- AkhWCII, Wild took fllllCliargeof the Ibex 'JetcilhrJ lanJs are le.iurstrJ to hlrlhrir claims In i i i .. imiiiuii) , inc inn i ill nil niivt.liu Willi- out interruption, and it goes without say ing that this formerly well managed mine will continue tube Known as one of the big things of the Sumpter district, as Its ore values arc eiual In any ever found hrieabouts. The consideration for the purchase of the Ihc.X Was $)0O,OO0, a stllll said to be ' very inndest lor w very valuable a prop rrt, and Colonel Kay is to be emigrant l.ited 011 becoming its possessor. I lie lbe. was fought by S. S. Chap man and Arthur Hill, the latter of .Mlchl gan, last February, for fo$,ooo. I lleil i ) poor Jimmy Fain lost his lite while tarrying the good news of the sale to his partners, who had stayed with the mine for years, enduring hardships and privations. He encountered a storm while trussing thr divide, which froethc joy In Ills licit t and he never received the reward lor his long labor on and loyalty to a prop erty he knew to be "good." Mr. Chapman and Ills associates have other mines in the district which they are developing. HOW TO DETECT GOLD. Tnli New Method Doesn't Abolish Assay er's Occupation. A new method of detecting the presence .. .. .. ..II .1. 1 1 1 . . III .1 Slll.lll (U.llltlty Ol golJ has been re- ' ti-nllv ilisrnvrlr.l lit- Mr Olilr !., ,1,1. I trnii) uiscin ereu n ur. unier. li nils llieinod llie presence Ol quantities as low ., . , . . as 77 tentlgrainines per ton may W estab- llshed. The operation is as follews: A inutility of huely powdered ore, say 120 grammes,, Is introduced iutoatl.isk. To this an eual volume of tincture of io dine is added, and the mixture well agi tated. It Is thru Icll (or an hour, agitat ing from time to time, and Is finally al lowed to stand. When the solution has separated, a band of niter paper Is sat urated with this, and the paper allowed to dry. This operation Is repeated live or six limes In succession, in order to com pletely saturate the paper. It Is after ward Calcined, and it will be observed that the ash, when gold Is present, offers a purple color. This color should disappear quickly if the ash is moistened with bro mine water. The test may be modified in the follow ing manner: A quantity of the powder, 120 grammes, Is covereJ with bromine water, and after agitating during the course of an hour, the solution is filtered. Upon adding protochlorlde of tin to the solution, It takes a purple color, In the presenct of gold, giving the reaction known as "Purple of Casslus." In the case of sulphides the ore should be pre viously roasted, and when the mineral contains a considerable proportion of car bonate of lime, It should be calcined In he presence of ammonium carbonate Scientific American. Sideboards and dining room furniture at the Case, l.ooncy Co., incorporated, opera house block. Neckties, ribbons, laces, etc., at Johns & Co., for Christmas. Fine line gloves and mittens at Johns k Co. T I AMI UK LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICIJ rOK I'UHMCATION. lUnlieJ States LanJ Office. MaGranJr. Orrgnn.Nnv, i, i8w, Notlcr It hnrby glvrn thai In compliance with thr provisions nl the act nl Cungiess ol June i, 1818, en tltlej "An net Inr thr sale nl timber Inn Ji In thr States nl Callfurnla, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washinton Ter fltnry." OINTMY TAttAIIPO. ill Sumpter, County nl llakrr, Male nl Orrgon, hat this Jay lilrJ In llilsnffler lilt sworn ttalrmrnt No. win ujy mrj in im bio, iur the purchase ot the ion 1. 4 nj f. nj e iiii'iHtt'Mi.fii'Tiifir..i..)iiiuar"iirriu.iy. ly. i:. W. llAWULIT, Rrglslrl. TIAMIliK LAND, ACT JUNIi 3, 1878. NOTICI: FOK I'UHLICATION. I UnllrJ Slalrt UnJ Olllrr, I la GrnnJr, oirgun, Miv. , 181,0. Snllrr It hereby clvrn Hint In compliance wlili thr ptuvltlnntul thr act nl Cungrrss nt Junr I, i8t8, rn- till...! -'An Aft fur tlia jilj-til 1 1 nth r lnl.lnllitl.ta til CalHmnU. (ItrKim. NrvaJsanJ Washington Tn- 1iin.iv, as ririurj m an inr I unuc iiiij ;iiir i'y acini AuKUtt 4. l&U. JAVtl's II. IIIMIWAS, nl la (iranJr, (."lunly nt Unlun, Matr nf Orrgnn, hat 1I1I1 Jav lilrJ In Ihlt nlllcr lilt tHnrn ttalrmrnt Nn. 611, Inr thr purchase nt the ', tr 1-4. nw ,-4 tr t-4 anj tr 1-4 sw t-4 nl Srctlnn Sn. t 11 In Tuwnshlp Sn. g vtlltll, leaner so. i I! W At. anJ m III nltrr nnol In thnw lhal the lanj snught It mn,r valuable Inr lit llmlrr m sninr Winn mr aifii minim 'uiiirs, una 111 etui llth hit claim lii talj lanj brlmr thr Mrglttrr anj UrCrlvrr nl Ihlt nlllcr at In (iranJr, Uirniin, nn Tliurj4,lhr if Hi Jay nt I'rliuaiy, i- lie namrt at elinrttrt: I tank (i Shaver, Gentry TnlaVlii, Jamrt II MnJJarJ, I ir J Atklnton, all nl Sum, trr. Oiecml. AnyanJ allprltnnt (Ulmlni; ajvritrlvthr nbnvr JetCilbrJ lanJt air rnurttr S In tile their clalmt In thlt nllkennnr btliire talJ itth Javnl I rt-ruaiy. ivk I.. W IUuillin,Uei;lter. TIAMIliK LAND, ACT JUNIi 3. 1K78. NOriCI: IOK I'UHLICATION. MfnlteJ Statrt lanj Oiler. 1 1 a liianJr, orrfnn, Nov , itw. Nntlce It hrieby i-lven that In cnmpllance mIDi Ihe pinvltlnntnl the act nl Cnnt'lrtt nl Junr 1.i8t8. rn- IlllrJ "An act Im thr tale nl limber lanJt In the Stllrt nl Callliiinla,Oiri;nn, NeaJa anj Wathlng Inn Trill. my." at rxlenJrJ to all thr Public Lanj Main by act nl Auiiutt 4- iKm'. IIAWVtV U. LOOSLV. nlSumplrl. Lnuntynl llakrr. State nl Olecnn, hat tint Jav nieJ in tint inner lilt twninttalement so, 6ti, Inr the puichate nl Ihr wli ne 1-4 anj r!i nw 1-4 nl Srctlnn Mi . in Inwntnlp so, lutoulh, Kante n. it u .'I. anj win niirr rioni iu ihiw inai me lanj tnuvhl 1 mine taluable Im lit Umbel or tlnne lliin Inr acilculluial puipntet, anj to etlablltli lilt J Um , MlJ UnJ ,,,,,', ' k,,.tr ,nJ Hftrurr ' "'It nlllce at UlmtiJf, Uiri;un,nn IhurtJay, Ihe ijlh Jay nl I rbiuaiy, tu. Mr namrt atitnrttrts i.j iiuuter. iiativ WooJt liaac Wllllamtnn, John lllnton, all ol Aumpter, Oir Knn Any anj all peitnnt claiming aJveitely Hie abmr JrtcilbrJ lanjt ale ieurtlrj In hlrthrll clalmt In Ihlt oilier nn nr belnie talj Ifth Jay nt lebiuaiy, lv. i:. W. IUKUI.II, Hesltler. TIAMIliK LAND, ACT JUNI: 3, 1878. NOTICI: IOK I'UHLICATION. I llnll I llk I inl C1li j La (iianJe. Uirsnn, Dec. s iSjg. ! Nuilee It hereby given that In compliance with the iullnnt ol the act nl Cnngtett nl June I, lilts, entlllrJ"An act Inl Ihr talr ol timber lanJt In the Maietot Calltiiinla.Oircon.NetaJa.anJ Wathlnc tun Ten lioi," at etlrnJeJ mall the Public Lanj Statet bvactot Augutl 4.ilkt. Jims IMOHSIS, ol Maker City. County ol Haker, State ol Oiegnn, hat thlt Jay lilrJ In thlt oOice hit twoin statement No. 614, Im the purchatenl the t'j no'd n'j tw of teetlon No. 6 In townthlp Nu. 8 t, ranee Nu. h L W At, anj will oner proot to thow that Ihe lanj tuughl It mote valuable tor lit timber or ttone than 01 aeilculluial puipotet, anj to ettabllth lilt claim to talj lanj betoie the Regitter anJ KeCeUrr ol thlt ultice at La (iianJe, Oregon, on TuetJav. the ivih Jav ol Wbiuaiy, iuoo. He names at wltnettet: (ieoigt J. Ilairett, John lletbeile, C II. (ioJIity, lieoige CrawlorJ, allot liianlte.Oiegon, Any anj airpertont claiming aJvertely the (bote JetcilbeJ lanit ait rruettel to tilt their clalmt In Ihlt other on or belnre talJ xh Jav ot February, luoo. t. W. UAKTLLTT. Kegltter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Unite J Stain Lani CIKtr. I Li OranJe, Uregon, Dec. 5. l8w. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provltlonsol Ihr act ol Congrettol June t. i8?8.en IllleJ "An act lor Ihe sale ol timber lanJs In the States ol California, Oregon, Nevaja, anj Wathlngton Territory," as extenJeJ to all ihe Public Lanj Slates by act ol Augutl 4. 1841, JAMES W, CALL, ol Sumpter, County ol Baker. State ol Oregon, hat this Jny MeJ In this oilier his tworn statement No. Cif, lorthr purchase of Ihe w nw 1-4 Section 14. ne i4 ne 1-4 Section ), tr 1-4 se 1-4 ol Section No. 8 In Township No. o s. Range No. it E W At, anJ will niter prnol to show that the Ian J sought Is more valuable lor Its tlmler or stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ lo establish his claim to talJ UnJ be fore the Register anj Receiver of this oftiee at La (iranJe. Orrgon, on Trljay, the iJ Jay ot I'etru aiv. tuuo, lie names at wllnettet: James II. StoJJarJ, (irn try Talealero, Cmtnett II. Graybeal, Wilson II. ReeJ, all of Sumpter, Oregon. AnyanJ all persons claiming aJversrly the above JescilbeJ lanjs are reiuetteJto file their claims In this office on or before snlj iJ Javot I'ebiuaiy. 1000. E. W. HARTLLTT, Register. TIABER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR I'UHLICATION. I UnlteJ Slates Lanj Oilier, I La (iranJe, Oregun, December ; iRi). Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, ,8)8, entltlej "An act for the tale of limber UnJs In the States of California, Orrgon, Nrvaja, anj Wash ington Territory," atettenJeJ to all the Public LanJ States by act of August 4. i8, WOSA A. CAU, of Sumpler, Cnunty ol lljker. Stale ol Oregon, has this Jay hleJ In thlt oftiee her sworn statement No. 616, lor the purchase ol Ihe w'j nr i-4anje!i nw 1-4 ul Sretlun No. 11 In Township Nn. u s, Rangr No. IT li W At, an J will oiler pronl to show that Ihr Ian J sought It morr valuable Iur lit tlmbrr or tionr limn for agrlculiural purposes, anj to ettahlish her claim tn sal J Ian J I rlore thr Rrglstrr an J Receiver ol Ihlt nfli. rat U (iranJe, Oregon, nn I rlJjy, thoirj Javnl lebruarv, iva. She names atwlinestrt: James II. StoJJarJ, (irn try Talealem, Kmmelt If. (ira)beal, Wilson II. ReeJ, all of Sumpter, Orrgon. Any anj all persons claiming aJverselv thr aboe JescrlbeJ lanjt are rejuesteJ to hit their claims in thlt oilier on or belore talJ air J Jav nl lebruart, iuoo. i:- W. MA TI.I.TT. Register. TIAMIER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 TTnlleJ Stairs LanJ Oilier, I La(ranJr,Oirgun,l)rt.6, ifkjj. Nnllcr It hrieby glvrn that In compliance -tliti thr provltlnnt ul the act nl Congrettol June t, 1878, rntlllrj "An act for Ihe talr nf tlmbrr lanJs lit the Stairt ol Calllnrnla, Orrgun, NrvaJa anj Washing tun Tenllury," atrstrnJeJ to all Ihe Put lie LanJ Slatet by act nl Augutl 4. t8v. I.AWKII' riKIHSI'S, ol Haker City, County nl Haker, State ol Oregon, hat Ihlt Jay MeJ In this nllier her swoin statement No.6iT. for Ihe purchase uf Ihe tr 1-4 sw 1-4 se 1-4 anJ Inl 4 nf S-ctlun Nn, 16 In Tim n ill I p Nn. 8 t. Range No. if I: W At, anj will olfer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable foi Its timbei or stone than Iur agilcultuial purposes, anj to establish her claim to talJ lanj belore the Register anj Re ceiver of this other at La (IranJr, Oirgnn, nn Turs Jav, thr roth Jay ul I rbruart-, ioiu. She names as witnesses: OenrgeJ. Harrett.denrge CrawlorJ, Chailet H.doJIiey. John lleibeile. all ol (nanlle, Oregon. Any anj all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are renuesleJ lo file their claims In this office nn or belurr talJ jolh Jav uf I rbruary, IV". L W. HARTLLTT. Rrglstrr. THE SPOKANE CIGAR STORE JWS8Ui8RW4&38W. THE GEM SALOON A. J. STINSON, Prop. (Successors to Snyde & Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON H. J. JORY MINING ENGINEER. Northwestern Assay Office 14- Samples by malt receive careful attention. P. 0. Box 122 TIAiBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ( UnlteJ States UnJ Office, ( La GranJe, Oregon, Nov. 18, 8oo Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, i8t8, entltlej "An act for the sale of timber anJs In the states ol California, Oregon, Neva Ja, anj Wash ng ton Territory," as ettenJeJ to all the public lanj stales by act of August 4, i8o. ISAAC WILLIAVKON, of Sumpter, County ol liaker. State of Oregon, has mis jay inej in win umvc w.m ,.-.. ...-. .--, 608, tor the rurchasr of the se i-4 o( seC,lo?J.V,6 anJ will offer proof to show that the !an4 sought Is ... . 1.- .ik.. k.nna than Inr atvrla more vaiuane lor iu miuxi .. " ..-..- cultural rurposes. anJ to establish his claim tosalj . . 11 . ! U.aaliiat nl tttlc at Till A A I lanj reiore ine Kegitieia j i'" ;- "- LaCranJe.oregon.on TrlJay, the 16th Jay of beb- '"he ' names as witnesses: AnJrcw Dewar. Van Rensselaer AteaJ, William C. Moseason, Archlbal J DownleSr., allot Sumpter, Oregon. Anv an J all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are renuesleJ to fue their claims In thlsolllce on or before salj 16th day of rebruary. I0no. E. W. Hawtiltt, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. "878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I UnheJ States LanJ Office, I La GranJe, Oregon, sov. ai. 1800: Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act ol Congress ol June i.i8t8, entltlej "An act lor Ihe sale ol timber lanJs In the slates ol Calllnrnla, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing ton Teirltoiy," ruANk- n. siiAvru, ol Sumpter, Counlv nf Haker, State of Oregon, has this Jay hleJ In Ihls ofllce his sworn statement No. 600, lor the purchase of the e i- se 1-4 sec. ao. ne t-4 ne 1-4 sec; aj. anJ nw 1-4 nw 1-4 sec. No. j8, In township so. 9 south, range No. it E W At. an J v. Ill olfrr proof In show that the lanj sought Is more valuable lor Its limber nr stone than lor agricultural purposes anJ to establish his claim to salJ lanj be lore the Register anJ Receiver ol Ihls office at La (ir.inJr, Orrgon, on ThursJay the ijth Jay ol Feb ruary, !. , ..... , llrn.imrsas wltnrssrs: James II. Lelshman, of I a (iranJe, oregnn, James II. StoJJarJ, Gentry Tnllafero, Esther A. StoJJarJ, of Sumpter, Oregon. Anv anj all prrsont claiming aJverselv Ihe above JescrlbeJ lanJs are rejuesteJ to tile their claims In Ihlsollleennnr belore salJ 15th Jay of Tebruary, luun. U. V. HAkULTT, Register, TIAtHER LAND. ACT JUNE j. i8r8.-NOTICE I OR I'UHLICATION. I UnlteJ Slates UnJ Oftiee, I U GranJe, Oregnn, Dec. i). 1800. Nntlce Is hereby given that In cnmpllance with the pmvlslons ol the act ul Cnngresi of June 1. i8t8, entltlej "An act for the sale nl timber lanJs In the States nl Calllnrnla, Oregon, Nevaja, anj Washing Inn Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public UnJ Stales by act ol August 4. 1801, CHRISTIAN TIIOWCN, ol Granite, County ol Grant, State of Oregon, hat Ihls Jav hleJ In this oftiee his sworn statement No. 614. Inr the purchase ol lot 4. sec 11, tp8s. r n4 U W At, lots 1, a anJ s of section No 1 in township No 0 s, range No if E W At, anj will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable lor lis limber nr ttnne than lor agricultural purposes, anj to estab lish his claim to sal J lanj before the Register anj Re celter of this oftiee at U GranJe, Oregon, on WeJnesJay, the tst Jav of Tebruary, 1000. He names as witnesses: Geurge CrawlorJ, Charles II. GoJIrev, George J. Harrelt, John Herberlc, all of Granite. Oregon. Anv anj all rersons claiming aJversely the above JrscrlbrJ lanJs are requesleJ tn file their claims In this nttice on nr belore talJ 11st Jav of February, 1000. E. W. Hahtlctt. Register. GENTLEMEN'S RESORT All the leading brands of Cigars and Tobaccos, Including a Frill Stock of Pipes and Smokers' articles. JACKSON & GOVI s Mines examined, reports anj maps furnlsheJ. Sumpter, Oregon 0- 4 (