Wednesday, December 13, 1899 i PROMINENT PEOPLE. F. C. BRODIE, ii THE SUMPTER MINER. Portland Delegation Arrive on a Special Train Saturday. The special train on the Stimpter Valley railway Saturday afternoon brought to town several prominent gentlemen, among whom were H. Campbell, general traffic manager, W. II. Hurlburt, general pas- .diner agent, and Victor A. Schilling,! city passenger and ticket agent of the , Oregon Hallway V Navigation company, W. I.. Holse, a prominent attorney and president of the Portland Commercial club, E. Cannon, president of the North west Electric Engineering company, all of Portland; Ex-Governor Mack, from Spo kane, and W. I.. Vinson, the Sumpter promoter. These prominent visitors were the guests of the last named gentleman, who never neglects an opportunity to turn a trick In the interest of this camp. This is the second visit Mr. Hurlburt has made here within a month, lie Is evidently be coming Interested in the proposition, but in just what way he does not care to state. It Is a matter of much speculation here as tn whether he is acting In his capacity as an O. It. A N. o Hi da I, or is merely ar ranging to make a deal to his personal ad vantage. Whichever It may be, It is sure to redound to Sumpter's advantage. He Is good people to have "on our side." Mr. Schilling has for some time past !reu opening up a mine near the (Jolconda which bids lull to rival that famous prop erty. The other members of the party were here lr some specllic purpose, but their policy Is evidently to 'Saw wood and say nothing." Their visit here Is a sure sign that Portland is becoming Interested in the Sumpter district, and that means much ot a gratilylng nature. More Money for Developing Mines. K. H. Bachelor, of Hay, Washington, spent several days in Sumpter, leaving lor home yesterday. He is interested in several properties in this district with T. C. Culbertson, whom he has known for a long time. They have decided to prose cute development work all winter on one and perhaps more of their prospects, be ginning at once. Mr. Hachelor will return t to Sumpter In the spring and remain here some time, looking after his mining inter ests. Order Your Silverware Early. F. C. Hrodle, the new jeweler, wishes to announce to the people of Sumpter that if there is anything in his line which he does not have in stock, he will be pleased to order it. He has the Gorham Solid Silverware Manufacturing company's catalogues from which to order. He will receive orders as late as the twentieth Instant, but prefers early orders, as late orders must be made by wire. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER UC......M.) Capital Stock f 20,000 (inuavk. J. II. MoM-Int PietlJenl J. W. Scilt( VK-r-l'irtlJrnl J. W. MJ CuMtr IHKIOtOUk. J, W. Stiltfi H. II. Millff J. W. Mm J LUikSnJ J. II. HoHln. Transacts a General Banking and Ex change Business. No InieteH lM on lpotlu. We Are Coming ra (fl 9 s g or 8 lV 1 a and until we come, send us your orders for Fine Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Clocks, and Fine Repairing, Also, Stationery, Books, Fancy Goods, Music and Musical Instruments. v f Watchmaker. Jeweler, and Optician Will open up In a few days with a stock of Watches, Jewelry; Silverware and Spectacles. Sumpter Grocery Co Store Manufacturing and Repairing a Specialty. OfERA HOUSE BLOCK Capital Hotel MRS. G. B. TEDROWE ProprictrcM Centrally Located. Headquarters for l Electric Lights. ' Commercial and Newly Refurnished. Mining Men. Free 'Bus and Bag- Passengers Waybllled gage Service. To all Points on Stages. I SUMPTER, OREGON. A. P. (JOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier B S ANK OF OUMPTER Transacts a General Ranking and Exchange Business. Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safoty Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON largest and Finest Stock Ever Seen in Sumpter. ADLER'S Crystal Palace, Tel. Red . Baker CHy Hanrahan, the Painter If you desire SIGN WORK Order from some one who knows how. House Painting and Decorating as it should be done. I only know one kind of work; that is FIRST CLASS. HANRAHAN THE PAINTER Opp. lUtche't on Mill Street THE WONDER GEO. W. WEIGAND, PROPRIETOR. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. THE VONDER, BOURNE, OREGON