Wednesday, December 13, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. & t' OREGON'S ELDORADO. Portlanders Talking About Sumpter on the Streets. si It is surprising to observe the awaken iiiR in Portland to a realization of the im portance of the Sumpter mining district. Sumpter, Granite, Greenhorn, Susan vllle, Quart7burR, Dixie Butte, Robinson ville, Canyon City, Prairie Glty, and other centers of mining activity are get ting to be household words. There is more talk on the streets about the mines of eastern Oregon than there has ever been before. Considerable Portland capital is already interested in the gold fields or eastern Oregon, and more is being Interested dally. This Is scarcely to be wondered at, for there is no question as to the ore val ues of this district and the permanence of the camp. Portlanders are beginning to realize that If they would reap any of the benefits of this vast and wonderfully rich mining section they will have to get up early and hustle, as mining men and capitalists from every section of the country are al ready on the ground. Tills realization Is confined not alone to capitalists looking for safe and profitable investments, but also to merchants who have an interest in the trade of this new Eldorado. Spokane merchants are making a strong bid for tills trade, and unless Portland merchants awaken to their opportunities they will lose all the persimmons. Considerable of an exodus of Portland ers to the mines of eastern Oregon is looked for early in the spring. Portland Telegram. Plenty of Money for Devsloplng the Ajax. Twenty-five thousand dollars in gold lies in the vault of the First National bank of Pendleton to be devoted to de velopment work at the Ajax mine, three and one-half miles from the town of Gran ite. In addition to this 525,000, another 52$,ooo Is also there to be utilized for the same purpose, In the event of the develop ment proving that the Ideas of the pro jectors of the plan are correct. The Ajax mine Is said to be owned by J. H. Robblns, .1 Pendletonian who went to La Grande a few years ago and is now In the banking business at Sumpter, and to other members of the Robblns family. The deposit of the money is known to be the beginning of a movement towards de veloping the Granite country that doubt less will result In bringing that section to the front among bustling mining camps. The closing of the deal being coincident with the filing of papers for the Incorpora tion of a branch line from Pendleton to tiie head of Birch creek, with the avowed intention by the O. R. & N. company to construct a line on from there to Granite, are two indications of the future In store for that district. Pendleton special to the Idaho Statesman. THOSE WHO BUY STOCK. Investor and Speculators Play an Entirely Different System. There are two classes of stock buyers, the Investor and the speculator. The former buys on his judgment in properties which he considers to be gilt-edged and he Is content to wait for dividends or a steady appreciation in values, his holdings generally being in paying shares, or in stocks which, to his way of thinking, are sure to advance. The speculator is not so particular as to the Intrinsic value or merit of the securi ties in which lie places his money. He aims to get in on certain lines of stocks when they are down, witli the intention of taking Ills profits on small advances. The former Is safe, as a general tiling, while the latter stands to make a greater percentage on his investment, or, he may take a ioss. As a general thing the timid buyer is a poor speculator, as lie is often scared into selling when lie should stay in, or he is afraid to buy when he should do so. On the other hand, the dealer who takes a risk now and then often cleans up a bar rel of money. It is often that panics in the stock mar ket are caused by trivial circumstances. A holder may need money and close out. This action is often construed to fore shadow a decline; a timid shareholder dumps his holdings on the market and a slump in this particular security occurs, the fear, although groundless, being con tagious, and to such an extent that the stock becomes weak, although no good leason exists for this condition. A weak market Is the time when the professional makes his investments; the speculator comes In when it is strong. Salt Lake Mining Review. Sumpter Feed, Livery and Freight Stable CORNWELL & SULLIVAN: Props. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. -HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALEHS The Triumph Cigar IS THE World's Best Havana Cigar Their Excellency Cannot be Excelled. Convince yourself by giving them a : trial. For Sale Everywhere. Insist on Having One. FLYNN & MORTON, Manufacturers The Sumpter Lumber Company Plenty of Lumber Now Frozen ground and snow roads have facilitated the hauling of logs. We have again in oper ation the mill, and our dry kiln is now running full blast, with a 40,000 capacity. We have also imported a large stock of dry fir lumber. ORDER QUICKLY. J. B. STODDARD, Manager Sumpter Hardware 1 Company General Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Mill and Mining Supplies dt Builders and Plumbers' Sup lies. Agents for Schuttler Wagons, a loooooooopooooo Exclusive , Agent t for the Celebrated OLYMPIA REER On draught or by bottle. loooooooopooooo i "The Olympus tt H. FINGER, Proprietor. liquors ami Cigars. SlimpiCr, Of. 4