Wednesday, December 1$, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. BUY FOUR CLAIMS. Rich Miners From the Slocan Invest in This District. J. J. Hennesy "and John Martin, two successful miners from the Slocan coun try, British Columbia, spent a week or ten days in Sumpter, leaving for the north Monday. While here they purchased an Interest In the War Eagle, near the Bonanza, the Domingo, Sweepstake and Riverside, In the Cracker creek district. They are now in Spokane, but will return here early in January and begin work on these prop ertles. Both are old Montana and British Co lumbla friends of General Warren, and have ample capital. They recently sold a mine In the Slocan district for 5185,000. J. J. Hennesy discovered and located the Noble Five, one of the most profitable and widely known mines in British Co lumbia. He has recently returned from Dawson City, where lie lemained a year or more. He says the Sumpter district Is good enough for him, and he Is going to remain here. Mr. Hennesey Is still a young man, but has operated in most of the best mining districts of the west, and his favorable judgment of this one Is an other evidence that it Is the greatest of all. General Warren says that John Martin has few equals and no superior as a practi cal miner and is a good man for any dis trict to secure. City Council Proceeding. At the meeting of the city council Sat urday evening very little-was done aside from canvassing the election returns, with the result as announced in these columns last week. The tie between John Austin and P. J. Cauuav'an will be decided by lot at the meeting Saturday evening. The newly elected officers will be installed and enter upon the discharge of their duties the second Tuesday In January. Make Your Choice Now. Now is the time to make selection of a "Christmas present." We can put it aside for you until wanted. Isn't this better than waiting till the last day? The prettiest ai'd cheapest line of chairs and holiday furniture ever brought to Baker City is on display at the Queen City Furniture Company's, (Patterson & Ep pinger.) Baker City. WANTED ! Mining Properties on working bond A good promising property something ranging from 5ooo to 530,000 A producer ranging In price from $iooxooo to 7so,ooo and upward For sale 6 new houses and lots. FBIT7 A. -AVC"EP cor. mntbr and onitc " w ww Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Corner Granite and Mill. mmsBMBigi Work on the Blue Jacket. R . J. McPhee, superintendent In charge of the development work on the Blue Jacket group, was In town Sunday and Monday on business. He reports all their buildings up and occupied by the miners, who have commenced work on the tunnel. Three miles of road to connect them with the main Granite road is completed, and as for water, a good supply Is found di rectly at the camp, making the situation an ideal one for practical and rapid mining. Madame Britten' Restaurant. The patronage accorded Madame Brit ten's restaurant on Mill street are evidence , that her table and service Is the best, i This Is accounted for by the fact that she . superintends each department herself and only employs white help. Besides the! rooms In connection with the house, she. controls ten outside rooms and says she can use as many more. Any one havlrg ! rooms to spare can have them tilled by applying to Madame Britteu. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on min ers' and assayers' sup plies. Freigh no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. , SUMP PTCft, OREGON SPOKANE Drug Co. Jhe Neill Mercantile Company Gloves and Mitjens, Leggings, Felt Boots, German Socks, Heavy Rubbers, Ect. WE HUY ALL OUR GOODS IN CARLOAD LOTS CJ.JOHNS ATTENTION Is called to our newly-arrived line of Men's and Boys' Winter Overcoats, Gloves, Underwear, Footwear, Etc. The goods are right and the prices are right, t j Come In and let us show them to von, J We are always prepared to till orders of any sle in the line of MINING SUPPLIES. C. J. JOHNS S l'lrt CU In Kvc ry Mlnlne'unJ Cnmm.rtW Keipecl. Mi-n't Mnmr. I 1 Newly I tirnlthej Out TMe l Alw) I V KiHimt. Til lit,!. r 'J J j j THE j ? STAR HOTEL I C J. G. CONNEI., PROP. J V SUMI'TI.R. OR. C Our Rate ReamnaHe Slatfe lor all Interior J A Willi ' Point ana Mine I f Tree llu nj Haiti-age I tave the Hotel l.very Service. Day. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sumpter, Oregon P. D. HEALY s umpter hoe ton REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE Agency for Grwn.Whfeler and Buckingham & Hecht Shoes, i U