Wednesday, December 13, 1899 CHANGE OF NAME TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE J, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. THE SUMPTER MINER. Now Known as Sumpter Townsite Co., Limited. What has heretofore been known as the Sumpter Townsite Syndicate, has been in corporated as the Sumpter Townsite com pany, limited, with Charles S. Warren, Tom C. Gray and William C. Colder as incorporators. The capital stock consists f looo shares at t loo eacli, 1 100,000. l-rom these incorporators THE MINER learns that the affairs of the new com pany are not yet definitely determined upon, as to who will be the directors and nlficers, though those who have handled the affairs in the past will doubtless oc cupy similar positions In the future. As Is generally- known, the deeds to the land in this vicinity purchased some months since are still In escrew. They run to W. C. Calder. During the past week deferred payments on most of this property have been made, and all will be settled In a week or two, when the deeds will be taken out of escrew and the prop erty transferred to the Sumpter Townsite company, limited, which will In future make the deeds to individual purchasers and guarantee the perfect title. Gold in Fowl Craws Chestnut. Mr. Henry l-'reese, of this city, while preparing his Thanksgiving turkey, dis covered in the craw of the fowl, two gold nuggets of quite a considerable size. These nuggets were shown to a reporter of the Chronicle and are to be seen by any one who may doubt the truthfulness of Mr. l-'reese's statement. These tur Keys came from the farm of Mr. McDon ald, occupied by Mr. Littleton, nt the foot of Mount Kmlly. l:urthermore, about two years ago Mr. Holmes, who resides In that vicinity, took from the craws of some ducks he had killed several gold speci mens, as did also Mrs. Cochran, who lives near there, about a year ago take quite a number from the craws of ducks she had killed. There are several streams that How down from Mount Emily, and from the waters of these, the fowls must have gathered these golden specimens, which shows conclusively the auriferous metal came from that source. La Grande Chronicle. Plan ol BulkUof Enlarged. The building to be erected by L. Potter, adjoining the new store to be occupied by W. C. Calder at an early date, will be a more pretentious one than was originally u tended. Hesldes the ground floor store room, which Carl Adler, the book seller and stationer of Raker City will occupy when completed, there will be at least three suits of desirable rooms above, which will be controlled by the builder, Mr. Potter, and will make desirable offices or living rooms. Still Another Grocery Houm. Caldwell V Mallory, of Walla Walla, has leased the store which Attorney Mc Colloch Is having erected on Mill street, and will put in a stock of groceries. They had hoped to be open for business by the twentieth Instant, but the contractor has been delayed In getting building material, and the probabilities are that it will not be ready for occupancy before January 1. Mr. Mallory has lived In this section of the state before and has a wide circle of acquaintances In the vicinity of Sumpter. Stum Wood Saw Here. I have a first-class steam wood saw and am In the field to saw cord or slab wood In any lengths desired, on short notice. My office is anywhere you hear or sec the saw. P. A. Correll, proprietor. Handsome lithographed stock certifi cates printed and bound at this office. i United Sutri Land ofllct. I u ur, (if nit, Oregon, Nov. tl, 1899. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the , provltlont ol the act ol Congrett 01 June 1, 1I78, entitled "An act for the ule of timber Unit In the , ttatet of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wathlnc- I ton Terrllltory, at eatended to all the public land ttatet by act of Augutt 4. iloi. I VAN ttENSSeiAEH MEAD, I nf umtif.r. fTfiuntW nf HmUmr. Ktmtm nf rtrmmnat ha. 'hit day Med in thit office hit twom ttatement No. tuft, lor the purchase of the ne 1-4 of tectlon No. 16 in townthlp No. 10 touth. range No. 17 E M M, and will offer proof to thow that the land tought It more valuable lor lit timber or ttonc than for agricultural purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to tald land be fore the Regltter and Receiver of thlt office at La (iranje, Oregon, on Frlday.the lOlh day of February, turn. Me namet at wltnettet: Andrew Dewar, Iliac wllliamton, William C Hoteaton, Arlhlbald Downle. Sr., all of Sumpter, Oregon, Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above detcrlbed landt are resetted to file their clalmt In thlt office on or before tald itth day of February, !V- li. W. Uamuktt. Kegltter. TIMBER LAND, AT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 1 nlted Statu Land office. I La lirande, Oregon, Nov, 18, 1899. Nollcelt hereby given thai In compliance with the provltlont of the act of Congrett of June j, 1I7S, entitled "An act for the tale or limber landt In the Statet of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wathlng Ion Territory," at eatended to all the public land ttatet by act of Augutt 4. 1S91, ANIIKKW UBWAK, ol Sumpter, County of Hakrr, Slate of Oregon, hat inn jay me j in mil onice nit tworn tiatemeni no toj, lor the purchate ol the ne 1-4 of tec. No. i In lowntnip, no. 10 touth ranee No. 11 EWM. and will offer proof to thow that Ihe land tought It more valuable tor lit limber or ttone than for agricultural purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to tald land be lore Ihe Remitter and Receiver of thlt office at La (trande, Oregon, on Friday, the itth dayol February, IUIM. He namet at wltnettet: Van Renttelaer Mead. William C Hoteatnn, Ittac Wllliamton, Archibald Downle Sr., all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all pertont claiming advertely Ihe above t..lh.l I..I. .1. Uln..l.l In t.1. .K-1. .,.!.. I.'.u i.iiii, .1, 1. ju.lfu lu niv ,livi. tiailll. III. thlt office on or belore tald itth day of February. v". t. w. i.AHiLKii, Kegitier. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I United Slatet Land office, I La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 18, 1800 Notice It hereby given that In compliance with Ihe provltlont ol the act ol Congrett ol June 1, 1878, entitled "An act lor Ihe tale ol timber landt In the ttatet nl Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Wathlng ton Territory," at extended to all the public land ttatet by act ol Augutt 4, 191, ISAAC WILUAMAON, ol Sumpter, County of llaker, Slate ol Oregon, hat thlt day filed In thlt office hit tworn ttatement No; tal, lor Ihe purchate ol Ihe te 1-4 of tectlon No. 16 in townthlp No. 10 touth, range No. t W M, and will offer proof to thow that Ihe land tought It more valuable for III Umber or ttone than lor agri cultural purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to tald land before the Regltter and Receiver of thlt office at La Grande.oregon, on Friday, the 16th day ol Feb ruary, ivuo. He namet at wltnettet: Andrew Dewar, Van Renttelaer Mead, William C Moteaton, Archibald Downle Sr., all ot Sumpter, Oregon, Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above detcrlbed landt are requeued to file their clalmt In thlt office on or belore tald i6lh day ot February, ivu E. W. IIADTLETT, Regltter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I United Statet Land Office, I La Grande, Oregon, Nov, at, 1899. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the pravlilont ol the act ol Congrett of June , 1878, entitled "An acl lor the tale ol limber landt In the ttatet ol Calllornla. Oregon, Nevada, and Wathlng ton Territory," rRAMC (. SHAVED, ol Sumpter. County ol Baker, Stale ol Oregon, hat thlt day Med In thlt office hit tworn ttatement No. 609, for Ihe purchate ol Ihe e i-t te 1-4 tec. to, ne a nei-4 teciev, and nw c, nw 1-4 tec. No. el, In townthlp No. 9 touth, range No. 17. EWM, and will offer prool to thow that Ihe land tought It more valuable lor lit timber or ttone than lor agricultural rutpotet and lo ettabllth hit claim to tald land be ore the Regltter and Receiver ol thlt office al La Grande, Oregon, on Thurtday the ijth dayol Feb ruary, IUUU, He namet at wltnettet: Jamet H. Lelihman, of la Grande. Oregon. Jamet II. Stoddard. Gentry Tallaleru, Either A. Stoddard, ol Sumpter. Oregon. Any and all pertont claiming advertely Ihe above detcrlbed landt are requeued to Me their clalmt In thlt office on or belore tald itth day ol February. I9. E. W. UamuitT. Rtgttler, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statet land Office. I La Grande. Oregon, Nov, at, 1899. Notice It hereby given thai In compliance with the pmvltloni ol Ihe acl ol Congrett ol June 1, 1878. en- tilled "An act lor Ihe tale ol timber landt In the State e 01 umtwr lanjt in me siatei Nevada and Wathlaton Ter- ol Calllornla. Oregon. (1ENTHV TAUAMRO, of Sumpter, County ol Haker. Slate ol Oregon, hat thlt iy Med In thlt office hit tworn ttatement No. tio, for the purchate ol the lot 1. 4 and . and te 1-4 nw 1-4 ol Section No. 6, In Townthlp No. 10 touth, range No. 17 E W M, and will offer proof to thow that the land toughl It more valuable for Its limber or ttone than for agricultural purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to tald land before lite Regltter and Re ceiver ol thlt office at La Grande. Oregon, on Tnurt dav. the 1 tit) day of February, leuo. He namet at wltnettet: Frank G Shaver and Jamet B Stoddard, ol Sumpter. Oregon; Jamet B Lelth man, ol La Grande, Oregon; Charles Fenque, of Sumpter Oregon. Any an j ait pertont Claiming adversely in above- detcrlbed landt are requetted to Me their claim In thlt oice on or before 1 tald 1 ith dav of February, lano. E. W. human. Register. I United Slate, Land Office. ) La Grande. Oregon, Nov, it, 1890. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provltlont of the act of Congrett of June 1, 1878, en titled "An act lor the tale ol timber landt In the Statet ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Ter ritory," at eatended to all the Public Land Statet by act of Augutt 4, 1891, JAMES H. IEISHMAN, ol La Grande, County ol Union, State of Oregon, hat thlt day filed In thlt office hit tworn ttatement No. 611, for the purchate of the t) te 1-4, nw 1-4 te i-4 and te t-4 tw 1-4 of Section No. 11 In Townthlp No. 9 touth, Range No. 11EWM, and will offer proof to thow that the land tough! It more valuable for lit timber or ttone than for agricultural purpotet, and to ettab llth hit claim to tald land before Ihe Kegltter and Receiver of thlt office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thurtday, the 15th day ot February, 1900. He namet at wltnettet: Trank G Shaver, Gentry Tallafero, Jamet II Stoddard, Fred Atklnton, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above detcrlbed landt are requetted to hie their clalmt In thlt office on or before tald itth day of February, 1900. E. W. BARHerr, Regltter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (United Statet Land Offce, (La Grande, Oregon, Nov. i, 1899. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provltlont ol the act ol Congrett of June 1, 1878, en titled "An act for Ihe tale of timber landt In the Slatet of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlng ton Territory," at extended to all the Public Land Slatet by acl ol Augutt 4, 1891, HAMVEV C. LOONEV, of Sumpter, County of Raker, Stateol Oregon, hat thlt day filed In thlt office hit twnm ttatement No. 61,, for the purchate of the wH ne 1-4 and eW nw 1-4 of Section No. 8, In Townthlp No. to touth. Range No. 11EWM, and will offer proof to thow that the land toughl It more valuable lor lit timber or ttone than lor agricultural purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to tald land belore the Regltter and Hecelver ol thlt office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thurtday, Ihe tsih day ol February, 1900. He namet at wltnettet: Ed Houter, Marly WooJt Itaac Wllliamton, John Minion, all ol Sumpter, Ore gon, Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above detcrlbed landt are requeued to lile their clalmt In thlt office on or belore tald nth day ol February, 19. E. W. llAUlurr. Regltter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 United Statet Land Office, I La Gran Je, Oregon, Dec. j, 1B99. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provltlont ol Ihe acl ol Congrett ol June 1, 1B78, entitled "An act lor Ihe tale nl timber landt In the Statet of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wathlng ton Territory," at extended to all the Public Land Slatet bv acl ol Augutt 4. 1891, JOHN THOMSEN, of Baker Clly. County of llaker. Slate ol Oregon, hat thlt day filed In thlt office hit tworn statement No. 614. for the purchate nf the 'i nw, n'i twW of tectlon No. 16 In townthlp No. 8 t, range No. it E W M, and will offer proof to thow that the land sought It more valuable lor lit timber or ttone than lor agricultural purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to said land belore Ihe Register and Receiver of thlt office al La Grande, Oregon, on Tuctdav, the aoth dav of February, 1900. lie namet at wltnettet: George J. Barren, John Berberle, C. M. Godlrey. George Crawlord, allot Granite, Oregon, Any and allpertont claiming adversely the above detcrlbed landt are requetted lo hie their clalmt In thlt office on or before tald eoih dav ot February, on- E. W. UARTLETT, Regltter. THE SPOKANE CIGAR STORE m&s&ss&gfgR&mgss&w THE GEM 1 A. J. STINSON, Prop. (Successors to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of liquors Served Over the Bir -WW SUMPTER, H. J. JORY MINING ENGINEER. Northwestern Assay Office & 3K Sample! by mall receive careful attention. P. 0.11122 t United Statet Land Office. I La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 5, 1899. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provltlont of the act ol Congrett ol June 1,1878. en- tinea An act lor me aaie " " -. of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Wathlngton Territory," at extended to all the Public Land Slatet py act 01 Auguti 4, isqii JAMES W. CALL, 01 Bumpier, wunir ui ui -.. " this day fileJ In this office hi tworn lUlymeni No. 015, tonne purcnate 01 ;i nw .- v..v.. ... ne i-4 ne i-4 Section jj.te 1-4 se t-4 of Section No. as in lowntnip no. 9 . ri"a .v. , - .. .... will offer proof to thow that the land tought It more li- . 11- . !.. ... .iMia.liiiifni v.lrnlliiral vaiuapie lor n nunc, ui ,iw .. . -..-..-.-. purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to tald land be- F '.. I. ... - . I-..-!... ... Kla nK.a .1 I . loretne negnier wi bchi "'"f" Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the ejd day ot Febru- He namei at wltnettet: Jamet B. Stoddard, Gen i.u Tit..!.., II. Gnvheal. Wilton B. Reed. all of Sumpter, Oregon. a a lit .UlUa 4iaelu lha aHaiuaSB Any una an peroni tiaimiiiK ,,,, , .i-u-.-descilbcJ Unit art requested to file their cUlmt In - aa-. -. a...!..,. .I4 . 4 lau aI iathtiiar otiran. Mil omte unur priuir mmt wim wjl "-" "" E. W. BARTLETT. Regltter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t United Slatet Land Office, I La Grande, Oregon, December j, 1899. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the n,nifi.iAK. nf th art nf Conrreti of June 1. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of. timber landt In the Statu of California. Oregon, nevaaa, ana watn Inrton Territory." at ext ended lo all the Public Land Siatei by act of Augutt 4, i89, HOSA A. CALL, ol Sumpter, County of Baker, State of Oregon, has thlt day filed In thlt office her tworn ttatement No. 616, for the purchate of Ihe wj ne 1-4 and eH ""- of section no. 14 in lowntnip no. 9. nange . 17 E W M. and will offer proof to thow that Ihe land tought It more valuable lor 111 timber or ttone than for agricultural purpotet, and to ettabllth her claim 10 tald land belore the Regltter and Receiver of thli office at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, Iheajrd day ol February, 1900. , .... She namet atwltnettei: Jamei B. Stoddard, Gen try Taleafero, Emmrtt H. Graybeal, Wilton B. Reed, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above detcrlbed Unit are requeued to hit their clalmt In thlt office on or belore tald ejrd day of February, 1900. E. W. UAkTLETT. Regltter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I United Sutet Land Office. I La Grande. Oregon, Dec. 6, 1899. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provltlont ol Ihe act of Congrett of June 1, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ol limber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlng ton Territory," at extended to all Ihe Public Land Statet by acl of Augutt 4, 189a, CARRIE THOMSEN, of Baker City, County of Baker, State of Oregon, hai thlt day Med In thli office her iworn ttatement No. 617, lor the purchase of Ihe it t-i iw i-j w)( se 1-4 and lot 40I Section No. 6 In Townthlp No. 8 1. Range No. h E W M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or ttone than lor agricultural purposes, and lo establish her claim to said land belore the Register and Re ceiver of thli office at La Grande, Oregon, on Tues day, the toth day ot February, 1000. She namet at wltnettet: George J. Barrel!. George Crawford, Charlci H.Godfrey, John Berberle, all ot Granite. Oregon. Any and allpertont claiming advertely the above detcrlbedjandi are requetted to hie their clalmt In this office on or before tald eoih day of February, 1900. E. W. BARTLETT. Regltter. At GENTLEMEN'S RESORT All the leading brands of Cigars and Tobaccos, Including a Fn Stock of Pipes and Smokers' articles. JACKSON & GOVI OREGON Mines examined, reports and map lurnlthed. Sumpter, Orefon x