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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1899)
IO THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, December ij, 1899 TALK OF THE TOWN. Joe MIM has returned from California. Dr. Greenlee, dentist, Is located over the new drug store. Attorney Roblln has been in Baker City this week on legal business. City Attorney Frank Shelton Is attend Ing court at Baker City this week. Postmaster Kahler was at his place of business yesterday, after a severe Illness. The Evening Star Mining company has .old about 50,000 shares of stock to peo ple living In Sumpter. Seymour H. Bell, who is at the head of .1 Puget Sound syndicate owning an addl tion to Sumpter, arrived In town last even l"g. I.. C. Edwards, the new druggist, ac companied by Mrs. Edwards, arrived this week and will make this their home here after. An eight-horse team attached to heavy hob sleds conveyed the large .boiler arid smoke Macks to the Anna l.uu ,mlne Friday. E. Sanderson Smith returned from Spo kane a week ago and has gone over to the Snake river country to examine a copper. property. . . , S. S. Start, who recently bonded the Wilson group of mines, In partnership with Dr. Hendry, was in town early In the week. Mist. Edna Miller, who Jus been .attend lug college in Portland, will , be home for the holidays, to visit her mother, Mrs. G. H. Tedrowe. ., M.S. Parker, of the Welser, Idaho, Signal, has been In Sumplcr this week. He will rMablMi a paper at Granite, get ting out the lirM issue early In February. Miss I. nolle Wilson, an expert stenog rapher and typewriter from Portland, has come to Sumpter to remain. She has taken deroom in Attorney Koblin's of- L. P. W. Qulmby, state game and for estry warden, John W. Mlnto, internal revenue collector for Oregon, and L. Z. Sweetland, of the county clerk's office, all of Portland, made a small delegation of Sumpter sight-seers Sunday and Monday. Harold Sweetapple, while driving out to the Evening Star Mining company's prop erty Sunday, had his sleigh overturned in passing another team on the narrow road, the accident resulting In a broken wrist, which was set by Dr. Pearce. Harley Wood is making extensive im provements in his place of business at the corner of Granite and Mill streets. The saloon man who gets ahead of him In conducting an up-to-date establishment will have to leave a very early call with the night clerk. THE MINER expects to move tomorrow into its new building, corner of Granite and Mill streets, the best corner in town. Just what effect this change from an old, cold, breezy barn to warm, comfortable quarters will have on the paper Is aiVun solved problem. ' R. M. McCullum, for some years past publisher of the Sioshone, Idaho, Stand ard, and C. Armstrong, of Chicagohave bought the Weigle bakery, on Mill street, rented the building and will put in a stock' of groceries. They will take possession' Friday. Mr. Weigle will join his family at Vancouver, Washington. Buy your wife a cape, jacket, muff or collarette from Johns & Co. lice. Mrs. Brock, Miss Emma Worswlck'i andT. C.Culbertson took a sleigh ride out to the Golcondn yesterday, to visit friends. They report much snow in the mountains. Dr. G. W. Tape and wife left Monday lor nil extended trip to the east, after which they will stop In Detroit, Michigan, through the winter, returning here next spring or summer. Local attorneys expect to strike a rich lead in contests between mining locators mid timber land claimants In this district. Several of these suits have already been tommenced before the United States land office. A. D. McQueen returned Monday from an extended trip Into the hills, along the line of the proposed branch of the O. K. N. from Pendleton to Sumpter. He ex perted a mining property over there and is well pleased with the general aspect of the country. Those Pendleton blankets at Johns & Co. are the things for Christmas presents. Front parlor and adjoining bedroom completely furnished can be rented for the winter. Apply to J. T. Parkinson at Ills residence, Cracker street. Buy your wife a waist, dress skirt or full dress pattern for Christmas, from Johns & Co. All kinds of handkerchiefs for Christ-" mas at Johns Co. Desks and office furniture at Case, l.ooney Co., Incorporated, opera house' block. i All kinds fancy groceries at Johns & Co. Men's and boys' clothing at Johns & Co. . New residents of Sumpter can outfit their homes completely at Case, Looney Co,, incorporated, opera house block. Fine line gloves and mittens at Johns & Co. Sideboards and dining room furniture at the Case, Looney Co., Incorporated, opera house block. Neckties, ribbons, laces, etc., at Johns & Co., for Christmas. Sleighs, cutters and bodsleds at Johns & Co. fly 0QNTKICK "Old age brings experience, and some kinds of experience brings old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture for their new' homes. We are ready to serve them. We have already supplied satisfactory furniture for hundreds of new homes; we can do , ns well for hundreds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There is always plenty here for every room In the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will 'pay you to give us a call. Bed Room Suits, $15.00 Bed Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, (upi ), 1 5c to 1 .00 Queen City Furniture Co. p.nmon ae. Phone Red )6i. BAKER CITY, OREGON GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. ... Wolff & Zwicker Iron Works ... PORTLAND, ORE.QON. il i REPRESENTED BY F. M. WADE. Manufacturers of all classes of Machinery, ,ln eluding Crushers, Stamp Mills, Hoists, Boilers, Pumps, Air Compressors, Water Wheels,. Etc. Riveted Steel Water Pipe a Specialty. Cut, Punched and Rolled for Riveting at Destination, or made up Complete- J J J PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED A. HILLIER&CO. hrmnrmri ! . C " PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED hnrnnnnri The Druggists TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, OPT ICAL GOODS SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. SUMPTER FISH & POULTRY MARKET pgt Opp. McEwen ft Sloan' Barn, Center Street. FRESH FISH AND POULTRY EACH DAY OYSTER COCKTAILS OUR SPECIALTY CECIL HOSEASON, Manager. GRANT THORNBURG, PROPRIETOR. ..HOTEL GRAND.. The best hotel building in the Mining District. Table always first-class. Rooms large and well furnished. First-class bar and billiard room in connection. Reliable Inform ation and guides furnished to mining men. GRANITE, - OREGON