Wednesday, December 6, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER.' ACTIVITY IN NONES. E. Sanderson Smith Tells Spo kane of This District. E. Sanderson Smith, of Sumpter, Ore gon, Is in the city. Mr. Smith says that the activity among the mines In that sec tion can hardly be over estimated. Not only scores but hundreds of properties are holding their projected development, wait ing to see what the deeper working on the larger properties will demonstrate. This is particularly true along the line of the Columbia, Golconda, Anna Lulu and Bunker Hill mines, all of which work to tap the lends at depth is in progress. Mr. Smith says that nowhere before has lie ever seen a mining camp where the practical and scientific processes of ore treatment was more successful in saving the free gold values. On the properties which are properly equipped, from 8$ to 87 per cent of the values are saved by milling and amalgamation, and inthecon centrates, which are treated by the cyan ide process The ore of what is known as the great slate belt is practically free milling, the formation being very similar with that of the great Mother l.ode of California, and in his estimation there is 110 reason why the veins should not prove equally lasting and rich. The North Pole has already been proven to the 1000 foot level with values holding good at that depth, and If the vein goes down on that property there is no reason in the world why it should not on the others in the same belt. It is not only the high values in the mines which are being opened up in that .section, but also the size of the veins, and the extent of the deposit, which, in Mr. Smith's estimation, indicate that a few years development will place that camp among the foremost gold producers of the world. None of the mines, even the largest, are yet being worked to their full capacitv. The North Pole, Columbia and Red Hoy, could as well, he says, be running 60 stamps as the 10 or 20 which they are. The various mines along what is known as the slate belt are now crushing in the neighborhood of 300 tons per day, and development is in progress, that within sixty days they will be crushing jootous per day more, things are moving rapidly down there. Capital is coming into Sumpter tor investment from all parts of the country. Montana mining men are looking for investments there, with keen sighted iron men from Duluth and Pitts burg, in fact all parts of the country are represented by investors or experts inves tigating properties, while a large amount of English and Canadian capital have al ready taken up holdings. Spokane Stock Report. Ow Om to be FihfcHed in PortUad. V. A. Schilling, city passenger and ticket agent of the O. R. & N. at Port land, is making a collection of ores from eastern Oregon mines which he uill place on exhibition in his office, which collection he says, will eclipse anything of the kind in the Northwest. He already has the promise of a large number of specimens from the Golconda, Bonanra, Red Boy, North Pole, Columbia, Free Coinage, Magnolia, May Queen, Little Giant, Van Anda, Intrinsic, Comstock and other famous mines of the Sumpter district gold fields. Zacdi Hnw'i Rkfc Mm. United States Marshal Houser returned some days since from the Dixie Butte country, where he had been In company with J. F. Bachelder, a mining man from Portland. Mr. Houser states that his company has arranged (or extensive de velopment of the property. The Copper King, which Is In the Quartzburg district, is one of the oldest mines in eastern Ore gon, and one of the earliest upon which any deep mining was attempted. The de velopment so far consists of about 800 feet of tunnels, shafts and crosscuts. The ore from the present depth, 170 feet, .averages fourteen per cent copper and fifty dollars in gold. Early in the spring a reduction plant will be erected at the mine. The company is composed princi pally of Pendleton people. The Bellinger-Ritchie Company .OK SUMPTER. OREGON Dispensers of only the Choioest Brands Liquors OP Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and Jnmes Watson Scotch l Imported 1881 Rrandy, Three Star Hennessey, :md all the Leading Rrands of Whu-s and Cigars. New and Elegant Fixtures. Comfort able quarters for gentlemen. No better service in Oregon. ...The Magnolia... The Bellinger-Ritchie Company, Proprietors. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.) L. N. CRANE & Co. Contractors .nd Builders. Cabinet Making, Upholstering and Mat tress Making a Specialty. 1 iwst-cuss work uuahan n:ri. Leave orders at the SUMPTfiR MINI-R office. General Brass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works GKO. F. MCLYNN, Proprietor :::::: Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery Ba!r CMv. Telephone Red 161 New Harness Shop. MCEWEN & SLOAN, Proprietors. SUMPTER, OREGON. REPAIRING - A - SPECIALTY i,u ' J SHOP J OPPOSITE THE LIVERY STABLE. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF FASCINATORS Now in at the Red Front. Be sure and come and see our fine Line of Comforts, all-wool Oregon Blankets, large Cotton Bats, Etc. Dry Goods and Ladies' Furnishings, Gents' Under wear of all weights, Overalls, Shoes, Hats and Winter dps. In our Grocery Department we carry a full line of Gordon & Dilworth's high grade Jellies, Plum Puddings, Mince Meat, etc.: also Heintz' relishes, which need no other rec ommendation than the name. Fancy Lunch Goods to suit the most fastidious are also on the shelves, with a full assortment of staple groceries. Remember the place. THE RED FRONT W. C. CALDER, Pkopriktok Sumpter Feed, Livery and Freight Stable CORNWELI. A SULLIVAN: Props. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. -HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE-K OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND1 POOL TABLES Agents for Matting y and Moore Whis key a 20-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON THE MINER JOB PRINTING V.