THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, December 6, 1899 ON EVE OF A BIG BOOM. Portland Paper Tells of Sump ter's Activity. Sumpter is on the eve of a big boom. Capitalists representing millions of money are interested In the townslte and sur rounding mines. People are crowding into the place dally. A good many lots are being sold; buildings are going up, and a railroad Is being extended westward to Clifford, into a timbered district. One man alone who is Interested in the townslte and adjacent mines represents 7,ooo,ooo of capital. That gentlemen Is e.vGovernor Mackintosh, of the North west Territory, who Is the Canadian and United States representee of London capitalists. 'I lie extent of the operations of this company may be appreciated when It is known that it controls all the best ' mines In the Kossl.-ind district of British Columbia, and several properties in Camp Republic, Washington. During the last' year It has spent millions in purchasing valuable Improved mines and in buying and developing other good properties. Mr. Mackintosh passed through Portland Sunday on his way to San l-'ranclsco. And II may be said that Mr. Mackin tosh Is not the only pebble on the Sump ter beach. Mutle, Montana, capitalists have Income largely interested and Spo kane men have turned their attention to ward that new mecca. These are old and tried veterans in the mining business and never stake their money in a district with out there is something to back it up. Mr Vinson, who owns the waterworks and electric light plant and is preparing to operate large Hammond dredgers in the tlver, is at the Portland. Mr. Calder, in terested with Governor Mackintosh, Is In thr city. Other prominent mining men 01 eastern Oregon are making Portland their headquarters. "I wish I knew what I Could say," said a progressive citien today, "to arouse Portland to the true situation hi eastern Oregon and the necessity" and sofortli and so on. Portland Telegram. Gen. Wimn and CrurlU Booth Defended. We arc pleased to learn that Sumpter, the new mining camp In. which General Charles S. Warren is so extensively In terested, is proving to be a regular bo nanza proJucer, despite the clever back handed, sneeky slaps it Is receiving from alleged friends. There are a number of Itutte people who have located in Sump ter, among them is Charlie Booth. He and others with the standing they have would not maliciously misrepresent the camp, even it they were to be financially beuelitted; but then, hackcappers are to In- found in every locality, but who would I have ever thought that General ChailesS. Warren, Charlie liooth and other Hutte men would have their characters and their reputations for integrity iuestioned, and particularly right here in Hutte. Itutte I Times. I To the Ladies of Sumpter. I You are respectlully Invited to Inspect a beautiful line of modern hand-made Point j and Hatteuburg lace work. I also have or will design patterns for any lace pieces desired, furnish materials, give lessons, of make work to order. The largest line and variety of genuine Mexican drawn work ever shown in eastern Oregon, and at such prices as will permit you to make handsome Christmas presents at moder ate amounts. Call at the home of Mrs. Dr. Tape, adjoining the office, where I am temimrarily located. MRS. MARSH. Steam Wood Saw Here. I have a tirst-class steam wood saw and am in the field to saw cord or slab wood In any lengths desired, on short notice. My ortice Is anywhere you hear or see the aw. P. A. Correll, proprietor. We Are Coming m M 2? f?: & ?3 ft Js and until we come, send us your orders for Fine Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Clocks, and Fine Repairing, Also, Stationery, Books, Fancy Goods, Music and Musical Instruments. Bsw&m Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Egm&m Jhe Neill Mercantile Company Corner Granite and Mill. Gloves and Mittens, Leggings, Felt Boots, German Socks, Heavy Rubbers, Ect. THE WONDER GEO. W. WEIGAND, PROPRIETOR. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON Largest and Finest Stock Ever Seen in Sumpter. ADLER'S Crystal Palace, Tel. Red 62. Baker City SUMPTER FISH & POULTRY MARKET Opp. McEwcn & Sloan' lUtn, Center Street. FRESH FISH AND POULTRY EACH DAY OYSTER COCKTAILS OUR SPECIALTY CECIL HOSEASON, Manager. Capital Hotel MRS. G. B. TEDROWE Proprktfttt Centrally Located. Headquarters for Electric Lights. Commercial and Newly Refurnished. Mining Men. Free 'Bus and Bag- Passengers Waybilled gage Service. "To all Points on Stages. SUMPTER, OREGON.