The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 15, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, November ny, 1899
There Is a smallpox scare In Baker
George B. Tedrowe, of the Capital
hotel, is out again after a week of illness.
Or. Brock has been very sick for some
days past, but was reported some better
The Woodmen of the World, will give
a ball In Ellis Opera house Thanksgiving
Fred Snipes, who has been confined to
his room for a week, was able to be on
the streets yesterday.
C. G. Hideout, travelling agent of the
Seattle Dally Times, Is visiting Sumpter
In the Interest of that paper.
Mrs. S. H. Jackson, of the west side,
has gone to Baker to visit her parents.
She Is suffering with typhoid fever.
R. Alexander, ex-mayor of Pendleton,
and Fred Walter, of the Farmers' Custom
tlour mill at the same place, are making
Sumpter their first visit.
It. II. Schwab, of Portland, was In the
city this week, and if a suitable location
can he found will establish his son here in
the cigar and tobacco business.
A. J. Goss, father of A. P. Goss, ar
rived In Sumpter Saturday. Like every
newcomer, he was favorably impressed
and surprised with what is to be seen
H. S. iJurgln, formerly of the Sumpter
Grocery company, Is away on a short trip
lor business and recreation, after a severe
spell of sickness, from which he is now
about recovered.
Miss limina Worswlck and Miss Jessie
Brock will arrive In Sumpter tomorrow
from Bcllcviie, Idaho. The latter Is the
little d itighter of Dr. and Mrs. Brock,
and the former the sister of Mrs. Brock.
I:. C. Steffen has taken the oath of of
lice for a justice of the peace of this pre
cinct and Is now iualilied to deal out jus
tice to the people in any sized lumps de
sired. He takes the place of H. J. Hal
lock, resigned.
I. W. Graham, recently from Seattle,
U here to remain, In the capacity of chief
clerk to W. I.. Vinson. Mr. Graham Is
an active young man of broad business
capacity and a valuable acquisition to
Sumpter as a citleu.
Mr. Richardson, book keeper for Johns
' Co., who has been confined to his bed
with typhoid fever for several weeks, was
out for the first time yesterday. His
numerous Irlends hope for a speedy recov
ery front what recently seemed a hopeless
case of sickness.
General Warren's family has moved
into the Austin block, and the entire
building formerly occupied by them Is now
used by the Sumpter Townslte syndicate
for offices. The General has one apart
ment which he calls his "separating
room," where he separates his callers
from their money.
Charles Worcester, a miner formerly
from Idaho, more recently employed at the
Columbia brewery in this city, is at the
hospital In Baker City, where he has had
an arm amputated and is reported to be
suffering from blood poisoning. At this
writing It Is not thought he can recover.
C. J. Johns has set an excellent and
sensible example by having the knee-deep
muddy street in front of his store filled
In with wagon loads of gravel hauled from
along the river bottom. This Idea might
well be followed out by the proper author
ities and Granite street made passable
from the river to Mill street.
E. J. Dwyer, who has dealt In real es
tate anu mines on a large scale, from the
Lakes to Puget Sound, during the past
twenty years, reached Sumpter this week,
and has already decided to remain here.
During the past year he has been operat
ing in Republic and Spokane. He re
cently sold a property near the former
place and Is in Sumpter to get action on
his money.
Big Stock of Jewelry in Sumpter.
Felix Frledlander, representing William
Frledlauder, the oldest established and
leading jewelry and watchmaking estab
lishment In Portland, Oregon, has ar
ranged with Kahler & Hawley, In the
postoffice store, to display and offer for
sale next Monday, and a few days there
after, a handsome line of watches, jew
elry, diamonds and goods In that line, es
pecially selecteu Lr th"" desiring holiday
glftsf or for general use. The name of
this house, established for thirty years,
Is a guarantee that their wares are strictly
reliable, and any representations made
can be depended upon. As manufactur
ing jewelers they are at the top of their
profession, and In lapidary work, quartz
polishing and cutting, the opportunity of
fered should not be overlooked, as Mr.
Frledlander can only remain In Sumpter
a few days, beginning with Monday,
November 20.
Spokane Busincu Man Locate Here.
A. M. Keltic, who has been engaged in
the merchandise business In Spokane,
having one of the attractive stores on
Sprague avenue, arrived In Sumpter last
week. He looked over the town for half
a day, decided that It was good enough
for him, and In twenty-four hours after
his arrival had secured n building In
which to do business; and that's the gait
the Spokane contingent keeps up from
one end of the year to the other. J. G.
Council not having been able to get the
material for the brick building which he
had Intended erecting on the lot adjoining
the First Bank of Sumpter, In time to fin
ish It before the bad weather begins, has
abandoned the Idea of building a brick
this fall, and Instead will erect a one-story
frame, work on which Is now In progress.
This Is the building Mr. Keltic has se
cured, and a better location is not In the
town. Until it Is ready ror occupancy, he
Is with W. C. Calder, In the Red Front.
"Old age brings experience, and some kinds of
experience brings old age.
Some others, too, no doubt, w
lor llielr new homes, we are
I need furniture
readv to serve
them. We have already supplied satisfactory
furniture for hundreds of new homes; we can do
as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows
easy selection at all times. There is always
plenty here for every room in the house. All
our goods are priced on a cash basis and It will
pay you to give us a call.
Red Room Suits, f 15.00
Bed Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00
Wall Paper, per double roll, (nmrie tr), 15c to 1.00
Queen City Furniture Co.
Patterson & Epplnger
Phone Red )6i.
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
The Triumph Cigar
j j World's Best Havana Cigar
Their Excellency Cannot be Excelled. Convince yourself by giving them a
trial. For Sale Everywhere. Insist on Having One.
The best hotel building in the Mining District.
Table always first-class. Rooms large and well furnished.
Fint-class bar and billiard room in connection. Reliable inform
ation and guides furnished to mining men.
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots,
Shoes, Hats and Clothing.
Stable &
McEwen & Sloan, Props.
First Class
Livery Rigs and
Saddle Horses
Experienced Guides to all the Mining
Camps. Your patronage solicited.