Wednesday, November it, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER COUNTY RECORDS. Instruments Filed with the Officials at Ibc Court House The following is the record of official business transacted at the county seat of Haker county for the week ending Mon day, November 13: HUM KSTATE TRANSFI-RS. Warranty deed Nov i,'A Sancy to J York, 200 by 50 ft in nw i of se H sec 16 tp i) s, r 40 e 150 Warranty deed R Stoltenberg to !' Perry, ne of se ', sec 28 tp i2s,rKe, and loth Interest in I rumble ditch Warranty deed Nov 29, 04, A W Bills et ux to J Davis, lot 6 blk Sumpter Warranty deed Sept 2;, Same to same, same Warranty deed Oct 0, Northern 700 50 5 Counties luv. Trust, ltd, to I.W James, c ft w X sec 6 tp 10 s, r 40 e 350 Warranty deed-Sept 27, C S Van Uiiyn et vir to C M Weigel et al lot 1 blk 3, Sumpter Heights add, Sumpter 150 Warraaty deed July 22, A Pe dersou to M S.'iudberi;, lots 21 to 24 Inclusive, blk 6, Hellevue add, uaxer L.liy 1 Warranty drrd-Nov 6, 1' S Halllle to F I. Collet, lot H,bouth Somp ter add, Sumpter 000 Warranty deed Oct 21, Clark Ta brr et al to John Gillie, lot 3 blk ), Sumpter MciKhts add, Sumpter 200 Warranty deed Nov 1, 1) McGin nis dt vlr to T II Dunpliy et al lots is and 16 blk 5, Sumpter Heights add, Sumpter 475 Warranty deed Nov K. Jas Croke to J I. Yantis, s H of nw , sw 'i , n H of se X , sw !4 of se ',( and sw 1-4 of uc 1-4 sec 17, and w 'i ol ue 1-4 sec 20 tp 10 s, r )K r 2500 Warranty deed Nov 2, I DeRoo to M Well and C Ullsheimcr, lots 6, 7 and K blk G, UeRoo's add, Maker City 701; Warranty dred Oct 11, Thos Mc l:vcn et al to W W Hume, lot 11 blk 5, Sumpter debuts add, Sumpter 75 Warranty dred-Nov 7, W W Hurgc to E li Y01111K, same 85 Warranty deed Thos McEwen et u to T It Lawrence, part of lot u blk ), Sumpter 600 Warranty deed Nov 7, Thos Mc bwen et ux to C r Healy, w 26 ft lot 5 blk ), Sumpter 1500 Warranty deed Mch ig, 'ort. Same to Addle I. Jones, lot 3 blk o, Sumpter 600 Quit claim deed W Fernald et ux to Jas Cleary and T Drislane, e Jj sec 2), and w )i sec 24 tp 8 s, r )8 e 1 Sheriff 's deed-Nov 4, Sheriff to W l-'emald, tie 1-4 sec 2),and nw 1-4 sec 24 tp 8 s, r 8 e 2680 Sheriff 's deed Sept 26, Same to Same, e J sec 23 and w yi sec 24 tp 8 s, r 38 e 3103 Warranty deed-Nov 8, Clark Tu ber et al to C I' Halley, 75 by 7$ fl, lying east and fronting lot 4 blk s, Suunyside add, Sumpter... 200 Warranty deed Nov o, H W Lev ens et ux to I: Hrown, lot 7 blk 17, Hr.Ut.iin Ik McComas' add, Haker City 10 Warranty deed-April , o8, C H Whitney et ux to C K Whitney, se 1 4 of sw 1-4, se i4 ot se 1-4 and ue 14 of ne 14 sec 28 tp to r J6 e 350 Warranty deed Nov 6, E W Stan ley to J I-' CupiJ, tract In nw cor lot 1 blk v, Sumpter, lying north of Gelser tract 1 Warranty deed Nov 11, l: W Ep pinner et ux to M S Stupes, lots 5, 6 and g blk 1, Stupes CrowelPs Add, Haker City 400 Wairanty deed Nov i,G J How man et u to K I'almer.lots 8 and g blk M, Place's add, Haker City 100 Warranty deed-Nov 8t David Goodsell,et ux to l: W hpplnger, lots 5,6 andg blk I, St urges A Crow ell's add, Haker City- 10 Warranty deed Oct 24, P V Neb ergall et ux to A Neuberger, tract 30 by 12$ feet lying west of and adjoining Haskell block in Haker City 450 Warranty deed Nov 10, J Palmer et ux to J T Jennings, lot 8 blk 8, Boyd's add, Baker City 000 Warranty deed Nov 11, May Estes etvlr to C Snyde, lot 6 blk 4, Sumpter - 150 Quit claim deed Sept 0, 'p8, D W French et ux, to G P McLynu, fractional lots 1 and 2 blk 19, Mc Crary's add, Haker City 200 Warranty deed Oct 31, CA Davis et ux to A K Cooley, lots 17 and 18 blk 4, Wllovale add, Raker City 400 Warranty deed Nov 7, J H Ward et ux to E A Stoddard, lot 3 blk 3, Sumpter Heights add, Sumpter 250 Warranty deed A W Ellis et ux to Same, lots 12 and 13 blk 4, Sumpter Heights add, Sumpter... 300 Warranty deed Nov 9, WR Haw ley et ux to P Basche, lot 2 blk 11, Sumpter 3000 Quit claim deed Oct 26, Jane Held to W J Patterson and F S Lack, 'A interest In 7000 acres In tps 8 and 9 s, r 40 e 500 Quit claim deed M Lynch et al to E A Stoddard, e of s w 1-4 of ne t-4 and ne 1-4 of nw 1-4 of s e 1-4 sec 22 tpgs, r 37 c 1 Sheriff's deed-Oct 24, Sheriff to Jane Held, 'A int. in 7000 acres in tp 8 and 9 s, r 40 e 3000 Administrator's deed Nov 9, J A Hllyen, admr, to P P Hayes, lots 1 to 14 blk 51 and all blk 48, Nel son's add, Haker City 75 MORTGAGES. Nov 4 C Snyde to J J Hinton, re lease of mortgage made Jan 30, '99, to C Snyde Nov 4 J J Hlntniietux to li Duck worth, lot 16 blk 8, Sumpter 250 Nov 4 P Perry to J Cleary, land in sec 28 tp 12 r 38 c 700 Nov 4-H F Sturglll to W Fernald et al, tyi nwtf, and n sw sec 21 tps 8 s r 42 e (2 years) 280 Nov 4 E II Addoms to R Delaney et al, Chattel mortgage on furni ture in New York Oyster house, Haker City 100 Nov 4 P L Collctt trustee to F S Dallies, lot li, South Sumpter 400 Nov 7-Ed Sally to J Sally, chattel mortgage on one buggy 30 Nov 7 W L Smith et ux to M A Hughes, chattel mortgage on one bull and two heifers 34 Nov 8 J L Yantis et ux to James Cleary, u'A sw 1-4, swi-4 sw 1-4 and sw 1-4 nw 1-4, sec 17 tp 8 s r 38 e 1600 Nov 4I. A Bates et virtoWm Ebleu, lots 3 to 10 inc. blk 4, Pa cific add Haker City 60 Oct 31-R McGeeetalto P V Neb ergall, release of mortgage on 30 xi 25 feet adjoining Haskell block, liaket City 600 Nov 1 3 A G Shlnn, guardian to Citizens Hank, lots 6 and 7, blk 13, U S townsite, Haker City..... 350 Nov 13 J P Cupid to J J Hellner, tract 75x100 feet In nw cor lot 1 blk 9, Sumpter ,oo General Brass and Iron Pounders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works Gl-O. P. MCLYNN, Proprietor : Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding nil kinds ol machinery. BA'r Titv. Telephone Red 161 hrnmnrbl PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED hmmnrbl FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (iNCOMPONATCo) Capital Stock $25,000 OFFICERS. J. II. Robblns 1'rrtlJent J. W. Scrlber Vice-President J. W. Mead Cashier DIRECTORS. J. W. Scrlbtr R. H. Miller J. W. Mead Clark Snyde J. H. Robblns Transacts a General Banking and Ex change Business. Nn Interest Paid on Deposits. ,0. R. & N, TO THE (ilves the Choice ol TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES: Great Northern Railway via Oregon : Short Line via Spakane, Minneap olis, St. Paul, Chicago. Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Kan- sas City. LOWEST RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES Ocean steamers leave every 5 days for San Francisco Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via the North ern Pacific Steamship Co. in connection with the O. R. & N. For full particulars call on O. R. & N. agent, Baker City, or address W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger, Agt. Portland, Or. LINES OF THE Sumpter Stage Transfer Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMI'TER-CANYON ROUTE. it:)o p. m. Lv Sumpter. ...Ar ):o p. m. Ar . Clifford Lv 1:40 p m. Lv Clifford!. ...Ar y,o p. m. Ar Austin .Lv 10: o a. m. 8.00 a. m. 7:10 a. m. j:ao a. m. Connecting t Austin with stages lor Canyon City and Interior points. 1:40 p. m. Lv. vo p. m. Ar .Clifford Arl .llonania. Lv I :o a. 6: to a. Connecting at Uonanta with stages lor Pyx. RoNntonvllle, Worley, Virginia, Don Juan and L'elcher mines. SUMI'TER-GRANITE ROUTE. l;o p. m. 4!jQ p. m. ILv. Ar Sumpter. , Granite. .Ar io'oo a. m. , Lv 7:00 a. m. Livery at Granite to North Fork, Red Hoy, Ban- lette and adcent mines. SUMI'TER-HOURNE ROUTE. it:o p. iw p. -l" P- Lv Sumpter. ...Ar Ar lluurnr Lv Ar. Columbia . .Lv o:to a. m. D.uu a. m. ,:io a. m. Including North Pole, E. A E., Climax, Ohio and adjacent mines. A. HILLIER &CO. The Druggist TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, OPT ICAL GOODS SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. Frank Rogers. F. W. Gertrldge CAPITAL HOTELS SALOON v.- FRANK ROGERS & COMP'Y Proprietors ..Leading Brands In Stock.. Old Overholt By the bottle or the case Canadian Club liy the bottle or case Jas. Watson's Scotch Monogram Hennessy 3-Star Brandy by bottle or case. ALL KINDS OF Foreign & Domestic Wines Kahler & Hawley, AT THE Postoffice Store Have just received a magnificent and up-to-date line of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Goods. Serve Your Own Interest By an Inspection KAHLER & HAWLEY 4 5 t V