The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 08, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, November 8, 1899
J R. R. Erwln is in Portland this week,
j Clark Snyde has been in (taker this
Week. t
t A. I1. Goss expects Ills father, A. J., to
nrrive in Sumpter Friday.
George W. WlncKard, the merchant of
Bourne, was In town Sunday.
After a four years absence Miss l:. B.
, Punier lias returned to her home at Gran
ite. ' I wo new coaches for the Sumpter Val
ley railway were attached to the train tc
day. j General Warren and VV. C. Caldcr re
turned Sunday from a DyliiK business trip
to Spokane.
I li. II. I:rlt. has returned from Spokane
rind Republic, where he has been for a
mouth past.
Charles li. Chance has come to Sump
ter Iriiui Portland to engage In the prac
tice ol law.
li. V. ridmiiudson, of the Badger mine,
Susauvllle, was In town several days last
jind this week.
I Kahler Hi Co. have received among
bther new goods, a nice line of fancy sta
tionery, blank books, etc.
Brock X llerlocker have moved their
ulficc from the I Icily block to the uirncr
ol Mill and Granite streets.
' The article on the lilk Creek divings,
fifth page, should have been credited to
the Baker City Uemoaat.
R. I.. Ntlll relumed several days since
from I'ottlaud, where he went to buy
mote goods tor the big clothing store.
C. H. Buck, a recent arrival from Om
jiha, Nebraska, has opened a new barber
Minp In the rear of the Capital Hotel bar
J. T. lingllsh, owner, and W. II. Jack
son, superintendent ol the (iohomla, and
Ralph Blewett, manager ot the Van Anda,
Jiave been In town this week.
Carl Adler, one of Maker City's lead
lug merchants, Is in Sumpter for a day nr
iwo. He has not yet made dcliulte ar
rangements for a store building.
Fred Snipes, with V. I.. Vinson's sur
veying corps, fell at his transit .Monday
morning, from some heart trouble, lie
was removed to his room and was soon
out of danger.
Judge V. S. Newbury, of Portland,
who spent last summer In the Sumpter
mining district, arrived In town last week
and will locate here permanently, practic
ing law. ills partner, Ralph Blsbee, will
look after the Portland end ot the firm's
A. I:. J. Petclval, another of the prom
inent Spokane mining promoters, arrived
.here Sunday morning, with the intention
of securing a mining property to be oper
ated by himself and associates. It is only
a matter ol time until a majotity ol the
Spokane contingent is Interested hereabouts.
General Manager Hayes, of the Bon
an.a mine, was In the city yesterday, se
curing miners to tike the place of some of
those who quit work recently. He ex
pects to have the mill running to Its full
capacity in a few days again. j
H. E. Johnson, from Walla Walla, and
Ben K. Davis, froinPendleton, have es
tablished themselves on Mill street, oppo;
site the A. P. Goss brick building, where
they will carry a full line of candy and
confectionery goods of their own dally
Mrs. J. D. Fryer has returned to Sump
ter and resumed her position as book
keeper for W. C. Calder. F. E. Buck
num, who tilled the place during her ab
seuce, now devotes his entire time to the
ollicers of the Sumpter Townslte company,
keeping ac.ounts, making out deeds, etc.
N. M. Richardson, of Lansing, Michi
gan, assistant adjutant general of that
state, left tor home yesterday. Mrs.
Richardson will follow him in two weeks.
They came here to attend their son,
whose life was despaired of, but who is
now fortunately out of danger.
Paul E. Polndexter returned home this
week from Spokane, wearing with much
pride the gold medal awarded the Sump
ier mineral display at the Spokane ex
hibition, which he hud in -charge. -More
to Mr. Poindexter's efforts than to any
other one man is due the credit of winning
this prle.
Predictions at to Sumpttr'i Population.
One year ago a population of 1500 was
predicted for Sumpter within a year. She
lias now passed that mark and we proph
ecy 2500 by this time next year, as a most
conservative estimate. The lack of water
I works system has heretofore been the
great drawback to the building up of the
I town, but now a gravity system furnish
1 lug an unlimited supply of pure mount
' aiu water, with numerous tire hydrants
1 on all principal streets to protect the town,
I will give building an Impetus It never be
fore had. One of the finest electric light
plants in the west Is being Installed, side
walks are being constructed and streets
graded. Some of the men who built
Spokane are building Sumpter, and men
with money are putting it In there. If
Sumpter has four oc five thousand popu
lation by next November it will not be
more surprising than the growth of many
other mining towns In recent years.
Cove Ledger.
Labor Strike on tbc Bonanta.
Last week the men at work at the Bon
anza mine stnick, practically a clean walk
out resulting. It was reported here yes
terday that three men were at work. The
night shift demanded that the hours of
work be reduced from ten to nine, as In all
other mines hi the district. The demand
was refused and both shifts quit. The
Bonanza Is reputed to be owned by Stand
ard Oil company people, who are accus
tomed to such Incidents.
Fine job printing only at THIS MINER
"Old age brings experience, and some, kinds of
experience brings old age.
Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture
tor their new homes. We are ready to serve
them. We have alrea ly supplied satisfactory
furniture for li indreJsof new homes; we can do
as well for hunJreJs more. Our stock allows
easv selection at all times. There Is always
plenty here lor every room In the house. All
our goods are priced on a cash basis and It will
pay you to give us a call.
Bed Room Suits
Bed Room Suits, better ones. Eastern Hardwood. 17.00
Wall Paper, per double roll, (nmri'tit), 5 to 1.00
Queen City Furniture Co.
Patterson & Epplnger
Phone Red 6i.
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
The Triumph Cigar
j j World's Best Havana Cigar j
Their Excellency Cannot be Excelled. Convince yourself by giving them a
trial. For Sale Everywhere. Insist on Having One.
FLYNN & MORTON,. - Manufacturers
The 'best hotel building in the Mining District.
Table always first-class. Rooms large and well furnished.
First-class bar and billiard room In connection. Reliable inform
' ation and guides furnished to mining men.
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Boots,
Shoes, Hats and Clothing,
, 1 I
McEwen & Sloan, Props.
First Class
LLlvery Rigs and
'V u - ." ' l.-if,
Saddle Morses
Experienced Guides to all the Mlnliift
Camps. Your patronage solicited.