The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 08, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, November 8, 1899
'Now Dropping and
Being ;Put,In.-
jn r 's
the rush: tathe warmest camp itf Spo
kane's environments, and thls.clty needs
to awake to a, realization of that fact. Jt
isn't a boom camp.. There are now nine
dividend-payers dowiT there. Jtfou don't
hear any bkw atfout It except from the
steam whlstlefrori tnrtrmlllsr'Eretan new
mills are going up In the Immediate vicin
ity. 1 he town Is growing as fast as
that were dropping jn mills on gold mines
uiDuiary to sumpter, September, 1898,
the number that Have since been put in
and are now in operation, those that are
now being installed and the number that
will be In operation January 1, 1000.
On the tirst named-date, September,
1808, the Bonanza had 20 stamps, the
Badger 8, California 10, Red Boy 10,
North Pole io, Columbia 10, E. & E. 20,
Pyx 5, Bellevietf id, Phoenix 5, H. & H.
10; a total of 108. '
Since then the Bonanza has added 20,
the Red Boy'io, the Badger 10, the Golden
Eagle has put in and the Great North
ern 10, total 5j; making at the present
time 161.
There are now in process of erection
mills on the Magnolia with 10 stamps,
Golconda roller and stamps equal to 40
stamps, May Queen 10, Little Giant 10,
Maiden's Dream 10, Van Anda 20, total
100. Some of these will be in operation
before January 1 of next year, and all of
them by that date, when there will be
261 stamps pounding on rock" from mines
directly tributary to Sumpt'er 'aW no
where else. ' '
111 additien: to this ) the (Cougar is in
stalling h 250-ton 'cyanide plant, anda
dozen other properties are experimenting
and preparing to treat ore.
Famous Elk Creek Diggings.
N. C. Haskell, of the firm of Sloan &
Haskell, long-time operators of the famous
EIk creek placers, located In Grant
county, some seventy miles west of here,
is In town from the 'diggings. Not long
ago Sloan & Haskell sold the bulk of
their famous diggings, which have output
In the past thirty-live years a sum vari
ously estimated at from one to two mil
lion dollars, to the Badger Gold Mining
company, but they reserved a small lot of
the ground for their own operation. Dur
ing the past summer.-worklng from 10 to
12 men, Sloan & Hnskel have taken out
J9000, the work being done without giants
and by the' old-time drifting. Some of the
ground paid as high as J250 to a set of
timbers. The Elk creek diggings, near
Susanvllle, have always been noted for
their yield of coarse gold and big nuggets.
Mr. Haskell brought with him and left at
the First National bank, this city, some
handsome chunks of gold. The largest
nugget weighs I20 and there are numer
ous other rough ellow boys, each worth
from f $ to f 20.
Natural Ga Veil Near Vcfatr.
A strong tlow of natural gas has been
struck on the farm of Ed Ashley four
miles from Welser. A crew has been
boring an artesian well on the ranch for
some months past, and had reached the
depth of 124. The gas was struck today
and drove the men from the works. Sub
sequently they went back and tried it
with a match. It took tire and then the
men had to use their utmost endeavors to
extinguish the flames and prevent the
destruction of the derrick and other ap
paratus used in boring' the well.Ontarlo
General Timn Sattfkd Wlta SwnpUr.
General Charles St Warren, manager
of the Sumpter Townslte syndicate, ar
rived from that stirring camp last night.
"Do I like Sumpter?" he said. "Well, I'll
tell you. My wife said to me at the break
fast table that she was glad I had for
once in my life found a place where
I could be satisfied. Like It? Why, its
like getting Into Johannesburg ahead of
Cl I I A- t - I I. ...Ill
tn u u' c , l :, . . oFUKune rcai cuuc uuonj, anu ll will oe
W. H. Mosby has prepared'.! tabulated the b,i tnlng laming n thesefparts r-
statement showing the number of stamps fore splnR. sfumpter's boom has caused
e jealousy In' Baker City'.
en has won faWe and the
a little jealousy in Baker City. General
Warren has won faWe and the gratitude
of his fellow-Sumpterites by dubbing Ba
ker City " Sumpter Junction" in a local
paper, and the name tticks fast. Spokes-man-Review.
." - I " ( 1
Rushing Supplicate-SumpUr.
Men were busy at the depot- handling
sacked Irish apples which will be for
warded to Sumpter with all the'expedition
possible. There were here in evidence
last evening 100,000 pounds or fifty tons
of these spuds. This food supply b be
ing rushed to various camps for thek rea
son that such an article would be damaged
by freezing If shipped later when winter
Is on In full force. Twenty tons from
Grande Ronde valley, Union county, are
tor Lindsay & Wade, the Granite merch
ants; ten tons of Powder valley spuds to
the Sumpter Grocery company, and ten
ton lots each from this same valley to
Johns, the Sumpter grocer, and to the
May Queen mine. Baker City Democrat.
. . jt K-
Drug Co.
i V
Only exclusive whole-
sale drug hou$ein the'1)
Estate. Ve sell only
to merchants. Make
the best prices on min
ers'and assayers' sup
plies. Freigh no higher
than from Portland.
for quotatipns.
Spokane Drug Co.
Spokane, Wash.
iwelry and'-
Mitchell Smith, Mgr. Baker City
Now in at the Red Front. Be sure and come
and see our fine Line of Comforts, all-wool
Oregon Blankets, large Cotton Bats, Etc. Dry
Goods and Ladies' Furnishings, Gents' Under
wear of all weights, Overalls, Shoes, Hats and
Winter Caps. In our Grocery Department we
carry a full line of Gordon & Dilworth's high
grade Jellies, Plum Puddings, Mince Meat, etc.;
also Helntz' relishes, which need no other rec
ommendation than the name. Fancy Lunch
Goods te suit the most fastidious are also on
the shelves, with a full assortment of staple
groceries. Remember the place.
W. C. CALDER, Proprietor
mdard of ExcelU
Baker City, Oregon
Agents formatting
ly and Moore WJils
key a-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are outlof
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and