The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 08, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, November 8, 1899
The Sumpter Miner
I'UHUMirn rvrny wmisbshav iiv
One Year .. ., ,.T. T., A M.ii.u
THAT was .1 queer card one candidate
lor police judge in Maker City published,
promising if elected to "remember my,
Irlends." ' '
THERE Is also a boom on In timber lands
hereabouts. Lumber Is needed to build a
ilty and It Is far better to work up our
own raw materials than to ship in manu
factured products.
GLANCE at the facts, and figures Kiven
In another column relative to stamps al
ready dropping on mines directly tributary
to Sumpter, consider the vast amount of
development Work now being done and
the nmakc a rough estlmnte of What Sump
ter Is destined to be.
HAVE you noticed that the Baker City
papers have changed their tune entirely
of late and are now singing Sumpter's
praises? Every few days, however, they"
build the railroad on to John Day valley
or elsewhere, and that Is the only re
minder of the policy pursued until re
cently. THOSE lloers know how to fight, and
they are doing It with the desperation and
lofty patriotism of men defending their
presides from an Invading foe. Hut the
result Is already written, their deleat Is
juevltable. They cannot withstand the
"march of progress and modern civiliza
tion" a phrase which, like charity, cov
ers .1 multitude (if sins" and grasping
MANY rurpaulm otn get work'hermt
present. Whether or not this building
activity will continue all winter is a prob
lem. If the ikouiid-for house cuMinuM
M strong as at present and those who
n.-ikr tlje demand have the price, cold
leather vlll not materially Interrupt the
work. Next spring contractors and build
ers will reap a rich harvest, for the
amount of work to be done will be limited
njily by the supply of material, and labor.
' Till: mining companies In Sumpter dis
trict are all close corporations, which
guard facts pertaining to their output and
noiits .Is jealously at they do their; rich
ores. If these tHaiid figures would be
made public and published to.tho wrltli
as Is done In all other camps in the North
west, they would prove to be eye-openers
to all mining men, and would attract the
favorable attention of financiers every
w here.
1 Till: former ruling ol the Interior de
partment admitting patent on groups of
lulning claims, on one of which sufliclent
work Hid been done to amount to $500 on
each, was superseded by a new ruling
December 17, 187, making It necessary
to have $$00 worth of work dune on each
cj.ilin, whether alone or a part of a group,
before patent would issue. Subsequently
this ruling was suspended until July 1,
1 M. applying only to patents issued up
to anJ Including that date.
ually and therefore, must be aware of the
fact that his whole training unfits him for
the Intricate, perplexing cares of state;
that he is too bluntly honest and straight
forward to contend successfully with the"
wiles and tricks of trained politicians. He,
can rest with luxurious ease upon the
plentitude of laurels won, which must be;
a.truly Intlclng future for, one of his char-'
acter. v ,J -1 ;
Hut with a woman In the case; one, too,
In the attractive prime of life, with anj
ample fortune at her disposal, accustomed'
and wedded to Washington social life, an'
acknowledgd radiant ornament, wlthall,
in that generally reputed charmed circle,
a new and potent Influence Is introduced
into affairs political. If the nomination is'
offered Dewey, he madam must neces
sarily be consulted, and if the peerless
sea captain shows any Inclination to with
hold from her the proud social triumphs'
which she can win as "the first lady of
the land," he will stir up. a domestic con
flict that will force the affair at Manila
bayto sink into Insignificance, In compar
ison, and from which he will not emerge
with one hundredth nlirt the eclat.
' The'fifture Mrs. Dewey Is a political'
factor Hint cannot be Ignored keep your
eye on her, and give the Admiral a rest.
THIS exposition of the law on "adver-
Using out" a partner In a. mining claim is
going tne rounds of the exchanges;
Where several co-owners abandon a claim,
and one of them desires to re-locate, he
must "advertise out" his partners. The
supreme court of Utah has rendered a de
cision In point, In which It holds that such
re-locations Inure to the benefit of all orig
inal joint locators, and that the re-locator
holds the title thus acquired In trust for
them. The court points out that the
proper course of procedure is for the one
re-locating to "advertise out" the 'others
in the manner prescribed by the federal
statutes, In case he desires to become the
sole owner.
t. Mti lion. mm u. ton.
" ""AI:ofneysaf Lawl "
DEWEY the Great has announced that
he is engaged to the widow of the late
General Hazen. Just so sure as it Is that
the earth revolves around the sun, this
means much In the realm of American pol
itics. Dewey, himself, who knows that
he has already won deathless fame, and
tliat a term as president of the United
States would be more apt to detract from
than to add to his splendid renown, would
perhaps not care for the honors and re
sponsibilities of that high office. He is a
wonderfully well baJaedjjajiJnteUect.-
Reliable plans, specifications and esti
mates furnlshm.
MIMitfu nun:
Mint raamlneJ an J rrptrlrj on., Reference
ly tulne or mining man In Sumpler.
(). WT. MIT, M. I).
C. M. l-lAkCL', M. II.
fbfilcltat t Suffttai.
Telephone Main v
SUMCttu, Okloon
Notary Public
V ' - - ,,
Room 6 anJ S Nrlll ttlk. SUMPTER, OR.
T. BROCK, M. D.,
Physklau and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Sur(ry
and 10 Ulteatatof Woawn.
Office anJ HetlJenre,
Nrlll lllock.
Stenographer and Typewriter.
locate.) In older ot
The Sumpter
Lumber Co.
IT Is hardly necessary to advertise for
trade. The question is how to fill
the orders we have on file. To get
' i dry lumber we have a first class
dry kiln. To get other stock we ship
from Bridal Veil, Baker City, McEwen,
Portland, Seattle and Tacoma. We will
ever keep pace with the demands of bus
iness and the money that is In sight.
J. B. STODDARD, Manager.
the Celebrated
On draught or
by bottle.
oooooou oooooool
"The Olympus"
H. FINGER, Proprietor.
1 High Grade Wines,
L Liquors-and Cigars.
I Company
General Hardware, Stoves.
v Ranges. Mill and Mining
Supplies, Builders and
Plumbers' Supplies. Agents
for Schuttler Wagons, s
. II ion1. .
Sumpter, Or.
"V, if-