8 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, November i, 1899 TALK OF THE TOWN. J. H. W. Hotwright, of Rossland, lias been In Sumptcr for a week past. General Warren and W. C. Caldcr left yesterday on a brief business trip to Spokane. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. T.ipe have gone to Portland, expecting to be absent about two weeks. A. C. Utile, of Tacoma, fish commis sioner of the state of WashliiRton, Is making Sutnpter his first visit. Miss Lena Richardson, of Boston, re cently arrived In Sumptcr to accept a position In Miss Mack's millinery establishment. Attorney Roblln was called to l.a Grande rather hurrldly Saturday, and re turned to Sumpter Monday. It was a business proposition. C. II. I;cuner, David Wilson's engi neer, will be here today to look after Mr. Wilson's Interests regarding his buildings now going up on Mill street. In another column Is published a call for bids on an upraise of tilty-five feet hi the second level of the Ibex and a 200 foot tunnel on the Pyrites claim, of the Mine group. James Connidy, a mining man who worked for W. I.. Vinson in Montana a few years ago, and who has been around town for some time, left yesterday for Cape Nome, Alaska. Mr. Jackson, the milkman west of Pow der river, went to Maker Sunday and re turned With his family. I hey ate occu pying their neat tottnf.c on the west side, which has just been completed. Mr. Shanks, ol Spokane, who has bought the Manning mining properties, consisting of the Jim Crow and the Her culean claims, was In town yesterday, getting ready to start development work. II. M. Grant, a pioneer lire Insurance man of Portland, came down Monday to sec if all the Rre.tt thhiRs he has heard of Sumpter are true. He says they are, and he will make an Investment before he leaves, D. W. Wilbur, a youiiR attorney from Grant's Pass, has come to Sumpter to locate. He Is now buildliiR an otlkc on Mill street, which will be occupied by him self and GcorRc Dean, for a real estate and collection oilier. M. II. Allen, who had the temerity to buy lots In Sumpter last sprliiR, some of which he recently sold at live times their cost sl. months ago, accompanied Mrs. Allen and the children to Maker last Sat urday on their way to Portland. C. J. Joints "k Co. have received a full carload of fancy Rradc onions from Walla Walla, and over one million pounds of Kralu, hay and farm produce from the vitlulty of Haines, In this county, Is con tracted for to be delivered at once. C. II. Peyton, publisher of the Chi cago Law Report, a friend of Otto Her- locker, spent several days In the Sumpter district last week, leaving Sunday. Two years ago he became Interested In some mining property on Greenhorn mountain, which is now being developed. The last issue of the Industry and Min ing, Seattle, publishes a picture of W. L. Vinson, taken on the Coney trail, in the Cascades, In company with A. and J. T. Mlakiston, "the three largest mining operators In the state," says that paper. R. L. Graves, assayer at the Cougar, writes that work is progressing finely on the mill, but that it will be some time yet before the machinery gets In full running order. It was hoped they would be ready to start up November i, but that is now Impossible. Judge W. M. Perrlll, a native of Texas, who has been district attorney of Navajo county, Holbrook, Arl.ona, was In town Monday. He thinks well of Sumpter and may return here to locate. He Is now lookliiR over the country at Welser, Idaho, and the Seven Devils. The bottling works, formerly operated by W. H. Jones In the rear of Gagcn & Sloan's Kentucky Honor house, has been boiiRht by the latter firm, and hereafter that branch will be conducted by them selves in connection with the wholesale department of their business. W. J. Patterson, of the Queen City Furniture company at Maker City, was in town last Friday and Saturday. He re ports their larRc establishment as dohiR the heaviest trade since their establish ment in the business. Like the progres sive tradesman he Is, he lias contracted for continuous advertising In Till: MlNliK, to which attention is called. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mates left Sump ter yesterday, having been called away suddenly by the dcatli of the lattcr'.s father at Vernon, Texas. It is to be hoped that they will return, as Mr. Mates had about arranged a business deal of larRe proportions and much benefit to the town, and Mrs. Mates would be a desir able social ornament In any community. 'AMUII! I. SI'ALDINC Stenographer and Typewriter. liu-flltJ In ulliffol I.ik In (V Oi, SUMI'IIP, OltMiON Sumptcr i Bottling Works j j j j j W. H. JONES, PROP. jt jt jt jt jt Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. jt jt jt jt jt SUMPTER, OREGON BVi "Old age brings experience, and some kinds of e.Nperlence brings old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture for their new homes. We are ready to serve them. We have already supplied satisfactory furniture for hundreds of new homes; we can do as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There Is always plenty here for every room In the house All our goikls are priced on a cash basis and it will pay you to give us a call. Med Room Suits, $i$.oo Bed Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per, double roll, (uri i), 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co. patter &EPPHW Phone Red 361. BAKER CITY, OREGON GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. W. S. BOWERS ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience , in Maker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Maker City; Oregon. The Triumph Cigar IS THE j j World's Best Havana Cigar Their Excellency Cannot be Excelled. Convince yourself bv giving them a trial. For Sale Everywhere. Insist on Having One. FLYNN & MORTON, - Manufacturers GRANT THORNBURG, PROPRIETOR. ..HOTEL GRAND.. The best hotel building in the Mining District. Table always first-class. Rooms large and well furnished. Pint-class bar and billiard room in connection. Reliable Inform ation and guides furnished to mining men. GRANITE, - OREGON Sumpter Livery Stable & McEwen & Sloan, Props. I First Class Livery Rigs and Saddle Horses ALWAYS ON HAND MODERATE PRICES Experienced Guides to all the Mining Camps. Your patronage solicited. KENTUCKY LIQUOR HOUSE Wholesale and Retail FlntH tranJtol bonJ4 hooil goolt, Including OI4 Ovtrholt. Cirten River. Monogram, Jest Moort Wateon t Scotch, CanaJlan Club Whltklet anj Htnnetiv j.Sur Branjy, GAGEN & SLOAN, - - Proprietors (Formerly Phoenix Saloon) v L ' k