Wednesday, October u, 1899. THE SUMPTER MINER. vtf eU ft OUR RICH ROCK L f' Attracts Much Attention at Spokane Fair. Pronounced the Most Comprehensive and .Elaborate Exhibit There. Sompter the Most Important Camp in Eastern Ore gon. Occupies One-Fourth of all the Mineral Space. Ky far the most comprehensive mid elaborate exhibit in the mineral depart ment of the exposition Is the private cot lection of Fred R. Mellis, which he brought here from Raker City and which was materially augmented by ores from the celebrated Sumpter camp, collected for the occasion by Paul Polndexter. The total exhibit, representing every mine and every important prospect in eastern Ore gon, is In charge of Messrs. Mellis and Polndexter. Mr. Mellis Is the mining commissioner from Oregon to the Paris exposition of 1000, and resides in Baker City, Oregon. Mr. Polndexter Is a prominent mining operator In the lively and bustling mining camp of Sumpter, Oregon. Ores, gold specimens and con centrates (the latter are on the. road) are In the exhibition from the following dls tricts: Sumpter, Cornucopia, Ralsley Elkhorn, Rocl Creek, Sparta, Engleton, Virtue, Rye Valley, Mabel, Gold .Hill, Pocahontas, Pine Creek, Snake River and Seven Devils. ' The most important of all these camps and the one which attracts the most at tention at the present time, is the Sump ter camp, which must be subdivided Into the following districts: Bonanza, Cracker Creek, Red Boy, Granite, Greenhorn, Roblnsonvllle, John Day, Quartzburg and Susanvllle. Sumpter is reached by the Sumpter Valley rnllraTd, a distance of thirty miles from the main line of the Oregon Railway & Navigation company's line at Raker City. "The largest producing mines (esti mated) In these districts," said Mr. Mellis last evening, "are the Bonanza, $300,000 per annum; Red Boy, f 300,000; North Pole, $200,000. The Golconda Is ship ping carloads of high grade ores and is installing a Bryan mill. The Cougar Is erecting a loo-ton cyanide plant, the May Queen a lb-stamp mill, the Little Giant a io-stamp mill, tbe Magnolia a io-stamp mill, the Maiden's Dream n lo-stampmill, and the Great Northern a $-stamp mill. The Ibex has a 20-stamp mill In contem plation, and not less than ten other owners are figuring upon or have ordered stamp mills for their mines. "In the Cornucopia district, fifty miles by wagon road from Baker City, the Union-Companion group, owned by J. C. Searles, Is the most Important prop erty. Last year's production from the property was $375,000. "The Balsley-Elkhorn Is steadily ham mering away, and depositing from $8,000 to $10,000 in gold per month. "The old Virtue Is now in the hands of the Virtue Consolidated Mining company, which Is getting everything In shape to pump the water out and sink several hun dred feet deeper in quest of the yellow metal. The banner cleanup of the Virtue was in 1895 when, during the months of April, May and June, $111,000 was de posited to the credit of that mine." Splendid placer mine specimens ranging in value all the way from $1 to $200, are shown In Mr. Mellis' glass showcases, from the Humboldt, Nelson, Elk Creek, Pine Creek, Sumpter, Gimlet and other placer mines. The most valuable mine In the Mabel district Is said to be the Carroll B. Thirty-nine thousand pounds of ore from that mine are expected today at the exposition grounds, where It will be crushed and milled by the 5-stamp Hammond mill which Is about ready to commence opera tions. The ore is high grade and free milling. The mine Is owned by C. J. Johns and James Ralsley. "" Hundreds of small and large specimens are contributed to the eastern Oregon dis play by the Sparta, Rock Creek, Eagle ton, Pochahontas, Gold Hill, Snake River and Seven Devils districts. The whole display Is beautifully ar ranged and is one of the most Important features of the exposition. The space occupied by eastern Oregon ' Is exactly one-fourth of that assigned to the mineral department. Ranged along the whole front are six glass show cases, containing gold specimens, country rock and geological specimens, samples from thousands of prospects and mines from eastern Oregon. One of these showcases Is devoted to ores from the Golconda mine, .111 Inscrip tion on a card above this case bearing the following legend: "Golconda ores, $40, 000 per ton." Incredible as this may ap pear, it is literally true. The gold can be seen sticking out of big chunks of quartz. The Golconda is situated six miles from Sumpter, or thirty-six miles west of Ba ker City, and Is owned by J. G. Eng lish, formerly a large holder of l.e Rol stock. The place of honor the long center table is devoted entirely to the Sumpter 'camp. Huge blocks of quartz from the I Bonanza, Red Boy, Golconda, Columbia, I North Pole, Badger, Imperial, Magnolia, , Ibex, Bald Mountain, Inter-Mountain group, Little Giant, La Bellevue, Herat .lean, Black Dwarf, Banzette, Climax, Phoenix, Mammoth, Present Need, May 'Queen, Ornament, Golden Eagle, and scores of other big mines are distributed all along to 40-foot space, with an equally long shelf below to help carry the ove (low. All along the wall space of 50 feet are placed big and small pieces of quartz, every piece carefully labeled, from the Union-Companion, Chloride,Baisley-Elk-horn, Red Jacket, Last Chance, Flagstaff, Carroll B., Robblns-Elkhorn, Collateral, Virtue, Cyclone, Peacock, Del Monte.Hop Gold, Iron Dyke, Sheep Rock, Decoran, Jupiter, Blue Jacket, Crystal Palace, Gold Hill, Gold Ridge, Emma, Montie, Silver Ridge, Copper Queen, Silver Crown and hundreds of other claims and mines, the big specimens on the lower and the smaller pieces on a narrower up per shelf. Included In the above are Ba ker county building stone, marble, kaolin and coal formations. The whole exhibit Is topped off with a monster sign fifty feet In length, bearing the legend: "Eastern Oregon Go)d Fields." Spokesman-Review. New & Harness Shop MCEMBN & SLOAN, proprietors, SUMPTER, OREGON. REPAIRING - A - SPECIALTY Jt SHOP J OPPOSTETHE. LIVERY STABLE. C.Y. BURR... DEALER IN Common brick, fire brick, tire clay, lime, cement, plaster of Paris and hair. Cellar and flue build ing. Setting boilers and furnace work a spec ialty. Prices moderate. SUMPTER, ORE!: w. s. ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience In Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City; Oregon. IHt I KIUMKH UIUAK IS THE World's Best HAVANA CIGAR. Their Excellency Cannot be Excelled. Convince yourself by giving them a trial. I:nr Sale Everywhere. Insist on Having One. FLYNN & MORTON, COLUMBIA Rpcucpv - 57 Extra Pale and Pilsner beer. Wholesale JOHN ROHRMAN, Proprietor Sumpter Livery Stable s McEwen & Sloan, Props. aimmmmm m m w wmm mmm m& The Wonder GEO. W. WIEGAND Proprietor, 3 E General Merchandise 3 A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots, IJ Shoes, Hats and Clothing. The Wonder, BOURNE, ORE. -'' I - Manufacturers J ''-fe'' AND SALOON - First class wines and liquors. and Retail. SUMPTER, OREGON First Class Livery Rigs and Saddle Horses ALWAYS ON HAND MODERATE PRICES Experienced Guides to all the Mining Camps. Your patronage solicited. i