8 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, October 4, 1899. TALK OF THE TOWN. , The elder Mr. English,of the Golconda, has gone Hast. Mrs. G. B. Tedrowe returned Monday evening from a short visit to Portland. , H. L. McLaln will superintend the building work of the new mill at the Magnolia mine. Mrs. C. H. Whitney, of Baker City, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. B. Tedrowe, it the Capital hotel. H. S. McConnlck, the western repre sentative of the J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Kmll Meler, general manager, and Tom Evans, foreman of the North Pole, were hi Sumpter Monday. Electric lights burned all of Sunday night for the first time. W. L. Vinson took possession of the plant Sunday morning. Messrs Lindsay & Wade, two enter prising business men from Colvllle, Washington, have put In a large stock of general merchandise at Granite. United States Marshal Zoeth Houser, of Portland, owner of mines on Dixie creek, was in Sumpter last week, on Ills way home from a visit to his properties. 'I he engineering department of the Sumpter townslte syndicate has estab lished headquarters in the building on Mill street, until recently occupied as a photo graph gallery. ' I r It is repotted tliat Irving & Slade will build a large livery barn on the Granite kireei property which tliey recently pur chased. Neither arc in town at present and the report cannot be Confirmed. Claude Basche has sufficiently recov ered from his recent illness to make the trip to Baker City, where he will take a few days rest. M. E. Swan came out to iiiauugr the store during his absence. One of the owners of the Independence mine, whose name could not be learned at the time, was severely hurt Thursday of last week, being thrown from his wagon, breaking one rib and Injuring his b.uk. Wesley W. Warren, ore buyer for the Northport smelter, lias been In the vicinity ,for several days, visiting the Cracker Creek, Cable Gove and La Bellevue camps In the Interests of the company he represents- Menuo Unzlcker, the genial representa tive 01 rrarr v L.naimers mining ma chinery house, of Chicago, has been vis iting the various camps of the district for several days past, in the interests of his company. I:. C. Gove, a mining man of Spokane, representing British Columbia capital, has been visiting the various camps near Sumpter during the past week, and it Is quite needless to say is favorably Im pressed with what he has seen. The ball given by the city government In honor of Fred Woorley and Alexander Steadmau, the Sumpter soldiers from the Philippines, will be pulled otf at Hills opera house this evening. Attorney Mc Culloch will do the spell binding act. L. C. Edwards, a prominent druggist of Arlington, Oregon, has been in Sump ter for several days past, s 1th a view to locating in business here. Only the dif ficulty of securing a proper location will keep him out, and at last accounts this was about to be overcome. W. T. Manning and H. M. Fritz are erecting a handsome residence In a se oluded spot In the high timber across Pow der river. The whole proceeding looks sus picious. Whether they are going to coin the queer, make moonshine whiskey, or merely live a retired life, has not yet de veloped. John Todd, recently of Spokane, but with an acquaintance so extensive that he Is at home anywhere within a thousand miles of the Pacific coast, has decided to cast his lot In the Sumpter fields, to en 1 1 gage In the business of handling mines and mining properties. John has his own style and manner of reaching and placing before an Investor any propositions of( this nature and has come into the right field, for his own and others success. Joseph Mikel, the well known mining man of this district, returned Sunday1, from a trip of two weeks through the East, where he went on business. Mr.' Mlkel reports much enquiry concerning this district, which is now being brought to their attention through the press, and many new people can be expected from various places back there soon. Specialties of Chicken Dinners, i Mrs. E. E. Britten, a resident of Sump ter in Its early days, has returned here and leased the property on the corner of Center and Sumpter streets, where she has made some additions and remodeled it Into a neat and cozy dining room, which was opened Monday evening with a genuine home cooked chicken dinner. This will be a specialty of the new place hereafter and be appreciated by many. Mrs. Britten will receive regular boarders at five dollars per week and serve single meals nt twenty-five cents. Here to Turn Another Trick. R. C. Heywood, one of the extensive mine owners and operators of Colorado, arrived In Sumpter Sunday, and was taken in tow by Judge Stott. Mr. Hey wood recently sold the Bald Mountain to a syndicate of Michigan capitalists and is here, presumably, to turn another trick. He is one of the successful mining men of the West that is the variety which Sumpter Is attracting these autumn days. C Y. Burr Get the Buchc Contract. , The Basche Hardware Company let the contract Saturday to C. V. Burr for the brick work on Its new build lug, which will be 15x100 feet, two sto ries high. The contract for the wood work of the Interior has not yet been awarded. The building, when finished, will cost about f6,ooo. Contractor Burr put .1 force of men to work on excavation for the foundation Monday morning. Messrs Potter & Montague will open their new saloon, the Miner's Exchange, this evening, with a fine lunch of roast chicken and other delicacies and extend a cordial invitation to the public to call and inspect their place of business, diagonally across from Johns & Co. Nlcols brothers, the dancing masters of Baker City, with their full orchestra, will given dance at Ellis opera house hall, Friday evening, October I). The Sumpter Lumber company has a stock of fir flooring and rustic; also a full line of paints, oils, glass and building paper. Wanted Pleasant furnished room, close In, by a man. Apply at this office. Stock certificates at THE MINER office. GROCERIES : Crockery, Glassware, Tobac- , '' ,f cb, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. j j NOT MADE BY A TRUST j SMOKE "MASTIFF" PLUG CUT J..B. PACE TOBACCO CO. Richmond, Va. GRANT THORNBURG, PROPRIETOR. ..HOTEL GRAND.. The best hotel building in the Mining District. Table nlways first-class. Rooms large and well furnished. FIrit-class bar and billiard room In connection. Reliable inform ation and guides furnished to mining men. GRANITE, - OREGON u NION BARGAIN STORE THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS J J Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings and Novelties. J J Opposite Sloan 8e McEwen's Stable SUMPTER, OREGON mmwmmmmmmmmmmtmtKK PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED . . . O. W. TAI'I!, M. I). C. M. I'HAKSV, M, D. DRS. TAPE & PEARCE, Pkjrililm tf lirgMM. Trlrphont Main . SUMPTIR, OutflON. NOTICE We will locate or examine claims anywhere in Sumpt er mining district for strang ers. Have had jo years ex perience. Prices reason able. Address Baker & Wilson, Sumpter, Oregon i A. HILUIER & CO. ...The Druggists... I - TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, OPTICAL GOODS -3 g: SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. P. D. HEALY s umpter noo tor' REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT NUIlUb Agency for Green-Wheeler Shoes i M j r j -1 r i