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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1899)
'!' Wednesdav, September 27, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. THE SUMPTER MINER. Published livery Wednesday by , II. MAHSII and J. W. CONNKI.LA, dir tfnmllon iliruugh tlir null trcifflJ reon, cl pni" Yrif Sl SUHSCMU'riONMATI-S Muniht AIWAVS IN AllYASCU LIS I'AKMIiKS ;irmiiid Walla Walla arc re-1 ported to be buying mines. It's a Iomk .shot proposition that thev get a choice col lection ol "gold bricks." DOWN at Vale, the county seat, the lirst issue of the Malheur County Her ald was published September n, by V. Plughoff. It is both all home print and all right. NliWSPAPhH people ill the Grand Monde valley are luxuriatiiiK in (rult, contributed by charitable neighboring tanners, and the local columns are crowd ed with sugarv words of thank. Illl Maker City Democrat editorially announces in mixed metaphor the arrival here of the "boomers." Strange to say, however, though true it Is, the boom ar rived sixty or nlnetv davs ahead ot the alleged boomers. I III HI. is a prospect near Sumpter, now beltiK developed, that the owners thereof h.ive had the reckless hardihood to christ en, "I he MUk Cat." This seems to be perilously suggestive of that dang erous feline, the wild cat. OVI:K at Mountain Home, Hubert No ble sold his wool dip this year for Jiw 000 iasli, the weight of the wool being v 1,000,000 pounds; whUh statement would lead one to judge that it assays about as rich as ( ioliouda lock. I conditions under which they are worked. I Mr. Wooley will carry the matter Into the district court. A KKCENT Issue of the Oregoulau published a picture of . R. Mellls, of Maker City, one of Oregon's commission ers to the Paris exposition. A better selection for the position could not have , been made and Baker County will come pretty near being represented as long as lie is looking after Its Interests. IN THK Eastern Oregonlan of recent dale Is published some remarks by Presi dent C. W. Nlbley, of the Sumpter Val ley road, which makes pleasant reading for the people of this town. He says Sumpter is the best town in eastern Ore gon right now, is going to be better, and lie is thinking seriouslv of coming here to live. HliPORT comes from Portland that the Kngllsh Development company, of. Lon don, has secured control of the smelter there, which was built ten or a doen years ago and only run for a short time. It is said to be the intention of the new company to modernle and enlarge the plant and begin operations at an early day. The management expect to draw largely on Idaho and Eastern Oregon for ores and will soon put buvers in this ter ritorv. Illl: statistics regarding the receipt of mining machinery in Sumpter during the past three months, which were published in I HI: MlNI-R last week, tell the story ot the great mining development In this district, that can be neither credited to the boomers nor charged to "mere news paper talk." Now here in the Weil Is the mining industry so profitably active as it is in the Sumpter district at this time. , Were the mines and prospects here lo-1 cnled In Colorado, there would beanother i wild Cripple Creek stampede; were thev Sumpter Lumber Co. Is fully equipped to supply the largest CASH boom that can be inaugurated. All we ask is the money and we will Carry Everything In the Building Line... That this wide world can furnish. We have facilities for getting material to enclose the whole town under one roof four stories high should it be required. j. SUMPTER, OREGON. Stoddard, Manager. i.iL-l.iiriTvmn..,r,,i ......t.i-d 1 1" Washington this distributing camp , i In extending the Sumpter' Vallev railroad ' W""J l'v Pl'"'''"' ' . ; beyond this town to John I av vallev. , Till: editor of the Crowley, Mississippi, ' 'I hat rich empire to tlie west and south- signal evidently knows a gooJ thing iwestol here will iimloumedls some u.iv ' have a railroad but not this vear. ' II' Mil: dust on the mountain toads were I jhiIv the "yellow stufl," the single stand iird ol what the ( iood Hook deilares is the root ol all evil.everv hundred vards in thrse pai Is woul sullice lu liquidate the national debt; ves, alter the Philippines ;ire conquered. , when he sees it. He liaveled through Oregon with the national editorial excur-' sion last summer, and this is hismiuia-i tine pen picture ol the state: "Oregon savors of everv thing beauti-1 tul, delicious and desirable. No matter how exaggerated to vou mav seem the ' storie ol this wonderlul stale, believe them.lor thev cannot be overdraw n. One 'can have but a vague conception of what 1 HllSKIlare thousands of men all over Oregon is without seeing it. With all I the countrv looking for a lavorable loca- the grandeur of Its scenery, the wealth of 'Hun in which In engage in business or Its mines, the inagniliieuce oljls llowers 'invest money. Sumptei i.iii catch the audits Iruits, It is a state unkiie, com-' uowdbv merelv letting the world know plete." the simple, unadorned truth legardiug N A private letter to one ol the pub touditious here. . Ushers ol Illl: MlNliR. John I. Dore, of II is "written In the stars" that tills Seattle, tlie most brilliant lawyer on the Sumpter town and Sumpter mining dis- Pacilic mast, actually asks where Sump .triit shall have a veiltable boom. It is ter Is; savs he can't luid It on the map. not an aillliclal one that has been carelul- Ninety l;'vs ago lew people outside of Iv dev Ised and woiked up, but one that Hi's Immediate vklnltv or those who have the conditions miuinaud. and therelore is business connections in these parts ever justified bv all natural law s. heard of the tow n. During the past few months, however, since some live mining li AMUR than being envious of .the ' operators learned ol the marvelous min piaiseworthv glow th ol hei Alpine sister era! wealth ol the district, and divulged ltv ol Sumpter, the vast majoiity ol tlie wlmt has apparently been kept a secret people ot Maker Citv, at least all ol our for some years, Sumpter's fame has been trulv sensible people, ate proud ot tlie gradually growing. And vet. mining has most energelk and thrllty plive ot its ste been a profitable Industry here for more' In the Northwest.- Maker Citv Democrat". xan twenty years. Till: MlNKR has,, Goes' Artistic Lithographed .... Stock Certificates slr- APPROVED STOCK LED6RS AND JOURNALS HANDSOME PROSPECTUS PAMPHLETS ALL STYLES OF CORPORATION SEALS TECHNICALLY CORRECT MINING BLANKS For Sale By The Sumpter Miner At Spokane and Portland Prices, With Express Charges Added. .''''' 'w5 Opera House Saloon.... 'THAT story whkli conies Ironi Cincin nati, about Dewev's son taking lo tlie wild jungles "aaoss the Hliinc" because a good-looking gltl "Kissed him tor his," Is too gau to stand washing. Young Mr. Dewev is a drummer, or mm mercial tourist would perhaps sound bet ter lu his case. I.iii. jimp ...mtfllf iit..jl Itt..lf .. .iii.i,iiltt... nt lli.l,. l . 'HS' i ..,, tt ii'Hiiiiini w. , a thousand or so a week, on publicity,! and Sumpter's shining light no longer j lemalus under a bushel. i Copper Smflttr for Union County. County Kecorder J. M- Giikinson in tortus us that tlie New York parties who , recently purchased the Copper Queen II. S. WOOI.I.of Idaho Citv, hat. j mine in this County east of Union for I eeu sentenced to pay a Hue of ;o and $50,000, e.xpect to ariive here inside of the costs for v iolatiou ot the law ol the last next thirty days to commence the erection ' session or the Idaho legislature resulting ol a large smelter at their mine. Union'' liotkes to be posted on mines showlngthe Republican. Harley 6. Wood. Proprietor. SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT FINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. Agent for Mattingly & Moore Whisky. Twenty-year old whiskey as good as elixir of life. All whiskies out of bond and guaranteed the genuine article. POPULAR RESORT FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND MINERS. SUMPTER OREGON. i i I f &