PASTOR DELIVERS A STRONG SERHQI Rev. Leech of First Methodist Church MakesEarnest Plea For A Dry Town. URGES PROTECTION OF YOUNG MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD Saloons Mean Ruined Homes Drunkeness and Dishonor to Flag Which Shall It Be? Continued from Monday, Nov. 4. Or spite tin stormy weather, I he audiloiium of tin: First Methodist church ;il Tliiid ami H Kw. ,ri h strvrt. was filled by ;t large crowd of local people last evening lo hear the s-r-nion agahiM ilu liquor traffic Ity the pastor, tin- Rl-v. D. II. I.eceh, who c1msc for liis ). t "Choose Von This l)ay Whom Ye Will Serve.' The ser mon was niii' of the hest heard in this tity for many months and was great ly appreciated hy the alieiilivc audi- flier. Following is a synopsis of Ucv. I .eech's sei mioii : "A t hi i if; is wrong when il is a violation of the law, either divine or human. An omission of a duly which is '-omntaitded, or i-onihiK-.ii hi of an act f i n hi i Id en hy la w. Any aggi ival i d ' l leiise a;.;ainst nn nality or the public welfare. "Dunk nnliis men and women for service-; it breaks (he health, destroys tin- will. It is n - i hing unusual to see an a d veil Ken, e n I , "Wanted A harlemhr, iimt he o.lal al.slainer." Wliv "Dr. I.oreiie. the cehbratcd Aus trian surgeon, h it his with nntottched at a hampiel given in his honor. When Iiski-d it lie ttih a tetolaler, he replied, "I am a surgeon, and my success de pends upon my brain being clear, my inuscles lirm, and iny nerves steady. 1 uiu-l not driiil;.' " I lie sah.i.n is an injury 1" poster it y," con li nued . I .e. ch. "This means some leinlde things, the very nnniion th.-m shouhl s.-ttle the matter once and for all in the minds of all tight ihint.iug people. We, arc the children of the past, lint wc arc tin parents of the future, "The liii"r t ra I'l'ic means idiocy in conception, children with diseas d hoilies, inhnK, and wills, which de velop into di link eu n ess, delta u cilery, and lives of sh.ime I'm huih hoys and Kills, and hmitates 3 our manhood ami w manhood. 'We I.11..W the h-Mtji' is the founda ti"ii of tine ci iliali'in and that the sal.iiui is Ms enemy. "o bus iness emplits as lew men. It is the c.i test l"e I . honest -lahor. With the two billion t w o hundred ami fifty million of dollars spent for liquor in the past three years hy the laboring nicii of the I'nilcd States, it must he remembered lliat those engaged in the liquor business, h,.th wholesale and retail, employ milv two hundred ami forty two thousand in all. "It all t li esc were 1 It row n out of employment ami the saloons would go j out ot lMts:n,-s. tlu lahoiuig people ah. ne could attoid to pay them each, thiee dolars uM- clay while they lest and still have hanks running in their own mteteots with a capital of one billion five hundred million dollars. " The money vpeut lor drink is more than that spent for public schools, churches, furniture in homes, flour, hoots and shoes, potatoes and sugar. Where is the answer to this hy the hiemls of the saloon1 1 al e the low us ol l reg.m from the Columbia liver to the t a I it. t ni.i line and the best uupi oved ate the ones which have been without saloons the longest. "i n nct Tm-v.lav ue have the op portnnity of casting our ote for one of two 'Inni's. I'M si - 'i otcctiou of the home, the ciadlc. the hope of the iuturc. that our ho s mav hae a bet ler chance 1h.n1 their fathers ami that the white sae tialfic mav be de stroved. That manhood and woman hood be not sacioiccd lo a nice and h'M That 1 ii;htcousii ss niav be e lilted. "Second - Kume, ho-iu s. diuukcu ness i,,v itu. ,,,x ;lMl vj,aiin for the KiiN. Khamlniy lor tnen and wo men. t i.dlesnc - s among the people l''di..uo. I.. ,,, iAK Which shall we choose.' OLSEN GETS FINE UNO IS GIVEN A JAIL SENTENCE (oil. rrt ho plead miiltv lew .n;,. to the I'lintf of s lluiv; ml. ainii; li.u,.r without a license, was this motniiu; lined $15000 and s, nteueed I,, ien da s in i.ul 1 he ca-c of kihl.v s I I a. -en, on an appeal pom Ih. jti-ti.v .Mini, was tiled to. I. iv and v; I , il p. ill, nn v at a o , i, K t 'us ,i:i,i n, I Kenneth r,oi.k of I'.uiland. a ! lot. er 1'...nv vs.. inn; man, passed Alb.inv llns inotninc. to I'd I mviuc to look alter a tarni bclonc,inc; to Ins l.,thei in law . K, n is a m.oi now and is eniplov ed iu the hi depailnient of the S. IV and . and Mis W. K. l.ilc o( Salem -c visiting in Albany cstcrdav Pinn while lure al the St. l tancis n. o 1 Misi I'lla Johnson of drvalli vii lied iu Albany l.,sc week, the K""t "I Mrs. Men Kirk. VVO BULLETS FIRED AT DODD EFFECTIVE Post-Mortem Examination Was j Made By Dr. V. H. Davis of This City Last Week. CORONER RECEIVES MESSAGE FROM DEAD MAN'S BROTHER Soldier in United States Army Directs That Body Be Sent to Chatham Virginia. That two of the i-hots ami probably three of thoie fired by Kalph Henry of Newport at (icorge Dudd whom he killed at Corvallis lat week, look ef fect, wa.i di.-doscd by the po:.t mor tem examination made hy Dr. W. 11. Davis of this city last week. Coroner FortniilKr of this city has received word from V. J. Dodd, a soldier in the United Slates Army, stationed at Ft. Duughiri, Utah, slat ing that he was a brother of the dead man and directing that the body be shipped to Chatham, Virginia, where the deceased formerly lived ami where relatives reside. Though the iik-;ic nave tin: im pression thai Dodd had couie to the Pacific Coal from Virginia, it did not give any further pariiciilar . regarding his relatives, nor did it stale how long )odd hail been ; way from his former I-'orluiilh r will comply with the l euiieM of I )odd brother to sen, tin- body to Chatham, Virginia, and will probably -lart it on it-, ion;,--journey acro-s ihe continent touav. Henry, the murderer, who K con fimd in the county jail in thK city, is apparently not wotryim; over the ituaiion accordin;j to the other pri--oiu-rs in the jail, ami has very little 10 say coiiccruimr tin: shooting at Corvallis la -t week- when he killed ( leoru-e Podd for interference in his fainiK affairs. NEW JERSEY SGHOOLra CRITICIZES GIRL POPILS Xtw Vnrli, Xnv. .1. Mi--s J I1U1.1 111 wIid wliu lias iMiarfDl ihc i r I in Ilu- I ;: lit.- I.. j.) IhkIi scln.. .1, mailo Minn' Iu.kI Iti unit i-riiii.-ini.-. ic-i-i-iilly. Sin- ;iil(lri'i'il ihe nirls, say ini;: "Xi.m jii N art' Unt prolific in ilu' um' l p.iiiil aiul in''iic and ymi will ll;ivi" to Mop Hie pi.u-tu-f at oiu-c- l lo not care lo In- tivau-il lo uuivini; piclnri's in Ihi. .-.chool and ni-ithiT lo wc want any (ialalcas or living oil paiiuiiiK saromnl here. This is a puli lic M-hoo! atnl iittt an arl gallery. 11c .siilcs. I think the complexion of the average American j;irl in Mich that is liarnicl in, lead of improved liy arli licial deices." Then .Miss Ohlhani Icclured the nirls on their clothing. She said many of the nirl-. had nol into the haliil of wealing ho--e of too lond a color ami announced lhat in the fu ture hosiery ami miocs wcutld he con fined to Idack and lan colors. Several of Ihe school irls will take up the m iller of Mack and lan shades wilh the board of education. v"' ef") e s-1 y , ) ) 1 Cj) s I1 " 1.1 MISKITS ' Coiitribuicd By V. P. Nutting. gj I? (? C? (Jl tf" i" $ e- e- c? c? (5) 'I'oniorrow will occur a i;reat election- Ivvcrv man would cpi into the .otiue; hooih dclciniincd lo do what he considcis rii'lu, rci;ardlc ..s of poli tics and consequences, in the interest of heller co eminent and citizenship. Kockloid. 111. t!ie former home of Recorder Van I'.t-sel, dry he its own vole, now a city of over 50,(ll people. I'as had a m.iiM'lou. growth since dome. aw. iv with ihe -aloon I'.csides its taxes aic the lowc-1 of any of the largest cities of ihe state. Any city is Letter off without the saloon, hii; or little. Locally a matter of deep concern lo the people of Alhanv, from the yoiium'-t to the olde-t. will he the .ole on the prohihition of the liipior tic heie. that is t!ie keepim; of the saloon out of the city. Albany is havinc. a -plcndi.l propcritv. let us not hamper it with the open saloon, winch di.iws the money from legiti mate husmc-s into the channels of boo.e. besides a decided bad influence inoi.illv. a menace lo the citv. Some c per. but t vv ,i s.,voii niav pro lo it in smtc ot l!i ,1- w .!, a is a t'.unu.'ap. never .1 which!-. never boosts inilucncc is evil, never vtood be!; who Xo titan who ever run for president mule a cleaner contest for the office than tiov. Wilson has nude ll It.n been of a class order, without .1 single word that has been harsh, a manlv 1' tor the bii;.cest office ill the itil't of the people News BfRinninu With Thii Head Is From Daily Issue of N WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6. s s C? V? vf v? V? V? s? J"" President-Elect , f A r A WILSON HAS CARRIED Incomplete Returns Up to Moon Today Give Democratic Nominee Big Plurality. (Special to 'A'cnine; Democrat.) ronlaml, o-. o. With returns in tile ai'i..u- counties in the state complete. Uondrow Wilson now cms cerlaia of the electoral vote of rc-pci by a silbslanlial plur.'ilily. .t noon today State (" II. Ilaney iiavv out the' statement al W ilson seems absolutely certain a plurality of 10JMII votes. While the n turns from M ullnoniah unlv were noi canvassed up to noon ils.Mi is leadim; both 'baft and losevclt in i'orllaud and has a bij; id in the interior counties. INDICATIONS ARE ALBANY WILL GO DRY BYI00V0TES The couutinc of the votes in the arioiis prcciucls of the city is not pro.nrcssiiiL; ;is rapidly as was antici pated hut iroui present indications it is safe to predict that Albany will Wo dry by helwem 75 and U'll votes. The i.te in Kno Untie precinct which is complete was dry 57, wet Ki vina ;i dry majority there of vites. In Trice precinct which is al so complete, there was a dry majority of two oHS. In 1 -last Albany the dry were ! ahead this morning hut the counting in this precinct is not yet complete. No further information could he oh tained from Kast Albany up to 3 o'clock litis afternoon. 1 n Albany precinct, the wets were IS ahead this morning with the count in i .; ill iu pr 'iress at press time. West Albany went dry by 5i) votes but the count i not yet Completed. The majority of 50 dry votes iu W est Albany was hen to the Pemocrat at noon. LEBANON REMAINS IN THE DRY COLUMN Lebanon, Or.. Xov. o. i Special to the Democrat .) W hile a strong fight was made in this city to phtce Leb anon iu the wet column, the drys scored a complete victory in y ester -dav's election, the town i;oing dry by nearly two to one. Iloth the wets and drys made a vigorous campaign. H ARRISBURG GOES WET AT YESTERDAY ELECTION 1 larrisburi;, Nov, (v (Special to the IVinocratA After vmc of the most hollv contcstv-d electtoi's in the llis-lotv- ot this city. Hairisbni cster dav votevl Wvt by .1 tuaiollty of fvMty eujht votes. 51 votes ben-;; cast in the negative and '1 in the aifirmativ e. l.oth precincts were canted by the wets, one by Jl ma.ioritv and the oth er bv 27. EUGENE WENT DRY AGAIN BY VOTE OF TBBEETOOONE cuRcne. vjre.. no. e. (Special to the Democrat.) The citv of Eugene went dry by J to 1. Springfield went wet by safe majority. Dry council and mayor elected in Springfield. Wilson and Vice-Pres'dent-Elect Marshall Chosen s n. 1 . ., v f A, nnrcT osiifr p onuti ur.ujr. 10 m i Democratic Nominees Say at All Frogressies Should Support Administration. Princeton, X. J., Xov. 5. Respond ing lo a t le;.M-an from the democratic national ch, irma:: as-ertin that Gov ern' r W'ils 'M innjucsti' uiably was elected, the -i -r? 1 1 ra t i c caii'lidate s.-ut a di.-pat. h l Mr. .McCoir.hs as fol lows: "I d,-epl; appreciate '"'.ir teleurram and v. i-li iti et s'nd to y- and the n.. ndn-rs "f ti;e campaign commiitee my war nicouratulationc? on the part yon have played in the organization and conduct of a campaign fought out upon essential issues. "A great cause has triumphed. Kvcry democrat, every true progres sive, of whatever alliance, must now hud his full force and enthusiasm to the fjlfillmcut of the people's hope, the establishment of the people's right, s that judgment and peace may g hand iu hand." This was Covitumi Wilson's first utterance of a public character follow ing his acceptance of the reports that he had been elected. MISS BEDFIELD IS ELECTED SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Miss Klhel R edf ield, a former teacher iu the public schools of this city, who for the past six years has been connected with the schools of l.ewitoii, Idaho, was yesterday elect ed county school superintendent of Ne l'crce'Voimty by a big majority, a fact her many friends in this city w ill be glad to hear. Miss Redfield who is a daughter of I-'. M. Redfield of this city is'fully capable of officiating in her new of fice and the Democrat joins with her many friends in. extending congratu late 'US. LOWER HOUSE IS OVER WHELMINGLY CE'ouCHATIC Chicavto, Nov. (. She next house of representatives, the tM in the history o! the nation, will be ovi'rwhelmine;v democratic. Kearly returns indicated there would he 277 democrats. 14S re publicans, and 1.) of other parties, mostly progressives, in the new lower congressional body. This would mean a democratic ma jority of 11 votes over all opposing party strength. CLARENCE CAMERON WILL ADVERTISE THE OWL STORE The following arc the terms of a bet made yesterday on the l tial election between l;red Dawson.! proprietor of the Owl drugstore, and Clarence Cameron of the Cameron rianiui; null It Roosevelt carried Oregon, Daw son would push a wheelbarrow down First street from the St. Charles hotel p. I. yon street advertising Cameron Son's planing mill. If Wilson ear ned Oregon, Cameron was to push the wheelbarrow the same distance advertising "Rexall" geods sold bv Dawson. Cameron lost the bet and will ful fill his part of the bet sometime this week. Villi particulars later. v J-rf V-" V I "A 1 , 1 1 1 LANE LEADS BOURNE IN Uififlil MB fl II Election of Democratic Senator Claimed at Democratic Headquarters Today. (Special to Hveiiiui; Democrat.) I'orllaud, Ore, Nov. . I'p to .on today Dr. Harry I.aue. demo alic nominee for L'uiteil Stales sen or. was leadinc; I'.ouriR' in Multno ah county by U '.i voles. Returns i.::i basteru eircou counties are mm-; in alow but l.ane is leading nil Selling and liourne on the gen ii n..i:lt. At democraiic headquarters the ction of l.anc i5 claimed )v a sub uui.'il majority. o KILLED BY A STRAY BULLET Leaden Missle From Hills Hit Boy While He Was Standing in Door of His Home. Wilfred, the 5 year-old son of -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Codicil, who re sides six mil.s above Crawfonlsville. was instantly killed at 111 o'clock yes terday morning, while standing in the kitchen ibeir of liis home, hy a stray bullet which came down from the hills above the house and through an open window. . The bullet struck- the hoy in the left arm passing through his body and coming out on the right side, badly shattering his right arm. Cor oner l:ortniil!cr went to Crawfords ville yesterday morning accompanied bv Dr. Howard of Lebanon and Wayne Whecldim. the Iirowiisvillc undertaker. Alter investigation. Cor oner Fortmiiler decided tin inquest was not necessary, the death oi the boy having evidently been caused hy a stray bullet fired by some hunter in the woods. The bullet was 311-Jll calibre and after passing through the body of the youngster dropped to the floor. At the tit-'e the accident ocs-urred. Mr. and Mrs. Codicil, the boy's par ents, were in Lebanon doing some trading and in on receipt of the sad news of the d atll of their son. hur ried home a; once. Mr. Codicil ex pressing the . pinion that his oldest sou bad probably been playing with his rifle which he keeps at home. The opinion that the older boy might have accidentally shot his brother was also expressed by several of the neighbors to Mr. I-'ortniiller last night but the coroner decided that death was caused bv a strav bul let from the hills. The decision of the coroner was strengthened bv an examination oi the Winchester 30-30 rifle owned by Mr. Cochdl which was found to be empty and evidentlv hadn't been fired tor some time. Wilfred was one of the six children oi Mr. and Mrs. Codicil and was a nephew of Mrs. A. D. Wheeler of this city, who with Mr. Wheeler left this morning for Cravviordsville to attend the funeral services which will be held there tomorrow. The par ents of the boy are grief stricken over the unfortunate death of their son. Commodore Osborne of Shelbiirn who was indicted by the recent grand jurv tor a statutory offense, has fur nished bon is for liis appearance in court and was not confined in jail as reported. COWS WANTEDTwo extra good grade Jerseys, fresh. Will pay cash or take as part pavment on piatic.. Kaltz. the Pi ano Van, 1 20 V. Jnd St. U-t I. Red .'5.2 N5-6-wS Trojan Powder Demonstrator will he seen in action Frid.iv. 8-12. in North Albany at Ul a. m.". on F. X. Wood's place, about 2t minutes' walk from the city. Albany Gun Store. Yesterday ' v ft BILLIN6SLEY ANNOUNCES HE W1LLATTEN0 SHOW HERE Superintendant of ihe Portland Eugene and Eastern to See the Apple Exhibits. T. L. Billingsloy, superintendent of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern, has annuonced that he wil Ihe at the Al hany Apple Show "stronger than horseradi.-h." which hy the way is one ot the irenial railroad official's favor ite e-xpresc-ions. Superintendent rillin;x.dey i dem onstrating his strong friendship for Albany and her business interests, and lias been handing apple how pro grams to Ins acquaintances from Port land to Eugene- And incidentally he has called the attention of the higher officers of the road to the advan tages of some day constructing the college loop line as an extension of the present street railway. Mark Woodruf, publicity agent for the P. E. & E., will be at the Apple Show on the 14th, and will gather data for a boosting story of the kind he likes so well to write. Marcus Arelius never has a hammer out lor Oregon or the Willamette Vallev. FARMERS TEAol CAUSES SOME EXCITEMENT ON FIRST ST. Horses Driven By North Albany Man Overturned Fruit at the Beam-Fletcher Store. The team of A. A. Hawley. a farm er residing in North Albany, became frightened while standing in front ot the store of W. P.. Stevens and com pany at 10 o'clock this morning and ran away. At the corner of First and Ferry streets the team headed straight for one of the big show windows in the store oi the lleam-Fletcher company whic hit missed by a tew inches. The wagon struck one of the benches in front of the store which was piled high with apples and other fruit, scat tering it in all directions. The wagon pole struck the corner of the building and was broken in sev eral pieces, but no other damage was done. The team was stopped near the alley on Ferry street between Wa ter and First. Xo one was injured in the runaway, Mr. Hawley being inside the store when the team ran away. The corner of the Beam-Fletcher store has been the mecca for many runaways during the past tew years and on oik- occasion the big plate glass window on the Ferry street side was broken and the awning wrecked whe na dray team on the last lap of a wild dash through town tried to en ter the grocery store via the window. BIG LABOR VOTE GOES TO LANE COUNTY "The bis labor vote Bourne ' received at the primaries has Rone over to l.ane. Bourne is now a poor third. Even monev on l.ane. No takers. Lane will be elected." This was the mcssace receiv ed here this morning from F. S. Meyers, manager oi the l.ane senatorial campaign in Oregon. It the Lane campaign manager has the right tip on the labor vote of Oregon. Lane's election is a moral certainty. ? ,? ? 7 ? ; S a 2 i