Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, November 08, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    1 V
1913 Models of the Indian Motorcycle
i Following is a resume in a
nuthell of returns from various
Wilson Carried Thirty Eight
States Will Get 412 Elec
torial Votes.
Lane Leads tor U. S. Senator;
Suffrage Apparently Car
ried; Single Tax Defeated.
From Wednesday, November 6.
(Spcci:'.I to Evening Democrat.)
Portland, Ore., Nov. 6. Carrying
thirty-eight Slates, giving him a tital
of 412 voles in the electoral college.
W'ooilrow Wilson, democratic nom
inee for President, yesterday won the
most complete victory in the history
of the American nation.
Xot only did the democratic nom
inee carry the solid south, but will
receive more than twice as many
votes in the electoral college as
Roosevelt and Taft combined.
On the face of the returns received
up to 2 p. m. today Roosevelt will
receive votes in the electoral col
lege and Tuft 2d.
in many states, including the great
state of New York, the democrats
elected their governor and the major
itv of the members of the slate leg
islature, insuring the election of dem
ocratic senators in the place of the
republican incumbents.
The estimated plurality of Wilson
in Oregon is placed between five and
ten thousand votes.
Returns received thus far indicate
that woman suffrage has carried and
that the single tax has been ovor
whelmingly defeated.
Harry Lane is leading in the sena
torial race in Oregon.
With final results from 22 out of 34
precincts in Linn county available
(exclusive of Albany) Wooilrow Wil
son has a lead of 5,il votes over
Roosevelt, bis nearest opponent, and
570 over Taft.
Dr. Marry Lane has a lead of 325
voles over Selling and SU5 over
Bourne, the latter receiving only 323
votes in the precincts above reported.
I'm- congress Hawley, republican,
and Smith, democrat, are running
neck and neck, the former being 32
votes ahead of Smith. Campbell is a
poor third.
Jackson, democrat, appears to have
the largest majority of any of the
county candidates, returns available at
this time giving him a lead of 653
votes over his republican opponents.
All other republican candidates have
a lead over the democrats and re
turns thus far received indicate that
Jackson will be the only county can
didate on the democratic ticket wdio
will be elected. The fight for the leg
islative offices is close and new re
turns may change the result.
The vote from 22 precincts thus
far reported is as follows:
Wilson 122S, Taft 658, Roosevelt
Congress Campbell 323, Hawley
1038, Smith 1006.
Scn;,tr Bourne 325, Clark 249,
Lane 1138. Selling 805.
Secretary of state Olcott 1178,
Ryan 795.
Dairy and Food Commissioner
Lea (Ded.) 962; Mickle 982.
District Attorney Hill 1212;
Holmes 1088.
State Representative Childs 964,
Lewclling 1054. Porter 1026, Elmore
951. Philnott 901. Shaw 925.
Countv Judge McKnight 1632,
Palmer 1184.
Sheriff Bodinc 1580. Smith 1416.
Recorder Froman 1456, Miller
Treasurer Francis 1535, Runv
baugh 1196.
Superintendent Jackson 1S33, Mil
ler 1188.
Irrespective of which way the bat
tle of ballots goes today, the great
majority of students in the Albany
High "school favor be election of
Woodrow Wilson. A straw vote was
taken yesterday which gave W'ilson
a clear majority over both Taft and
Roosevelt. The result was as fol
lows: Wilson, 90; Roosevelt. 51 ;
Taft .V?: Deb". IS: and Chatin. fi.
has god
appears to '
leads anil
California Wil.-on
his manager clanr.s state bv JO,-
Colonuio Reports indicate
Wiisuii wii carry state by 4J.0O0 "
z over Taft, with Roosevelt close
i Connecticut Wilson carries
i Delaware Wilson carries Del- 'J-
aware by good plurality. 'S1
t) Hurida L'sual democratic
majorities. 0
Georgia Usual democratic f
i majorities.
J) Idaho Wilson leads on early
$ returns. '
-i) 1 llinois Roosevelt carries &
i state by 15,111), Wilson second.
i Democrats elect governor. vi
3 Indiana Democratic with &
$ Roosevelt apparently second. S
$ Iowa Seems to have been car-
ried by Roosevelt; Wilson sec
) ond.
i) Kansas Roosevelt leads on
early returns.
r Kentucky Carried by Wil- tf'
i) son. Xo state candidates voted
$ on. f
Louisiana Usual democratic )
i1 majorities.
i Maine Success of democrat-
ic electoral ticket apparent from
i three-fourths count, Wilson liav
i ins 5tH0 lead over Roosevelt.
i) Maryland Democratic bv
about 40.000. i$
Massachusetts State democratic (
$ for president, first time in its his-
tory. Governor boss re-elect-
ed. Democrats seem to have
made slight i;ain in congress.
) Michigan iscatterini; and m-
? com)lele returns indicate Roose-
' veil has a good plurality. 6s
) Minnesota Democrats claim $
S state on early returns by 2.v
Mississippi Democratic ma-
jority indicated as 105,1:00.
) M issouri Scattering returns
indicate Wilson has carried
"J state.
.Montana Apparently demo-
J era tic. W I
Nebraska Senator Hitchcock
$ claims state for Wilson by 35,-
i 0U.
i Nevada Returns give Wilson
a good lead. Roosevelt second.
f) New Hampshire Taft has
slight lead.
V Aew ersev Wilson carries
New Jersey by a safe plurality.
s) 1 he count is slow. W
New Mexico No returns as
yet. .
New York bor Wilson by
from 150,000 to 200.000.
i Nortli Carolina Democratic, l
usual majorities.
North Dakota Wilson leads
strongly. Republican candidate
for u o e r n o r leads.
d Ohio Wilson leads in Ohio.
Oklahoma Wilson has large
Oregon T-ong ballot makes
returns extremely slow.
Pennsylvania In doubt at a
late hour.
Rhode Island Taft leads on
meager returns.
South Can.dina Democratic
electors elected by usual majori-
ties. Roosevelt electors seem to be
South Dakota Wilson leads,
with Roosevelt a close second.
Tennessee Usual democratic
$ Texas Democratic by 170,-
000. '
Utah Seems to have been
carried by President Taft.
Verm on t Ta ft w i n s by 924
votes over Roosevelt on final
count. Wilson third.
Virginia Democratic.
Washington Polls closed late.
Slow count makes returns late.
West Virginia Wilson leads
on meagre returns.
Wisconsin State goes into
W'ilson column.
Wyoming Taft leads on men-
gre returns. Mondell, reprcsen-
tative for congress, has large
(Special to Evening Democrat.)
Portland, Nov. 6. Returns receiv
ed here this afternoon confirm the
prediction made late last evening that
former Speaker Canon has been de
feated by Frank T. O' I lair, demo
crat, by a plurality of approximately
1200 votes. O'Hair and Cannon arc
running neck and neck in the lattcr's
home county.
Godfrey-Coates Nuptials.
T. M. Godfrey and Miss Grace M.
Coats, a well known young couple of
Douglas county, were united in mar
riage at the Methodist parsonage at
2:30 yesterday afternoon, the Rev. D.
1 1 . Leech officiating. They will re
side in this city where the groom is
employed by the Southern Pacific.
WANTED To buy secind-hnnri top
buiriry, in good rcjKiir. Home I'hone
?.'' 2irl N'.v
Arizone Wilson
lead; woman suffrage
have carried slate.
Arkansas Wilson
state by oO.l'nil.
Returns Indicate Majority of
Four With Eight in Doubt
ful Column.
Contest in Kansas and Colorado
Is Close Senator Dixon
May Be Deteated.
Chicago, Nov. 6. The next United
States senate will be democratic by a
majority of at least four. According
to returns from all sections of the
country there will be 46 democrats in
the upper of congress and 42
republicans. This leaves eight seats
in the doubtful column, with every
prospect of their being swung into
the democratic ranks.
Senator Smith, of Michigan, also
showed signs of being defeated, ac
cording to early returns from that
state. These ivlurns, mostly from
Detroit and surrounding towns, show
that Wilson is leading there.
Senator llorah. of Idaho, progres
sive and republican , candidate, will
probably be returned to the senate.
In Colorado, where a successor to
Senator Guggenheim is being chosen,
early returns show the race to be
close between the democrats and re
Senator Joseph M. Dixon, of Mon
tana. Colonel Roosevelt's campaign
manager, is having a hard time being
returned. It is said that he sacrit'iced
$is own chances bv being loval lo
the Coloiull. In Massachusetts io
was still within the realm of possi
bility, last night, that Senator Crane
would have to give place to either
Mayor Fitzgerald, of llostou, or Gov
ernor boss.
With returns from practically
every section of the state .showing a
steady increase in Wilson's plurality,
it was claimed at democratic head
quarters shortly before midnight that
Illinois will send two democrats to
the United States senate. The legis
lature, it is claimed, will be over
whelmingly democratic, with the pos
sibility of a few progressives. So
certain were the democratic chieftains
of controlling the legislature thai they
already have tacitly agreed upon en
deavoring to elect Charles lloesclien
stein, democratic national committee
man from 1 llinois. to fill the place
made vacant by the expulsion of Sen
ator Lorinier. Colonel James Hamil
ton Lewis, the regular democratic
candidate for the senate,, who was in
dorsed at the last primaries, will be
elected in all probability to the six
year term to fill the place of Shelby
M. Culloni. Mr. Hoesclt en stein, in
the event he is chosen, will have but
two years to serve, as ex-Senator Lor
imer's term expires in 1915.
In Kansas, where Governor Stubbs,
progressive, is battling with Senator
Curtis, standpat republican, it was in
dicated at a late hour that both might
be defeated and the state go demo
cratic. In event of this there may be
a democratic senator from the state
elected as a colleague of Senator
Senator Borah, of Idaho, probaTdy
will be returned, as perhaps will Sen
ator William Alden Smith, of Michi
gan, although late returns from Mich
igan showed that it is possible that
the next Michigan legislature will be
democratic, in which event Senator
Smith will be relegated to the back
ground. In Tennessee the legislature will be
democratic, as it will in probably all
of the southern states, thus insuring
a solid delegation of United States
senators to assist in carrying through
the W'ilon iderm.
Drawing on the $75
Porcelain Enameled
Charter Oak Steel
Range will take place
November 27, 3 P. M.
Bring Your
R. Rogoway & Sons
Comple House Furnishers
Albany, Oregon
Paul Rex Meets With Accident
While Switching in Yards
at Corvallis.
Mishap Occured Within Twenty
Feet of Where M. S. Darby
Was Killed Recently.
Paul Rex of this city who is em
ployed by the Corvallis oc Ha stern
Railway as a brakemau on Conductor
Ki ley's train, bet ween Albany and
Corvallis, met with an unfortunate ac
cident while switching in the yards
at Corvallis yesterday afternoon at
J :.'t) o'clock, which resulted in him
losing his right foot.
Rex was riding on the pilot of the
engine of his train which was tnaving
slowly toward a car of fruit standing
on the siding and to vl:ich the en
gine was to be coupled. As the en
gine approached the car. Rex noticed the coupler was not open and he
attempted to kick it open with his
t"Ol, lie was unable to withdraw his
loot before it was caught between the
two couplers and nearly mashed off.
!le was rushed to the Corvallis hos
piial where he was attended by Dr.
I'ernolh who alter examining the foot,
decided that it was necessary to am
putate it al'out six inches above the
ankle. The operation was success
fully performed and the patient was
said to be resting easy today.
Kex is a married man residing in
t!n"s citv on Kast Third street and has
RsadI ftJae Fellowainig Godl Mews O'duir AimmsiH
will Ib'iiini
Yona will nafflt be dii8ppiunitedl wkem yon see A sm'Ao oiFffwe'dl 5m ftMs SALE.
TIaey air own iregualsir stacKs. Absolutely motlWumg ireses'vadl. Effdry tnit no SimdhnAs
v 1 m F
( J4 m m
i-hi v.-.1- v-ii..V
5 1
H I i 1 i 1 1 ., 1 ' I 1
THE H Jl Q ) E3T-
2" No. 1 Com. Szd $10.00
2" No. 2 Com. Szd $ 8.00
Subject to Stock on Hand
Delivered Free to Any Part of the City
Nov. Ist-Nov. 16th inclusive
Phone or Call at Sawmill
V,t K .o
Seven II. P.,
Following the ''14 Important Im
provements" of 112, the Kendee Mfg.
Company announce no less than a
dozen additional new features in their
11. model of the Indian Motorcycle.
l-y far the most significant feature
of the new machine is the Cradle
Spring l'raine. It is something en
tirely new, a radical departure from
the conventional bicycle ami recent
un 'torcycle systems of "springing."
Briefly, the new tie vice consists of
the application of the rear w heel of
the Indian Cradle Spring device as
used on the front fork for the past
three years.
Kx lending back horizontally from
the frame joint cluster under the sad
die, flanking the rear mud guard, are
two leaf Chrone Vanadium steel
springs. The "C" shaped curls at the
rear end of these springs are connect
ed by stays to bell cranks on which
the rear axle is hung. The forward
end of the rear fork lias a hinge joint
which enables the rear wheel to yield
to imperfections of road surface. All
-hoeks are completely absorbed by
the leaf springs. The rear wheel can
go through almost any vertical mo
tion without affecting the body of the
Baltimore Gun
a wife and three children. He has
been employed on the Corvallis K:
Faster n but a short time and took
th eplace of M. S. Darby who was
killed by being tun over by the cars at
t .-im's about a' month ago. Ke- is
Us (coinniiposedl of 42 cowectly daiiloireJ sulfite.
Planum sums! sflfimgcwMl seirgea, mranztaircs auradl
HaocnsespMinis. New miaodldls wfitfa graoefiul
lairaes. IRegralar pmoa $2 11 .S0 sale price
Loft No 2
siuilbsitaimftnally mad smi5te
Regtuilair $15 mw& $1, sale price
hat Nn. 3
If you are in need of a suit and haven't much
money to spend for it here is your chance.
Our regular $8 suits are money savers at the
regular price. Listen for this sale we J ?
have reduced them to pt
All Other Suits on Sale See Them
regular $265
machine. There is no "bottom to
this spring device. The life of the
machine is greatly increased.
The bngineenng I epartment of
the llemlee Mfg. Co. devoted ' 18
months of exhaustive test to the Cra
dle Sluing Frame before finally de
ciding on its adoption tor all models
of the 11U Indian.
In addition to the Cradle Spring
Frame, the I'M.t 1 ndian embodies 10
other important improvements which
will be appreciated by motorcycle rid
ers in general. I 'rices remain the
same as last year.
New Style, single clinch rims;
larger tires, wider mud guards front
and rear with larger splashers; casing
for upper stretch of transmission
chains and curve of sprocket; larger
luggage carrier in rear, fitted to all
models; foot rests, as well as pedals,
fitted to regular 4 h. p. and 7 h. p.
models; foot brake lever fittel on left
side now operates baud brake as well
; the pedal action; larger size mul
tiple disc clutch now titled to all mod
els alike ; improved I ndian t vpe sad
dle. All ll.l Indians will be chain driv
en and link-died in Indian red oulv.
& Bicycle Works
?7 years of age.
The a cc id en I yesterday occurred
within twenty feet of the spot where
Darby was killed w hen lie was thrown
under the wheels of the train and run