POLL COMPLETED MERCHANTS' CARNIVAL IS SURE TO MAKE A BIG HIT! Straw Vote Conducted by Rep ublican Paper Indicates Wilson Landslide. GOVERNOR WILSON GETS GETS THIRTY-FIVE STATES TaftHasThree States and Roose' veltSeven;WilsonHas429 Electoral Votes. Continued from Monday, October 28. That Governor Wilson will carry tliirtv-five states, giving him 49 electoral votes, is indicated by the re publican presidential poll which has just been completed by the New York i''-iald. . . ., !u irdcr to ins rc Irs election VV il son cnly requires '"' electoral vo.i while he has nearly double that num ber. The poll Hives Roosevelt seven states, Talt three, Wilson thirty-five and places three in the doubtful col umn. Wilson will receive 42" elec toral votes, Roosevelt 7H, and 'fa ft 11 if tiie poll conducted by the New York paper is to be considered an in dex to public sentiment. Forecast Based on Poll of Voters. The followiiiK table from the Chi cago Record-Herald shows how the electoral vote would be cast if the popular vote on election day should bear out the indica lions of that pa per's preliminary poll: Wilson. Alabama 12 Arizona 3 Arkansas 9 Colorado 6 Connecticut C Delaware 3 1'lorida ') Georgia 14 Indiana 15 Iowa 13 Kansas 10 Kentucky 13 Louisiana 10 Maryland 8 Maine 6 Massachusetts 18 Minnesota 12 Mississippi 10 Missouri 18 Nebraska 8 Nevada 3 New Jersey 14 New Mexico 3 New York 45 North Carolina 12 Ohio 24 Oklahoma 1(1 Pennsylvania 38 South Caolina 9 South Dakota 5 Tennessee 12 Texas 20 Virginia 12 West Virginia 8 Wisconsin 13 Total 429 Roosevelt. California 13 Idaho 4 Illinois 29 Michigan 15 North Dakota 5 Oregon 5 Washington 7 Total 78 Taft. Utah 4 Vermont 4 Wyoming 3 Total TT Doubtful. Montana 4 New II ainpsllii'e 4 Rhode l.-d.uul 5 . Total 13 1-or Wilson Thirty live states, total electoral vole 429 (l'"or Roosevelt Seven stales, to- lal electoral vote 78 For Tall Three stales, total electoral vole H Dotibtlul Three states, total electoral vole 13 Total electoral vote 531 Xecrss.it y to elect Jim Various Business Houses Will Be Represented by Number of Charming Girls. The Merchants' Carnival to be i'V' en Wednesday evening in the Armory hlds tair to be one ol the most unique entertainments ever presented to an Albany audience. A grand march, with fifty of the most attractive young ladies in Albany representing the different firms by unique and pic turesque costumes will be the open ing feature of the program. A scene from the life of Martin I.uther, representing the Nun's' Fare well, will be reproduced by a group of young girls. Woodwortli Drug Co. will be rep resented by a Spanish Seniorita, the fililc by the Candy Shop Girl, Hulbert & Ohling with a girl dressed in hard ware, C. O. Anderson' the Girl (if the Brilliants, the Tracy Clothing Co. will costume the Girls' Glee Club, the cameron planing mill will present the Girl of the Shavings, Holt Again the Witch of Hallowe'en, Heisers the Dutch Doll, the German Bakery a little Fraulcin, Conrad Meyer the Cookie Girl, licam-Fletclier Co. the Girl of the Butternut Bread, Fisher & Braden the bride-to-be, Democrat the Girl with the Newsboy Dress, Herald the Newsboy Girl, Pullman cafe F'ancliette, Nisley piano, a mu sical fraulcin, Schultz Bros, the Saus age Girl, Arts and Crafts, the Greek Goddess. Many of the merchants are planning other unique representations. A musical program with the best soloists of the city representing dif ferent firms will complete the even ing's entertainment. APPLE FAIR COMMITTEE IS TO MEET THIS AFTERNOON F'or the purpose of discussing plans for the Albany Apple Fair which will be held in this city on November I4th-I5th, the committee havinu charge of the program will meet at the Albany Commercial Club rooms late this afternoon. Sonic izood tal ent is being secured for lectures on horticulture and the members of the committee believe that the fair this year will be one of the best ever held in the state. MISS JESSIE M'DANIEL WEDS OSCAR W. REEVES SATURDAY A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, at the home of J. 1). M'Danicl on F.asl Front street, when Miss Jessie Mc Daniel was united in marriage to Os car W. Reeves of this city, the Rev. 11. R. Geil of the Kvangclical church officiating. Only the immediate friends and relatives of the couple were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves will make their home in this city. CHARGED WITH DISTURBING THE PEACE; IS ARRESTED Charged with disturbing the oeare. J. K. Twuhey, an employee of the ' i c it i ii Meetric railway was tins morning arrested by Chief of Police liaiiL-htry and taken bet ore Litv Ke- corder Van Tassel where he entered a plea of not guilty to the charge. The iso has been set tor tomorrow morn- hib at 9 o'clock and it is understood ;i( the defendant wilt fiht the case. ALBANY HIGH WON FROM THE LEBANON HIGH SATURDAY The ele the 1. Albanv Hih school football S Mm .1 . v .11... ,..,.) rh.MlOll lllL'tl irhmtl hi :iu i-wit it it; vi.nue .it th.it city by the score of 7 to 0. The K-nne was played in Leb anon and w as attended by a lai kc crowd. The local train won the con test by supeiior work in making end runs and tine line wotk. HARMONY GRANGE HELD AN INTERESTING MEETING A will attended inciting of Mar mony (.iiauye number It' was held at the tiiane halt ai Satuidav eveniiu for the pnipi'se ot the initiation ol two e. uuhdat. for itunthei ship. Alter the initiation ecumonies an excellent pn-niam was pirsented. in clntlint; speeches by prominent i.iny ct s. musical and di amatic selections This pit-main wa followed by an oyster Mippei which was K'caiy cn jo ed by the tncinbct . GRANGER MAN IS KICKED BY A HORSE-RIB BROKEN Kicked by a horse in the pit of the stomach, It. l' Wany, a well known resident of (Iranner, was unite seri ously injured yesterday morning. Dr. Wallace of this city was at once no tified and upon examination found that one rib had been broken as a re sult of the injury. I'nless there are j internal injuries of some character he will be able to resume his duties : in a short time. I BY GRAND JURY Lebanon Man Found Guilty of Giving Young Girls Liquor and Cigarettes. COURT GRANTS DEFENDANT UNTIL MORNING TO PLEAD Investigators Also Returned Six Not True Bills When they Reported Saturday. The grand jury which convened in this city early last week reported Saturday evening, having completed their investigations. The only por tion of their findings made public to day were three indictments which were found against W. J. Hauser of Lebanon and one indictment against II. VV. Trizay. The first indictment against Hauser charged him with giving a cigarette to Gladys Harlan, a Lebanon girl un der sixteen years of age, and the sec ond one was for giving a cigarette to Vcrda Haines of Lebanon, also under 16 years of age. In addition to these two indictments, the grand jury also returned an indictment against Haus er for giving Gladys Harlan a pint bottle of beer during the month of August. Hauser was brought into court this morning and the indictments read to him. On motion of his attorney, C. I. Sox of this city, lie was given until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock to plead. 11. VV. Trizay, who has been con fined in the county jail for the past two mouths, was also brought into court this morning and the indictment charging him with larceny from a dwelling was read. He waived ex amination and was allowed to plead guilty to simple larceny. He was sentenced by Judge Kelly to serve a month in the county jail and com menced his sentence this morning. He was arrested last July for stealing a purse containing $6.50 from the res idence of his employer, C. VV. Haines of llarrisburg. The grand jury returned the fol lowing "not true" bills: State of Oregon vs. Lloyd Anderson, scduc lion; Oregon vs. G. VV. Cochran, as- HOTELMAN BRINGS HOME GAME FROM MOUNTAINS George Van Dran and C.R. Curry Succeed in Killing Two Deer Apiece Last Week. George Van Dran, one of the genial proprietors of the Van Dran hotel, and C. R. Curry of Nashville, re turned home yesterday morning from Southern Oregon where they spent the past ten days hunting in the mountains out from Riddles. They report a fine trip and each of them succeeded in killing two large bucks. One of the deer killed by Mr. Van Dran was an unusually fine specimen and the head will be mounted to adorn the wall in the office of the hostelry. Van Dran informed the Democrat representative this morning that he didn't need any ammunition to kill deer and he is evidently correct in his assertion for he brought home the game despite the fact that he left his ammunition behind him when he went away last week. Messrs. Van Dran and Curry were accompanied home by L. D. Nash of Nashville, Oregon, who has been in Southern Oregon buying some thor oughbred cattle for his ranch. HE CROSSED THE PLAINS WITH AN OX TEAM IN 1845 J. Fred McCoy, a former resident of Linn county but now a resident of Spokane, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. F. M. French, and with his brother, Mr. A. R. McCoy of this city. Mr. McCoy crossed the plains with an ox team in the year 1845 and locat e din Linn county in 1846. He left here in 1890 and located in Spokane where he has remained since his de parture from Oregon. ALBANY BOY IS OPERATED UPON HERE THIS MORNING Victor Goldblatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Goldblatt of this city, was this morning operated upon for appendi citis by Drs. Wallace and Wallace at the St. Mary's hospital. Although the patient was quite seriously ill he is reported to be getting along nicely by the physician in attendance. sault with a dangerous weapon; Ore gon vs. W. D. Corbin, larceny by bailee; Oregon vs. Bert O'Conncr, adultery; Oregon vs. James Merrill, assault with a dangerous weapon, and WILLIAM G, EAST, CASHIER OF SALEM I H. Roberts, One of the Directors of the Institution and M. Mueller, a Plumber, Are Also Seriously Injured Ex plosion Attracts Huge Throng of People to the Scene and Ambulances Reach the Building with Difficulty. TUESDAY Salem, Ore., Oct. 29. (Special to the Democrat.) The residents of Sa lem employed in the heart of the busi ness section were thrown into a panic shortly after noon today by an ex plosion which occurred in the base ment of the building occupied by the Salem Trust and Savings Bank, lo cated at the corner of Liberty and State streets. William G. East, cashier of the bank and a prominent resident of the Capital City, was fatally injured and is expected to die and M, Mueller, a laborer, and L. H. Roberts, one of the directors of the bank, were badly in jured and suffered many bad cuts and bruises about the body. The injured were rushed to the hospital in ambu lances and are now receiving medical attention. The building occupied by the bank ing institution has been remodeled lately and two new stories added to the structure which was originally a 3-story building. The interior of the building has also been remodeled and a large heating plant had been re cently installed in the basement. The heating apparatus was being tested out this morning and Messrs. Roberts and East were in the base ment looking the plant over, when the boiler suddenly exploded, hurling fragments of metal and wood in jail directions, the force of the explosion tearing out a- large portion of the floor and wall of the building and completely wrecking the basement. The men who were in the basement at the time the explosion occurred were like rats in a trap and were un able to escape, there being nothing to warn them of the impending disaster. East was hurled to the far end of the basement where he struck on his head and shoulders and was rendered unconscious. He was found by res cuers several minutes after the ex plosion occured and hurried to the hospital where several doctors are now attending him. His injuries are thought to be fatal and little hopes are entertained for his recovery. L. H. Roberts, one of the directors of the bank, and M. Mueller, a plum ber, employed in installing the heat ing apparatus, were badly injured but not fatally, and will recover. The explosion occurred during the noon hour, while the streets were crowded with people on their way to lunch, and the detonation was heard all over the business section and many windows in buildings nearby were broken and the buildings themselves damaged slightly. People flocked to the scene from all directions and it was with much dif ficulty that the ambulances were able to reach the building, so dense was the crowd on State street. The ex tent of the injuries received by the three men who were in the basement cannot be determined until the at tending physicians have made a thor ough examination of the patients. The cause of the explosion is a mystery. Wilson Men Be Careful. Democrats, in marking their ballots, must be careful, or otherwise mistakes will occur. The first thing is to se cure a sample ballot and mark it in the way you want to vote, t the top of the ballot, under the head "United States," you will find five groups of candidates for presidential electors. The first group is for Taft. The sec ond group is for Wilson. These Wil son candidates arc numbered 17. 18. 19, 20 and 1. These are the ones that Wilson men will vote for. Be sure and make a cross mark between the number and name of the five. Be careful to get the right numbers. The number of Harry Lane, democratic candidate for United States senator, is 39. Mark between the name and number. Then so on through the ballot you will find ' the names and number of the candi dates for whom you wish to vote. A VOTER. CORVALLIS YOUNG PEOPLE WERE MARRIED IN ALBANY A tiiet wedding was solemn icd in this city at 7 o'clock Saturday even ing when Miss Pdith Pearl Newton and Percy l. Taltnun, a prominent yonni couple ot lonallis. were unit ed in man iaiie by the Rev, P. 11 Leech oi the liist' Methodic chinch The btide is a popular yoitiii; lady ot I'otvallis ;uid has tuanv iiiends in llt.it citv where he i- well and tax or ablv known. The yiooin is a son ot Mr. and M i s l P Tallin. in, pros per on tat met s residing north ot I'orvalti-. and is said to be a younn man ot excellent business iiaItiie- He is employed in the l orv.illis poM tit ice. 1 he new ly w eds w til make their home in i'oialbs. 1.. N. NaOi of Nashville and I". K Tuny ot the same place wete anion; the out ol town people spending Sun dav in Albanv Albeit P. Kullander and 1 el..nd K (Iilbett spent Sunday atternoou in Si bui isitint- tncuds and enjoMn the sights ot the I apttal Oty. For President WOODROW WILSON Vote for Wilson The Democratic Platform Declares: For an honest tariff revision down ward, in the interest of the consumers and producers, without waiting till Aldrich and Guggenheim are ready. For every dollar of revenue the Aid rich tariff bill raises for the govern ment four dollars are raised for the trusts. The Democratic platform declares for: Direct election of United States senators. Presidential primaries. Publicity of campaign contribu tions, before and after election. Contributions to campaign funds by corporations prohibited. One term for any president. An income tax. Rural credit system to aid farmers. Economy in the public service. Public land laws administered with broad liberty to bona fide settlers. Parcels post and extension of rural delivery system. Federal aid in construction and maintenance of post roads. Lane, as United States senator, will work for these reforms. Woodrow Wilson, as president, will execute these laws. For United States Senator Dr. HARRY LANE Vote for Lane