BOLD ATTEMPT MADE TOBURNADWEUJNG Firebug Starts Three Fires In Residence of C. E. Hiatt on South Geary Street. FLAMES EXTINGUISHED IN TIMETOAVOID DESTRUCTION Fiend Had Used Kerosene and Kindling In Dastardly Work In East Albany. A bold atunipt was made by a fire fiend al 7 o'clock Tuesday evening to bum the 5-rooin residence owned by C F 1 1 iatt at 42D Geary street in the Astern section of this city and that Ihc house is not a mass of smoldering ruins today is due t.i the fact that the flames were discovered m time to nrevent a disastrous fire. , Mrs W. I). Skeene, ;r daughter of V II. Hiatt. and her sister. Mrs 1 1 at.Kf"rd, who reside with Mr. and Mrs W II. Iliatl in the house next door, were in the kitchen 1-rcpanng meal Tuesday evening shortly be fore 7 o'clock, when Ihey happened o glance out of the window and dis covered that flames were leaping ,iKh inside the windmill tower in the yard next door. Mrs. Skeene called her father, W. II Hiatt, who was reading in the front room and he rushed over to the windmill tower and ipienched the fire which was rapidly gaining headway, lie had barely completed the work of extinguishing the blaze in the wind mill tower when fires were discovered in the woodshed at the back of the house and in the bedroom m the rear p;irt of the resilience. . Ilolh of these fires were making rood headway ami required several minutes hard work on the part of Mr. I Halt and the neighbors to put them mil. , , , After all the fires had been extin guished. Mr. I Malt and several of Ins neighbors made a thorough inspec- c .1 in 1 n tl-OUt IIOU Ol Hie I'ln'";1 . mdionm discovered a pile of kindling which hail been carefully ai Tanned and ready to loiien a mau n id u. kindling "'.is thoroughly soaked m coal-oil. The firebug hail evidently i 1..- 1 I, ...- linu'liine- a match to the wood ami fled, leaving I he material just as lie had arranged Coal oil had also been freely used in sinning the fires in the rear bed room, the woodshed, anil in the wind mill lower and.lhe fiend, whoever he was, had evidently laid his plans well and intended to burn the entire prop erlv. , ,. . Had I lie fires not been discovered when they were il is probable thai the house would have been entirely de stroyed as well as oilier residences in the 'immediate vicinity, all of which are located in a mimic section of I lit. cilv, where fire-fighting is nexl lo im possible owing lo the lack of water and the long distance from the quar ters of the lire department. The residence upon which the at tempt al arson was made is located on (iearv street ami has been unoc cupied for some time, a card ill the window announcing that il is for sale. The residence is owned by C. I''.. Hi att who resides near Denver streel suspicious characters hail been seen Hu il in that vicinitv on Titesilav ami ii:..... i .f ...a.. ..I.. ...I,,. would allenipl such a daring deed as ll! IC one pel pen aicil luesu.iy evening. OLD GENTLEMAN MARVELS AT NEW DRINKING FOUNTAIN Sanitary Thirst Quencher at the Union Depot Revelation to Aged Man. An aued man at the I'nou depot after looking about several minutes in seaieh ol a place to net a drink, in quiied ot a by-under where he could iiueueh his thiit. 1 le was slimvn the new auit.iry drinking fountain recently installed in the waiting room by the Southern Pacific company. The fountain was an innovation to him and evidently the tiit one the old gentleman had e er seen. After making a thorough iuvestii;a tiou of the fountain he said, "Where'?, the water?" A man Mandinn nearby olunteered to i-liow him how to work the syphon and MepphiK up to the fountain he preyed down on the nni; attached to the lop and Ihe water came bubbling tip much lo the astonishment ot the old man who shook hU head and muttered "Now don't that beat all. that's the first one of them things I ever eed." He was so tickled over the fountain that before his train arrived he made several trips to the 'o:im-." ami eu jo ed himself for several minutes, working the syphon jut to sec the water bubble up. K en when the train arrived ami passrnj-ers were (locking through the waiting room, he was reluctant about leaving the fountain but finally did so. remarking to an employee at the depot "Some fountain. Don't look much like the 'old oaken bucket' of my day." Wliam PREPARES FOB POTATO FJIi NEXT WEEK King Murphy Will Reign Oct. 23, 24 and 25 Thursday Will Be j Oregon Electric Day. i ilarri-.burg, Oct. 18. Ilarri-iburg i preparing fur its annual holiday, the Potato Carnival, which means to this city what the Cherry Fair, Strawberry Festival and similar celebrations mean lo other eilics of the state. The date set for this year's carnival is October 23 to 25. j'rospects arc bright for a mo.-.t str essful celebration. -Much larger space for exhibits has been obtained, new features added and larger premiums offered than formerly. Although first honors will be given to King .Mur phy," yet other products of the gra dcij, field and orchard will come in tor a share ol the prie-wmiung. in fact the carnival is growing to the proportions of a small county fair and this year will include an exhibit of fine poultry and an exhibit of school and industrial work. An interesting program of for each of the three days is being arranged. Thursday probably will be the "big day," as it is to be Oregon Klectrie day and there will be a meeting of those intereste din the project of deep ening the Willamette to permit navi gation up to Kiigenc and Albany. Coorvallis and F-ugenc will be well represented in the discussions held. Reduced raites have been made by tlic railroads and word comes from surrounding towns that large num bers will be pcrsent. RESIDENT OF HARRISBURG VISITS HERE THIS MORNING H. M. Roberts Says Spud Rais ers Are Coming Strong to the Albany Apple Fair. II. M. Roberts, a prosperous resi dent of llarrisburg, stopped off in Albany this morning while enroiitc to Woodburn, (or a short visit with Judge Swan of this city. In speaking of Ihe 1'otato Show at that city next week Mr. Koberts said: "We are going to have a nice little fair Ibis year and we hope to see a delegation of Albany people in at tendance. The Hub City sent a fine crowd lo the fair last year and we hope to see another such crowd this year. "I'.very man, woman and child in llarrisburg who can possibly do so is coming to Albany next month to attend your apple show, and we hope lo bring a large delegation from our town. WAXTKD An apprentice at Democrat office. Hoy must be over fifteen years of age and willing to Icat n. . FOSTER SAWMILL MAN IS ARRESTED BY GAME WARDEN Charged with Throwing Saw dust Where It May Pollute Waters of Santiam River. John i'aiutrr, a sawmill owner of l-'osU'i', who was arrested a few days agi. Ity 1'. L. Perkins, a drputy game watilrii. charged with throwing; saw dust win-iv tlic hih water will carry it into i he South Santiam river, was ai rallied in Judi;e Swan's court this morning where he plead not guilty to the charge. Judge Swan set the case 1 1 r hea i inn on Wednesday, October -M. at 9 a. in. I'ainter was arrested yesterday and brought to this city by Constable 1 1 dm I'atlin who served the papers. OAKVILLE Some of our people went lo Kngenc on the excursion train the 15th. 1. H. Jayne and family were viit iiii; friends in this county last week. Mr. Jayne is now located in Hen ton county. Our prohibition league gave a free entertainment last Friday even ing, a large audience being, present. Kev. W. IV Ktmore was the principal I pi,ker. He was well prepared tor I the occasion and gave an eloquent ail The prohibition iiucrtette was : encored and did some good singing. ' Mr. Ira liilh-tle sang a duct which was well received. Alter the adress the ladies o( the league served a free lunch consisting ot cake and choco late. These ladies will be the coming voters. Next! 1 Some of the Oakville voters are not registered yet and there will he some will have to hunt up six men on election dav. I lTTLK ROSK WW Newi Beginning With This Head Is Kiom Daily Issue of - KK1UAY. OCTOBER 18. GOVERNOR WOODROW WILSON. Demociallc Nominee For President o th; United States. ''VY --e f ITALIAN THREATENS TO SHOOT WQODROW WILSON Was Heard to Exclaim That He Would GiveWilson Same Dose That Roosevelt Received. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 18. A large number of policemen were distributed among the crowd at the opera house last night when Governor Wilson spoke. This was the result of a threat made by an Italian to "shoot him the same as Roosevelt was shot." The governor knew nothing of the affair neither did any member of his immediate party. This morning Chief of Police Black was notified by Mrs. Sarah Hudson of Wilmington, that while her sister, Mrs. Hattie Whitson, was leaving her place of employment yesterday she heard an Italian workman exclaim: "Wilson will be here tomorrow and he will get a bullet through him the same as Roosevelt did. I will put one in him. I will shoot him myself." The police know the name of the Italian, but have not located him. Mrs. Sam Dolan and daughter of Corvallis arrived in Albany this noon for a short visit at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. S. S. Train. Mr. Dolan will go to I'ortland tomorrow where his huskies will clash on the gridiron with Multnomah Club. FIRST TRAIN FROM EUSENE CARRIES 40 PASSENGERS Regular Service Began Yester day Morning Freight Trains Will Start November 1. At 7:0 o'clock this morning the first train left Kugeue on the Oregon Klectrie sarrying AO passengers bound for all points bet ween I'.ugeiij and Spokane. A n umber of commercial traveling men left on this train. Un der the present arrangement the front car is divided, one-halt being used for baggage and the other as a smoker. This will continue to be the plan fol lowed with most of the trains, but there will be a heavy baggage cat put on one of them as soon as it can he ascertained which train is mo-t popular, so that the public can be bet accommodated. The Oregon Klectrie line runs through some of the tinet natural ceuery in the world. It may be not ed that the windows in Allen H. Kea (ou's .--tore which won a pri.-.e at the Oregon Klectrie day parade were dec orated with pictures of -scenes of beau ty along this route. Though arrang ed with the good tate always display ed by Mr. Katon. the pictures them selves are worthy of the highest praise :iMd true rcpre-c-H? of the beinty FATHER OF TWO CHILDREN ATTENDS THE UNIVERSITY Wears Green "Freshie" Cap and Practices Regularly with Football Squad. University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct. 17. Xo student of the University of Oregon has more "pep" than has J. A. Loundagin, 35 years old and the fath er of two children, who wears a green freshman cap not much larger than a postage stamp and turns out for foot ball practice with the 'varsity squad. With Loundagin's rather belated entrance into college is connected a story of unusual ambition and perse verence. A dozen years ago he was a student in Pearson Academy, the preparatory school to Whitman Col lege, lie discontinued his education, however, before he had received a high school diploma. Since that time he has been engaged with his broth er in farming their 100l-acre ranch in Whitma'n county, Washington, and as a result is now in comfortable circum stances. Loundagin has always cherished an ambition to become a physician, and last summer, being then able to sup port himself ami his Jamily during .he five years' course necessary to the at tainment of a doctor's degree, he made up sufficient work in the Uni versity of Oregon summer school ;o entitle him to college enntrance. HARRISBURG YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED HERE YESTERDAY Rev. D. H. Leech Performs Pretty Wedding at 4 O'clock at the Methodist Parsonage. A ' pretty wedding was solemnized in this city yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock when' Miss Kva Xixou was united in marriage to Mr. Louis Thompson at the Methodist parson age, the Rev. D. II. Leech officiating. The ceremony was private and was witnessed by a few of the immediate relatives. The groom is a prosperous and well known farmer residing near llar risburg and the bride is one of Har risburg's most popular young ladies. They have the best wishes of their manv friends. spots along the Oregon Kelctric. Freight service will not be inau gurated till about the first of Novem ber, according to Agent Knight., of the Kugene station. General Freight and Passenger Agent Coman told him while here Tuesday that he wanted the track in a little belter shape and by tlie date mentioned most of the construction trains will be out of the way Krgc.if (iunrd WATCH THIS SPACE Special Sales of Lumber for Cash For the Month of October Only $12.50 1 x 8 Dry Shiplap - - $12.50 8.00 2x 4 No. 2 Commercial sized 8.00 10.00 1 x 4 No 1 Commercial rough 10.00 AT THE SAWMILL ALBANY LUMBER COMPANY CHAIRMAN L M. CURL DIS CUSSES POLITICAL SITUATION Prominent Republican Says Roosevelt Is Loosing Ground. Lane Should Carry Linn. That Roosevelt will be a poor third in Linn county and that Lane ought to carry this particular section of the state was the claim made this morning- by L. M. Curl, chairman of the republican county central committee. When asked for an interview on the local political situation Mr. Curl spoke as follows: "The fight in Linn county and Ore gon is undoubtedly between Taft and Wilson with Roosevelt a poor third. Taft will either be first or sec ond man in the race. From all re ports which wc have received, Roose velt is steadily losing ground. "I think that Ben Selling will carry the normal republican strength, but with three republican candidates in the field, Lane ought to carry Linn county. In my judgment, the repub lican county candidates will be elect ed and Congressman Hawley will carry Linn county." BURKHART PARK SCHOOL IS NEARING COMPLETION NOW Handsome Structure in East Albany Has Been Painted a Beautiful Cream. The carpenters are making excel lent progress on the new school house in Burkhart's Park and the structure will be ready for occupancy within the next two or three weeks. The building is of a very attractive type of architecture and has been painted a bcautmu cream with green roof. The exterior work is practically completed and the work of plastering is now under way on the rooms inside the building. It is a handsome struc ture and adds greatly to the appear ance of the extreme eastern section of the city. The big increase in the enrollment of the Alhanv srlinnU made the erection of the building necessary. WM SURRENDERS FINE POSITION FOR CONVENT Harrison, N. J., Oct. 17. In the big local offices of the General Electric company here Miss Mary Stevens, Micceshiui nusiiiess woman, treiiuent ly characterized as the "brainiest" wn man in New Jersey, explained why she is giving up t elibiirirest salarv paid a woman worker in the state to devote the remainder of her life to church work and chantv. Miss Stevens is supervisor of the General Electric Company and tlic "right hand man" of the general man ager. But she will give all this up to enter the convent of the Sisters of Charity at Madison, where she can toil for the benefit of the poor and afflicted. Miss Stevens explained that she had always had an ambition to become a nun, and that in her charitable work recently she has been touched with the terrible suffering among the poor, which, she says, is constantly on the increase. For years she has devoted her surplus earnings to aiding the poor and distressed, and the call for her entire efforts finally became ir resistible. Fisher, Braden& Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS Undertaking1 Parlors, ?rd and Hroadatbin LADY ATTENDANT Roth Phones All Kinds of Seeds for Fall Planting at Murphy's Seed Store 225 West Second Street STRANGER FYSTER S Arrived In Central Addition Wednesday and Has not Been Seen Since by Neighbors. TURNED HIS HORSE LOOSE AND LEFT BUGGY Shoes Found in Conveyance Have Mark of a Eugene Store. Officers Working on Case. Mystery surrounds the disappear ance of an old man who unhitched his horse near the Ruiter place in Central Addition early Wednesday morning and who has not been seen since that date. ' It seems that the old man drove a sorrel horse and carried a small camping outfit in his buggy. When he arrived in Central addition he un hitched his horse and turned him loose. Where he went after this is not know as none of the neighbors have seen him since. An inspection of the buggy was made on the day the old man arrived' and at that time a gun was left in the conveyance but has since disappeared. Sheriff Smith was notified of the matter this morning and in company with his deputy made an investigation but was unable to ascertain the whereabouts of the missing man. A new pair of shoes which were found in the buggy had the mark of a Eu gene store but there was nothing else among the man's effects to disclose his identity. He is described by the neighbors as being of less than me dium height. He had a mustache and wore a derby hat. Sheriff Smith brought the buggy and effects to Albany and will hold them until their are claimed by the rightful owner. RECEIVED SAYS C. H. STEWART Advertising Recently Placed in the Eastern Newspapers , Brings Results. Manager C. H. Stewart reports that letters inquiring about Albany and Linn county are flowing into the Commercial Club thick and fast now, a result of the recent advertising plac ed in Eastern newspapers. Miss lieulah II ink ley, the efficient stenographer at the Commercial Club, was busy today mailing out premium lists to various parts of the county for the coming apple fair. At the regular meeting of the club next M on Jay evening an effort will be made to secure a large delegation to go to 1 larrisburg during the po tato fair next week. Albany people should patronize the Harrisburg lair and show them we are interested in their section of the country by send ing a delegation of at least 100 people to that city next weel. Make preparations now to attend the "spud show" and notify the Com mercial Club immediately so that a special rate may be secured over the railroads. Have you seen the beau tiful Porcelain Enameled Charter Oak Steel Range on display in our window We arc going to give this Range away AHSOI.UTE LV I'REf! i'nil particulars will be giv en at the store. JUST ARRIVED We have just received 75 ot the tamous ALLWIN go carts, and for a short time we will give a discount of 25 per cent on any cart in the store. R. Rogoway & Son