EBEHEZER 3. MERRILL CO YESTERDAY AT PORTLAND Continued from Saturday. October, 19. Ebeiiczer 5. .Merrill died in Fort land yesterday, at the age uf $2 years, at his home at 2w 11th street. He va a pioneer resident of Al bany, residing here in early days tor ; a good many years, Laving here about oi yeais aj;j. lie was a vt-t-' eran of the Indian wars, engaging in the campaigns' of the 'ri's against the : red men, who caused a gt'od deal of, tv -'-Me in th' 'se davs. Mr. Merrdl Laves f.v- children Mr. Will . Merrill and Miss .'dniuie , Merrill of this city. i Mr. Will Merrill went to Portland j on the early train to attend the fit- neral ot his father tomorrow at 2 p. m. I Rev. I. G. Knutls of this city was a passenger u (Jrch::rl C' c this af.i r nuuil where he will preach umonj.. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State oi Oregon iur the County of Linn. In the mailer oi the application oi J. Y. Cu.-ick & Co., r.auhers, a cor poration, to rci-ter the title to the lands in said application described as follows, to-wii: r.e.innin.Lr at the Xortlu-ast corner oi the Donation Laud Claim of Steph en Stewart, Claim Xo. 5' Notifica tion Xo. 16111. in Tp. 10, S. K. 2 W. of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon. running thence South alonir the F.ast houudary line of said Claim 39, 31.12 chains to the S. E. corner of the Xorth half of the North halt" of said Claim Xo. 50. thence West .5.44 chains : thence Xorth 0.92 chains to a point which is 0.5TI chains East of the center of a sprins;: thence West 1.00 chains passing through the center ot said spring: i thence South 0.92 chains to the South boundary of the Xorth half of the North half of said Claim Xo. 59: thence West alone: said South bound ary line 18.40 chains to the center line of a railroad, same bcins known as the "Woodburn-Sprimifield branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad:" thence North 1 degree .10 minutes East along the center line of said railroad 21.10 chains to the North boundary line of said Claim No. 59: thence East along said North bound ary line 22.31 chains to the place of beginning, containing 45.29 acres, more or less. Against G. H. Hough, and all whom it mav concern. Defendants. To G. H. Hough, and whom it may concern: Take notice that on the Sth day of n,-tolr 191? T. W Cu-ick & Co Bankers, a corporation, by its duly authorized President J'.. lumck. filed its application in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, for initial registration of - the title to 'the lands above described. Now, uules von appear on or before the 12th day 'of November. 1912. and show cause' why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be forev er barred from disputing the same. (Scall W. L. MARKS. Cottntv Clerk and ex officio Clerk of the 'Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Linn. HEWITT & SOX. Attorneys for Applicant. Oll-NS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lijin County. Depart ment Xo. 2. Travis Martin, riaintitt, vs. I'. J Carman.' 1. E. Richardson and Com fort M. Richardson, his wife, George E. Quiggle and Eannie E. Smuggle, his wife, defendants. To F. J. Carman, one of the above named defendants: . In the Name of the State ot Ore gon, vou are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff on tile with the clerk of the above entitled court, in the above en titled cause on or before the 29th day of Xovembcr. 1912. the same being the last date of the publication of thi summons as prescribed by . .rer therefor, and you are hereby notified that if vou fail to appear and answer said complaint as horning required, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in his complaint1, to-wit: For a de cree that the defendants and each ot them be required to set forth fully and to disclose their several claims, it auv they have, in and to the following described real proncrty. to-wit: 1 he south half of the northwest quarter of section .'4 in Township 14 South Range 2 West of the Willamette Me ridian. Oregon, containing 80 acres, more or less, in Linn County. Ore gon, so that said claims may be de termined and adjudicated: that upon such determination, or if the defend ants or either of them fail to set forth their claims or either of their claims, it be decreed that neither of said de fendants has any interest, estate, right, title, claim or lien whatsoever of, in or to said real property or any part thereof, and for a further decree that the title of plaintiff in and to said real property is good and valid, and that the defendants and each of them, their heirs, assigns, executors niwl administrators and all persons whomsoever claiming or to claim by, through or under them or cither of them be forever enjoined and re strained from claiming or attempting to claim, set up or assert any estate, right, title, interest or lien in or to s'lid real property or any part thereof, and that plaintiff have judgment for his costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet in equity. The date of the first publication of this summons is October 18, 1912. This summons is published in pursu ance of an order of the Hon. J. X. Duncan. County Judge of Linn Coun tv. Oregon, duly made in this cause on the 9th dav of October, 1912. Dated this 9th dav of October, 1912. L. M. CURL and B. S. MART IX. 01S-N29 Attorneys tor Plaintiff. Sheriff Receives Notices of Re wards Offered for Many Noted Criminals. Sheriff Smith today received sev era! lU'liccs oi rewards tr t lie arrest ; criminals who are wanted in var ious pans .'i the country. A reward of is offered by Sheriff Montagie oi tiilliam cuvnty. Oregon, for the ar :s: ..i i-'r.-d Sin: pi-y. who broke jail, and Y. 1.. Whitney, wanted lor i i caking hi parole. Sheriff 1'anuer oi Kings county, California, is anxious that 1. A. llan uigan who was convicted oi a iehuiy in tiiat state, be apprehended. Sher iff Mehan of Kenton county, Washington, offers a reward of S5i '0 for the arrest of Louis C. Peters m w 'ho jumped his bail, bond while awaiting sentence, and tile police of Kansas City. Miss.v.H. offer yaH re ward for t'ue arresr .;i l l)er: Rog ers who murdereJ lia::el llardesly in that city in Se'i.euiber. BOOK CLOSES THIS EVEB County Clerk Marks Has Con sented to Keep His Office Open Until Nine O'clock. Have you registered? Do you expect to vote on November 5th? These are questions which should appeal to the patirotic t?) citizen. The county clerk has consent- ed to keep the registration books open until nine o'clock this even- ing for the accommodation of those who have tailed to register. This is the last chance. You cannot register .Monday or Tues- day. If you expect to vote for a candidate for president; it you expect to vote lor your choice on the county and state ticket; if you expect to vote on the liquor question, you must regis- ter. The fact that you register- ed two years ago is not suffi- cient. It you registered for the primary election and have since moved, into another ward you must register again. S Si) WIDOW RECEIVES PAYMENT ON INSURANCE POLICY Mrs. Nels Wheeler this week re ceived a cheek for the sum of $1000 the same being in payment of a life insurance policy taken out by her hus band with the United Artisan com pany. Xo delay was experienced in set tling the claim against the company by Mrs. Wheeler. Miss Jessie Read, one of Linn county's efficient schoolteachers, went "to Lebanon this afternoon. Miss Read teaches the Kno. Rutte school five miles cast of this city. County Commissioner flu tier went to Jefterson this afternoon to look after matters at the new Green's bridge near that city which was re cently completed. Mrs. Elmer J. Dan:ta!.i rc;t:rned home this attcrnoon trom Vall.i Wal la, Washington, where she has been visiting friends and rcia.ives t';c past month. Ben Clelan left with his dog and gun this morning on the Oregon Elec tric to Dever, where he will spend the day shooting ducks. Mrs. R. J- McEImurry and daugh ter, M rs. Kunc, have returned home from a visit in Kenton and Polk coun ties. Mr. and Mrs. George Washburn of Portland arrived in Albany tn;& after noon for a few days visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwrr.d Wai-jiil-m n. William 1 1. Macneill, a prominent young farmer residing f-mr miles north of Albany, was in the city this morning. County Clerk Marks states that it is not nexvary for a voter to re register unless lie has moved to ano ther ward and ha dreuistcred for the last primary. This year's registration promises t : go over the 5(rt) mark. GUARDIAN'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned guardian of Mary V. Walk er, a minor, will, pursuant to the or der of the County Court of Linn County. Oregon, duly made and en tered in the matter of the guardian ship of said minor on the 8th day of October, 1912. sell, at private sale, for cash in hand, from and after the 11th day of November, 1912, the fol lowing described real property be longing to the estate of said minor, to-rvit: The undivided one third of Lot 11 of Jaon Wheeler'j Home Farm, as the Fame is designated and described upon the plat of the survey there;! on tiie and of rcco'J in the office of the County Recorder of Linn County, Oregon, excepting 202 acres off of the East side thereof sold to M. J. Kitch en, containing 13.17 acres all in Sec. 17, Township 11 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon. Said sale to be made subject to con firmation bv eid Countv Court. CYRUS H. WALKER. HEWITT & SOX. Guardian. Attorneys for Guardian. 011-N8 HANDSDMETRDPHY win ftPDiwccnnMinnnnp irarcmjiv lis ILL nlllillL UUUIL Cup Offered by Louis W. Hill Has Been Shipped to This City from St. Paul. APPLE FAIR PRIZE TO BE PLACED ON EXHIBITION Albany Apple Show Will Be the Best Fair Held HereDates Are Nov. 14 and 15. Manager C. II. Stewart of the Al- banv Commercial Club this morning "eceived a communication trom L. L. Lcedy, general immigration agent of the Great Northern Railway at St. Paul, stating that the handsome $50 silver cup. offered by Louis W. Hill for the best boxes of commercial ap ples exhibited at the Albany Apple show next month, had been shipped from St. Paul by express on Oct. 15. Immediately upon tiie arrival of the cup in this city it will be placed on exhibit ion at the Commercial Club where I. inn county apple growers may view it. Besides the cup, Mr Kill also offers $25 in cash for the ten best boxes of commercial apples and cash prizes of $25 and $15 lor the second and third prizes. The Apple Show this year will be held on Wednesday and Thursday. November 14th and 15th, in the big annorv hall at the corner of Fourth and Lvou streets. Besides the many displays of apples there will also be exhibits of oilier fruits and vegetables raised in Linn county, valuable prizes having been offered for the best col lections. Every apple grower in Linn county should co-operate with the Commer cial Club and the people of Albany in making this year's. Apple Show the leading event of the year and the best apple show in the entire Willamette Valley. The Albany Apple Show attracts more attention in the Willamette Val ley each year than any similar event and is a big advertisement for Albany, lienton county will be represented again this year with a fine exhibit and Lane county will also have an ex hibit. Brownsville has captured priz es for several years past at the Apple Show in this city and will undoubted ly have their usual splendid display of apples grown in that section of the county. The attendance at this year's show promises to break all records and ow ing to the fact that the show is in creasing in popularity each year the Alco Club gym where the shows have been previously held has become en tirely too small and the armory was decided upon as the proper place to hold the show in the future. WILSON HAS TWENTY-THREE OUT OF THIRTY STATES Third Installment of the New York Herald Poll Shows Added Stength for Wilson. New York City, October 18. The third weekly installment of the pull of states which has been taken by the Herald shows this morning that Gov. Wilson is running well in the lead, with Col. Roosevelt in second place and Tail not a very close third. The poll, however, indicates that Taft is gaining. Lp lo tlate l.i4,l votes have been polled in thirty slates, none of them in the south. Of these Gov. Wilson lias 65.16S; Roosevelt, A(t,M6, and Taft 3.1759. Ut a total of 39.HM votes polled in the mid-western states. Wil son has IS.f.'.S.l; Roosevelt, 12,235, and Taft. 8.0S4. Wilscn Kads in twenty-three states. These states. are: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado. 1-lorida. Georgia, Indiana, Iowa. Kansas. Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, 1 Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska. Ne vada, New Jersey. New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsyl vania. South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas) Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin. Wilson Thirty-one states; total electoral vote of 410. Necessary to elect, 266. Roosevelt leads in five Illinois, Connecticut, Idaho, Michigan and Washington. Taft leads in Utah and Wyoming. Roosevelt runs second in seventeen, Wilson in seven and Taft in six. o Constable John Catlin went to Gooch this morning to serve some pa pers issued from the justice court. A. W. Robards, of the engineering corps of the Oregon Electric, went to Salem this morning. The ladies of the Christian church will serve a dinner at the church on Wednesday, Nov. Oth. AGENTS WANTED. Sell good gas lamps and plants to progressive ranchers and homes in the cities. 90 per cent air, 10 per cent gasoline. Thousands in use. Not as dangerous as electricity, pleasant to the eyes, very much like sunshine. Those interested address Albany Gas oline Lighting & Heating Co. G. D. Dept. 3. dOI9-w024-31N7 HUGE BLAST WILL r UUUUII ISLUISLUUHI 50.0C0 Pounds of Powder To Be Touched Off in One Shot near Town of Monroe. EXCURSION TRAIN WILL BE RUN FROM ALBANY AT 8:30 Residents of Benton County Town Preparing to Welcome a Large Crowd. l'il'lv thousand pounds of powder exploded at one time on the vill In line of tiie 1 rt hiiul. Eugene East ern Railway at Monroe next Wednes day, which is the largest single ex plosion ever touched oil in the North w e s t . The chance to witness such an ex plosion does not come every day, and lor that reason the Portland. Eugene S; Eastern Railway company will run an excursion train from Albany to Monroe on Wednesday to accommo date the residents ol this city who desire to witness the explosion. The train will leave Albany at 8:.0 o'clock W ednesday morning and the fare for the round trip, Albany to Monroe, will be $1.70. Many Albany people have already made arrange ments to go and it is believed that between 50 and 75 will leave Albany on the excursion. This is the first excursion train to be run over the new line of the Port land, Eugene & Eastern and besides giving the residents of Albany and Linn county a chance to see the big gest explosion ever touched off in the Northwest will also afford a splendid opportunity to view the beautiful and rolling c niu try through which the new railway passes. The residents of Monroe have made preparations to entertain the largest crowd in its history Wednesday and ample accommodations will be pro vided for the throngs that are expect ed to invade that thriving little town to sec the engineers move a small mountain of rock at once. Chief Engineer Guppey of the Por land, Eugene tX: Eastern estimates that over 30.000 yards of rock and dirt will be moved by the big shot. The blast will be in charge of Flagg and Slandifer, contractors. It was to have occurred last Saturday but was continued until Wednesday, that all arrangements could be completed. LINGERIE COUNTED ON POODLES' BOARD BILL Suit for $299 Is Settled by Judge for $40, as Balance Due. San Francisco, Oct. 20. Taking in to consideration certain pieces of lin gerie and two alleged gold rius which had been presented to Mrs. Frances Noll and her mother, Mrs. J. I J. Van Tassell. 1507 Devisadero street, by Miss Mildred Raymond, 2f)2 Ninth street, Justice of the Peace A. 1. Harnett derided yesterday that $40 would 1-e a just sum for keeping two French poodle dogs two mouths. Miss Raymond left her pets with her dear friend Mrs. Noll when she went i m a recent visit to Los An gi les. When she returned she called Mrs. Noll .n the telephone to tell her she would fome over to get her dos. M rs. Noll's husband answered the telephone. He told her to bring along $511 to pay board. Mrs. Raymond consulted her attor ney, who repb-viiied the dos. Mrs. Noll and her mother then brought suit against M iss Ra vinond for $J99 board bill for the dogs. At the trial last Saturday Miss Raymond said she had pn s nted her former friend with sufficient lingerie to pay for the keep of the do-.'s. In reai liing his decision, Justice liainett figured in the prob able value of this lingerie, but did not state yesterday what the value was. ' S "J S & S it ! 5 & ) A Word of Appreciation. & ) ft) r) The loyalty of our subscribers f J is a source of not little gratili- Cu -V cation to the management of this ?J publication. It has been brought j to a test during the past thirty (j rJ days and the Democrat cannot (!) permit this opportunity to pass (! "V without saying a word of thanks rv v to its natrons. Without offering & ) a premium, other than what we rJ j believe is an excellent news serv- J ice, the Democrat has made a "!) slight gain in circulation during ( 'v the past month. 'J s One of the best farms in Oregon for sale, including stock, farm ma chinery, household goods, also crop of 112, all for less than real value of land. Terms given, owner not well. Win. Ritchie Land Co. OH 18-wl8 't) 'fj ft) Newi Beginning With Thit Head Is rJ From Daily Issue of W MONDAY, OCTOBER 21. & ALBANY'S WONDERFUL GROWTH E. L. Young Greatly Impressed with Changes Made Here in. the Past Two Years. E. L. Young of Spokane arrived in A! w: eu-iii.iy morning ir a short in iins ku in- laiiier-in- I : . i: i i i i-i.:.. ; .. i I onus's first viit in Albany for two y i-.irs ami he as gn a I ly impressed with the plendid pi o.ros bein uu. '.e hei e. "I u a greatly surprised when I w a Iked about your city yesterday." s .id M r. Younc;. "and it was with LMV.U plea-ure that I noted the sub stantial type of buildings being erect ed here and the attractive type of ar chitecture King used. Albany is nuking a mo-t wonderful i;rowi!i and is far ahead in the line ol civic ini pr." enunt than any of the many t "w ns I hae visited ill various parts of the country. "I was also pleased to see the great im pi o emeiit being made in the ap pearance f y ur streets by paving. I hardly reconhed Albany so great iiav been the change here during the past two years. All these improve ments speak much for the civic pride and progressive spirit shown by the resident of Albany and the example set by the people of your eily is one worthy of emulation by all other towns in the state." Mr." Young will return lo Spokane tomorrow. -o- F.M. POTTS IS REMOVED TO ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL SUNDAY Patient Is Suffering From a Bad Case of Blood Poisoning in His Right Hand. F. M. Potts, who is suffering from a bad case of blood poisoning caused by a stick of wood tailing on his hand last week, was yesterday after uoini'takeit to St. Mary's hospital for treatment, it being necessary to lance the hand, lie is reported better today ;:ud Dr. Davis, his physician, thinks jliat the patient will be fully recov ered soon. The wound was caused by a stick of wood falling on Mr. Potts' right hand and ripping the skin open. The cut became infected and several days later blood poisoning set in, causing the hand to become swollen and pain ful. Medical attendance was secured at once and the physician has suc ceeded in cheeking the poisoning from spreading to other parts of the body. The Misses Louise Pirtle of this city and Stella Fischer of Astoria, popular coeds at the O. A. C, spent Sunday in Albany at the home of M iss Pirtle s parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Grant Pirtle. George Howe of this city went to lirownsville this morning on a short visit with his sons, lie was accom panied by Major Gleason of the U. S. custom house at Hoston who is visiting him here for a few days. 'a;. 1'iltr!: of Lebanon retur-v-d home last evening after a short visi. with friends in Corvallis yesterday. Frank, Charles and liuriiey Howe of lirownsville spent Sunday in Al bany at the home of their father, Geo. 1 1 owe. They returned home last evening. ( )n one freight train which passed through Albany yesterday there were l.S cars of hops, ennuite from Inde pendence to New York. Mrs. C, G. Morton of Portland was registered at the St. Francis today II. N. Ham of the Oregon Llectrie Rail way was transacting business in Albany this morning. Ma or S. V. Wciincrslcin of Leh an ! h ti riied ! ne last evening alter -.!(! isit in Albany yesterday af 1c morn. Mr. and Mrs. George Washburn of Portland returned home at noon today after a visit here at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. hdward Washburn. M r. W ,. libui ii be'.idi-s 'iiducting a t a dor ing establishment also raises White Plymouth Rock chickens and Maltese pigeons. Mrs, Addie Leeper of llalsey tcrmd home this morning after short visit with friends and relatives in Albany. Olin Ii. Staluaker and brother, Her man O. Staluaker of this city, return d home last night from Lonia, Mon tana, wln-re they each filed on 160 acres of government land. They re port fine weather in Montana. Ldmiind G. Anderson who is at lending the O. A C, returned to Cor ail's this rf. riling at - r spending Sum av 1 1 1 1 us parents. Mr. ami Mrs, P C. iM-t ; !. He played football with O. A. C. :. Portland Saturday. Miss Vcrdis Pugh of lirownsville returned home last evening after spending Sunday in Albany at the home of Miss Louise Pirtle. W. P. Flmore of lirownsville re turned home last evening after a Sun flay visit in Albany. County Judge Duncan is attending to business matters in Salem today. Dr. O. D. Ireland of Portland was in Albany yesterday attending his mother, Mrs. W. P. Ireland, who is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs, M. D. Ilammel. F. A. liuckley, L. F.. Austnian and 1 1. F. Palmer of Harrisburg were registered at the Hotel Revere in this city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Matlock have rented the residence of Mrs. Moist at Sixth and Lyon streets where they will make their home. Mr. Matlock will officiate as day clerk at the New Ilammel hotel which will be opened in the near future. ALBANY CROWD ON OCT. 15 Manager of Commercial Club Writes a Congratulatory Let ter to Mayor Gilbert. That the residents of l'uene ap preciated the splendid blowing made by tiie people oi All any at the re cent celebration in that city is indi cated by a communication received this morning by Mayor Gilbert from M. J. Ihuea. manager ot the Lu nelle Commercial Club, as follows: Lunelle. Ou. Oct. 1. llU2 Mayor of Albany, Albany, Ore. Dear Sir: On behalf of the Orenon Klcelrie Celebration Committee I beg to express to you and the people ot Albany our sincere and niatetul ap preciation tor the splendid attendance at our Oregon Llectrie Celebration last Tuesday. There were many things connected with this celebration that nave us pleasure and made us happy, but I ben you to believe that there was nothing that contributed more to our pleasure or our happiness than the splendid spirit of I'riemLliip and good will from our friends of ihe neinlibor iug cities as shown by the larne and enthusiastic delegations of citizens who came to visit us on that day. Your presence in such noodly num bers did inueli to make our celebra tion a success and 1 want you to be lieve tlTat we were more than gl.td to have you with us on this great day. It speaks well for the future of Oicnoii and especially for the future prosperity of the great Willamette alley, when there can be shown on an occasion hue this, the spirit ot co- peraiion and good will 4 ut the part f all the citizens of the vallev. We live in a little empire of our own and k' can make it one uf the most de ii able places in the I'nited States n which lo lot- if we hut stand shoulder to shoulder ami work to gether in amity and unity for our common good. Such days as October 15, 1!12, mean much to us all, ior it speaks well when the people of a neighbor ing town can rejoice so enthusias tically over the prosperity and good fortune of the citizens of another eitv. hope and trust that each year will e the bonds of friendship and uood will between you and us mow firmer ind stronger ami that as time goes on we may work tor our common good in a spirit of sincere co-opera- lion. I iiaiikuig ytni anain lor the splendid showing made by Ihe people t your city at our celebration, 1 beg to remain. Cordially yours, M. J. DURYF.A. Manage"!. LOUIS W. HILL CUP ARRIVES IN ALBANY THIS MORNING Is Now on Exhibition at the Commercial Club Rooms on Ellsworth Street. The handsome $5(1 silver cup of fered by Louis W. Hill of the Great Northern Railway for the leu best boxes of commercial apples lo be ex hibited at the Albany Apple Show next mouth, arrived by express this morning from St. Paul and is now on exhibition at the Commercial Club. The cup stands fully 12 inches high and is 6 or H inches in diameier, and is richly engraved. It is by far the finest cup ever given away in this city 'and is being greatly admired by every In dy. Thi trophy should cause every apple grower in Linn comity lo enter a display of ten boxes of apples, for the cup is certainly a beauly and a prize worth trying for. The cup will remain on exhibition at the Commercial Club until the Apple Show opens on November 14 and the fruit growers of this county are invited to call at the club when in town and take a look at it. Mr. and Mrs. L. Vb-reek and son Edward spent Sunday in Eugene, go ing up on the newly constructed Oregon Electric. They report au en joyable trip. Judge Duncan returned home this noon from a short trip lo Jefferson. Mrs. Geigcr of Portland arrived in Albany Ibis afternoon and will Visit for several days at the home of A. Bender, three miles south of Albany. W. A. liodine went Hit to Lebanon this morning where lie will do some work in the orchard of A. Allen. W. L. Powers of Corvallis spent Sunday in Albany visiting friends. While here he made his headquarters at the Revere. C. II. Nees and E. L. Nixon of IhTl- sey returned home last evening alter a Sunday visit in this city. Rex Davis, a well known merchant of Shedds, arrived in Albany this af ternoon on a short business trip. J. II. Gentry, state organizer of the A. O. U. W., returned to Corvallis this morning after spending Sunday with his family in this city. C. M. Giddings was a passenger to Lebanon this morning where he will transact business today. County Commissioner Hutler went to Foster this morning to inspect a bridge at that place. He will also inspect the work now being done by the county bridge gang on the Craw fordsville bridge. County School Superintendent Jackson left this afternoon on a short inspection trip to the country schools near this city. George Van Dran and Cledc Curry left on the late train last night for Southern Oregon where they will spend the next ten days hunting deer.