ft TER SATURDAY NIGHT Voters Line Up at Court House Order to Have Names En- in tered for November Election. BIGGEST REGISTRATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTY County Clerk Says 150 Applica tionsSaturday. Many Regis trations in Outside Precincts. 44TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH Albany's Chief Executive Has Been a Resident of Hub City 14 years Now. SSftllU E HERE THURSDAY fiil- 1', Continued from Monday, Oct. 21. Willi ;i line rxlumliiiK from the cniirt house stairs to tile desk in the comity elerk's office, County (Jerk Will.ird Marks and his force of depu ties were the busiest men in the city of Albany Saturday ninllt. IJuriiiK the entire day men present ed themselves at the clerk's olfice for registration and one hundred and fifty names were added to the registration list, fifty-five oi which were entered between seven and nine o'clock Sat urday evening I'rior to the primaries 4,4.27 voters were rcKislercd, but it is now esti mated by the county clerk that the rcKislralion this year will be more than 5,1)1111, the Iariest rcijis'tratioii ever recorded in the history of the county. Il is impossible at tllis time to ob tain a complete list of the reK'istra lions (or the reason that the blanks from the outside precincts have not been turned in to the county clerk's office. However, three hundred have leistered at the county clerk's ol'lice since tile primaries in addition to the registration in the precincts outside of Albany. Mayor Gilbert yesterday celebrated tile 44th anniversary of his birth. 'I he chief executive of the city was born in Leavenworth, Kansas, on October 20, IWiX, and has been a resident of Oregon since coining to Albany in if'M from Kukciic where he was engaged in the grocery busilles-,. After moving to Albany, M bert was employed by several land firms as a IraveliiiH salesman and followed this work until he re tired from the road a few years ;ik" and with his brother, eiiKaned in bus iness lor himself, now beiiitf president of the firm of Gilbert liros., dealers in furniture, hardware and groceries, ami aiuonu Albany's must progres sive merchants. Mr. Gilbert was elected mayor ly the people of Albany at the city elec tion in December of last year and since his inauguration in office, has filled the olfice of chief executive in a commendable manner and has re ceived the support (if the people of Albany, who hold the mayor in mull esteem. The Democrat joins with his many friends in extending congratu lations to Mayor Gilbert on the 44th anniversary of his birth. Itinerary of Democratic Nomi nee .for Vice-President Has Been Announced. GEORGE VAN DRAN LEAVES ON HUNTING TRIP LAST NIGHT Hotel Man Is So Anxious to Get Away That He Forgets His Ammunition Supply. WASHINGTON CORPORATION BUYS 1200 ACRES IN LINN CO. Buy Large Tract Near Lebanon For $130,000 Was Part OfJ Military Road Grant. The Minnesota Investment com pany, a Washington corporation. closed GOVERNOR WILL TAKE BREAKFAST IN THIS CITY i r Kiddles, 1 lake llic into the will spell I the h for bier ;;ame. of Albany's en .vided Saturday If ami see il he i before the sea d about all day .any ami cr tiling' Gcornc Van I Iran, one of the i;enial nn, in H io'.s ol the Motet van i nan this city, left last eveuiii. rum Hum which city he Mane to I'erdue,- 25 mil mountain;, where he wil next lew days ill scan tieorm', w ho is one thusiaslie niuuixbi, d to take a few days o could land a few buck sou closes. I b' husll yesterday e,ctlinu his olltlll r cveuiiur he thoueht he had e he needed. t However, he was so anxious tc' net started rn his journey tli.it 'ic ,'on; t to take Lis ainuiiilion wh'-'h iie lett Iu the lobby of the hotel an I this morning, a wire was recvived Irom him KiviiiK' instructions not io .-.cud il for il would delay him in starling on his trip Ironi Kiddles to Pc'du '. 'I'h.' main limit? with Gcoree on a Illinium trip is plenty to eat and it is said that this o nt ii hi ol the outfit was looked alter iu nu.nl shape and that he will not en huiHiiy. Ilf expects t,i be e.nne -..'viial days and was ai' c. unnamed bv b'de t un v. a brake man on the t'oiva l deal last week lor the pur base of 1.11 II) acres of I. inn county laud from the Oremin Western Colonization company of St. 1'aul The land sold is a part of the orie; Miiin., says the Journal. The land brounht $100 an acre, auKrcualiiiK' $1,111,(10(1. iual military road uiiint of KOO.IIOi; acres iu Orcnou, and consists of ricli (armiiiK ami fruit land ill the Wil lamette valley, lyiiiH near Lebanon. Its sale is an illustration of tile tre mendous profits which have been and are heme; made m liortnwest minis and properties. 1 he entire tract ol NIIII.IIOl) acres was sold at one time to a I'lench company, the title beine. held bv Attorney Charles Allschul ot New N ork. I Ins company, several years ano, sold the tract to the Urc Kiui & Western C'oloniation com pany for $7,111111,111)11, only one .seventh of this sum beini! paid down, how- is now estimated by leading Speech Will Be Made at Ten O'clock. Will Arrive in Salem at Noon. That Governor Marshall will reach Albany at 5:30 on the morniuK of Thursday, October 24th, was the word received here this afternoon by C. II. Stewart, president of the Wil-, son & Marshall Club of this city. Marshall will arrive from the south over the main line of the Southern Pacific Railway and will be accom panied by State Chairman IScrt K. Ilaney and a number of leading Ore Koii Democrats. lie will take breakfast in tins city and if the present program is carried out will speak at 10:UU o'clock, fm UliiiiK his speech in time to catch the Salem train arriving in that city about noon. Whether the meeting will be held ill the open or at the local opera house is not known at this time but an announcement will be made at a later date by County Chairman liil yeii. Marshall is meeting with a tre mendous ovation on his western tour and his speech in Albany will doubtless be heard by a large audi ence . Who Wil! Be tee Lucky Member? oward GRAND JURY WILL CONVENE ON THURSDAY days and will win the B Auto that is being given away by the Tracy Clothing Company Now if the number you want to see win is not at the top, this next month will be your chance to help put it there We say any number on the list can win if you will just go to work. IT IS UP TO YOU 931,090 492,180 606,080 To pas of more i jury will 1 2 3 4 5 6 612,500 7 8 9 10 11 507755 ' 12 " 530305 13 546,300 14 493.445 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 .... 28 .... 29 .... 30 .... 31 . 405.910 460,565 487.S25 , 533.250 330.575 .... 503,925 23 . 24 . . 272.985 . 572,565 '. 653.095 . 435,295 '. 520,140 32 515.430 33 508.350 34 368.330 35 459,210 36 37 38 39 40 41 499.670 42 456.150 43 3(11,815 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 458,190 59 4.W.D3U ys,iou . 504,215 490,210 . 452,175 . 472,350 . 491,075 60 . 61 . 62 . 63 . 64 . 65 . 66 67 68 425,565 69 . 449,220 70 . 71 ... 322,565 563.685 532.765 547.3S0 312,005 467.525 482.575 252,610 76 . 77 slate pi T.'llo! present owner.. ,11110,11011 profit .il il has been a it' I'tii'tlam! that will realize fully ill their property 1 disposed uf. COMMERCIAL CLOD WILL MEET TONIGHT AT 7:30 uiion a number of cases less importance, the grand ! be convened at the court , house in this city on 1 hursday. Sev eral men have been bound over to the j district court and in addition to other j business wllicll may lie presemeu in the jury, these cases will till be passed upon. 26 301,720 This is standing of all contestants to date . October 19 we change color votes so no votes are being held out 3S1.010 330 West First Street $2500 WORTH OF SILVERWARE ORDERED FOR NEW HOSTELRY I Handsome Silver Service Will Grace Tables of the Hanimel Hotel Grill. lbs - baste SYNOD REELECTS BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR LOCAL COLLEGE 1 The reuular incclinc; of the ( ) I'ominercial Chili will he held to- ' nie,hl at 7:30 o'clock and a lull -1 attendance is desired. Several t'l important mailers will come up for action and plans will be made i1 ' to send a laree crowd from Al- i'1 i banv to the Potato Show al liar- this week. Iwcrylioily i" risi'iire, come. (.i (.i (.- (.i v.i () ? (j1 s (f i ? i? : TIGHT SKIRTS CALL FOR LOWER STEPS W. H. Gore of Meilford, A Well Known Banker, Is New Member of the College Board. The l'i . b lei i.m Snod ot Ore iii.ii iiiccIiml; at Wallowa re elected the IoIIohiiik tin-tecs of Alb.illV t'ol 1. ee I V. . MImiiv. I tie.;. .i ; I. dm Mill.. n. il.l. Wallowa; Iblcher I. mil. Portland: lohn A Shaw. Albanv; Rev W. V While. Albanv; Rev. Win. I'.iison. I'l.ill.ind; II. .ii K. .1. Miller. Salem; Allied I'. Sclnnilt. lb.mv; Kev. William II l'oldkcs, IV IV, New V.nU litv. N V.; Ke. II I'. I'.ab cock. S.ilciu; Kev. M V Williams. I'oitland. Win. Km tiiullei , Albany: (icolce II. 1'iowcll. Albanv ; losepll 11. Ralsp.n. lb.uiv; Rev II N. Mount. I'. I . I'.utl.ui.l; Rev. lleniv Mauolte. I'.n (land. Rn W. S Hull. IV 1 . IVill iinl: Kev. lohn II I'.nvd. II II . l'o.tl.uld: Judije II II Hewitt Albanv; .1 v'. lumc lb.niv; Kev 1'raiikhil II. li.M lln.u lit, llunv; S S Shields. Mdton: I'mi.lcnt 11. M. t looks. Albanv. W. II. tioie. Med foul Mi. W II I hue oi Mcdtord is a new membi i of the b.vud of tiuslecs Mi. In'tc is pu-siilcnt i.f ihc I'll st National Hank at Medloid I hnaha. I let. 'mall. i and t o 'Uip.inv's lines ivv er -li fo Jl.-Ncvv cars on the .nieil I'dutfs street ear will be equipped with I.iw.t sons The licit dresses wo men are vve.innc; now is assieneil ny siicet car company oltiei.ils as the einef re. is, in. Twenty five cars equipped with these lower steps will s. .ai be put into service. ri.uioinis on these cars will be lower and there will be only one step .out thai low cnoucji lor women wear iiic, even the liclucst ot skirls to in. uint without diiticulty. Conductor! have li ciiienlly complained that the del. iv in their schedules has been due to beine compelled to stop so lone to pci nut women passcneeis to enter ami aliijht iioni cats. This will now be obv ialcd. Mrs. J. C. Ilanmiel of tllis city last, week placed orders for $2500 worth j of silverware for use in the diuiuir room and bampiet hall of the new ti story llanimonil hotel which will be opened iu tllis city shortly after the first of the year. The silver service for the new hostelry will be of the finest ipiabiy and as ijond as any now iu use in the lareer hotels of Port land. The silver service for use iu the dinine, room cost nearly. $20(111 and was ordered tlnotiKh I'. M. blench X; Sons of this city. The silverware is ol the well known Reed X liarlon Hid includes cverylhmi; used m ps ct l::vi;e hotels in ma he ill ll i 104 1 -,l oo the cities. The banquet ihroiieh M. Se complete iu evei main' haudsoine tivc desien. T! llaiiuuel will be tractive ill the e service was ordered Her of Portland, is y detail and contains pieces of an altrae !ie null of the hotel - one of the most at iiliie valley it is said. The First Big Sale of the Season Jest as Winter. Approaches Overstock ( il .lilt I'r.'Ml.lU I his nti t ii i ii l; Iwtc 1 tl.iy I lin tin- politi fii'r i'i itMitity rr Miss N'f.ul Ct .is!)iiH't"ii. ut I" Mill I ilv ill S(U U.l till" ,1 imUv Hi is lion to the ol U f t'.oKh-inl.iIo. ;urivi'tl iu Altunv this attt t noon hotiu of Mr a'ml anil ittuT ul.itiv VIMt Mrs l-.,rl iti AHmiiv. at th 1-ishc WATER ON SANTIAM ROAD In ouh-r o nixo tlu- iv-itU-nts in the t-astfin noition ot tlu- city lu-tliT tin lt otivtion, lUniy I oiis is vMUMil.it ink; a pilitioii a-kn lor a .ater main on S.uuiam U-ail Itoiu Main to lloaiy stn-i-t l lu- iHiuion al-o n-iiiusts two tin- t v; tor iho sum- tiintoiy A nuniluT of iius in that svetion ot tlu vMtv vhnini; tlu lu-t tew ni.Milhs have m.i.U' lu-uer tin protection an issue with tlu eitiens. Sensitive Matter- IMi tor of I Vmocrat ; Politics is inakiiii; stvikini: ttuations this year. 1 n t "ah lorn ia the I'.i it men -ay that the Koom'vcIi men cheated lliem out t( their nijlil to a place on the hal l.'i. and it t- -ai dih. u ihey will, in laivte nninhei. vote tor Wilson, to dricat the men w cheated them. In Idaho the K.-eeh men -ay they have been cheated out of their riht to a place on the ballot and that they arc left in conutsiou. Hut the most .imtiMiii! .situation is that which prc ails tn I. inn county amoni; the Kc puhlicaii candidates for county office, riu-sc eandidales are afraid to say thai they are for Tali for that would In iu c down upon their heads the wiath of the Kooseelt men. They are afraid to a that they are for Uoo-evelt for tear i-f arousing; the righteous indignation ot tlie laft men. "Now whach ar know about that?" The-e can.lulates are aid to dodiie in all directions to a oid bciiii? called out on this ipae-tion A PROr.UKSSlVK. H. Wilis sender ti l o lu re he w ill after lusine-s ot this city was a pas nalhs this nioriiiii's spend the day looking matters. Sain Polan of (."orvallis. coach of the Oregon Aijriciiltural College tool hall team, returned to torvalli last evening after .i Sunday visit at the home ot Mr. ami Mrs. S. S. Train. MERCHANTS' CARNIVAL. One of tin most novel and attrac ts e entertainments of the season will be mven Oct. Mh. I1!-, at Armory Hall. An evening of laughter and song, Kitty young ladies in cos tume presenting the representing the business hours of the city. I nder the t I dies Society ot inc auspices By a Backward Season and A Sale Without a Precedent Involving Over $60,000.00 Worth of Bright, New, Seasonable Wearing Apparel for Women, Misses and Children COMMENCING SATURDAY, OCT. 26th and Ending SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Never before in the history of this store has a sale of equal proportions ever been held just at the time winter garments are most needed Over 800 Coats and 1000 Suits for Less Our Eastern buyer has loaded this store to the brim just because he could buy the garments for less in price, and forced us to take such drastic measures to reduce the stock. Included are the Syndicate purchases and goods bought for less. Sec the Big Circular telling complete story Chambers & McCunes Albany Leading Cloak and Suit Store If ro don'l kct on. of th. Bif Circular, dr.p u. a po.i.i wun jour nun. ua .aareu N. B.. and w. will mail jou on. by return mail. Alio your nam. will b. added to our mailing list