Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, October 18, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Completed Arrangements For
Two Big Conventions To Be
Held In Albany.
DECEMBER 17,18, 19, AND 20
Armory Will Be Scene of Not
able Gathering Soon Will
Exhibit Dairy Products.
Continued from Friday, October 11.
To make arrantfc'im-nts for the biff
state conventions of the Oregon Slate
Dairymen's Association and the Ore
gon liuttermakers' Association, which
will he held in Albany on the 17th,
18th, l'Jth and 2Uth of December, the
officers of the two associations met
at the Commercial Club at 2 o'clock
this afternoon with the convention
committee of the club.
C. H. I'Vaer, president of the Ore
gon llulter and Checsemakers' asso
ciation of Kntfene; J. M. Dickson of
Shedds, vice-president of the State
Dairymen's Association, and l'rof. 1
L. Kent of the Oregon Agricultural
College, secretary of the two associa
tions, were in attendance at the meet
ing this afternoon. Mayor Gilbert,
who was invited to all cud the con
ference, was also iu attendance.
W. A. Kastburn, president, and J.
S. Van Winkle, vice-president of the
Albany Commercial Club, C. 11. Stew
art, the secretary, and Messrs II. M.
Crooks, 1 J. I;letcher and J. D. Tom
linsou of the convention committee
utlended the meeting this afternoon.
When the conventions were held iu
Portland last year an invitation was
extended to the two associations by
the Albany Commercial Club and K.
L. Hurkhart and C. L. Shaw, two
prominent dairymen of Ihis chy, also
spoke of t ho advantages of this city
for state conventions, with the result
that Albany landed the two big con
ventions which will be held here on
the 17th, ISth, VHh and 20th of De
cember. About four liu lulled delegates will
be iu attendance at the conventions
from all parts of Oregon, including
the famous dairying sections of
Washington, Coos. Yamhill, Douglas,
l.inti, Lane, Lincoln, Clatsop, Marion,
Tillamook and other counties of the
The four (lays' sessions of the two
associations will be held iu the Ar
mory in this city and in addition to
Ihe business sessions each dav there
will be plenty of enlertaintneiil pro
vided for the visiting delegates and
troui tlit dissension ol the plans at
the Commercial Club Ihis afternoon
the coining conventions, which are
two of ihe most important held iu the
slalt each year, will be the best held
for some lime.
Premiums for various exhibits of
dairy products will be offered includ
ing Several silver cups and a portion
of the armory will be arranged for
these exhibits. The big hall will be
appropriately decorated for the oc
casion and a bainpict will probably
be held.
Albany was very fortunate in secur
ing these Iwo big conventions, for
several oilier Oregon cilies were very
desirous of securing them, and the cit
izens of the city including the hole!
men and members of the Commercial
Club should co-operate in making
I hem Ihe most sucershil ever held
in the state.
hollowing the close of the meeting
this afternoon (ho visiting officers of
the associations ami the members of
the local Commercial Club went to
the armory where Ihe floor was meas
ured for the exhibits of dairy pro
ducts and machinery.
Will Sail From Rome For Unit
ed States Soon Says Scen
ery in Alps Is Beautiful.
The Row Father I.ane. pastor of
St. Mary's church of this citv, who
lias been atH'mlhiK the Kucharistic
L undress tu icnna, Austria, is now
touiiiiK l-'uroiu', preparatory to re
turning to Albany. Uev. l ane left
Albany in July, Koinu to Montreal,
trout which eity he took the steamer
to T'urope. l-'ollowiiiK are the eon
tents of a iost eanl from l-'other Lane
to Ihis paper:
tiieetiuns to The Uemocrat:
h'roiu the border of Italy where we
are now hmline, sunshine ami warmth.
Will lie iu Milan iu a few hours ami
will then ko on to Koine ami finally
prepate fur my return home. We
have had two days of automotulin;
iu the Alps. The scenery is truly
luaKiiilieent hut it is very cold iu
some places and we had snow. 1
have found the cities of Tyrol and of
llaracia particularly intereslini;. The
people are musical, artistic, and most
With all ood wishes.
I have today received throned 1, N
Sehultz, aent of the Oregon Mer
cantile Insurance Company, the sum
01 m lull p.ivmcnt ot loss,
Sinned) " 1 PAl'Ll'S.
Mayor Gilbert Will Officiate As
Chairman of Meeting at the
Courthouse Tonight.
Coming direct from a series of en
thusiastic meetings both in Coos May,
Southern Oregon and Kastern Ore
gon, where crowds of from 200 to
700 persons heard him discuss "Sin
gle Tax Kxposed" nightly, the meet
ing of Charles 11. Shields, secretary
of the Oregon hqual laxation League
to he held at the court house in Al
bany tonight at 8 p. in., promises to
he at tendril hy an unusually large
number of persons. The fact that
practically every person is interested
in the taxation he has to pay is a
factor that will tend to compel at
The unusual feature of women be
ing invited to attend a political meet
ing is ex,citmg interest among the var
ious women's organizations as Mr
Shields has declared repeatedly that
he believes Single Tax and the Gradu
ated Single lax are measures in
which women are interested even
more (ban men.
"Single Tax aims a direct blow at
the preservation- of the home," he de
clared recently. "Single Tax would
topple the sanctity of the home just
as effectually as Socialism plans to
send it to the dust. ,
"It woidd confiscate both the home
and the lot, the farm and the or
chard, to Hie state, and if a tax
scheme that would do this does not
merit the attention of every woman in
Oregon, 1 am very much misinform
ed." The various women's organizations
in Portland have started studying the
Single Tax. measure and hope to hear
Mr. Shields on a future date. Mayor
P. D. Gilbert will be chairman.
Members of Vaudeville Troupe
Amuse Passengers at Local
Station This Morning.
A vaudeville troupe arrived in Al
bany this morning and while wailing
(or the Corvallis train to depart, Ihe
male contingent went down town on
the streetcar to fret breakfast. While
they were tfoiie, tj,e Kjrs of the com
pany who had remained at the depot
derided to 'play' a joke on one of the
They carried his suitcase out in the
street where they filled it with Iuikc
rocks and then replaced it on the
depot platform. The men returned
on Ihe streetcar just before the Cor
vallis train pulled out, ami Ihe owner
of the suitcase when he attempted to
pick up his property had to use both
hands for the girls had done a good
job with the rocks. The man was fin
ally forced to place the suitcase under
his arm and make a run for Ihe train,
much to the amusement -of a large
crowd of people on the depot plat
form who had seen the girls fill the
suitcase willi the extra ballast.
Returning last night from Califor-
nol, G. V. I'ennebaker of the Albanv
Nursery brought back an apple from
a tree which lie sold f,i -i iv,rii- ;
northern California more than twenty
vears ami. The name of ihe mini,, is
the "Autumn strawberrv" and is s.iid
to be one of Ihe best tasting apples on
the market.
Mr. IVum-hakcr has been in north
ern California for the nasi leu il.ns
assisting Ihe state liot-tii'iillni-wl ...'.L.
apples for the big Watsonville apple
$250,000 SAYS LOVETT
Head of Southern Pacific Ad
mits He Personally Handed
Bliss the "Slush Fund."
Washington. Oct. 9. Indue Robert
S. l.ovclt, chairman of the board of
lireclors of the Southern Pacific rail
road, testified todav before the senate
campaign committee that the late K.
II. Harrimau nave S-'MMW) into the
Republican campaign fund of 1H4,
at the renuest of President Roosevelt.
l.ovett said that he was niven the
mouev hv Mr. llarriman. and that he
personally handed it to Cornelius V
Wiss, then treasurer of the Republi
can national committee.
1. oven's testimony verifies declara
lions of other witnesses that Harri
man raised funds for the llM Renuh
bean campaign. The witness also tes
tilied that Harrimau had intended to
contribute to the campaign, but
changed his mind because of the pub
licity that would have been Kivcn such
"Karly in October of that year. I.ov
ft said, Harriman said to me
'They're in a hole and the president
wants me to help them out. I got to
do it.'"
l.ovett then declared that Harrimau
Rave him $J5t.tXX to ivc to Treasur
er Hliss. The witness said he s.ive
the money to Hits personally.
Some people are so cranky there
tsn t much else.
Contractors Make Excellent
Headway with Concrete
Paving Work.
Work Will Probably Be Done in
Course of the Next Two Weeks
Barring Bad Weather.
The crew of the Puh Contracting
company of Salem yesterday morning
commenced the work of spreading the
cement and gravel on Third street at
the intersection ot llaker and at noon
today had nearly reached the center
of the block between Baker and
.Montgomery streets.
The contracting company has a
large mixing machine located at Third
ind Montgomery streets winch is kept
running all day mixing the cement
with the gravel. Ihe mixed article
is hauled in dump carts and dropped
on the street where it is spread and
smoothed up. The "dope" covers the
street to a depth of five inches.
1 his is the hrst contract tor con
crete pavement that has ever been
:i warded in this city and was peti
tioned for by the property owners
on Third street between Baker and
Railroad, a distance of two blocks.
There has been much discussion here
over various kinds of pavement and
the residents on Ihird street linally
decided to try the concrete.
So tar the work looks pretty good
;tnd at the rate the crew is working
now, and barring bad weather, the
thoroughfare will probably be com
pletely paved within the next two
weeks. V. D. Pugh, the contractor,
was delayed in starting the work a
few weeks ago by the inability to se
cure men and teams but has made a
good start and the work is progress
ing now.
Rev. D. H. Leech Will Officiate
at Services of Lady Who
Died Yesterday.
The funeral services of the late Mrs.
Fred Gould wil be held at the family
residence, 522 S. Calapooia street, at
2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the
Rev. 1). II. Leech of the hirst Meth
odist church officiating. Interment
will lake place in the City cemetery.
Ihe deceased was born m Illinois
and at the lime of her death was 25
vears of agj. She left to mourn her
death a husband, I'red ("J on Id of this
city; a father and mother. Mr. and
Mrs. !. M. I'lusher of Kansas, a
brother I. M. Flushcr of North Yaki
ma, V ash.
Ihe deceased had lived in Oregon
five vears and left many friends to
mourn her death. She was a mem
ber of the Methodist church, a lady of
Christian character and sterling
worth, beloved by all who knew her.
A new souk is ilue. to be entitled:
You've not to quit kicking my Teddy
Hear around."
VI... .,1.. nre Inst t'ettilliT IH'Xt to
the curves of T. K. and are hitting
them lor home runs to usonviiie.
Kastern mail is late from eight to
twenty-four hours daily, due to poor
anagciucnt at t ort laud.
I uci e in iii'ui'i's ...,. .... .
Yesterday and S. l official came in
on the 1 1. I'.., anu an oioei.u
left on the S. P.
man said he bad found a place
where they cut hair while wait.
lieiurally it is s.mie other nun s hair
while you wait.
Albany should have a suburban
park, no matter how many close in
parks there are one out somewhere
on a streel ear line, to be established.
There is said to be a delightful place,
with a small lake, out along the west
sitle oi me lair grtuiuu propcrij, mu
lar trout the new college grounus.
One street car line would do tor both.
We Fifth strecters arc glad to help
out in establishing a first-class grade
on the O. K. between here and Eu
gene, giving the people of that live
eity quicker opportunity to trade at
the superior stores of the Hub.
A young wife who was promised a
machine on her birthday got it a
washing machine, after wonderful
anticipations of a Winton or Pack
ard, says a paid funny man.
It seems there are two kinds of
plumbing; but then there has always
been since the first plumb good and
Albany has no more popular estab
lishment than its public library. It
will be more next summer when the
new $17,500 building is opened.
Contributed by F. P. Nutting
Hears Motions and Demurrers
In Cases Coming Up at the
Regular October Term.
Many Interesting Cases Will
Be Heard Here Within the
Next Two Weeks.
Judge Kelly this morning convened
a preliminary term of the circuit court
and heard several motions and argu
ments in cases to come up for trial
when the regular term convenes on
Monday, October 28.
The following cases were contin
ued: State of Oregon vs.. Fred Sen
ders, selling liquor in violation of the
local option law; M. J. Kline vs. G.
li. Metzgus, et al, recovery of money
by attachment; Atlas Brass Mfg. Co.
vs. G. E. Metzgus, et al.; A. L. Wed
dle vs. J. T. States, W. H. Davis, et al,
vs. J. T. States; and Fred Wodtil vs.
J. T. States, recovery of money; and
M. Hussard vs. S. O. Rice, recovery of
money by attachment.
The following cases were set for
hearing: Oscar Hlock vs. Mary E.
Hurst, recovery of realty and dam
ages, Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 1 p. m.;
Kohlcr and Chase vs. R. Kuhn, re
covery of money, Thursday, Oct. 31,
at 9 a. in.; Nellie McDanicl vs. Leba
non Lumber company, damages, Mon
day, Oct. 28, at 1 p. in.; State of Ore
gon vs. Gilbert Olson, four indict
ments for violation of local option
law, Monday, Oct. 30, at 9 a. m.;
State of Oregon vs. Frank Gleason,
violation local option law, continued;
J. C. Anderson, the administrator of
the estate of W. A. Anderson, vs. the
11. M. Hyllesby Co., et al, damages,
Thursday, Oct. 31, at 1 p. in.; VV. C.
Elmore vs. William C. Fletcher, ap
peal from justice court, Friday, Nov
1. at 9 a. in.: William Costello vs.
Corvallis & Eastern Railway, dam
ages, Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 1 p. m;
State of Oregon vs. Thomas More
land, assault. Wednesday, Oct. 30, at
1 p. in.; E. W. Kibby vs. II . F. Haz
en. Monday, Nov. 4, at 1 p. in.
In the case of Theodore W. Skid
more, et al, vs. the 2500, a demurrer
to the complaint was overruled. The
case of Oregon vs. John Doe, indicted
with Harry Johnson for robbing the
Blain store, was dismissed on motion
of the district attorney for reason
that the evidence was insufficient. A
motion to strike out parts of the com
plaint in the case of Matt Wint vs.
Cameron & Son, damages, was sus
tained. In the case of Lebanon Lumber
Co. vs. J. C. Lewis for recovery of
money, a motion to make the com
plaint more definite and certain wa3
Some of the interesting cases which
will be tried during the regular term
of court are: Nellie McDanicl vs.
Lebanon Lumber company; State of
Oregon vs. Gilbert Oleson; Theodore
Skidmore. et al, vs. the 2500; Wil
liam Costello vs. the C. & E.; Ore
gon vs. Thomas Moreland, and Matt
Wint vs. Cameron & Son.
E. Ii. Davidson, a resident of Al
bany for nearly forty years, expects to
move to Seattle in a mouth or two to
take charge of a five acre suburban
garden tract, for his son, Will, a pros
perous Seattle business man. Mr.
Davidson is now 73, but is good for a
uord many vears nt easy work.
Alma Gluck, Metropolitan
Prima Donna, Seeks to Drop
Plodding Husband.
New York, October 10. There was
a commotion today in artistic, musi
cal and dramatic circles following the
announcement that Mine. Alma Gluck,
the delightful soprano of the Metro
politan Opera House, had sued for
divorce. Friends, however, declared
that the action was not unexpected.
.Mnie. Gluck had never entered a
theater until she-was married. With
their baby girl, Abigail, she and her
husband, an insurance salesman, en
joyed a little heaven all their own.
But during the season of 1910, Mine.
Gluck, the loving matron of an up
town home, was "discovered" by the
operatic managers and "made" by
the critics. Fame pounced upon her
after the initial appearance at the new
theater in the role of Sophie in Mas
senet's "Werthetr."
For almost a year the young wife
and mother, who was also the famed
"artiste," struggled between dual
loves, the stage and the home. But
it appears that the plodding husband
did not fit into the new order of
Friends say the couple simply drift
ed apart as if by some tacit under
standing. There was nothing abrupt.
No shock of that sort was given to
the intense artistic spirit of Mnie.
Gluck. But the separation was not
iced just as much in the Metropolitan
circles as 'if the courts had decreed it
last winter.
Today when asked about it in St.
Louis, Mnie. Gluck would not give
a decided answer. She thought that
Gluck should tell the story. But in
New York it was the talk among her
. s
WANTED An apprentice at
Democrat office. Boy must be
over fifteen years of age and
willing to learn.
Have you seen the beau
tiful Porcelain Enameled
Charter Oak Steel Range
on display in our window
We are going to' give this
Range away ABSOLUTE
Full particulars will be giv
en at the store.
We have just received 75
of the famous ALLWIN go
cartst and for a short time
we will give a discount of 25
per cent on any cart in the
R. Rogoway & Son
Manufacturers of
All kinds of wool bought and exchanged for goods. Custom work
done in batting wool for country trade. Blankets washed
and napped. Your Business Solicited
J. V. LEMON, Doctor
Neurology and Ophtholmology a
of the nervous and circulatory
A drugless, rational and scientific
of removing the cause of all
nervous diseases.
I have no secrets from my patients,
each one knows what I am doing, what
it is for, what the results will be and
why they will be.
CoxsfLTATiON- Free. The worthy
poor treated free. One week's free treat
ment to all who engage for as much as
one month's treatment within one month
from date of this announcement.
Broadalbin Street Albany, Oregon
Dr. Lemon will be in Albany Monday at
S P. M. until Wednesday 9 P. M. and at Mill
City from Thursday noon until Monday noon
Batteries Were: Boston-Wood
and Cady;NewYork-Tesreau,
Ames and Meyers.
New York City, Oct. 11. (Spe
cial to Democrat.) With the
grandstand and bleachers at the
polo grounds packed with a crowd
of 40,000 enthusiastic fans, the Bos
ton Red Sox this afternoon defeat
ed the New York Giants in the
fourth game for the world's cham
pionship by a score of 3 to 1. Joe
Wood twirled a splendid game for
Boston and was caught by Cady.
Tesreau started the game for the
Giants but was later substituted by
Ames. Big Chief Meyers offici
ated for New York behind the bat.
Following is the summary of the
Boston 3 runs, 8 hits, 1 error.
New York 1 run, 9 hits, 1 error.
"Bought and Paid For," which will
be the attraction at the Albany Opera
house tonight, holds the record for a
dramatic run in New York City and
the end is not yet. The play will have
held the boards at William A. Brady'j
playhouse for something like 400
nights. George Broadhurst is the au
thor, and in this play it is said he has
produced the masterpiece of his ca
reer. A notable cast of players, in
cluding Charles Milward, George
Wright, Rose Carry, Maud Allen,
Clyde Crawford and Marie Hardi
will be seen in the interpreting of this
All Kinds of Seeds
for Fall Planting
at Murphy's Seed Store
225 West Second Street
Fisher, Braden& Co,
Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and
Both Phones