Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, October 18, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Work Will Begin on Albany and
Corvallis Line Within the
Next Few Months.
Construction Work to Begin
Following Completion of
Corvallis-Monroe Link.
Continued from Saturday, October 12.
That the Corvallis & Eastern rail
way between this city and Corvallis
will be electrified immediately upon
the completion of the Corvallis-Monroe
extension of the Portland, Eu
gene & Eastern, was the information
given the Democrat representative
this afternoon from an authoritative
source. The work on the Portland,
Eugene & Eastern between Corvallis
and Eugene is progressing rapidly in
an effort to have the line completed
before the bad weather begins and as
soon as that work has been finished,
the big crew of men now engaged on
that line will be placed at work be
tween this city and Corvallis placing
the line in shape for electrification.
It will not be a great task to elec
trify this road for all that will be
necessary will be the construction of
substations, trolley poles and wires
and a small amount of ballasting. It
is expected to have electric trains in
operation between this city and Cor
vallis shortly after the first of the
The Southern Pacific company
which owns the Corvallis & Eastern
has had the plan of electrifying this
road in mind for some time but the
news that the work was going to be
actually done was not made known
until today. The decision of the par
ent road to electrify the Corvallis &
Eastern was said to have been made
after a careful investigation of traffic
conditions in this part of the Wil
lamette Valley and to compete with
the Oregon Electric which is now en
gaged in building an interurban line
from Albany to Corvallis. It is also
said to be the plan of the Southern
Pacific to maintain a regular schedule
betwciMi Albany and Corvallis follow
ing the electrification of the line and
that several trains a day in each direc
tion will be operated.
E. F. Thorn!) of the Wells-Fargo
company of this city, who has been
ill with diphtheria for the past two
weeks, is out again and the quaran
tine lias been raised.
Xo other ease was reported in the
family by Dr. V. R. Shinn who ap
plied the anti-toxin treatment to the
other members of the household to
prevent a spread of the disease.
The following is a list of the mem
bers of the Albany Gun Club who
won the various trophies during the
vear of 1912:
The Peters medal was won by Dr.
11. A. Leininger, his score being 227
out of a possible -?H0 targets.
The Selby trophy was won by P.
J. Ilaltiinore. This prize was won on
a distance handicap, Mr. Baltimore
breaking JU.s oat of a possible 3U0 tar
gets. The l-'rench-llallack cup was won
by John Neeley, whose average was
sixtv-scveti per cent.
The Dupont trophy was won by F.
P. Tracy whose score was 1S8 with
the added targets.
Miss I.ila Patton of llalsey has
l een in town this past week visiting
her sister, Mrs. Olin Stalnakcr.
Miss I.ora Taylor came home to
spend the week-end.
Miss Mildred Watkins. a student at
Albany College, was called home this
week by a telegram stating that her
Dr. E. M. Sharpe of Albany Col
lege is in San Francisco attending a
meeting of the directors of the San
Francisco The. .logical seminary. He
is of the six directors from Ore
gon. Dr. Sheridan, of Perry. Iowa, left
this noon for h. .me after a visit here
with his brother, O. K. Perry, and
sister. Miss Clara Perry. IK; has jast
been on a trip through California.
Mr. Frank Clevcncer. a Portland
nut. .mobile man. formerly of this city,
is here on a visit with his father. S.
H. Clevcncer, and to join his wife,
who is at bustard on a visit with her
J. J. Barrett r.f this city was in
Canby yesterday on a srt buiiucss
trip, returning home this noon.
Clifford Harold, a well known ma
chinery salesman of Portland, passed
through Albany today to Lebanon on
a short visit with relatives.
Ship of Matrimony Travels on
Troubled Waters for Parties
Who Were Married at Reno.
Wife Now Wants Decree of Di
vorce and Twenty Dollars
Per Month Alimony.
Claiming that her husband would
race the brood sows for the sole pur
pose of making them lose their
broods and that at one time defendant
wiped his knife on plaintiff's arm,
were some of the unusual allegations
contained in a divorce complaint that
was filed at the clerk's office late yes
terday afternoon.
The title of the case is Emma Bar-
ette vs. E. A. Barette, and in the com
plaint the following allegations are
made by plaintiff:
That plaintiff and defendant were
intermarried during the month of
July, 1910, at Reno, Nevada; that the
defendant is forty-eight years of age
and nearly twice as old as the plain
tiff; that without cause or just provo
cation defendant has applied vile and
abusive epithets to the plaintiff, in
cluding the use of such words as
glutton, and ingratc; that he spoke
unkindly of the plaintiff's relatives,
calling them worthless, penniless
vagabonds and tramps; that he stat
ed that the plaintiff had the temper of
the devil and was not good enough
to see his people, and that the defend
ant treated plaintiff in a cruel and in
human manner.
The plaintiff asks for a decree of
divorce and twenty dollars per month
alimony, including the costs of the
While in the city this morning,
D. W. Campbell, general super
intendent of the Southern Pa
cific company, informed Mayor
Gilbert that his company would
confer immediately with the Ore
gon Electric company in regard
to installing arc lights at each
corner on streets through which
their lines pass so that none of
the lights of the two companies
would conflict.
He stated that it was the in
tention of the Southern Pacific
company to comply with the or
dinance recently passed by the
city council requiring every rail
road having lines in the city to
install arc lights on every corner
of the street through which the
line passes.
V. T. Nichols of Lebanon returned
home this morning after a trip to
llalsey last evening. He is the in
structor of the band at llalsey.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Beard of Cor
vallis arc guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. .Si ark Weatherford.
father had been seriously injured in a
rnnawav accident near his home in
T. Younger, superintendent of
motive power and F. D. ilurkhahcr.
division .engineer of the Southern Pa
cific cumpany accompanied Superin
tendent Campbell to this city this
Corvallis were visiting in Albany this
morning while enroutc home from a
visit with relatives in the southern
part of the state.
In commenting upon the burial of
the late Jeremiah K. Ream of this
city the Oregonian recently contam
ed the following editorial:
"Lik? the late Jeremiah R. Ream,
of Albany, the people who prefer to
have their eaithly remains cremited
usually be'oiig to the more intlellgeut
ci.'sses. They have read and tho ight
enough to overcome the primitive
superstitions which control the mul
titude. Cremation is steadily making
headway. Educated clergymen have
almost ceased to condemn it. since the
Scriptures, properly understood, do
i t support their opposition, while its
beauty and hygienic merits appeal
powerfully to the thinking world."
Prof, and Mrs. Harry L. Heard of
Joe Watson ami daughter were pas
si liters to T.tllrnan this morning
where they will spend Sunday visiting
at the home of relatives.
Mlli"tt and Crooks, the two
y. 'ting sons of President and Mrs. H.
M. Crocks, are spending a few days in
Portland visiting at the home of their
uncle, V. X. Elliott.
M. J. Monteith left on the local
tliis morning l"r Portland called
there by the death of his niece, Miss
.Margaret .ionteitn. i
E. A. Johnson went to Tallman this !
morning to look after matters at his!
grain warehouse. I
Superintendent D.W.Campbell
Inspects Approach of the
Structure Today.
Paving of Main Thoroughfare
Makes Improvement of the
Bridge Necessary.
D. W. Campbell, general superin
tendent of the Southern Pacific rail
way, arrived in Albany this afternoon
in his private car "California" and is
conferring with Mayor Gilbert rela
tive to the new steel arch which his
company is going to install in the
Corvallis & Eastern railroad bridge
where it crosses Eirst street on La
fayette. Mr. Campbell was at Philomath
this morning investigating the recent
wreck of the Albany-Philomath pas
senger train near that city which oc
curred last Saturday and fortunately
resulted in none being injured, al
though the engine and coach were
The railroad bridge at this city
which is constructed of wood is sup
ported by wooden piers and at the
point where it crosses Eirst street,
two of these piers or uprights arc in
the street and when the paving opera
tions were begun in that part of the
city, the city officials decided to have
them removed. The matter was dis
cussed with the railway officials with
the result that about forty feet of the
approaeii to the drawbridge will be
taken out and replaced by steel im
mediately, a gang of men in the em
ploy of the Southern Pacific having
arrived here this morning for that
purpose. The old wooden piers are
being taken out now and the work of
putting in the steel arch will begin
immediately upon the arrival of the
steel at this city which will be in the
course of a few day s.
-Contributed by F. P. Nutting.
The picture maker can do anything
with his characters, which become al
most alive in one's conceptions. When
asked to treat Mutt better the artist
in the next series of pictures had him
hit by a cannon ball, knocked out by
a brick and run over by an auto, and
he ended with a smile.
A Salem paper seems to take spe
cial pride in knocking Portland. If
it's word was taken that city would
be as wilted as the last rose of sum
mer; but, instead it is a great and
prosperous city, doing an immense
business along all lines, though per
haps a little quiet just before a presi
dential election, a universal habit of
all cities.
Nothing more thrilling in sport can
be imagined than the close of the
third game between Boston and N.
V. The score was 2 to 1 in favor of
X. Y. when ISoston went to the bat.
Two men were out and two men on
the sect nd and third bases when a
terrific drive was made deep into the
field, at sight meaning two runs and
the game won for Boston. The bean
rooters arose and yelled as the men
sped towards home; but they reck
oned tort speedily. In the meantime
little John Devore was sprinting for a
focus with the sphere, and with a
fierce, wild spring, got his left mil
in the path of the ball, where it lodg
ed, and the game was won for X. Y.
and glory for Johnny.
Ex-Senator Pulton, who was beaten
by Senator Bourne, has taken the
li.-ld against P.- mrne. ore sen ting an
oiiier interesting chapter in this year's
asvful story of political contention.
With baited breath we await results.
The fly has ebcome a dangerous
enemy, one to be fought with the
persistence of all great enemies.
Dilapidated, pest-ridden buildings
are a menace to any city, says a mag
azine writer.
Anything worth having is worth
having by straight methods.
This has been a wonderful year for
growth. Even the youngsters have
grown faster than ever before in their
News Beginning With This Head Is
'- From Daily Issue of 'v
1 1 ri S
Alfred E. Clark, Bull Moose
nominee for United States sena
tor, will speak this evening at
the Albany Opera 1 louse.
Mr. Clark is 'aid to be a forci
ble speaker and the local mem
bers of the Progressive party ex
pect a large crowd at the meet
ing this evening.
31st Annual Convention Will
Be in Session at Portland
For Next Two Days.
Willard L Marks Will Deliver
Address of Welcome To The
Knights of Khorassan.
From all parts of Oregon member,
of the Knights of Pythias arc arriving
in Portland for the 31st annual con
vention of the Grand Lodge of Ore
gon. .Many prominent J'ythians ar
rived last night and more than 300
members of the order who will rep
resent their respective lodges at the
convention will be in Portland by to
night, says the Oregonian.
The convention will open at 10
o'clock tomorrow morning in the
Knights of Pythias hall, at Eleventh
and Alder streets. Tonight there will
be a meeting-for all members of the
order in the hall of Ivanboe lodge, at
which the rank of knight will be ex
emplified by a team composed of
Pythian Knights from all parts of the
grand domain.
1 he Grand Lodge will be in session
at least two days, and many matters
of importance to the order will be
brought tip for consideration. The
Dramatic Order of the Knights of
Khorassan, the fimmaking branch of
Pythianism, will hold a grand cere
monial session tomorrow night, fol
lowed by the annual banquet of the
order, which will be held at the Se
ward hotel.
Reports which will be presented at
the Grand Lodge will show that dur
ing the past year the order in Oregon
has made the greatest growth in its
history, and the close of the successful
year will be reflected in one of the
best and biggest conventions the
Grand Lodge has ever held.
The report of L. R. Stinson, grand
keeper of records and seal, which will
be presented to the convention to
morrow, will show that the order in
Oregon is in flourishing condition in
every respect. There has been a gain
of almost 1000 members since the last
session of the Grand Lodge.
The following officers will be in
charge of this session of the Grand
Lodge: Frank T. Wrightman, of Sa
lem, grand chancellor; J. II. Gwiun
f rendleton, grand vice-chancellor;
J. II. Wcstcott, of Gaston, grand pre
late;' L. R. Stinson, of Salem, grand
keeper of records and seal; J. XV. Ma
loney, of Pendleton, grand master of
the exchequer; George Ross, of
iMarshfield, grand master-at-arms;
Roy Williams ,of I'.rownsville, grand
inner guard; Nathan Jones, of Astor
ia, grand outer guard; L. M. Curl, of
Albany, ami .Marion F. Davis, of
Lnion, supreme representatives: Gus
C. .Moser, of Portland, Frank Mcne
i I'"rl,;l"ll '""I George W. Jett,
of linker, grand trustees.
Like all legislative bodies, the
Grand Lodge handles most of its
work through committees. Many ol
these committees will meet in this
city today, and some will he in ses
sion most of the time during the ses
sion. L. M. Curl of this city, one of the
two representatives from Oregon to
tne Supreme Lodge which was re
cently held at Denver, who is a inein
l)ir of the "State of the Older" com
mittee, and W. L. Marks, a member
"t the publicity committee, left yes
terday Portland to attend the
grand lodge.
, J. S. Van Winkle of this citv, who
is a member of iiK. judiciary commit
tee, is among trie Albany Knights in
attendance at the grand lodge. Oth
ers who are in attendance from this
city arc John G. liiyaut and N. L
W L. Marl s of this citv who is one
ol the most active members of the
. 1 Lodge 111 Oregon, h:ls !,. st.
lected to give the address of welcome
to the Kmghls oi Khorassan, the fun-"'-'ii
'lie order, which
will h.,id a grand ceremonial session
tomorrow night, followed by the an
nual banquet which will be held at the
Seward hotel.
Harry Curran and John Johnson,
who were arrested at the Peacock
barn Saturday while in an intoxicat
ed condition, were fined ten dollars
and costs each in the police court this
morning by Judge Van Tassel. The
fines were paid.
Jim MeKi iiie who was also arrett
ed at tiie barn Saturday afternoon,
gave a bond for his appearance in
court this afli rnoon but tailed to
show up at the appointed time ami a
warrant lias been is-ued for his ar
rest. John Johnson who paid the fine
this morning for being intoxicated
Saturday and John Doe Whalen, an
employee of the Peacock barn, had
warrants issued tor their arrest this
afternoon on tile charge of drinking
intoxicating liquors in a public place,
but got wind of it. and skipped out
before they could be arrested.
Mr. and Mrs. XV. L. Marks left last
evening for Portland where Mr.
Marks will attend the grand lodge of
the Knights of Pythias which con
venes in that city tomorrow.
Rube Marquards Twirling and
Giants Hard Hitting Features
of the Contest In N.Y.
New York, Oct. 14. (Special to
the Democrat.) After having had
a day's rest the Giants this after
noon defeated the Boston Red Sox
in the sixth game of the series for
the baseball championship of the
world by the score of 5 to 2. The
Red Sox arrived late last evening
from Boston and were confident
that the game today would give
them the pennant.
However, "Rube" Marquard, the
$11,000 pitcher of McGraw's aggre
gation, had the Red Sox at his
mercy throughout the game and
allowed them but seven hits in the
contest while New York secured
eleven hits.
The Giants hit O'Brien right
from the start and secured their
five runs in the first inning, bat
ting him out of the box. O'Brien's
place on the mound was then tak
en by Collins, who showed up but
little if any better than O'Brien.
Boston made her two runs in the
second inning and neither team
scored during the remainder of the
contest. '
Following is the summary of to
day's game:
New York 5 runs, 11 hits, and
2 errors; Boston 2 runs, 7 hits,
and 1 error. The batteries: New
York Marquard and Meyers; Bos
ton, O'Brien, Collins, and Cady.
Nobody Injured In a Rear End
Collison Which Occurred on
Sunday Morning.
The lives of nearly one hundred
passengers on Train No. 14 were en
dangered early Sunday morning when
that train smashed into the rear end
of freight train No. 221 near Shedds
and sent the caboose and several
freight cars into the ditch.
The freight train, northbound, was
Hearing Shedds when the passenger
train which was following close be
hind overtook it and before the engl:
neer of the passenger train could stop
his engine,, smashed into the freight
and completely demolished the rear
car. Several other cars of the freight
train are said to have been derailed.
The wrecking crew from this city
was telegraphed for and after working
several hours had the line open sul
ficiently to allow traffic to be re
sumetl. ixone ol tile passengers on
Xo. 14 were injured although all were
badly shaken up by the force of the
collision, and the members of the
crew of the freight train also escap
ed injury.
The exact blame for the accident
has not yet been fixed and an inves
tigation of the wreck will be made
according to information which the
Democrat received.
It is said that the freight train had
a crippled car attached to the rear of
the train and that the lights which
are attached to the caboose were in
visible to the engineer on the passen
ger train but the truth of this was
not learned.
Details of Big Excursion To Bo
Completed Tonight and Every
body Is Invited.
Kvcry citizen of Albany, in-
eluding the ladies, arc urgently
rcim stcd to attend the muss fJ
uncling which will he he hi lo-
niuht at the commercial clnl at (J
7:.Vl o'clock sharp. G
It is of the greatest importance
that everybody in tin's city who
intern!-, to iro to Ktmeiie tomor- ()
row should attend this meeting
tonight which has been called ()
for the purpose of completing all f)
details for the big excursion to (v
Kugene tomorrow.
I ,ct every merchant and pro- fmJ
fessit mal man in Albany show J
his loyalty to the cause by at- (v
tending this meeting tonight and rJ
helping complete the work. Al- )
bany is going to close shop to- ()
morrow and go to Kugene en ("J
masse and we want to show the (v
people of that city what we can ')
l... r.j
A baggage car will be included (
in the Hub City Special to car- (V
ry noise-inakiiiK apparatus and fJ
huKu banners will be placed on ()
the cars before the start is made
from Albany. Tickets are sell
inK fast and already hundreds (
have been disposed of. Two fJ
members of the committee alone )
sold over 100 tickets in two
hours this morning. (j
Now don't forget to attend the J
m;!ss meeting at the commercial (
club tonight everybody come )
it is to your interest to be prcs- ()
ent. Uon't fail to be there to- ()
ninht at 7:30 o'clock. )
(I (5, ri, rs; 'i, & (i (j rt
Pos t rn a s t e r Va n V inkle left t h i s
morning for Portland to attend the
(rand lodjjc of the Knih'.s of Pyth
ias which convenes there tomorrow.
Or. Foster of this city spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. Case, a prosperous
farmer residing southeast of Albany.
Chinese Orator and Scholar
To Address Albany People
on the New China.
Says China Furnishes Many
Fine Opportunities EorTrade
Is Friendly To the U. S.
'ir Poon Chew, a noted Chinese
scholar, editor an dorator, will lecture
Albany tomorrow evemni; at o
o'clock at the hirst Presbyterian
church on 1 he New China and the
Pacific Coast."
Dr. Chew was closely identified
with the recent rebellion and the es
tablishment of the Chinese republic
and is at present editor of the leading
Chinese newspaper at ban rraucisco.
Dr. Chew spoke yesterday in Portland
at two of the largest churches in the
metropolis and while in (hat city was
the distinguished guest of the Rotary
Club and the Portland Ad. Club.
He is speaking in Seattle today and
will return to Portland tonight where
he will be the guest of honor at a
banquet to be givm by the Portland
commercial club. His addresses at
both the churches and the Y. M. C.
A. in Portland were greeted by large
crowds who thoroughly appreciated
his eloquent talks.
lie was given several columns in
the Portland newspapers. Tuesday
was the only available date that could
be secured for Dr. Chew's appearance
here and it is a rare opportunity for
the people of Albany to hear such an
eloquent authority on the new world
outlook. The lecture is free to every
one and the speaker shonhl be greet
ed by a large crow d.
Following is part of his lecture in
Portland yesterday:
"It is hard to realize that China fur
nishes big opportunities for trade,"
said Dr. Chew, "but the opportunities
are there. They have been brought
about by the wonderful transforma
tion which has taken place in the mi
lion within the last year. China looks
to the United States for friendship,
especially under the new government.
It was the Americanization of Chin
ese leaders that brought about the
great change in conditions in China
to a large extent. For this reason the
Chinese people are greatly indebted
to the United Stales and to her peo
ple. "The only unfortunate thing is that
the merchants of tin's country are
slow to awaken to their opportuni
ties. China would rather trade with
the United Slates and Germany than
with any of the other countries, yet it
seems that the merchants of these na
lions and especially of the United
Slates do not cuter tlu1 field for the
business as they should do. China
has to depend upon other nations be
cause her production is less than the
consumption. The merchants of this
country should investigate the mar
ket conditions and opportunities.
"There has been an astonishing
transformation in China in the last
year. The government is new, the
people are new, the customs are new
and the prosperity is new. Within 15
years you will seen an entirely differ
ent race of people in China. The
Knglish language is gaining rapidly in
usage in the new nat ion. It is now
possible to travel into the interior
wit bout speaking Chinese. Kver.y
where you will find . Chinese who
speak Knglish. When I was in orth
eru China recently I met people
whose dialect in Chinese wag tm dif
ferent from my own that I could not
-peak well with thein. Wo ami ike
Knglish instead of Chinese. i;,very
where you will find Chinese who
have been educated abroad.
Mrs. Kmma Thrift of this city went
to Mill City this morning where she
will visit fiieiids and relative Jor a
few days.
Frank Hammer who is employed as
a brakeman by the Southern Paciiic
company between Corvallis ami l'ort
la"d, spent Sunday visiting friends in
Albany. He is a former Albany young
County School Superintendent W.
I.. Jackson went to Harrisbttrg and
llalsey this afternoon to look after
matters concerning the high tchoJs
of those two towns.
County Commissioner Mullcr re
turned to Shedds this afternoon
where the county bridge gang u con
structing a bridge near the liosl-.n
mill. Hi- reports that the work will
be completed within a few days.
Kiley I.obaugh says there in only a
few more days left in the Tracy unto
contest a"d he will appreciate all
votes given him.
Kiley I.obaugh is now 4WJ votts
ahead in the Tracy Automobile con
test. Kiley is making a thorouU c;i
vass and would appreciate it it you
will give him your votes.
(iuy Thompson, a former Albany
young man, now a prominent rnilwny
conductor running between Oakland
a"d Santa Kosa, California, in suiting
in Albany with his parents, Mr. aud
Mrs. K. A. Thompson.
Mrs. S. K. Parker of Cottage Grove
returned home thin afternoon after
visiting in Albany for several days at
the home of her daughter, Mr. X H
T.vrttt Davis, d;strict orgarlfr of
the fraternal tn therhood, rcUT.bri
f. i.c anon th morning to rtii'iie
In work of organizing an order thee.
I 'e it port a cxt Unit ptogrca ith
nearl enough member secured.