Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, October 11, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Plant Conducted by the Benton
County Fruitgrowers Assn.
Interesting Place.
Continued from Tuesday, October 8.
A representative of the Democrat
yesterday visited the cannery at Cor
vallis. It is now run by the Benton
County Growers' Association, in
charge of a competent superintendent.
During the past season a specialty
has been made of Logan and black
berries, gooseberries, red raspberries,
pears, apples, cherries and a few
beans. The greatest trouble is in
getting enough of an article to make
it pay to handle it. Canning toma
toes, for this reason, has not been en
couraging. It is an interesting fact
that North Albany is the best toma
to section in the valley.
While the returns are not all in, the
superintendent reported the probable
price for Loganberries as 4 cents,
blackberries 3 to 3J4 cents, gooseber
ries 3 cents. About 30 cents a bushel
is paid for apples as they come.
The best blackberry for canning is
the Evergreen, the best strawberry
the Wilson, the best red raspberry the
Cuthbert, the best cherry the Mt. Mo
renci, then Royal Anns and Lamberts.
Beans can well, but peas are very
The cannery is well equipped and
is meeting the demand for a market
for the things mentioned; but much
more is needed to make a cannery
pay as it should. It is up to the valley
producers to furnish the goods.
Under the system patrons pay $1
for membership in the Association,
entitling them to its advantages. Be
fore receiving checks for the products
the final settlement of the season has
to be awaited, a drawback, but prac
tically the only way until the busi
ness is more thoroughly developed.
W. J. Graves of Edmonton, Atla.,
arrived in Albany last evening and is
registered at the Van Dran hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Pierce of
Hot Lake, Oregon, returned home
this morning after attending a meet
ing of the board of regents of the
Oregon Agricultural College, of which
Mr. Pierce is a member.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Weatherford
returned home this morning from
Corvallis where they attended . the
meeting of the board of regents of
the O. A. C. Mr. Weatherford is
president of the board.
H. Von der Heller, a prominent res
ident of Medford and a member of
the board of regents of the Oregon
Agricultural College, went to Port
land this morning on a short business
trip before returning home.
Lucky Number?
31 more days and some
one will win the Howard
Auto that is being given
away by the Tracy Clothing Company
Now if the number you want to see win
is not at the top, this next month will be
your chance to help put it there
We say any number on the list can win if you
will just go to work. IT IS UP TO YOU
3 .
4 .
6 601335
11 507515
' 12 529710
13 449990
14 493445
15 503410
16 ..
18 272985
19 545460
21 552220
22 453295
24 520140
26 299220
This is standing of all contestants to date
October 1 we change votes so no votes are being held out
330 West First Street
Well Known Albany Young Man
Passes After Lingering
Illness, Aged 24 Years.
Alfred Schoel, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Claus Schoel of this city, died
at his home in East Albany at 1.2:30
o'clock last night, of tuberculosis,
aged 24 years. He leaves to mourn
his death a father and mother, five
brothers, Henry, Ed, Charles, Louis,
and William, and two sisters, Mrs.
Julius Voss and Mrs. Antone Luther.
The deceased received his early ed
ucation in the schools of Albany and
Linn county and was a graduate of
the pharmacy department of the Ore-
fon Agricultural College, class of
Following the completion of his
course at College, he was employed
as a druggist in several cities in
Washington until his health failed him
several months ago, since which time
he has been at his home here.
He was well known in Linn county
and had many friends to whom the
news of his death will be received
with sorrow.
Alfred Schoel was born on July
21st, 1888 in Benton county, Oregon.
The funeral services will be held at
the First Methodist church
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev.
D. H. Leech of the First Methodist
church officiating, to which all friends
and neighbors are invited.
That the Albany Commercial Club
is doing effective advertising work
was indicated this morning when a
letter was received from Charles B.
Franks, post quartermaster sergeant
at Pettit Barracks, Van Boanga, Min
danao, P. I., who requested that de
scriptive matter of Albany and vicin
ity be sent him 'at once.
Letters from all parts of the United
States and foreign countries are re
ceived nearly every day by the Com
mercial Club of this city requesting
information about this section and
there seems to be an unusual interest
in this valley.
Mrs. Geo. V. Laubner of Halsey
arrived in Albany this morning for
a visit with friends in this city. The
home of the Laubners is one of the
finest country residences in the county-
E. H. Wiles went to Corvallis this
morning on a short business trip.
27 400255
28 '460565
29 449075
30 533250
31 330575
32 515330
33 508350
34 368350
35 459210
39 ; "
49 .
51 482575
52 252610
HELD OH NOV. 14-15
Big Show Will Be Held at the
Armory In this City Early
Next Month.
Louis W. Hill Offers Handsome
Cup and Cash Prize For
Best Community Exhibit.
Red cheek Pippins, Spitzenbcrgs,
Baldwins, Jonathans, Grimes Golden,
Yellow Bollflower, Xewtowns, Wax
ens, Black Twigs, Kings, and all oth
er varieties of apples which are grown
in Linn county will be on exhibition
at the annual apple fair which will
be held at the armory in this city on
Wednesday and Thursday, November
14 and 15.
The apple fair committee has been
working hard for several months on
the plans for this year's show and
their work was completed yesterday
as far as the preliminary arrange
ments are concerned and they report
ed the progress made to the club last
The apple show this year will be
by far the best ever held here and will
eclipse anything of a similar kind ever
attempted in this part of the Willam
ette Valley.
After much discussion the commit
tee decided to hold the show for two
days in place of three as heretofore,
and an admission fee of twenty-five
cents for adults and ten cents for
children will be charged. All exhib
its must be in place by Tuesday even
ing, November 13th.
A new feature which will be intro
duced this year and which was re
commended by the club is the offer
ing of handsome prizes and trophies
for exhibits of vegetables in addition
to those offered for fruit.
Louis W. Hill, vice-president of
the Great Northern Railway, has of
fered a handsome $50 cup and $25 in
cash for the best community exhibit
of 5 boxes of three or more varie
ties of apples and cash prizes of $25
and $15 for the second and third best
Following is the complete premium
77 381010
Editor of Portland Daily Journal
Features Local College on
the Editorial Page.
The Day of the Small College
Has Not Passed Says the
Portland Paper.
The following editorial appeared in
yesterday's Portland Journal:
'The latest candidate for public ap
proval for rebuilding, enlargement,
and progress among the schools for
higher education in Oregon is Albany
"The college, in its present location,
has an excellent reputation for ser
vice during many years. Hut its op
portunities have outgrown its capac
ity. The trustees had to elect be
tween expending a large sum on re
pairs and enlargement of existing
buildings and equipment, and of un
dertaking the great responsibility of
acquiring a considerable tract of laud,
commensurate with the prospective
Albany college, and of providing in
due time the cost of the new struc
tures. "They have taken the bold course,
regardless of the labor and energy
it will involve. They announce that
every effort will be made to have a
recitation hall and two dormitories
ready for use during the year 1913, at
a cost ranging between $125,000 and
"A very attractive sketch of the new
campus and of the intended college
structures accompanies the trustees'
announcement. They have done very
wisely to determine on their require
ments, and on the style of architec
ture that commends itself to them, at
this early day. The amount of mon
ey involved is estimated at $500,000.
"Thus, another proof is offered that
the day of the small college has not
passed. No exception must be taken
to the adjective "small."
"Many parents prefer for their boys
and girls the smaller classes and
more individual attention that are fea
tures of the smaller institution. And
they lay stress also on the atmos
phere that surrounds such colleges,
which, without sectarianism and ex
clusivcness, yet admit the religious
list as compiled by the committee:
Class A. A community exhibit for
fruit raised in Linn county only, con
sisting of five boxes of three or more
varieties. The first prize will be a
$50 cup offered by Louis J. Hill, vice
president of the Great Northern Rail
way, and $25 cash; second prize $25.
Third prize $15.
Class 11. The best five box ex
hibit of three or more varieties. First
prize $25 cash; second prize $15 ;
third $10. ,
Class C. Single box exhibit. A
first piize of $5 and a second prize
of $3 will be given for each of the
following varieties: Yellow New
town, Spitzenburg, Tompkins King,
Maldwin, Red Cheek Pippin, Hen Dav
is, Grimes Golden, Joiiahtan, Wagen
cr, Stark, Garni, Waxen, Ortley,
Hoover, ltlaek Twig, Northern Spy,
Vanderpool, 11 ell flower, Winter 11a
nana, Stamen Winesap, Canada Red.
Class D. Itest commercial packed
box. Firse prize $10; second prize
Class E. Plate exhibit of apples. A
first prize of $5 and a second prize
of $3 will be given for the best dis
play on plates of ten or more varie
ties. Class F. Special premium exhibit:
No. 1. For the best collection of fifty
apples, one or more varieties, arrang
ed in pyramid shape, weight only to
count, there will be a first prize of
$3 and a second prize of $2. No. 2.
Biggest five apples, largest circum
ference only to count, first prize $2,
second prize $1. No. 3. P.est three
boxes of apples, of three varieties.
First prize 150 yearling apple trees,
second prize 100 yearling apple three,
contributed by Thomas Lawson,
nurseryman of Gates, Oregon. No. 4.
Itest three boxes of Jonathans, first
prize 200 yearling apple trees (Rome
lleauty and Yellow Newtown), Sec
ond prize 100 yearling Spitzenburg
apple trees, contributed by the Albany
Nursery Company.
Class G. Exhibit of pears on
plates. A first prize of $2 and a sec
o dnprize of $1, will be given for each
of the following varieties: Clairgeau,
Cornice, Idaho, Hose, D'Anjoti, win
ter Nellis, Winter Harriett, Vicar of
Wakefield. Class II. Best display of
grapes, first prize $2, second prize $1.
Class I. Itest display of peaches, first
prize $2, second prize $1. Class J.
Best display of quinces, frist prize $2,
second prize $1. Class K. Best ex
hibit of vegetables; best. display
grown by exhibitor: first prize $20,
second prize $10. For best half bush
el of potatoes any variety, first prize
$5, second prize $3. For twenty-five
largest potatoes, first prize $3, second
prize $2. For the greatest number of
varieties of potatoes on plates, first
jrrize $5, second prize $3. For the
best half bushel of any variety of on
ions, first prize $3, second prize $2.
For the greatest number of varieties
of onions on plates, first prize $3,
second prize $2.
A first prize of $1 and a second
prize of 50c will be offered upon the
following vegetables: Table beets,
mangels, sugar beets, rutabagas, cab
bage, carrots, thousand leaf kale, ta
ble squashes, largest squash, table
pumpkin, largest pumpkin, cauliflow
er, field corn, sweet corn, popcorn,
six largest and tallest stalks of corn.
State Chairman Haney Fixes
Wednesday, Oct. 16, as Date
For Oregon Senator.
That United States Senator Geo. E.
Chamberlain will speak in Albany on
the fight of October loth, was the
word received from State Chairman
H. K. Haney this morning.
Not only will the junior senator
from Oregon speak in Albany next
Wednesday evening but it will" he the
only appearance made by Chamber
lain in this state during the present
The meeting will be held in the Al
bany Opera Mouse and the arrange
ments are now being made by Chair
man Hilyeu of the democratic county
central committee.
No man in Oregon has a wider
personal following than Geo. E.
Chamberlain and the state boasts of
no speaker who can draw a larger
crowd. His services as a campaign
orator are in demand in nearly every
state in the union and it is autiei
pated that the opera house will be
crowded when the junior senator de
livers his speech Wednesday evening.
John Robson Is Selected as
Guide and Bob Murphy Will
Cook For the Bunch.
A party of Albany men composed
of Charles Cline, 11. C. Irvine, Ed.
llawkier, R. A. Murphy, and John
Robson, left on the late train last
niltht for Dothan in Southern Oregon,
where they will spend two weeks in
the hills hunting deer.
After considerable balloting, John
Robson. who is one of Albany's prom
inent "Hull Moosers," was selected as
guide, while "Bob" Murphy was elect
ed cook without opposition. Irvine,
Cline and llawkier will split the wood
and do the eating.
They expect to secure plenty of
game while gone and were fully
equipped for "roughing it."
The government geological survey
has been moved from a point seven
miles north of Albany to a point sev
en miles southwest.
Mrs. E. T. B. Thomas arrived this
morning from Mollala and will visit
for several days with Mrs. N. 11.
Wheeler and W: M. Parker.
H. Uhl went to Corvallis this morn
ing where he will spend the day look
ing after business matters.
influence a sa means of upbuilding
the Christian character within college
walls. The fact that so strong an ap
peal is made, and is responded to, by
the members of some special branch
of the Christian church to provide
funds to establish and endow such in
stitutions indicates desire that the
tenets of that portion of the church
shall survive, ami shall be explained
and perpetuated in such college as
may be in (uestion.
"For both the state and the private
college there is yet ample room."
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
In the matter of the application of
J. VV. Cusick & Co., Hankers, a cor
poration, lo register the title to the
lands in said application described as
follows, lo-wit:
Kcginning at the Northeast corner
of Ihe Donation Land Claim of Steph
en Stewart. Claim No 59, Notifica
tion No. 161)1, in Tp. 10, S. R. 2 V. of
the Willamette Meridian, in Linn
County, Oregon, running thence
South along the East boundary line
of said Claim 59. 20.12 chains to the
S. E. corner of the North half of the
North half of said Claim No. 59,
thence West ,1.44 chains; thence North
0 92 chains to a point which is 0.50
chains East of the center of a spring;
thence West 1.00 chains passing
through the center of said spring:
thence Smith 0 92 chains lo the South
boundary of the North half of the
North half of said Claim No. 59;
Ihcnce West along said South bound
ary line 18 40 chains to the center
line of a railroad, same being known
as the "Woodburn-Springfield branrh
of the Southern Pacific Railroad;"
thence North 1 degree .10 minutes
East along the center line of said
railroad 21.10 chains lo the North
boundary line of said Claim No. 50;
llienre East along said North bound
ary line 22.11 chains to the nbec of
beginning, containing 45.29 acres,
more or less.
Against C,. If. Hough, and all whom
it may concern. Defendants,
To G. II. Hough, and whom it may
Take notice that on the St Ii day of
October, 1912. J. W Cusick & Co
Rankers, a corporation, bv its duly
authorized President E. D. Cusick.
filed its application in the Circuit
Cnnrl of the State of Oregon for
Linn County, for initial registration of
'he tide to the lands above described.
Vow. unless you fnnrar fin or before
ihe I2'h day of November, 1912. and
;how cnu c whv uch application
hall not br t'ranted. the same will If
raken as confessed and a derrce will
!r entered according to the nraver of
the anrdiralion, and von will be forev
er hnrrcd from di'nttlintr the nntp,
'SeaH W. L. MARK'S.
County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of
' te Circuit Court of the SMtr of
Oretmn for the County of Linn.
Attorneys for Applicant
Manager Stewart Reported the
Plans for Coming Apple Fair
Next Month Completed.
Hillsboro Man Addresses Club
Relative To Dredging the
Willamette River.
The executive board of the Albany
Commercial Club met last evening at
7:.lll o'clock with the following in at
tendance: J. S. Van Winkle, presi- ,
dent; E. P. Nutting, vice-president;
C. 11. Stewart, secretary; William
Hain, treasurer; and Directors P. D.
Gilbert, E. 11. McCune, I'. J. Fletch
er. Dr. M. 11. Ellis, A. C. Schmitt,
Charles II. Stewart, George E. Sand
ers and C. E. Sox.
Manager Stewart of the Commer
cial Club reported that several meet
ings had been held by the Apple Eair
committee relative to plans for the
forthcoming Apple Eair and that the
dates favored for the show were No
vember 14 and 15. Mr. Stewart also
recommended that an admission fee
be charged to the fair, stating that ad
mission was being charged to similar
fairs in the Willamette Valley. The
dates recommended for holding the
fair were approved and it was decided
to charge an admission fee of twenty
five cents for adults and ten cents
for children.
E. 11. McCune, chairman of the ex
cursion committee of the club, report
ed that plans for the big excursion
to Eugene on October 15th were pro
gressing nicely and would be complet
ed soon. The train from this city
will probably leave Albany at 9:30
o'clock in the morning but this has
not been fully decided upon and the
exact time will be announced later.
From present indications there will
be between 800 and 1 0IH) people from
this city on the excursion on that
day, especially if the weather man re
mains on his good behavior.
A committee was appointed last
evening to sell tickets for the big ex
cursion consisting of George E. San
ders, G. A .Flood, 11. W. Marker, A.
M. Hammer and J. C. llolbrook.
Thomas J. Wilkes of Hillsboro ad
dressed the club last evening relative
to forming a stock company for the
purpose of dredging the river and
desired help in perlecting his plans
to develop the project. The matter
was referred to the transportation
A number of fine views of Scio and
vicinity which were recently present
ed to the club by the Scio Commer
cial Club were reported received and
upon motion of Manager Stewart a
vote of thanks was extended to the
Scio organization for the gift. A num
ber of bills were allowed last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Lindsey of
Johnville, Quebec, arrived in Albany
last night and will spend a few
months in Albany visiliug Mrs. Lind
say's brother, L. O. Coates, of this
city. Mr. Lindsay was in Albany in
18nl anil also seven years ago ami
since his last visit to Albany notes
many changes of a striking character.
Mrs. Lindsay is a delegate from Uue
bec lo the national convention of Ihe
W. C. T. U. which meets in Portland
this month.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the csiatc
of Anna Dunn, deceased, has fileil in
the County Court of Linn County,
Oregon, his final account as such ad
minisiralor of said estate, and lhat
Monday, the 11th day of November,
1912, at 9 o'clock in Ihe forenoon, has
been fixed by said Court as the time
for hearing of objections to said ac
count and the settlement thereof.
C. C. HRYANT, Administrator.
First publication October 1 1 III, 1912,
last November 8th, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned guardian of Mary V. Walk
er, a minor, will, pursuant lo the or
der of the County Court of Linn
County, Oregon, duly made and en
tered in the mailer of the guardian
ship of saiil minor on the 8th day
of October, 1912, sell, at private sale,
for cash in hand, from ami after Ihe
1 1th day of November, 1912, the fol
lowing described real properly be
longing to the estate of said minor,
to-vil :
The undivided one third of Lot II
of Jason Wheeler'; Home Farm, as
the same is designated and described
upon the plat of Ihe survey thereof on
file and of record in the office of the
County Recorder of I.iiui County,
Oregon, excepting 202 acres off of Ihe
East side thereof sold to M. J. Kitch
en, containing 13.17 acres, all in Sec.
17, Township 11 South, Range 3 West
of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn
County, Oregon.
Said sale to be made subject to con
firmation by saiil County Court.
HEWITT & SOX, Guardian.
Attorney for Guardian.