Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, September 27, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Members Endorse the Plan of
Constructing a Six
Foot Channel.
University City Would Improve
Channel Between Eugene
and Corvallis First.
Eugene, Sept. 24. This morning'
KiiKciic Register says:
Six fect of open river, or transpor
tation by means of a canal of
depth from Eugene to Corvallis
thence to ttie deep water harbors, was
the keynote of the commercial club
discussion at the tegular meeting held
last night.
The project was presented before
the club by Manager lJuryca of the
promotion department who read a
letter from Major Mclndoc of the
corps of United States army engi
neer, who outlined methods of pro
cedure to be employed in presenting
the project to his department for con
sideration. This would include the
compiling of data setting forth the
amount of tonnage available from this
section for river transportation in or
der to ascertain if the traffic to be
served would justify the outlay for
Attorney J. M. Williams voiced the
opinion that this was one of tin; most
vital and important projects presented
before the club for some time. In or
der that it receive consideration con
sonant with its importance, Mr. Wil
liams moved that a committee of sev
en be appointed to go thoroughly into
the matter and supply all the neces
sary information. This was adopted
and President Magladry made the fol
lowing selections: M. J. Duryea,
chairman; L. I.. Lewis, David Auld, J.
M. Williams. K. M. Jennings, C. O.
Peterson, C. 0. Korer.
A. C. lixon addressed the club on
the open river movement and brought
out some pertinent facts bearing upon
the necessity for water competition
in marketing the output of the upper
valley. Judge II. W. Thompson spoke
of the feasibility of a series of locks
and the placing of barges in commis
sion 011 the river.
In this connection T. S. Wilkes,
civil eiiuiueer, uavc some interesting
sidelights on river transportation ami
best methods of clearing river chan
nels of sand and gravel deposits. Mr.
Wilkes is (he inventor of a new meth
od of dredging and 11 is liis purpose to
interest the club in his device with a
view to assisting in rendering the Wil
lamette river navigable if he is given
the financial encouragement neces
sary to carry out his plans.
Bookstores Kept Busy All Day
Supplying Youngsters wiih
New Books, Etc.
The streets of this city were alive I
yesterday morning with hundreds of J
school kids on their way to the vari- j
ous school buildings of the city to
begin another year's work. Many of
the youngsters were going to school
for the first time and it took much
coaxing on the part of an older
brother or sister to get some of them
there, for their idea of a school was
in many cases, vague indeed.
However, after the youngsters had
been introduced to the school ma'am,
they felt a good deal better and their
timidity gradually disappeared and
when they wcrc dismissed for the
morning, the majority of them con
sidered themselves "regular" students.
One little fellow with golden hair
was seen trudging along the street
hand in hand with an older sister,
He carried a bright red apple in one
hand and when asked what he was
going to do with it, he replied: "I
am going to give it to the teacher."
Some diplomat, that boy.
At one of the public schools a group
of boys was seen putting a "rookie"
through a course of sprouts, which if
he passed successfully would entitle
him to walk the playground unmo
lested for the entire year. If the
"rookie" showed fight he was given
more of the dreaded initiation How
ever, it is all in the course of a life
time and no serious accidents were
reported from the schools yesterday.
After being dismissed yesterday
morning the rush on the bookstores
was begun and all day the cleks in
the various establishments were kept
on the jump supplying the kids with
books. Nearly all the children re
miiring new books were supplied yes
terday and the classes began their
regular work this morning.
One little girl was heard to remark
that she would have to get a wheel
barrow to haul her books to school.
Owing to the fact that the new
school in Hurkhart Park is not com
pleted yet, the various buildings avail
able were considerably congested yes
terday but this situation is being grad
ually relieved and in a few days plenty
of room will be had for all, a slight
reassignment being necessary at pres
ent. The enrollment of 924 in the schools
of this city on the opening day this
year exceeds the attendance on the
same day last year and indicates a
healthy increase in the number of
school children in Albany.
Conference of Valley Towns Is
Held for Purpose of Discussing
River Improvements.
V. I). Tugh, the Salem contractor,
who has the contract for paving the
two blocks from Baker to Kailroad
street on Third with concrete, is push
ing the work as rapidly as possible
under the circumstances, having ex
perienced much difficulty in securing
teams and men. both of which are
scarce just now.
The street is being placed in shape
now for paving, two teams and a num
ber of men being engaged in the oper
ations. Two more teams will be sent
to (his city at once by Mr. I'ugh and
will be used on Third street.
Dr. Clarence V. Ross of Lebanon
today filed his phvsieian's certificate
at the ntti.-e of the cc.untv clerk.
Were Employed by U.S. Forestry
Department In Selecting
Agricultural Land.
M. C. Hayes and P. K. Kreydig. two
pi i MUineut MihUuts in the ImeMiy de
partment ol the ( i i-gon Agi ieultui at
College, who have been spending the
p. il tin ee in 'lit lis in the s-Mltlui n
p.til ot the i.ilt-, ciuiMiig timber and
compiling : liM n the available agii
cultinal land in that part ol the state,
passed through Albany Sal unlay to
loivallis wlieie they will resume their
sunlit s
W In U- in Southern Oiem they
made thru lu ailipiai let s at liuliua
and recei ed their mail at l 't e scent,
The party they w ere with was com
posed ot nine men working under the
suncniMoii ol K, C, Cecil ol the I'. S.
l-'oi t M i 1 K-pa it incut , w ho has charge
ol the I cer 1 o.lgc National Km est.
I'lie paiu uoiKcd in crews ot two
men each, a compass man who made
P p. gi anim al maps ol the country
and i lie m nd nian est una ting tim
bet and making loiesl descriptions.
W lute i etui iiiug to Koschurg.
Hayes and l iedig Inked 150 miles
thtough dense loicsts. which had never
been miicc1 and cacti one ol them
i a: i led a pack w eighing J5 pounds.
W hite in the lores! on the headwateis
of the l'mptiM met they became lost
for two das m the dense undcibiush
and w ei c neat ty "all in" when they
tin. t My i cached RoSi bin g
White gone the men made a prelim
inaiy suixcy tor a wagon road tiotu
I tcsceiit to later l ake. Mi. Hayes
stated that the m.iioutv ol the land
was unfit tor agrieuiuii a) pin poses but
that some portions wete eovied with
a lui y giowth ot Houglas in, yellow
and Siigar pine timber.
A. T. Ing.itU of r.ugeue. auditor of
the Oiegon Lower Company, w.w in
Albany today looking alter husmiss
tn. it'c- tor l"s company
Uuve you seen the beau
tiful 1'orecliiin Kntmieled
Charter Onk Steel Kunije
on display in our window
Wi' arc k"'" to ivc this
K;ini;' h ;iv A HSOI.l'TK
Full p. u tii'ul;irs will lu' gi,'
rn at the store.
W'e have just received 75
of the famous ALI.WIN go
carts, and for a short time
we w ill give a discount of 1?5
per cent on any cart in the
R. Kogmvay A Son
Report On Excursion to Eugene
Celebration Will Be Submitted
At the Next Meeting.
The following are the minutes of
the Commercial Club meeting held ;
last evening; 1
The executive board o( the Albany
Commercial Club met in regular ses
sion, and the roll being called the
following persons were found pres
ent: President J. S, Van Winkle,
Vice-President F. P. Nutting, Secre
tary C. H. Stewart and Treasurer
Wm. Bain, and the following direct
ors: H. W. Barker, Dr. M. H. Ellis,
K. M. French, G. A. Flood, F. J.
Fletcher, E. H. McCune, Chas. H.
The minutes of the previous meet
ing were read and approved.
A communication was received
from Junction City inviting our cit
izens to attend their third annual
Pumpkin Show,' which will be held
on the 24th, 25th and 26th, and on
motion the committee on excursions
was instructed to investigate the mat
ter and organize a party to attend
if possible.
Manager Stewart reported that he
had visited Corvallis and taken up
the matter of the proposed river im
provement with the officers of the
commercial club at that place, and
found them very much in favor of
holding a conference of the citizens of
the upper Willamette Valley upon
the question. A trip to Salem show
ed the same feeling prevailing there.
.Major Mclndoc had signified his wil
lingness to attend such a meeting to
explain the government's position, and
word had also been received that
lion. W. C. Ilawlcy could also be
present. On motion it was ordered
that a conference be held at the club
rooms in this city on Thursday even
ing, October 3rd, to deliberate upon
the proposed river improvement and
that the cities of Corvallis, Independ
ence and Salem be invited to send a
delegation of five persons each to
represent them at the meeting. ( On
motion all necessary arrangement 5
for the meeting are to be made by the
committee on conventions.
E. II. McCune, chairman of the
committee on excursions, reported
that he had the Eugene celebration
under advisement and would submit
a full report at the next meeting.
Air imw Loir. Air vm iBirn
5 Mir nw fty! m Fall sumdl WSmiteir Gajrmeinite
Am ellegamilt sHiowirog
of &e
in coats. Mixtures, eerges,
Ihiomniespwras amd inoveMes. A variety
if styles Bin all sizes
Priced from $7.50 nip to
Jmst received am ellegamt assortaemilt
See tlmese ffeataare gsuraemtts at
Exquisite copies
s mm our owns
County Clerk Willard Marks issued
marriage licenses today to the fol
lowing parties:
1.. I'. Stellmacher and Stella Rose
ana Kaslinan. both of Albany, and to
Xed II. Calloway and Entail Kirk,
b"th of lirown-sviile
To all the creditors ot Martin Moss,
Vou anil each of you are hereby
not i tied that the undersigned, Geo.
11. Mos. has been duly appointed by
the county court of 1 .inn county.
( recoil, administrator of the estate
t" said decedent. Martin Moss; there
fore all persons having claims against
the estate of aid deceased arc hereby
notified ami required to present such
claims, with the proper vouchers to
the undersigned administrator at his
place of residence near Tangent in
said I. inn comity. Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated this JOth dav of September.
GEO. 11. MOSS.
Administrator ot said estate.
k. r.ii.Yi-r,
Aitornev for said administrator.
One Lady Has Hat Nearly Torn
From Head While Passing
Beneath One Today.
Many complaints have been heard
lately regarding the awnings which
hang over the sidewalk in front of a
number of local business houses and
many people have been made very
angry by having their headgear pulled
from their heads while passing be
neath them.
Several of the awnings are hung j
so low that when a lady of ordinary
height passes under them, her hat is
suddenly jerked over to one side or
nearly torn from her head, as was
i the ease this morning when a lady
I residing in this city chanced to pass
1 li.m-:iih one of them. She was verv
angry and expressed her opinion ol
such an outrage.-
The ladies are not the only ones
win have complained about the
awnines. however, for many men have
I ben forced to nick up their "lid" from
the sidewalk where it had been knock
ed bv coining in contact with the awn-
ing ' One man said that if his hat
w:'i knocked off again in the same
way he would use his pocket knite to
advantage on the canvas.
All Kinds of Seeds
for Fall Planting
at Murphy's Seed Store
22S Second Slreit
J . It 11 -.. " . ...
MR 4rdr.
1.1 fcSrsfrrcs.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon tor Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2.
In the matter of the application of
Horace V. Martin. I laiimit, to regis
ter title to the following described
real property, to-wit: Lot No. 8 in
Section No. Jt, in Tp. No. U. S. K.
4 V. of the ill. Mer. in I. inn coun
ty. Oregon,
All Whom it May Concern. Defend
Take notice, that on the ISth day
of September. A. D. I'MJ. an appli
cation was tiled bv Horace I. Martin,
in the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for I .inn County, for initial
registration of the title to the land
abo e described.
Now unless vou appear on or be
fore the ,'Oth dav ot October. A. IV
and show cause why such ap
plication shall not be granted, the
same will be taken as confessed, and
a decree will be entered according to
the prayer of the application, and
ou will tc torcver barred trom dis
puting the same.
iL.'S ) W. I.. MARKS.
mm .as-c j wm
ifelill TfMTc.M uulin want nnrlfrtwpnr
ill ' Ill comfort and warmth without
Bf? wearing unnecessarily heavy garments s3
P jj ' will find H
i i! : A nHTTTTVT A I 2$2
I inr Wampn. "Misses IKf
n j
WM and il
vn nu;u mm
hi Ljsa
fiS; j exactly what they want. The Athena I
grj HI fabric is firmly, closely knitted so as to IraJ
f il l e necessary comIort Wltn least DUIK
mm onawcaiu. m
PalmuiSaa Special shoul- Spdil Shoulder Suy f I
f; I ! dor stay j : i 1
!l stS&S EIas,IC cu" 55 l i I I
Pvv ! y X that holds the Va3St i ' ;. I
H ff sleeve 1B -ii .'! S I
Elattk Cf? washing. Dflinly Trimmini, IJ ifJ
In all fabrics and shapes to 6uit personal fed
I taste. At the price you usually pay. jh
i See Sntiircliiv Rveninit Post till
i September 24, page 48
m W"D P. TA
KJ: TT . II. I l V I'. rk iX R"a
ljjl 409-417 West First Street 11 BS
lU- R. M. Rl'SSF.l.I..
L. M. C1RI..
Applicant's Attorney. 5t
r ,11111111 -!iiMl