Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, September 27, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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No. 9.
Elector Who Signs His Name
As Progressive Inquires of
Candidates' Position.
Democrat Examines Records
This Morning Only Finds
Three Signatures.
orth-coming Apple Show Will
Be Largest and Best Ever
Held in Albany.
Editor Democrat:
Dear Sir 1 am a progressive and
smugly attached to the Oregon iys-!
tern of" nominating ami electing can- j
ilklatcs tor office. Xow, there is
something 1 want to know. 1 am told
that none of the candidates for the
legislature in this county have signed
Statement. No. 1. 1 do not know
whether this is true or not; but there
is one thing which hundreds of vot
ers want to know, and are determined
to know before the election, and that
is whether each of these candidates,
is willing to subscribe and state to the
people of Oregon, and to the people
of Linn county, that he will always
vote for that candidate for United
States senator in congress who has
received the highest number of the
people's votes for that position at the
general election next preceding the
election of a senator in congress with
out regard to his individual prefer
ence. Xow, gentlemen, what do you
say about this? Tell us at once in
the Albany Democrat what you will
do. If a majority of the people vote
for Selling the legislature should elect
him; if a majority vote for Lane the
legislature should' elect him, and if a
majority vote for cither one of the
other candidates the legislature should
elect the one receiving such majority.
Now, gentlemen, will you take this
pledge? If so do it promptly in the
newspapers. PROGRESSIVE.
Upon receipt of the above commu
nication the Democrat representative
immediately examined the records at
the county clerk's office for the pur
pose of ascertaining the facts in the
The records show that L. G. Lewd-
ling (republican, Chas. Childs (Rep.),
and J. M. Philpott (Dem.), have sign
ed Statement No. 1.
F. H. IYirtcr (Republican), did not
subscribe Statement No. 1. and C. L.
Shaw and W. P. Elmore (Democrats)
being both nominated without, the
formality of a petition, did not sub
scribe their names to Statement No. 1.
Unless the candidate is nominated by
petition no space is left on the accept
ance blank for Statement No. 1 but
the candidate accepting the nomina
tion may, -if he chooses, file a separate
document stating his position in re
gard to this matter.
The first meeting of the committee
having the annual apple fair in charge
was held at the Commercial Club
rooms last evening when plans were
discussed relative to the forthcoming
fair which will be held some time dur
ing the second week in November, the
exact dales not having yet been decid
ed upon.
D. V. Rumbaugh, county fruit in
spector and a member of the fair com
mittee, has covered the county thor
oughly during the summer and reports
that while the apple crop will not be
extra large, the quality, size and flav
or of the fruit will be up to standard
and that tile exhibits will be the best
ever seen here at a previous fair. In
addition to the apple exhibits .it is
also planned to exhibit the various
agricultural products grown in Linn
county, this year. '
The premium list is now being com
piled and will be conii'lcted within
the next few days according to mem
bers of tile apple fair committee.
Efforts will be nia.'ie to make this
year's apple fair the largest and best
to be held in the Willamette Vail
, L. Ackerman Indicted by June
Grand Jury Is Nabbed by
Officer Yesterday.
j Portland Men Are Selecting
Best Auto Road to the Cali
fornia State Line.
With the object of selecting the
shortest ami Ksi av.tomohile road
from Portland to the California line,
and to draw new road maps of the
roads in the Willamette and Rogue
River valleys for the new guide hook
for autoist.s which will he published
soon hy ihe Portland Auto Club, the
Pathhiuler ear ot that organization
L F. Pepin Visits Portland After
Absence of 35 YearsCars
and Crowds Attract.
Wlu-n I.. K. Pepin, a prosperous
fanner and proprietor of the hotel at
Chitwuod, a little village on the Cor
vailis - Eastern railway 5 miles
v est of Albany, visited Portland yes
terday after an absence of ..5 years,
he was amaed to find a big hustling
city, throbbing with life, the streets
jam tit ed with the hurrying crowds,
t -lee trie ears and automobiles with
their warning gougs and horns shoot-
Will Be Tried at October Term
of Circuit Court Father
Furnishes Bail.
E. L. Ackerman, formerly a con
fectioner of Sliedds. who was indicted
by the grand iurv last lune for selling
I intoxicating liquor in violation of the
! Ical option law and who disappeared
before the warrant for his arrest could
arrived m .Albany yestenlay alter- mg ny, ami lau immimgs rearing uieir
noon. The members ofMhe parly tops into the blue September sky.
making the tour are G. 1 Heck, H.I When night came he fairly gasped
K. Glenn and E. Frank of Portland, at the iglu of thousands of brilliant
Mr. Frank, the engineer with the , electric lights winch twinkled tor
party who is drawing; the maps, when : miles in every direction illuminating
interviewed In the ' Democrat renre- ! the business and resilience sections
cntative at the M. l-raueis hotel,
said :
"We are covering the territory from
Portland to the California line for the
purpose of selecting the best and
smoothest road for automobiles from
and present indications are that it will I jlc servcil was arrest, d
be. The exhibits of apples at the lair t bv Constable St.'
last vear were admired bv thron
people fmm all parts of the valley
and had the weather conditions at that
time been more favorable the crowds
mid have been enormous.
The following members of the ap
ple fair committee were in attendance
at the meeting held last evening: C.
11. Stewart. D. . Kunibaugh, V. A.
Eastburn, J. C. llolbrook and George
11. Crowell.
Johns a
It is rumored that Grover H. Gatts,
a son of the late F. M. Gatts who died
recently at Lebanon, will bring suit to
break his father's will which provided
that after his debts were paid, the sum
of $1000 was to be sent to Mrs. Yan
cey, a former sweetheart of the de
ceascd residing in Virginia.
brought to this city this morning.
Ackerman, who conducted a candy
store in Shetlds for several months,
was alleged to have sold intoxicating
liipior in his establishment and the
grand jury which convened in June
investigated the charge and later re
turned an indictment.
Ackerman, however, learned that
ihere was trouble brewing for him at
tliis city and immediately sailed for
parts unknown and the warrant for
his arrest was placed in the hands, of
the county officers, and when he ap
peared vesterday in Shedds was
promptly arrested by Constable St.
After the grand jury had indicted
Ackerman, the court fixed his bail at
$250 cash, and this sum was furnish
ed today hy Ackerman's father who
accompanied his son to this city this
morning. Ackerman will be trie 1
next month in this city.
1'orlland through this part of . the
itate. I am drawing maps of every
oot of the route, giving the exact
lir-tauces between the a r tons towns
i long the way as shown by th
"meters v hich are attached
i the metropolis, while electric signs
glared out from every building spell
ing out the name of a hotel or thea
tre, or a new breakfast food.
To Pepin, and his wife, who accom
panied him, it was all one big dream
a veritable fairy la ml of wonders, for
i w lien lie in st visileu l or t la ml over
.vS years ago, it was but a small town i
' built along the riverfront, w hile the !
speed-j heart ol what is now one of the larg
o our i est cities on the Pacific coast, was
Complete Ticket from Top to
Bottom Is Program of Bull
Moose of Linn County.
Secretary of Progressive Party
Authorizes Democrat to
Make Statement.
The city council will meet this ev
ening in an adjourned session when
the matter ot granting a further ex
tension ot tune to the Oregon r.lec
3 Si
J. E. Davis of Portland was regis
tered at the Revere this morning.
Applications to register title were
filed todav at the count" clerk's office
hy George S. Acheson and Horace V.
Garland Wolf of Portland passed
through Albany this morning on his
way to Corvallis where he will attend
the O. A. C.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Dale of Harris
burg were registered at the Revere
yesterday while in the city on a short
shopping trip.
J. A. McCullougli went to Halscy
this afternoon to look after matters
on his farm in that vicinity. He will
return tomorrow.
The Helena Ritchie troupe went to
Corvallis this morning where tonight
they are scheduled to appear at the
opera house there.
Dr. Silencer, a resident of Peoria
Oregon, is in the city looking after
business matters. He will return
home this evening.
Mrs. Jack Porter and -Miss Zeta
Johnson of Corvallis were in Albany
vesterday alternoon on a snort snop-
trie Railway for the completion of its j ping trip, returning home last even-
freight line on Water street, aiul oth
er important matters will be acted
The work of completing the Oregon
Electric freight line has liven greatly
hindered by the difficulty of secur
ing a joint agreement witll the South
ern Pacific company regaiding the
use of Water street by both compan
ies for switching tracks and it is
thought that some definite action will
be taken by the council tonight to
ward bringing this matter to all im
mediate settlement.
During the absence of Manager
Stewart of the Commercial Club to
day, D. W. Rumbaugh is receiving
the visitors and looking after the of
fice. W. T. l-'ogle, editor of the Lebanon
Advocate, was in Albany yesterday
afternoon looking after business mat
ters. He was registered at the Re
vere. Miss Roselle Knott, who appeared
at the local opera house last evening
in "The A w.-ik enintr of Helena Kitch-
i ie." was registered at the KeVere yes-
Previously acknowledged..S168.50 J
A Wilson Man 5.00
Anti-Bull Moose 1.00
A Voter : 50
Geo. M. Dc Vaney l.UU W
D. W. Rumbaugh 5.00
E. C. Stellmacher 5.00
Total $186.00
From every section of the county,
democrats and progressive republi
cans arc responding to the appeal lor
popular subscriptions for the Wilson
and Marshall campaign. The sum
of $17.50 was subscribed today, bring
ing the total subscription to Jbiso.uu.
l.ane county progressives last week
raised the sum of $200.11(1, all of which
will be sent to the Democratic ia
lional Committee for the Wilson cam
paign, and county can hardly ai
ford to send ill a less sum.
The Democrat receives no portion
of this fund and must account to the
Newspaper Hind liureau of the fva organization for every cent col
Every section of the county is in
vited to contribute and thus prove to
i hi. world that a ureal national cam
paign can be financed without the aid
of the large trusts and corporations
i he pel ventage oi every grade
along ihe route will also be shown
and directions tor following the rolile
which are to be published in the route
book will be so plain that it will be
impossible lor autotsts to miss the
"We will also make several side
trips from the main road to various
seacoast and mountain resorts, pick
ing out the best route for reaching
them and giving the distances and all
oilier information that will aid the
autoist. The new guide book which is
to be published by the Portland Auto
Club will be the most complete ever
published and will contain in addition
to the maps much information of val
ue to autoists concerning the various
roads in Oregon."
Mr. Frank has been engaged in
map making for many years and ac
companied Mr. Heck through the Wil
lamette Valley oil a similar tour two
years ago.
1 he party recently returned trom
,in extended trip through Central
Iregon as lar east as Hums where
they were the guests of "Mill" Han-
ey, William J. liryau s double. 1 hey
ilso toured the southern portion of
state to Crater Lake and Klamath
Falls. They expect to be gone about
two weeks on this trip and left this
morning for Corvallis.
then a forest, and all Ihe sights of tin
place could easily be seen in an hour.
Mrs. S. A. Harris aiul W. T. Untidy,
at; I'd 58 and 62 respectively, residents
ot Waterloo, today applied to County
Clerk Marks tor a license to wed.
This is the third marriage for each of
them. They will make their home at
In her complaint filed with the
counlv clerk. Mrs. M. L. McCoy to
day asked for a divorce from her hus-
baiiy, John L. Mcoy.
In her complaint the planum al
leged that she and defendant were
married on May 16th, 1897, and that
as a result of the marriage; three chil
dren were horn.
She alleges that defendant deserted
her and the children more than a
year ago at Dallas, and charges cruel
uul inhuman treatment.
Portland, Sept. 18. Harry G. ltarr,
manager of the automobile service!
of the Multnomah Hotel, was found
lying between the Linn ton road and
the United Electric tracks, near Death
Curve, early yesterday morning, dead,
with a bullet in his brain. Almost
simultaneously the automobile which
he had driven the night before was
found, covered with blood, abandoned
at First and Tavlor streets.
No criminal mystery in the annals
of the city has been more dense in
i its inception. Money and valuables
on the person had not ncen ioiicmcu,
and beside taking nothing with him,
the murderer left nothing behind. Not
a footprint or a misplaced personal
belonging was left to aid the search.
No motive for the crime is assignable
on the facts in present possession.
Following the example set by the
state convention held yesterday at
Salem, local members ol the Roose
velt party in l.imi county are pre
paring lor the call of a county con
vent ion lor (he purpose of nominat
ing a complete list of county officers.
hue it has been generally known
lor some days that this plan was be
ing urged by prominent members of
the third party, it was not until today
that any member of the new organ
ization was willing to make a public
statement concerning the program
which has been practically agreed
upon by the majority of the Roosevelt
men here.
When asked this morning about
the matter, I. R.- Sclmltz, secretary
of the third party county central com
mittee, gave out the following state
ment to the Democrat:
"There is a strong sentiment in
I. inn county for the nomination of a .
third ticket and with the exception of
about a half dozen local "progres
sives", all Roosevelt followers in this
section of the county are strongly in
favor of the plan.
"The action taken at the state con
vention at Salem has stimulated local
progressives to action and a conven
tion will be called within the next
two or three days for the purpose of
nominating a complete ticket from
top to bottom. Our attorney is now
working tint the plans and definite
action will be taken as soon as he sub
mits his report as to the proper nielli-1
od of nominating the ticket."
New York, Sept. 17. Mayor Gay
nor was served today with a sum
mons in a $11111.11111) libel suit brought
against him by Alderman Curran,
chairman of the aldernianic commit
tee investigating Kraft in the police
department. Curran alleges that the
mayor made remarks derogatory to
his character ill connection witll the
A large and appreciative audience
attended the first performance of the
! season at the local opera house last
i evening wlu-n Miss Roselle Knott ap
i peared as Helena in " I he Awakening
j Arriving this afternoon from
) Corvallis where he addressed a ?)
J large and enthusiastic crowd at
fj the opera house Monday night,
) l)r. Harry l.ane, Democratic
r' nominee for United Slates sen- )
) ator. will address the voters of
S Albany on the current issues of 9
) Ihe campaign at the court house
') at 7:3(1 this evening ,
) Accompanying him on his trip i
' through the valley is Senator M.
') A. Miller, who represents the or-
galllzatlotl bureau ol the Uenio- lJ
) cralie State Central Committee. fJ
''J Dr. l.ane is meeting with an
) iiii husi.-tstic receiition tliroui'li- s)
London. Sept. IK The veil which
line been hidinir the mvsterv of a lit
itiiin fashions has been lifted. Marie
Tempest, Ihe actress, had a peep be
hind dressmakers outfits anil says:
"The iianier has no wbecome
drapery and everything is draped and
dresses are tighler than ever under
the drapery and there are no founda
tions, only transparencies. I do not
know what we women are going to
do witll such unsubstantial clothing."
Salem, Sept. 17. In a medley of de
bate, recrimination, charges of "gag
rule and the near allegation that
members of the convention were act
ing as "boobs" Ihe Roosevelt Pro
gressive party stale convention, which
met here today, nominated practical
ly a full ticket; named A. i. Clark, of
Portland, as candidate for United
States senator over Jonathan llouruc
ami K VV. Mulkey, and renamed all
of the candidates for presidential elec
tors that were selected at the Port
land meeting several weeks ago, in
cluding Dan Kellaher.
The convention split wide open
shortly after perfecting permanent or
ganization over the (iieslion of put
ting a stale ticket in the field and the
fight waged hot around this question
for nearly an hour.
Washington, Sept. 17. Attorney
Ceneral Wickershain. in instructions
to all United Stales attorneys, is urg
ing prompt and vigorous prosecu
tions of any persons found violating
sections 2.1K. 2.W and 240 of the new
criminal code, which provide condi
("bis Schillim was arraielled in 1)0- ! of Helena Ritchie." The play was 1
lice court this morning oil a charge ( well presented by a strong company
of being intoxicated and fined $10 j anil that it was thoroughly enjoyed
and costs by Judge Van Tassel, which - by the audience was indicated by the
he paid. applause given each member of the
Miss Lama Kabkce and Mrs. Leech ' company during the course of the j per
and sons of Tillamook who have forinance. Miss Knott as Helena
been visiting here at the home of . and Karl Dwyer as Doctor Lavcn
Mr. and Mrs. I'rank Meistcr. went to : lcr were exceptionally good.
To confer with the business men
of Corvallis in regard to the itnprovc-
.m.iit nt tlii Vill:itiiitti rivpr T:mnti-
er Stewart of the Albany Commercial Roseburg this afternoon
Club K it this morning for Kenton Harry Lane, democratic candidate I rs icrCy R. Kelly went to Cor
county and expects to return this for United States senator, arrived here , Vallis this alternoon for a short visit
evening. this afternoon from Vacuina and will i wj,), f ricmls.
he local commercial L luu anil tnc lie the principal speaxcr at me nig;
majority ol Albany business men la- i ilsoil rally at the courthouse to-I
inlK, . , . 'business. He "ill return tonight to
; Harvey 11.11. a prominent democrat- j , Wilson-Marshall rally.
ic war-horse ol llaker county, is in !
the citv on a visit. He was formerly I Countv Surveyor A. I.. Gcddcs went
-9 out the entire stale and is firmly W t.ons under wine l intoxicai ng liquors
')of lb- opinion that he will be ; may be shipped from one slate to an
elected on November 4th. - ",";.. r from a foreign country In
'v Dr. Lane is a forcible and ef- ') '"-' United States. bese
f,.,ov,. .,.:,I,,t :,,! a Inrc crowd (ij : however, do not apply to sb pine.lts
that being a
1 he
vor the improvement of the Willam
ette between Corvallis ntur1 Portland
before attempting to deepen the
channel between Corvallis and Eugene.
Dr. W. II. Dale, mayor. of Harris
burg, was in the city yesterday after
noon looking after business matters.
He returned home last evening.
Mr. Ella Me.-u'.I an 1 Mrs V. F.
Jines, of thi C'ty. wee pn;-.'ti.ors
to Lebanon this morning to attend
the Rebekahs' convention.
Mrs. T. J. IUitlcr and daughter Miss
Agnes who have been spending the
past lew days visiting Mr. Butler at
Green's bridge, returned home last
evening from Jefferson.
f Brownsville, where his father (lai- 1
born Hill, was a well known pionc:-r
resident. Mr. Hill is a cousin of Dr.
Hill of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins and
children "f Salmi pas-ed thrmiirh Al
li.-iny this alternoon to Lebanon
where they will visit relatives for a
few davs. They arc former residents
;uf Albany.
H. E. Morton, manager of the Ore
gon Power Co. of this city, accompan
ied by icorgf K. Maddork of I'.erk
eley. Cal.. ami G. F. Niccolls of Port
land, went to Niagara on business this
: morning.
-ii , 1.1 ... i .i f r r v w i siim:
"J will (loui)liess .-mend uie iiu-ci- ' . j . . , , ; f .
.i ... iv, , matter over which the federal
mg ous e,c,.,. ...rnmcnt has no jurisdiction.
r,rrs (rdi' laws ill question do not undertake to
5!;S a),rrv,, ibe shipment of liquor into
Calvin Agcr of Mill City returned j "dry" states or "dry" towns, it hav
homc this moining after transacting ing been held by the courts that the
business in Albany yesterday after-! government cannot interfere with le
n,J(lli i gitiinale interstate commerce.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Washburn j
went to llrownsvillc this morning j Sioux Citv. Iowa, Sept. 17. Firm
Attornev Mark Weathcrford went! where they will visit friends and rcl- support for Dr. Harvey W. Wiley in
I i ns alternoon on legal ; atives for a lew days. ; Ins controversy over Hie eniorcellieill
C II. Stewart, manager of the Al,,, in. i soii-.i.-irsn i i r a v. ..... . . r
'" - imv c otntiieri-l.-i l. Ill . wr lo lor . .. . .-. . . , .-
" ,. ' , . , . iiovernor w nson al tue unersiaie lair
v.oiis mis in i ii 1 1 1 ii k io I'.iii' i noil on
to Halscy this alternoon. .members of the i bib in that city in
Dr. Lemon went to Mill City this regard to the improvement of the
Manager Stewart of the Albany
Commercial Club will leave tonight
for Salem where he will attend a
meeting of the Commercial Club of
that city, called for Ihe purpose of
discussing Ibe plan proposed by Con
gressman llawley for the improve
ment of the Willamette river between
Portland and I'.ugene.
lie will be joined by a strong dele
gation from Corvallis who are en
tirely in accord witll the views of the
local Commercial Club as to the prop
er method of improving the river.
The business men of Corvallis and
Albany are almost unanimously of the
opinion that Ihe river should first be
improved between Corvallis and Port
land before extending the work above
f the pure food laws of the country
stood out prominently in a specrli liy
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith of Baker
are registered today at the Van Dran
Lobnut'h rei-eivd the new
y Lvining Post this morning,
dandy number and full of hi
stories, including the Mrs!
installtii'"t of "The Surk.irt.i. (jet
one of Riley.
It i s a
Henry Arnold of Toledo was in Al
bany yesterday afternoon on a short
business trip.
Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Prill of Scio IVsid-nt K-rr of the Oregon Ag
were in Albany yesterday afternoon ' rirultural College w ho has been
on a short visit. While here they at- - spending the past few days at Med
tend' d the first show of the s-ason at ford inspecting the experiment station
here today.
The governor had all immense audi-
, run: at the fair grounds. He spoke
I from a high platform, looking direct
ly at a mass of humanity packed
elosi ly in a spacious grandstand.
: ( lose attention was given to the
speech and cheers came sharp and
; quirk at the several points where the
; governor punctured his utterances
w'ith vigorous right arm gestures.
! The nominee voiced for the first
time his objection to the tariff board
: idea as contained in the republican
II as the Roosevelt progressive
Corvallil ; platform, ilei hiring it would mean "a
i postponement of tariff legislation."
Manager Senders has arranged an
other ball game between tin- Albany
Athletics and the fast Maun-yer
Stars of Portland which will be play
ed at this city next Sunday after
noon and the record crowd of the sea
son is expected to attend this game
for the Portland aggregation is sai l
to have strengthened up greatly for
the contest and are coming this time
to win or break all their bais trying it.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Krown of Port
erville, New York, are spending a few
days in Albany.
(ieorgc I'". of Berkeley,
Cal , and C. H. Niccols of Portland
are at the St. Francis.
the local opera house, Ihe Awaken- there, pass'-d throiigli to
mg of Helena Ritchie." -this morning.