(V' The Albany Democrat Published by DEMOCRAT l'UMI.ISUING CO. WM. II. IIOKNIBROOK, Managing Editor. Entered at the posiollicc at Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Wcciily published every Eriday. BLhlNESS MATTER Address all comniuiiicaiions and make all remittances payable tu the Dem ocrat Publishilie; Co. In nidcrltig changes oi address, sub scrihcrs should always (jivo old as well as new address. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily. Delivered by carrier, per week $ .10 Delivered by carrier, per year $4.00 By mail, in advance, per year..... 3.00 By mail, at the end of year 3.50 Weekly. When paid in advance, one year ....$1.25 At end of year 1.50 At end of three years 2.00 Established in 1865 FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1912. A Great Prophet. A flood many months ago La I'ollelte malc the following pre diction : "The Aldrich tariff has passed the Senate in substantial particu lars just as the senator from Khode Island dictated it. In sub stantially the same form it will become a law. It will stand as the crowning infamy of its spi sor and it will hang as the 'old man of the sea' upon the neck of the political party responsible J'or its enactment." Subsequent events have given the Wisconsin senator first rank a in fi n g the world's greatest prophets. Roosevelt at San Francisco. In objecting to the sensible plan of revising the tariff sched ule by schedule as proposed by (iovemor Wilson, Mi, Roosevelt, in his San Francisco speech, ii tpioteil as follows : "If lie protei.Mive tariff is 'a malignant growth' then it is dis ingenuous to sav that the opera tion shall be done in slow and leisurely fashion, so as not to damage the patient. A malignant growth must be cut out at once." In the letters and messages ol ex-1 'resident Koosevelt during his nine years' incumbency in the While I louse, can he point to a single line wliorcni lie advocated a downward revision of the tariff? Did he raise his finger on behalf of the consumer? If the tariff is a "malignant growth" now, it was a "malig nant growth" during the adminis tration of ex-l'resideiit Koosevelt, a'lid to use his own words, it should have been "cut out" by this same gentleman who is now traveling about the country, as sailing the motives of Coveruor Wilson. The pyramids of Kgypt have said more about the tariff than did Colonel Koosevelt during the time he was serving as president, llis silence on this all important ques tion was painful, lie lacked the courage lo brave the denunciation of the tariff protected trusts, to whom be was then indebted for generous campaign contributions. When he had the opportunity to prove his loyalty to the progres sive cause and to the army of overburdened consumers, he fail ed. Vet this same Koosevelt, with a tarill record which is punctured with deceit, has the nerve to as sail the sensible program of t Iov emor Wilson. The nominee of the "progres sive party" has more nerve, and less discretion, than any man in public life. In the midst of all the charges and Countercharges living back and forth between the two fac tions i, f the Kcpublican paitv.j Wood row WiKoti stands serene i and uiiass. iiKd. 1 le has no pasi that is not creditable to liiin. j I very year of his life has been I bv ed in such a w ay that mow i vv hen he s;. in,!s on the heights n. . man can - .i v a w . a ,1 ag.ti'tst or cast ,i-.jvri. us up. 'it his i, ,, ,,,1 . r imp:: "i hi-, u:. .m ,s. There is t'o il in the ::;:;,!.. , th, Ann : i.-.m pi a. t , W,. ' h"i;..v . I : ;-;!ii'.,il;.,.ss. ., t.n.., t m. , i r,-,.., M.n,,! ,,-1 , coi i up', i. mi n:n,!-. h:i-. i.u ei-lied lli- I'- !' !' i:--lvc.l ili'!! Ml h.'.i: ' d c v: : with i:u ;u ;n i s ,g i lli- p.ir: v of the -.!i,, t t:: !v word 1 'hi !' is c.:'.. ! him a li :r and he h . t:. ; had ...v.si.i p, Hi'' be I anvrnv. i!s. ,, s;.,,... ' "Ut 1:1 !;.s , up ii. i ;1s t';e , ;:, in a" w eii ,-. ..I t, r.n .itl.ihlc Mid v!e-e ,, ; .,.,.( s the an piov.il oi the mtiie bo.iv i his own pally. Following closely on the trail of Colonel Roosevelt, JJryaii will start next Saturday on a speaking tour of the west. This is taking an unfair advan tage of the Colonel. It is like put ting a bloodhound on the trail of a fox-terrier. o Wilson Will Be Elected. The Oregonian of the 16th inst. says: "It is fortunate in the pres ent great political crisis that the democratic party has a leader of intellect, probity .'end sanity, with a forceful and independent per sonality, since the course of the progressive party in the nation has been to make absolutely cer tain an overwhelming democratic victory in Xovcmber, and other victories thereafter, unless the forces that through tradition, con viction and long experience are hostile to the democratic party again unite and restore to .the government sure guidance ami stable policies." These words of the Oregonian are fully justified by the politi cal conditions that now exist. Hence we say to democrats and independent voters, cheer up and take courage for victory awaits them on the 4th of November. All signs point to a victory great er than that of Grant over Greely or Cleveland over Harrison. Then let democrats be up and do ing and getting ready for the great contest. See that all demo crats awl Wilson men are regis tered before ( )ctober 20th when registration closes. The ( Jregonian further vouch safes these words so comforting to democrats: "What have the progressives now obviously ac complished by their hasty and ill considered action in abandoning the republican parly? They have insured democratic success." S COURT HOUSE NEWS. 8 ; i 3 Warranty Deeds. Sidney G. Sperling to Samuel N. Carter. Jan. .'4. I'M.'. Part of lot 21 in A. I'', lialukc's Eruildalc addi tion to Lebanon. $3111.110. J. II. Burkhart and wife to Martin Gneiuans and wiie. Aug. 13, 1012. 154.5-1 acres in Tp. 12, S. R. 2 west. $12,500.1)0. M. I). Davis and wife to J. 1 1. Hughes. Auk. 31, 1912. Lot 1 block 5. Wassoin's addition to Lebanon. $10.00. George V. Kecney to Grant' Bel linger. Sept. II, 101 J. 2 acres in Tp. 13, S. R. 1 cast. $10.00. Amos Clem and wife to L. E. Arn old and wile. Sept. 4, 1012. 13.01 acres in Tp. 12, S. R. 2 west. $4,500. L. P.. Arnold and wife to Amos clem. Sept. 4, 1012. Lot 2. block 23, Win. Ralstou's addition to Lebanon. $2,51 10.110. W. II. Mevers and wife to Winni fred V. Snyder. Auk- 30, PM2. Lauds situated in Brownsville. $1,000.00. P. W. Goodman and wife to Wil liam .M. Downing and wife. Aug. 10, I"I2. 10 acres in Tp. 10, S. R. 33 east. $1.00. Emma G. Kauile and husband to Jerome C. Garinan ami Mav. Sept. 13, 0U. Lois in block 7, Woodlc's aildilion lo Albany; lots in hlocg IS, I lacklcmau's 4t h.iddition to Albany. $10.00. .1. II. l.ockwe Bouhanl and wife lo X. M. l. Auk. Jo. 1012. 15 acres ill Tp. 14. S. R. 1 west. $10.00. .1. II. Bouhain and wife to X. M. I.ockw in Tp. 'od. Auk. 2o. 101J. 15 acres 14. S. R. 1 west. $10.00. losic K. C. I l ooks In I liixtui Electric R. . A 2J. 1011. .t .to iu.res TP. 10, S. K. .! west. $10110. Ercd 1. Eihcr aud wile lo Oregon Electric R. K. Co. Dec. IS. 10) 1. 3.30 acres in Tp. 10. S. K. 3 west. $10. Oipha I., t'onckliu aud husband lo Oregon Electric R. K. Co. Dee. 5. 1011. .! ,!0 ;,eres in Tp. 10. S. R. 3 west. $10 00. Add. i I. Rutiibaugh ami husband lo Diego, , Electric K. R. Co. Nov. 24. I'lll. .!.!') ; west. $lll.l I'p. 10. R. 3 i Hannah G. Fisher el a I lo Oregon! I'lcclric R. K. Co. Mav IT, I'll J. ,1 .50 i aiics in Tp. 10. S. R. 3 west. $10.(V. Arnold S, Meaner .mil wife to I. W. Cusick , Co., Bankers. Feb. 25,' PHI. 13 " I acres iu Tp. 10 S. R. J west. $10011. Quit-Claim Heeds. John J Miiiiiiei-e In George W. kecney. Sept. 11. 1MJ j 75 acres in l'p 13. S k 1 east. $10. W II. M.ilm.e to George W. Keen v Sept. 11. I ot J 1 acre in Tp. 13. -. K I cast. $I.VI. Agreement. AKii S:.ipi,,u and liusband lo David 'tv'.lrt. iv I.. !"!.' !'. "inch -. '- ' - in I'p. 1 1. S K 3m, -t. s-1. Probate. 'i ' ::: .!'. r . 1 !' , M ::, ,.f Us '.' I i ' ''. ' c- .'!. 1 ,1 ,l,v '.net M.m. .,.. ia,vi".os. C V . i P; !;, . ,.,.. p) ,. ,, .;, 1 p,. p-''"' ..'., :. ! ., H :. .;;:,! I ir. , l' V'y-, ' I i' " I p- 1 ' - V " v. I . :. ! . , ,.t (I,, "', ll. : : l'. Ml V. O:,.....;.. I-:..:- 1 I .; . '.. ' , !' ii S ,'lv. P ..::..:.!. P .. ., : -'L 1' : in V .... eel I t "' 'Her. A!'.,-.,. 0,.,,, Sel l.s. ...... n in lli, ,.. 3 i a s S ii SOCIETY. t d S Society Editor, Phone 538 Party J. A jolly informal affair of Monday eveniiiK was the party given by Miss Elsie Haiti in honor of Miss Hazel Rarler of Medt'ord. "500" proved the happy diversion of the evening, alter which light refreshments were served. Those present were: The Misses Wil letta Wright, Winnie Austin, Gertie and Laura Taylor, Hazel Rader, Messrs. Edwin Eortmillcr, Clyde Rob erts, Oean Crowell, liuford Payne, Clayton and Neil Bain. i) The Misses Taylor will depart Monday morning lor Eugene. Miss Laura Taylor will enter the Univer sity, while Miss Gertie goes for a week of joy "the rushing week," and those who have experienced this novelty kip-w the true meaning of the words. Among the many pleasant affairs tendered in honor of Miss Hazel Ra der was the afternoon given by Miss Elsie Bain on Wednesday. An after noon of needlework, and delicious re freshments were much enjoyed by all the fortunate young ladies present. Those expected were: Misses Eicl nian, Hazel Hadcr, Willctta and Eu lah Wright, Gertie and Laura Taylor, Kate Stuart, Neta and Mabel Schultz, Winnie Austin, Zona Haight, Helen llulbert, Julia Crowell and Maude Laughead. The annual reception to the new members of the College faculty was given Eriday afternoon at Tremont Hall with Miss Elizabeth Irvine and Mrs. Hans Elo as Hostesses. Miss Wagner and Miss Clement arc the new instructors in music this year, and the ladies of Albany were glad of the opportunity to meet these tal ented young women. Miss Winnie Austin and Miss Zona Haight entertained at the home of the latter on Thursday evening, the mem bers of the Alpha Omegas. The com plimented guests on this occasion were Hazel Rader. Blanche Hamincl and Mrs. Louis Eullcr. The regular fortnightly meeting of the Eiilrc Nous Bridge Club met with Mrs. L. E. Tracy on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. L. L. Swan carried off the honors on this occasion. Mes daincs J. K. Haight, R. L. Tracy anil Mrs. Dye wore complimented guests. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. R. L. Tracy in serving elegant refresh ments. The first regular meeting of the Shakespeare Club for the season was held at the home of Mrs. F. C. Frank lin on Thursday afternoon. The pro gram consisted of a paper by Mrs. A. L. Briggs on the historical setting of the drama Romeo and Juliet, and sources of the plot. Research ques tions by Mrs. Erauklin and a study of Romeo's friends by Mrs. O. L). Austin. Miss Hazel Rader who has been the house guest of the Misses Tavlor and .Miss l-Tsie Bain, left today 'for Iu gene, to take up her studies at the University. Numerous social affairs have been given in honor of Miss Rader, and she leaves Albany with pleasant memories. Mrs. Chas. Wieder entertained in a most delightful manner on Eriday afternoon iu honor of her niece, Lou ise, who has come lo Albany with her parents lo make her home. The young ladies were requested to write a verse of poetry on "The Girl of Today," Miss Volcna Smith receiving the prize for the most clever verse. At the close of the afternoon, a most delicious lunch was served. About thirty young ladies enjoved the kind hospitality of Mrs. Wieder. Weddings which arc of much in terest to Albany people are the mar riage of Miss Lena Senders and Mur ray M. Marshall on Saturday evening. Miss Merle Cornctt aud Clyde Earl Slarr on Saturday, and Miss Vesta Eastburn and l.eroy Newton on Wed nesday ev cuing. The young folks are sharing in this week's gay society whirl, there having been numerous little parties, where the hearts of the little ones were made glad. s Tuesday of this week little Ercde rick Howard celebrated his sixth birthday at a lawn party which was greatly enjoyed by twelve of his lit tle boy friends. Those invited were: Misters Stewart. Ralston, Pavid Ma ted, ly Young. Waller Chance. iiiisler l isli. 1 nomas S an. Lee Crooks, Xitvvod r.ivnc. Kediielil 1'ayue. Recce Lewis. John Cusick, El liott Crooks. Mr. and Mo. l.owel! 'I'ueeil.de and daughter ol S.dem iv:ne up Iroin the Capual City this afternoon aud went to Newport f.-r a t'e-.v weeks stav. They are i, inner Alb. my residents. " Mrs. E. Nniiliiisnn of S.m l-'ran-eisci, who . bun visit in-' iu Al bany f. ii tl . p.ist three i::i nths at the Imme of M s Lyman Crisw old. letmuiil hmnc tml.iv. j V;-s IV..,-:.- n.ui.!, ,. Apple cite, wh.i Snn iav vi?i:i:ij. in i ! o"v at ; n, :::. f Mr ; ::.l Mrs W. II I'-W! : iii. iMT! t., M, :.: n:th c.l i .e V .' i Is .Mine nver t:.v:' I ,.r !l Il i':-' : ' li , n't ''t.. ' I , :. :!' ' - .-' 'I',' K. l'i'irs i,..rei :-;i a Mr '.: V:s T. .) Putl.'r vw-t M L : . - i t!- s !.: eiee v. ':,: M r. !-.. . l-i :' :.' in: tin- county m i !:: e w :! !'C 1 i .u: t ' t:-e n: a i , , '.. v' .:! v. s n w::v-s , r r. :: I ' t! -.!.! w !:ei c t'vy w ill ;': ' ''h .!.-!. th.-r. I ' y. M:- tines is an tniili: t ik.r at (' : vaKis ; LOCAL IN ATTEND BULL MOOSE CONVENTION After Ringing Indorsement by Albany Roosevelt Men, Rogers Withdraws from Race. After meeting at the court house in this 'city last evening and giving an unqualified endorsement to the can didacy of Ex-Mayor Rodgers of Sa lem, as the "Progressive" nominee for congress from the first congres sional district, local members of the Bull Moose party were more than surprised this morning when word was received here to the effect that Rodgers has absolutely declined to accept the nomination. Between twelve and fifteen mem bers of the party in Linn county at tended the meeting here last evening and selected delegates to the state convention which is being held in Sa lem today but refused to disclose whether or not the matter of a third county ticket has been discussed at the meeting last night. A. D. Hall, Irb Schultz and Geo. Sanders of Albany attended the state convention at Salem. When seen this morning by the Democrat representative, local mem bers of the Bull Moose party were unable to explain the sudden with drawal of Rodgers from the congres sional race and all are agreed in the statement that it came as a complete surprise to his friends in Albany and Salem. S. SPARKS FROM THE WIRE, . Denver, Colo., Sept. 15. W. J Bry an has opened his campaign in the west in behalf of Woodrovv Wilson and the democratic national ticket. Before a large audience in the audi torium he denounced both William H. Taft and Theodore Roosevelt as unworthy of election. Mr. Bryan spoke vigorously against the third term. "It would open a door which no man might be able to close,' he declared. Boise, Idaho, Sept. 15. The repub lican slate central commnte? will have to read Senator Borah our of the party if it believes that he is not a republican. This is the ultimatum Idaho's jun ior senator laid squarely before that body tonight when he gave llis key note speech of the campaign at Me ridian. Senator Borah went further in his declaration and iu plain and unmistakable language asserted that he would release every legislative can didate for the legislature in the state of Idaho who is pledged to vote for hiiu for United States senator, per mitting them to go before the elect ors to settle the issue of whether or not they shall vote to return him to that high office. Amarillo, Tex., Pepr. 15. The clans of the Boyccs and Snecds are gathering here today as the result of the sensational unwritten law willing of Al G. Boyce. millionaire, by John Ileal Sneed, millionaire, here yester day afternoon. All the three Boyce brothers. Linn, Will and Henry Boyce are here and they today telegraphed for several other relatives and friends to hasten to Amarillo. Henry Bovcc is president of a bank at Dalhart, Tex. Joe Sneed, John's brother, and J. M. Sneed, the assassin's uncle, both rich, also arrived today. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 15. John L. Sullivan, once champion heavy weight pugilist of the world, but now a country gentleman residing iu ibis town, is now a full-fledged follower of the Bull Moose political organiz ation. John L. is so enthusiastic in his support of Colonel Roosevelt for president that he has notified Mat thew Hale, leader of the Koosevelt Progressive movement in Massachus etts, that he desires to stump the state for the Colonel. " am anxious to do what I can to further the success of cx-Prcsident Roosevelt and his party," said John L. today. Seagirt. N. J., Sept. 15. Complaints indicating a "scandalous disregard ol" law in the city of Newark" have been brought to the notice of the mavor and chief of police of that city and" of the prosecutor and sheriff of Essex county by Governor Wilson. In a letter to these officials the governor calls attention to the alleged vice conditions in Newark, complained of recently by the anti-saloon league of New York at a formal hearing be fore him at Trenton. Documents rel ative to ,lu: complaints are inclosed with tile g ueinor's letter and prompt and cit'ecti . o action is asked. Spokane. Sept. 15. With a bullet hole in the head and the skull crush ed the bo.lv of J. D. Pollock, a pub lic ch.irt'lee.r. was foirul c.uly today iwo niih-s n. Mih ol" Spokane. The murder is surrounded bv mvsterv. Smut-,.. N. Y.. Sept 15 North 'i ' V g. I cn::::ty iv.'S swip: 1 y t.v ..!!"" Three i.a!.!inv''weic i" ' - . !. A - - ear .;' L.vu: IV.uh w:-s .'.in : I- Kc!. t N, Y. '.. S -pt. y J.,! .i' 1 ovett ' r a : :'.-.: : . a the w , si t . 1 1 beg V'.n's: Pe ,.;,. P gn-.iPv :: . -- ': v ::': ,,p;t he Iv,'. seen and 'i!M t r.'-:t. ! v. s, k :- :i mKh'i :g :-i:.t N. ! 1'. A! a S MISFITS. S S Contributed by F. P. Nutting. on Some people actually believe Roose velt is not right in the top story; but what they ascribe as non compos mentis is simply ego. As a matter of fact Roosevelt is a man of a good deal of ability. He simply occasioal- ly iaus to get the right loot lorward, and thinks he is hunting Ivons when he is simply conducting a political campaign. Some good sounds come from the country. If you really want to get up in the world and stay there don't get down in the mouth. Being o. t. is a mighty good thing in one's daily program. Tell a woman that she looks ten years younger than her age and vou have her friendship for good. T. R's. capital I promises to become an i. We think a good deal of the O. E., but long puffing freight trains with their deafening noises are nuisances on Sunday as they pass three churches holding services. The weather seems bound not to settle this year. Thankful for eight or nine days of good weather, and more will be duly appreciated. " When Gov. Wilson speaks he says something without insulting any one, a real states man. People are wondering if Mr. Taft will say something before election day.. And it so, what? The real financier is the man who can make both ends meet at the end of the year. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. To all the creditors of Martin Moss, deceased: You and each of you arc hereby notified that the undersigned, Geo. II. Moss, has been duly appointed by the county court of Linn comity, Oregon, administrator of the estate of said decedent, Martin Moss; there fore all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified and required to present such claims- with the proper vouchers to the undersigned administrator at his place of residence near Tangent in said I.inu county, Oregon,- within si.x months from the date hereof. Dated this 20th day of September, 1912. GEO. H. MOSS. Administrator of said estate. W. R. BILYEU, Attorney for said administrator. S20-O1S SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an Order of Sale to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County in the case of H. F. Pennc baker, plaintiff, vs. E. O. Grimes and Susan Grimes, defendants. I will on the 12th day of October, 1912. at the hour of one o'clock p. m. at the front door of the Court House in Albany, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described real propert', to wit: All of the South half of the north east quarter of Section 24 in Town ship (9) Nine south of Range (1) one east of the Willamette Meridian, ly ing North of the right-of-way of the Oregon Pacific Railway Co. (Corval lis & Eastern R. R. Co.) containing about (25) twenty-five acres and lying and being ill Linn County, State of Oregon. Said sale will be made to satisfy the judgment in said case, to-wit: A judgment tor the plaintiff for the sum of $135.30 with interest thereon from the 12th day of March. 1912. at the rate of 7 per Pent per annum and the further sum of $20.00 attorney's fees together with the cost and disburse ments of this action taxed and allow ed at $3b.00 and cost of sale to be taxed. D. S. SMITH. Sheriff of Linn Couulv. Oregon. 'S13-OH SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. Jessie Craft. Plaintiff, Dick Craft. Defendant. To Dick Craft, defendant above nam c r : lu the Name of the State of Ore gnn. you are hereby required to ap pear and answer tlie complaint filed ag litis! ynu iu the above entitled suit w.phm si weeks from the first pnMi .'ati.'u lu re. if and on ,,r .gfor. Ocm-N-r Jg, l''i2, and ynu arc herein- n-t:-:nd I'm: if ve:t fail tn answer s:ii,l ,' !;'!. :iut fikd in the n'vn: eu:!-',-,! c-":-i ar-.l s-::t nn or lef"r said i!;-:e. .V e:g:" t'!i-: i ::i v. !! ap, !y t i :":g ''"'"' vttttU- t gn'.'rt f. r ;!:,. nh.f ! nwn.'.cl :t t:-.e o :;:;'. :;:-t. t v. it: I'- r -:y : y evste-g be: we, n ': 1 :'n- c s-s an ! PPPg.-s, uicn'ts t i !. 'la'-'.',',!. can. -a in' 'l A" .';: v We-'j' lV:i-n-a -c'.!v -vvs- ,n, r . ...,t r. n ::ntv I;: !ge .1 i. ,t :'..i-v, Or. -t r-. . i ..... : : i v;,.!.vr 24. t ' w i. r: 1 1' u . ird & wr th i'i 'Ki-". Att -.tieys f,.r i'j e-.r-:' SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County in the case of R. H. Liggett, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Loretz and Jennie Loretz, husband and wife, R. B. Leabo, Lee M. Travis, C. W. Liggitt, ri. Bryant, August Fischer and Joe Harris, De- tVllihntc I ,..,'11 ...-a-,.. 1 9.U j day of October, 1912. at tlie hour of i one oVlnrt.- at ,1,., tmn, ,1..- rS the Court House in Albany, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described real property, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the .North half of the Donation Land Claim of Russell Watts and wife. Not. No. 25S9 and Claim No. 43, in Township 13, South Range 4 U est of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, and running thence East on said division line 63.S2 chains, more or less, to a point which is 1075 chains West of the East boundary line of the Southwest quarter of Sec tion 20 m said Township and Range, thence North 7.25 chains, thence East 4p chains to the West bank of Lake Creek, thence Southerly up said Creel; to the South boundary line of the .North half of said Claim No. 43, thence East on said division line 29.66 chains, more or less, to a point which is 16.S4 chains West of the East boundary line of said Claim No. 43, thence North 9.30 chains, thence West 27.07 chains, to the center of the County Road, thence North along the cented of said Road 15 degrees 30 minutes West 8.78 chains, more or less, to an interior comer in the South boundary line of a 105 acre tract conveyed to Duncan McLaren by deed as appears of record at page 3.s8 of Vol. 97 Record of Deeds, said corner of said tract being situated in the Southwest quarter of said Section 20 in said Township and Range, thence West 20.70 chains to the East boundary line of a 30 acre tract first described, in a certain Deed to Chas and Win. McLaren as appears of rec ord at page 396 of Vil. 97 Record of Deeds, thence South 2.25 chains, more or less to the Southeast corner of said 30 acre tract last above mention ed, theneo V,.c, too; ..I. .i - Ii . i-ii. una, uieuce North b.Oo chains to the North boundary line of said Claim No. 43, West 28 chains to the Northwest corner of the said claim No. 43 and thence South 30.04 chains, more or less, to the place of beginning, and containing 169.26 acres, more or less lying and being in Linn County, slate ol Oregon. Subject, however, to certain rights ot way as described in two certain deeds ot record at pages 396 and 358 ot Volume 97, Record of Deeds. To satisfy the judgment rendered in favor of the plaintiff and against the d.-LMlil-mtj it T t .---:- v "iinj i-oieiz anu Jennie Loretz. for the sum of $5S62 5S toirntlinr ,,-i,l, ,,,, . w ..,, uniiiM iiiereon at tne rate of six per cent per annum from the 26th day ot August, 1912, and the costs and disbursements of this suit taxed and allowed at $ . aluI t osatisfy a judgment obtained by Lee lravis against the defendant, Henry Loretz and Jennie Loretz iu the sum of $411.59 with interest there on at the rate of eight per cent per annum trom the 26th day of Aug ust, 1912; and to satisfy a judgment rendered in favor of R. B. Leabo against the defendant Henrv Loretz in the sum of $194.34 with accruing in terest at 8 per cent per annum from the 26th day ot August, 1912; and to satisiy the judgment rendered against defendant Henry Loretz and iVfavor ot H. Bryant for the sum of $1182 40 with interest thereon from the 26th day ot August, 1912, at the rate of eight per cent per annum; and to satisfy that certain judgment render ed against the defendant Henrv Lor etz and in favor of Lee M. Travis on March 7, 1912t for the sum of $472 45 m',-J "ltcrcst thereon from March 7 at the rate of eight per cent ''s-A'!!,1,"11 aml f"r tl,c further sum oi SoU.OO attorney's fees: and to sat isiy a judgment rendered against the dciendant Henry Loretz in favor of August l'ischer for the sum of S1005 -66 with interest thereon from the 26th day ot August, 1912. at the rate of six per cent per annum; and to satis- a judgment iu the sum of $253 38 rendered against the defendant Henry Loretz and in favor of C. W I ig gett on the 18th dav of Julv 19P with interest thereon at the 'rate of six per cent per annum from the 26th day ot August. 1912. and the costs and disbursements of this execution and sale. c, ... . T . D- S. SMITH, Shenit ot Lmn Countv. Oregon. Dated this Sept. 11 191 7 U'r,'M'IHER'rRD & WEATHER l'OKD, Attorneys for Plaintiff Sept. 13-Oet. 'il SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor the County of Linn. Elsie Broadley, Plaintiff, vs. T. F.; Broadley. Defendant, lo I. E. Broadley, the above named dctendant: In the .Name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court ,,'f n';"S 0!o,T l'c,'r- ,1,c !5th dav ol October. 1912 and if yo fail to ap Pear and :,,,cw.. c..:.i , - . 1 ',, , complaint as . l-creev required, the plaintiff will ap Mdy to the court for the relief de manded m the complaint, to-wit- For ..a decree dissolving the b,.n,!s of mat . riae-ny now existing between plaintiff a.-'l d.'ien-.ant. and a iurtiier order am. ,.. cree ngcrecmg tn plain-ill the ';.rj'. e.',.Jy 3:i. e..::tr .1 ,,f n.g r,jnor '," .V'S. '! Kf-n.fann ';'.,r-.':;. .',';' ' f,'r s::ch ot!"-r '-...- r..!- : ,,s eo;:rt mav s , -a ini et in tag ,,ri.r,;4, , .. . n- 1 ' -"e..:'. Ip.'lgc ,';. '," ' 'y'y I T Linn l". nntv. ' ' n '"le and entered of ; . :a il.y f Aucrst. ' .'.':-'''""'V's ' ' l!:e a:::e be rub '"'' ,:1 'I'-'.-V 'i'v Demn.-rat. a ; ;'. cl .'.vh the ' ; -w ;!i". i.r:n C nepv. Ciregon. ;'. : , :: i:-. iits .y ,.' Octo- V' ' I V'H'.,",OKn " WF. TIIER- I Oi.d, Att. -meys f. r P: ,i:,:i:. I A3J Oct II.