Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, September 13, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Albany Democrat
Published by
.ManagiiiK Kditor.
Kiilercd at the puslollicc at Albany,
Oregon, us sceond-clas uiktter.
Published every evening except Sun
il.'ty. v eel ly published every Friday.
lit hl.NK.VS MA 11 J-.K
Address all communications and mak"
all reiuiltar.res payable tci the Dem
ocrat Publishing l.o.
i olil'l'lllt; changes of address, sub
senders should always givu old as wcl;
as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per week S .10
Delivered by earrier, per year $4. lid
By mail, in advanee, per year 3.00
liy mail, at tin. end of year .1.50
When paid in advance, one year.. ..$1.25
At end of year 1. 50
At end of three years 2.00
Established in 1865
The "Angel" of 1912.
If the sworn U-sl inuny of l-'.d-ninnd
I). Kamlolpli, trcasnrei' of
the New York l.ifu Insurance
company, is lo lie lielieveil, .Mr.
(ii'orfje V. I'crkins. chairman of
the executive committee of the so
called progressive party, is a li.i
liility rather than an asset.
The treasurer of (lie Xew York
I. lie lias teslilied tinder oath that
I'erkins reimlnirsed himself from
the treasury of the Xew York
Life in the sum of S,I.S,702.50 for
money conliihnled to the K'oose
vell campaign in I'KU.
If Randolph told the truth,
whom did Perkins represent? Did
he not represent his former part
ner, Air. . I. Morgan, ami the
powerful Xew York Life Insur
ance company and its allied in
terests? i)id mil the large finan
cial interests believe ilr. Roose
velt an ideal candidate, in l'KH
and does not the activity of this
self-same I'erkins indicate that
the same interests are supporting
the Colonel in this year of our
Lord 1J J?
lias Mr. Uoosevelt forgotten
that Mr. Perkins formerly served
as chairman of the finance com
mittee of the Harvester Trust?
Has lie forgotten those Perkins
indictments? lias he fiiru'ottcn
.bis former close business relations
with Mi ii;a n and the other high
financiers of Wall Street?
It Koosevelt is a genuine pro
gressive; it he is sincere in Ins op
position to monopoly; if he is a
real friend of the plain people,
would he not be in a better po
sition had he repudiated Perkins,
instead of selecting him as chair
man of the auost important com
mittee in the gift of the new
party ?
The Dean of Progressive Repub
licanism. There lives in the state of Wis
consin a man of whom the citi
zens of any state might feel justly
proud; a man whose honesty has
never been ipieslio'iied and whose
loyally to the progressive cause
has never been successfully dis
puted; a man who lias never ac
cepted a dollar of tainted money
from a corporation and never
turned a crooked trick in order
to further his own political inter
ests; a man who has not only
preached against special privilege
but who has put his ideas into
practical operation; a man who
lias never surrendered a principal
to gain a friend or never surren
dered a friend to gain a party ad
vantage; a man who puts princi
ple above partv and the MAX
above the dollar.
We refer to Senator Robert AI.'ollette, the dean of progres
sive republicanism.
The Party Death Warrant.
'drafted in the interest of mon
opoly and passed ov er the protest
of every well posted consumer in
America, the Pavne-Aldrieh tariff
is a monument to organized
greed and a reflection upon every
member of congress who record
ed bis vote in the affirmative. It
is a Corporation bill from genesis
to revelations and its provisions
could hardly be more objection
able had they been dictated by
Kockeleller and Morgan.
I'.vcry section of the new tariff
law is recking in disci animations
against the poor and favoritism to
the rich.
The cheap woolen blankets
which are used by the poor, bear
a duty of 105.42 per cent while
the more expensive blankets
which are used by the rich, bear
a duty of 104.55 per cent.
1 Hats and bonnets worth not
I over $5.00 per doen bear a fluty
I of 62 per cent, while the same ar
j tides of wearing apparel which
I are worth S20.00 per doen only
! carry a duty of 35 per cent.
! Cheap matting carries a duty
I of 4.5 per cent while the high
priced malting enters the Ameri-
can ports with a duty of only 24
: per cent.
u e have given but a few illus
trations of the injustice which is
done to tlie man of moderate
means by this new tariff law,
which President Tall lias charac
terized as "the best law ever en
acted by an American Congress."
Is it any wonder that trusts
have flourished? Is it a-,iy won
der that the rich are growing
steadily richer and the poor are
growing steadilv poorer? Is it
any wonder that millions of con
sumers who have heretofore af
filiated with the republican party
are turning this year to (joverno:
Wilson and democracy?
lien a republican congress
ami a republican president put
the seal of approval on the payne
Aldrich tariff they signed the
death-warrant of their party; they
lighted the fuse of popular disap
proval and the explosion is due
on Xuvcmber 4th, l'J12.
A New Oregon Office.
The proposed constitutional
amendment providing for the cre
ation of the office of Lieutenant
(ioveruor should, in our judg
ment, meet with the approval of
the majority of the qualified elect
ors. '
The proposed amendment de
fines the duties and powers of
the Lieutoiiaiil-t ioveruor and pro
vides an orderly and business
like succession lo the governor
ship in the event of death, remov
al or resignation of the Chief JCx-
ecutive, and this is done al an ad
ditioiial cost of only two hundred
dollars biennially.
I lie present system of succes
sicn to the Governorship is with
out precedent and is far loo cum
bersome for a great stale like Ore
That llalsey is rapidly comitnr
to the front as a progressive and
vviue-awaue coinni.iuitv was mai.c
apparent by the announcement
yesterday that the llalsey Enter
prise, the first 'newspaper ever
puhlislied in that city, will be is
sued next week. 1). I". Dean, :he
editor and pu'disher ol the new-
paper, is a well known newspaper
man who lormrilv edited he I ot
tage Grove I. elder and the Co
ipulle Herald and il given the sup
port he desc'-ve.; y the rcri-Icius
of llalsey will v.o doubl be an im
portant factor in the commemai
and social life oi thai tliriwng
Linn county town. The new
press to be used by the Ivmernrlse
arrived in llalsiy a few days ago
and the firs, issue will probably
appear on Friday of next week.
We Decline With Thanks.
The editor of the Democrat
begs to acknowledge the receipt
of an invitation to act as a mem
ber of the Roosevelt reception
committee at the Progressive Re
publican meeting which will be
held in Portland on September
11 th. The invitation comes from
Dr. II. W. Coe, chairman of the
committee on arrangements, and
carries with it the reservation of a
seat on the platlorm.
While appreciating the high
and unsolicited honor which the
chairman of this committee would
mler upon us, we are forced to
decline the invitation with thanks
1 1 is no sunt:! honor to occupy
a scat on the same platform with
an ex-president ot the l uited
States, or to serve as a member
of a committee cut-rusted with the
work of toiiileritu" a reception in
keeping w ith the dignity of the of-
nce wiucu tie once occupied, and
were it not lor certain we 1 de
fined ideas w hich we both nrivate-
ly and publicly entertain as to
.Mr. Koosevelt s uualilications tor
the ot'tice to which he now as
pires, we should be verv glad in-
leed to accent the kind invitation
""f the learned Portland doctor.
In publicly declining an hou
t, w hich has doubtless been con-
tcrred upon hundreds of other
i Mcgonians, we desire to assure
the committee that the meeting
will be none the less enthusiastic
or the reception none the less cor
dial because of the absence of the
writer. We could not join in the
cheering or wave the now famous
bandana without first entering a
plea of guilty to the charge of be
ing a hypocrite, and tluit is one
vice which the editor of this pub
lication has never acquired.
If the Colonel is to receive a
"S 5. '
i The W. C. T. U. heli! a rally day on
Tuesday of this week which was a
very pleasant affair. Mrs. O. A.
! Archibald presented "Purity in Lit
erature and Art." She discussed the
literature of the day, the moving pic
ture schools and the post-card sys
tem. Much of good was found in
eaeh, she thought, but unfortunately
j there is much that is evil. The urnw
, iug demand for sensational stories
and pictures was deplored as they
were considered detrimental to the
I morals of ihe young especially. A
I discussion followed, participated in
I by a number of ladies, making tin:
j meeting one of profit. A water-melon
least closed an enjoyable allemoon.
Miss Hazel Kadcr of Medford is the
house guest of Mi-s Hlsic Bain and
Gertie Taylor for tile week. .After the
eonelu.sioii of her visit here, she will
leave for Ktigcne where she will at
tend the university.
On Sept. 1, 1912, at the beautiful
home of Mr. anil Mrs. I.'. II. Tycer,
Last Kirk avenue, Biowns ille. Ore.,
oeeured the niarrhg-.' of Mr. W. C.
KIniore anil Miss liculah !' Tvcer.
Promptly at X:30. intimate friends nail
relatives having assembled, the rim;
ceremony was performed by Rev. W.
P. Khnore. father of the bridegroom.
Miss Adda Voll-tedt of Lebanon,
Oregon, acted as bridesmaid, and Mr.
I.. D. Tycer as best man. while the
wedding march was ably rendered by
Miss Ethel Carina. Master I'.urle Ty
cer was rill k bearer, and Utile Alclln
Isom was flower maid. The bride
was charmingly altired in a beautiful
gown of crepe de chine, shadow lace
and silk chiffon. The veil and gown
were adorned with tiny rosebud and
baby's breath. She carried a bou
iilet of bride's roses. The bridesmaid
wore silk poplin and carried a boti
iuet of pink La France roses lo
mulch. l-'or ibis occasion the home
was beautifully decorated with ferns,
clematis, and flowers, the green and
while color .scheme being used. The
arch, under which the couple stood,
was of Oregon grape, and hung with
numerous while hearts. After the
ceremony, all enjoyed the delicious
refreshments served. Miss Tycer is a
popular young lady of high accomp
lishments, having attended college at
Corvallis for Ihe nasi two vears
where she has been studying music
and art as her major. Mr. Elmore is
a well known young man of this city,
lie attended college at Mc.Minnville
where he graduated in 1906, and has
since been employed by the hank of
Brownsville. The young couple left
Monday morning on an extended tour
lluough Oregon, Washington and
Idaho. Among the various places at
which nicy win stop arc Portland
Spokane, Cocur d'Alcne and Lake St
joe, men returning via (J. K. et A. to
Pendleton for the round-up before re
turning to their new home in lirowns-
vine. .nr. mm Mrs. fc. mnr,. nr. ,iUi,
ed a happy and successful future by
1 11,1 many menus as wen as rela
lives tit llrownsville and all otlt,cr.
nuiiuiiiiiiues wnere iney are known
Xo. 35.
Of the Albany State Hank, at Al
bany, in the State of Oregon, at the
close of business, Sept. 4, 1912.
Loans and discounts $127,677.(16
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 1.824.21
Itonds and warrants KUl)2.5(i
Hanking house 25.5lll).0i
Furniture and fixtures 2,979.58
Due front banks (not re
serve banks) 1,390.32
Due from approved reserve
.banks 42,97S.i7
Checks and other cash
items 2.224 35
Cash on hand 12.245.ol
Total $227,1)12.26
Capital stock paid in 54.500 00
Surplus fund 4,5dO.OO
i iituvuicu pronis. less ex-
lieilses :iinl Oiv.-c m-i,.1 1 1?7 7l
Individual deposits subject
lo clieck 112.547.11
Demand certilicates of de
noisi 711
Certified checks ' So l 5
I asluer checks outstanding 627.S5
Time eel tifieales of il.-mwir JIlCUsS)
Savings deposits UUSL62
Stale of Oregon. (,
1 utility ol (
I. X. M. Main, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true lo the
best of my knowledge and belief.
V M. It A IX. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 7th d.iv ol Sept . 1'llJ
1A': I". i'OW I'LL,
Notary Public.
CORRI-CT Attest:
1 O. GlLliKKT,
X. M. HA1X,
I iirectors
Of the condition of J. W. Cusick &
Co . Hankers. Albany. Oregon, as
made lo the State Superintendent ot
n.inks ."seplcmlHr 4th. 1912:
Loans $254,534 50
Hon, Is and Warrants 2l.754 tVi
H.iuk Ituilding and Fixtures 12.IS4 50
Oilier Real l'.-t.ite 5S0.00
Ca-h on hand and in other
Hanks 163.522.20
anital S 75.000 l
Surplus 15,000 00
I ndivided Trotits -t.5iSS5
Deposits 35o.iVi 50
$452.575 35
tv,il welcome upon Ins arrival
in 1 ortlatiil, we snirirest that the
progressive leailers exercise more
iliscretion in the selection of the
personnel of the committee which
will have charge of his reception
and entertainment.
; nuHTinninun ni upTiimiiT
Dr. Ellis Reelected President
L E. Hamilton, Vice-president
J. H. Ralston, Secretary. i
The annual meeting of the Albany
i Chautauqua Association was held at
j fi o'clock last evening at the Com
i nierciai Club rooms with a good at
I tendance ot officers and directors.
The HK-eling was devoted principally
i t'j the reading ot" reports and the an
i nual election of officers. The Chau
i tattijua was reported to he in an ex
cellent condition and plans are under
way to make next year's assembly
bigger and belter than ever with an
attractive program.
Dr. M. 11. hllis who served the past
term in an aide manner as the presi
dent of the Albany Chautauqua As
sociation was again elected as the
head ot the association, L. E. Hamil
ton was re-elected vice-president,
Joseph II. Ralston was elected sec
retary, W illiam liain treasurer, and K.
II. AlcLune. A. L. .Vhmitt and V . A.
Hastburu directors. ;
The Commercial Club also held its
regular weekly meeting last evening
but owing. to the absence of .Manager
Stewart from the city, the office has
been closed today and it was there-
fore impossible to secure a report of,
the meeting.
Contributed by F. P. Nutting.
3 :
Those who think we have had some I
fierce weather in Oregon during the j
summer will be interested in the fact j
that it has been general all oVer the i
i : l" i ... ... i. ... i- ml."! !
j. j. .' leuei i eeeiveu iy me .wimil
man from his old home in X. V. state
tells of eight inches of rain during
August, twice that of this valley.
There were twenty rainy days out of
31, and there had been a frost every
month of the year.
A proposition from Sacramento of
fers a chance to make $2U0 a year for
litteen or twenty years on an invest
ment of $1(111. That's quite a bait, but
the hook is plain enough.
The fall styles are unite stunnincr,
as well as striking.
It will t:,l.-.. q Ir-nn 171 1,,
....... ,.,...1 ,'Jh
i ,....,i i ... , ..f r-..i:f
fact being duly and vigorously ad-
Some one declares emphatically
that when an old maid says she
doesn't envy any married woman in
the world it is simply a bluff.
Some people spend their short lives
throwing away their time, money and
Many an unwise thing is done in
this world just to be called progres
sive.. Life is full of patches, including the
If it clears up and wc have two
weeks of good weather it will be in
order to get the baud out.
A real funny item is about a woman
who was so kind to her children that
she chloroformed them before spank
ing them.
A few peojile have been heard of
who learned from experience.
Worse weather in other places may
Create a fellow feelim lint it ,l,-,,c,i't
fill Ihe bin.
There will be no chimneys in the
houses of the future.
Kienres m.-iv he nit.rlitv Iriol-f,,! I,t
in tiie hands ot a sharper they will
The hoy or girl of twenty can't lie
told anything, and, there are others.
The principal province of white
shoes for awhile will be weddings.
A farmer, accompanied by his wife,
was asked how he liked the weather,
one rainy day last week.
"Impossible to tell vott in the pres
ence of my wife," he remarked.
Even Calif, was soaked to the limit.
It is said that Detroit has only one
bull Tin'.
Hy virtue of an Order of Sale to
me directed, issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Linn
County in the case of 11. 1. Penne
haker. plaintiff, vs. E. O. Grimes and
Susan Grimes, defendants, I will on
the 12th day of October, 1012. st the
hour of one o'clock p. in. at the front
door of the Court House in Albany.
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand the
following described real property, to
wit: All of the South half of the north
cist quarter of Section 24 in Town
ship (0) Xine south of Range lO one
east of the Willamette Meridian, ly
ing Xorth of Ihe right-ot'-vay of the
Oregon I'acitic Railway Co. (Corval
lis & Eastern R. R. Co.) containing
about (25 twenty-five acres and lying
and being in Linn County. State of
Oregon. sale will be made to satisfy
the judgment in said case, to-wit: A
jndemcut tor the pl.iintitf for the sum
of $135 30 with interest thereon from
the 12th day of March. 112. at the
rate of 7 per cent per annum and the
furl tier sum of $20.00 attorney's fees
together with the cost and disburse
ments of this action taxed and allow
ed at $36.00 and cost of sale to be
Sheriff of Linn Countv, Oregon.
SU Oil
Cass Scott Settled in Oregon in
the Year 1871; Born in
North Carolina.
Deceased Was Prominent in the
Political Circles of Linn County
and Well Known Here.
Cass Scott, a well and favorably
known resident of Tangent and prom
inent in republican politics of I. inn
county, died at his home shortly after
one o'clock this morning.
The decea.-ed had been in poor
health for some lime and his demise
was not unexpected by relatives and
friends who were acquainted with his
physical condition.
He was born in Xorth Carolina in
tile year 1.5') and moved to Califor
nia when a young man. In the year
IS1 he moved to Oregon and settled
at Tangent. He was married to Sarah
McKnight in 1S77 and leaves his wile
and four children to mourn his death.
The deceased served for several
years as clerk of the Tangent school
district and was deputy county asses
sor for that section of the coiintv for
a number of terms. He was a mem
ber of the republican county central
committee and was always active in
the political affairs of the' county.
The funeral services will be held to
morrow afternoon at 1:30 p. m. at
the .Methodist church a Tangent.
The remains will be brought to Al
bany for interment.
Miss Edith Hall went to Browns
ville this morning to visit friends and
relatives for a few days. Miss Hall
who is the cashier at Stevens' store is
now enjoying her vacation.
Notice is hereby given that the
State Land Hoard will receive sealed
bids until 10:00 o'clock a. in., Actobcr
8. 1912. for the following descrbied
school land, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 10 chs. and II
Ijnks west and 6 chs. north of the
Southeast corner of Section 9 T 11
S. R. 4 W. of W. M in Linn Countv.
Oregon, and running thence east 14
chs. and 77 links; thence south 19
chs. and 90 links; thence west 14
cits, and 77 links; thence north 19
chs. and 90 links to the place of be
ginning, containing 29.33 acres. Also
all that part or portion of the herein
after described tract or parcel of land
lying and being east of a certain
slough or branch of another slough
known ns tlt I int., :il...n,.n ...t.:..u
said first mentioned slough runs in
a uoiuieriy direction tlirougli said
tract of land described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at a point 10 chs. and 11
links west and 6 chs. north of the
southeast corner of Sec. 9. T 11 S
R. 4 W of W M I - .i.
,- - inning meiiee
south 24 chs. and 90 links; thence
west 15 chs. and 23 links; thence
north to the eastern bank of the Wil-
l.-imett,. !.i,-.,-. -I i
: , , ..Him .nuiig saui
hank down stream following the me-
auncruigs inereot to the place of be
ginning, containing 22.29 acres and
that part or portion thereof lving
east of said slough containing 6 acres,
more or less, all of s.-ii,l nroii--..e i.rt
ing in Linn County. Oregon.
All bids must li. n ,'..! u.. ..
regularly executed application to pur-
eu.ise aim at least oiie-tittli ol the
amount offered. The right to re
ject any and all bids is reserved.
Applications and bids should be ad
dressed to G. G. Brown. Clerk State
Land Board. Salem. Oregon. and
marked "Application and bid to pur
chase state lands."
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated September 10. 1912. S13-Q 1 1
In ti,., p;-..,.;, i..... ..c f
- v,'uii oi me otaic ot
Oregon for the County of Linn.
i.isie nioauiey, i laintnt,
T. E. iuc .dley. Defendant.
lO l. L. l.roadlev. the nhnv ntn,art
Tn the X'.nmn of tl, Cni. f
- "- "inic oi ore-
gon. you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled court
...... . ,., uln aav
ot October, 1912, and if you fail to ap-
I'v.u ,ii in answer sain complaint as
hereby required, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint, to-wit: For
a decree (lic,il,-;. -
. ------- ,,iv ui'iiiia m mat
rimony now existing between plaintiff
...... .luumam, ami a lurtuer order
and decree decreeing to plaintiff the
..i.e. eu?iouy ami control ot the minor
child of plaintiff and defendant
Louis II. Hroa lley. and for such other
and further r..i,. c .-.
"J i"i; -oui i mav
seem meet in the premises.
. " - -" -- i3 ey punuca-
tion by order ot J. X. Duncan. Judge
oi me cuiiiiiy (.ourt tor l.inn Countv
Oregon ,l,,t- n.-wt- . ,
...... ,,,,,,. c-iueretl Ol
10l'jr I " "'C -,0th day 0f AuK"5t.
- .. uimiins mc same De pub-
bshed in ill .Ml,,.. r "I
- iveuiocrat, a
newspaper published weekly in the
v.... v. . . i. urn countv, uregon,
tor iv run. li,.. .....nI.. .t.- .-
. . ... wi.p.9, mc nrst in
sertion thereof being on the 30th day
v.. .aukui, ii., ,-inu tne last publica
tion thereof nn ttid 1 1 ,1. Jt - r .
; UI Octo
ber. 1912.
on", .iiorneys tor t'laintuf
AJO-Oct 11.
John Geisentainer arrived last
piLrht from his li-une near Knoxville,
Teun.. alter a visit with his brother
in Seattle. He formerly resided for
eitrht years on a farm near Tangent
road. Koinij back to Tennessee .liven-ty-two
years ae;o. Me sees a wonder
ful change in Albany, a transforma
tion. Lyon street particularly strikes
him. the business there bein a great
surprise to him. .Mr. Geisentainer
would like to be here again if he can
-ell out in Tennessee.
In the Circuit Court of the State
ol Oregon for the Gunny of Linn.
In the matter of the application of
John H. Simpson. limm.-i I lvn,i.
cock and II. II. Hewitt to register the
title to the following described real
pr iperty, t' -u ii :
Beginning at a point which is south
'!? 'legrccs 31 minutes cist 91 links
di-tant irom the northeast corner of
the east projection of the Donation
Land Claim of George Cline and wife
Claim No. N4. in Township 11 south'
or Range 4 west of the Willamette
-Meridian, in Linn County. Oregon
and irom thence running South 9 de
grees 30 minutes west Il.dp '. chains
thence north M7 degrees 30 minutes'
east 1X-.96 chains; thence south 1 de
gree 3!) minutes east 1.45 chains
thence south MS degrees 45 minutes'
west 2J),s chains; thence south 9 de
grees 30 minutes west 5.25 chains
thence south ss degrees 45 minutes
west chains; thence north 10 de- '
greys 30 minutes east 34.S4 chains to
the northeast corner of the east Fll
ol said Claim No. 84: tlnnce north
H degrees lo minutes east 104 links
to a point which is north 9 degrees
3'l minutes east from il,.. ,,l .- i.
, lv- i""v.e ot oe-
gimnng: thence south 9 degrees 30
minutes west 46 links to the place of
Agains 6. A. Archibald and al! whom
il may concern. Defendants
Take notice that on the IOth day
ol .September. A. D. 1912. an appli
cation was filed bv said John H
Simpson Emma j. Woodcock and
II. II. Hewitt in the Circuit Court of
the State ot Oregon, of Linn county,
lor initial registration of the title to
the land above described.
Now, unless you appear on or be
i; the lath day of October, A. D
I91J, and show cause whv such ap
plication shall not be granted, the
same will be taken as confessed, and
a decree will be entered according to
the prayer of the application, and you
will be forever barred from disputing
the same. "
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Circuit Court, this 10th day of
September, 1912.
County Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the State of
HEwfTTft'sOx" CUmy'
Applicants' Attorneys.
. S'13-Oll
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn
Jessie Craft, Plaintiff,
Dick Craft, Defendant.
,. k Craft' defend'" above nam-
ln the Name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the first publi
cation hereof -,,,,1 i...f-.. U .
i..- i- tnV- ' ul "ciore Octo
ber 2.1 1912. and you are hereby noti
fied that it ,.., ,..;i J
Comnlatnt fil,.,l , ..i 1
. --- ...... ... ,,,e .uioie entitled
court and suit on or before said date
iM.iiiiiiu incrciu will apply to the
above eiititl,.,! r. ' o '. .- , .
r v- , t,,u'i mi me renei de
manded in the complaint, to-wit: For
"isM.ivuig tne Doiuis of mat
rimony nmv existing between plain
.ill and defendant and for plaintiff's
Mists and disbursements to be taxed
11ns summons is served by publi
cation m the Albany Weekly Demo
"ir nb'i "'1' yt !,cwn,;iIH'r of general
,,- . v: "'liny ami state
ot Oregon. ,v or,er 0f H()n j xt
v...iiiiiy j tinge ot l.inn Coun
ty, made :it All....... - .
ri;cr 9,. .9,r"Da,e ofrs't ?X
--eiueiuiier ij, ivij- (late of
last publication October 24 191'
I'OKU, Attorneys for Plaintiff
In Ihe r,v.-..;. r- . ... ... .
r. uui i oi me stare ot
;,R.0?.lr ,he County of Linn.
an tviiKcrsott, Plaintiff,
Charles H. Wiike, son. Defendant.
10 c,,..rin n. w ilktrsou. the above
named defendant.
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
ou are hereby required ti aopear
and answer th.. mn .;.., :i ...
v.-.,, i., .f i 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 inea against
ou m the above entitled court and
October 1912, and if you fail to ap
heK"d a'.1s'n:" , "id complaint is
oTv to .hV e' -1 p!" " ?p:
i,,'ii ; i ' rcl,CI nemanded
m the complaint, to-wit: For a de-
,, ."'e bnnls of matri-
monv nmv av.. .:.. l- . . . .
,, , . ", oeuveen plamtiif
and defendant and that plaintiff have
is , . " ' "m ",c uctendant
DtM,? - he, sum ot Five Hundred
lv tie ' '?nd -f,r- ,hc costs ''"d dis-
nurscments ot tl, , r
.,. " ,7 , "" ior sucn
other and turther relief as to the court
W 21 j" and. PrPe"'-
cation h " "'Z','?. P"bli-
t i t l i."" l" uuncan,
Judge of the County Court for Linn
Oregon, duly made and en-
r',mi;ord. on the Jth day of
August 1912. directing that the same
be published ,n the Albany Democrat!
?itv ? fnf PubI'sh'd Weekly in the
i Alba""- Ll"". County. Ore-
Srsi i . ,un5ccuJlve .weeks, the
To.i '"ereoi nemg on the
nTiMi;' f AcUSU5,t' 1912- "d he last
. .Tuorncys tor Plaintiff.
Aug 30-Oct 11