ALBANY COMPANY IS COMPLIMENTED Local Boys Have Plenty of Good Wholsome Food Enjoying Outing at Fort Stevens. EVERYTHING NEAT AND CLEAN AT THE CAMP All Members of Company Are In Good Health and Spirits While Learning the Art of War. SATURDAY Firt Stevens, Ore., Aug. 22. (Staff Correspondence) Although the Ore gon Coast Artillerymen have been in camp but two days, every man has taken hold of the coast defense work with an eagerness which lias surpris ed their mure experienced superiors, the regulars, and the progress being made by the guardsmen is a matter of much favorable comment by the army officers stationed at the fort here. The Albany Company has been assigned to one of the 10-inch guns which are the largest type in use here, and have been complimented DV Ule rCjilUilI illlllV mail ilk, lui a v11 . V . . . . . ii their remarkable ana unusual animy i .i, ...rL- !,;-. Minimi m learning the work which includes many intricate problems m geometry Daiul trigonometry. A- V rlf7? ' f -V 1 , it cut of the Albany public, schools, now linldinir a similar position at Duns ' muir, California, is a member of the Albany militia company, and holds the title of mess sargeant. He has su pervision of the supplies for the mess, and is giving excellent satisfaction; the Albany boys have plenty of good fnnd tn eat at every meal. Terry Richmond, a former Albany young: man is chef and has been giving his beAf,e"r arisinfeacn morning at 5:30 I tX med' t!p omsir te j tents where thev are given a thorough ceUon of SpuinPoweTlUenan, j Stalnaker or Lieutenant Gilbert. They ; arc then required to police the entire amount of ground occupied by the j company anu ijii.i . onj am-, of paper, or any other rubbish that many have been thrown about. This insures a cleanly appearance about the camp. The kitchen and mess tent are al so required to be kept in a sanitary condition. The tables in the mess tent are washed after every meal, ev ery bit of rubbish is picked up, and the pots and pans in the kitchen are kept shining all the time. The Port land newspapers arc received in camp each day ns well as the home papers and the latter are always awaited eagerly by the bunch. The Pacific Ocean being but a short distance away, the camp is able to secure plenty of clams and crabs The men all continue to be in good health and none of the Albany com pany have been sick yet. Captain Frank M. Towell is looking after the conduct of the company in an able manner and everything is progressing nicely. CHAUTAUQUA FLAGS HAVE BEEN MISSING SINCE 1911 Two large flags which adorned the flagstaff of the Chautauqua auditorium during the session of 1911, have since been missing. These arc both new flags 8x12 feet in size and quite valu able. They are doubtless reposing in the keeping of someone who was intrust ed with their care, but when the com mittee sought them in preparing for the 1912 session, it could not be re members in whose care the flags had been placed. Can anone give light upon this sub ject? If so report to the Commercial club or postoffice. WOMAN CUTS HER HAIR AND DONS MALE ATTIRE Towel!, O., Aug. 23. Lucille Mar tin, of Syracuse, N. Y., masquerading as a brother of Hal Martin, singer, farm, where the minstrels company was discovered here at thc Al G Field had gathered for the first rehearsal preparatory to opening the season. . Mrs. Field, the minstrel man's wife, was the only one whose suspicion's were aroused, and she finally forced a confession from the girl. During the early summer Hal Mar tin was engaged for a tenor part in ! near here last night was not thc first near Topeka, Kan., is the owner of a the chorus and when he received j big robbery Wells Lounsbcrry, of fruit ranch six miles west of Med word to report here he was convalesc- Medford, Or., had executed. ford and is considered one of the most ing from an operation for appendicitis.) As he lay upon a cot in the hospital prosperous fruit raisers of this valley. Fearing he would lose the engage-1 here today, seriously wounded, Louns ment,. his twin sister donned one of i berry confessed he held up a South his suits, cut her hair and made the j cm Pacific train in a similar manner trip here in her brother's stead. Attorney Mark Weathcrford was a passenger vhis afternoon for Salem where he was called on legal busi ness. W. M. Parker left his new store on I. von street in charec of his clerks to day and lift on the noon tram for N'cwnort where he will spend several davs. LSSfJf" uiDuuvtntu di rnioibiAn. Remarkable Transplanting of j Parts of Limbs Taken from Dead Children. Watcrbury, Conn., Aug. 23. The identity of the two-year-old boy on whom the amazing operation of bone transplantation tor the permanent cur ing of club feet was successfully per formed by Dr. Frederick H. Albee, a young surgeon of the Post-Graduale Hospital of New York, became known today when small Frederick Scorpion returned to his home. The child was shown delightedly to relatives and friends by his parents last night. The little fellow displayed two perfectly formed instead of twisted feet. With out prompting he scrambled into an upright position and tried to walk. The World, last Sunday, told in de tail of the donreful operation; of how the young surgeon had taken bones from the bodies of two healthy chil dren who had died suddenly by stran gulation, kept them in cold storage; reshaped them to lit the bones which were deficient in the naturally crip pled feet of the little boy, inserted these bones, kept the tiny feet in plas ter casts for a week and then knock ed the plaster off and revealed to the admiration of other surgeons and the joy of the child's parents the little fellow's feet, reshaped to the perfect ly normal. It appears that the Scorpion family have a double cause of gratitude for the young surgeon's skill, for not only was their baby son, Freddie, born with deformed feet, but also was their seven-year-old son. Anthony Albert. The surgeon's workin this case was equally notable and successful. In this case it had been necessary to break, shorten and practically reset the bones of both the lad's limbs to . . . . .. . cfiv tutu fnim hcniir rrnmli-il tnr lit " ,, ' ' ., ' And ' "s was done -v't sach success , without the siKn lim) .iml imU.c.j, c;111 ,lc f,mn(1 ,; ,, , ,,. twiriig a ball Us the pitcher of a very juvenile nine, T, . tion tHrlu.( thc .ld from :1 pallid and child into a ruddy heeked, robust youngster, and the same result is being observed ill the case of tiny Freddie. T II I I ..1 1.. i.-t, ill.. ; nf ino,li,v,l men Iw his re- 1 markablc operations in substituting bones from one section of the body to the spine, straightening hunchbacks, o 8 SPARKS FROM THE wiku. w Washington, Aug. 23. It is bc- ,. , , tonight that within a few days Coionei Roosevelt will take the stand be ore the senate sub-commit tee investigating campaign expendi tures to answer the charges made to day by John D. Archbold that Col onel Roosevelt had knowledge of the use of Standard Oil money in bis campaign of 1904. Thc committee was divided tonight as to its future course. Upon the ar rival tomorrow of Senator Luke Lea, one of the absent democratic mem bers of the committee, a meeting will be held to determine whom to call and where the next meeting is to be held. Several members favor trasferring the hearings at once to Xew. York, where Colonel Roosevelt, George V. Perk ins, George M. Cortelyou and mem bers of the Standard Oil Company's board of directors might testify. Juarez, Aug. 23. Pascual Orozco. commander-in-chief of rebel forces in the north, is caught in a trap 100 miles wide and 200 miles long, according to advices received here by General Joaquin Tellez, federal commander of this zone. The official announcement is verified by railway reports and from other various sources. Washington, Aug. 23. President Taft sent to the senate today thc nom ination of Major H. Ray. U. S. A., to be deputy postmaster general, with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Major Ray's career in the army was recently the subject of two investiga tions by the war department. Salem, Or., Aug. 23. Because of an alleged epidemic of rabies in Mult nomah county the secretary of state and thc state fair board, after a con ference with Dr. Calvin S. White, sec retary of the state board of health, decided not to hold thc dog show this fall in connection with the state fair, as some of the dogs entered at the show are from Portland, and it was deemed unwise in view of the present conditions to hold the show. San Francisco, Aug. 23. United States Marsal Elliott and two deputies left this port aboard the Pacific Mail Steamship company's liner Manchuria at 1 o'clock today, and when outside the three-mile limit at sea, placed Bernard Ward, Jane Kelly and Jen nie Heath under arrest and took them over the side of the big steamer to thc deck of a waiting government tug. The women are passengers aboard thc vessel bound for Yokohama and are wanted in Seattle to answer a charge of violating the Federal white slave laws. Topeka. Kan., Aug. 23. The daring holdup of the Union Pacific mail train last January at kci is um, iai. ins perations then were similar to those used last night. The robber said that in the Califor nia holdup he boarded the train at Red Bluff, and forced the three mail clerks to pick out thc fcgisted mail for him. Medford. Or.. Auk. 23 Wells ; Lounsbcrry, the bandit who last niifht held up a Union Pacific mail train INDUSTRIALSGHOOL ,.,. I-AIH hNLib IUNIUH I Invitation ExtendedtoEveryone to Attend Immense Display at Alco Club Building. NO ADMISSION AND EVERYBODY WELCOME Best and Largest Exhibit of Linn County Products Ever Seen in Albany. S s The following brief summary ofthe space necessary for a prop- er display of the numerous ex- S hibits at the Industrial School fair will give the residents of. Albany a better idea of the ex- cellent displav which is being made at the Alco Club: 700 square feet of table space. 575 square feet of wall space live feet high. 125 running feet of wall space full height of wall. 66 crates of fowls and animals. 9 Preparing for the reception of large crowds at the School Industrial lair this evening. Superintendent Jackson and a large corps of assistants have been working night and day. arrang ing the many and varied exhibits and looking after the many other details which require their attention. Xever before in the history of Al bany or Linn county has there been a better exhibition than the one now "'K held at the Alco Club rooms. I'he doors of the Alco building will remain open until 10 o'clock this evening and it is expected that hun dreds of Albany people who have thus tar failed to attend the fair will avail themselves of the opportunity and attend sometime tonight. There is no admission and the county superin tendent as well as the Adbany Com mercial. Club desire to extend a public invitation to every citizen of Albany and Linn county to attend the fair this evening. The fair closes tonight at 10 o'clock. Don't fail to attend if j'ou have not already done so. ROOSEVELT SPENDING TRUSTS' THOUSANDS, CHARGES LA FOLLETTE Madison, Wis., Aug. 23. Demand ing that the progressive presidential nominee "make a clean breast of cam paign contributions," Senator Robert M. I. a Follette, through his magazine, I. a Follettc's Weekly, out today, charges that Colonel Roosevelt is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars contributedJy trusts, to bring about his election In November. "The public knows," the editorial says, "that Roosevelt spent an enor mous sum in his pre-convention cam paign. In some of the states Olrro tor instance, it is conservatively es timated that $300,000 was expended to elect Roosevelt delegates. "It is generally believed that this money was largely the unlawful spoils of the trusts which thrived at thc ex pense of the people during Roosevelt's administration." OFFICERS MAKE ANOTHER RAID AND DESTROY SOME LIQUOR Officers McChmg and Webb last night made a raid on the place said to be conducted by Henrk Kirsch at the corner of Ninth and Jefferson 3treets. No fme was in the place at the time the raid was made and thc officers were compelled to- force an entrance. A large quantity of liquor was found and destroyed by thc offic ers. S COURT HOUSE NEWS. 5 Warranty Deeds. Martin Crabtree to Marion Crab tree. August 23, 1912. 50 acres in Tp. 12, S. R. 1 west. $10.00. Daniel K. Roth and wife to Wil liam Dittman. June 4. 1913. 34 1-2 acres in claim 8, Tp. 11, S. R. 3 W. $8500.00. J. H. Crawford and wife to Frank G. Smith and wife. - Aug. 19th, 1912. 'locks in Moyer's addition to Brownsville, lands in Tp. 14, S. R. 2 W. and Tp. 13, S. R. 3 west. $1. Pendleton, Or., Aug. 23. Branding Roosevelt as a modern Caesar fight ing for the interests, declaring his candidacy strikes a harder blow at progress than the election of a Tam many chieftain to the presidency and predicting that his following will dis solve like thc fading li"ht of a shat tered rainbow as the Ides of Novem ber approach, Judge Stephen A. Low ell yesterday afternoon delivered the first political speech of thc campaign in this county at Peach Hay festival tat Frecwater. TEST CASE 15 MLtU KYLUUblUN Dispute Between Property Own ers and Oregon Power Co. Goes to Court. PLAINTIFF WOULD MAN DAMUS CORPORATION Owners of Property in Paving District Will Be Affected by Determination of Suit. Claiming that the Oregon Power Company has not complied with the franchise which provides that all wa ter mains are to be placed two feet below the established grade and that the defendant company wrongfully refused to connect the plaintiff with the water main at the corner of Fourth and Jackson streets, M. O, Logston today filed a complaint which when passed upon by the court, will settle a question which has lor a long time been a matter of dispute between the property owners in the paving dis trict and the Oregon Power Company. 1 he title ot the ease is Al. . Logs- ton and Claude Logston vs. the Ore gon Power company, and in their complaint the plaintiffs make the fol lowing allegations: That some live years ago the plain tiffs connected their premises in block 23. at the corner of Fourth and Jack son streets, with the water system tip crated by the defendant company and since said date have paid all tolls ex acted by the company; that during the month of June the plaintiffs paid the sum of $3.00 for the summer's irri gation and one month's rent in ad vance for water for domestic purpos es; that during the mouth of July the defendant wrongfully severed the con nection of the plaintiffs' pipe with said main and refused and still refuses to connect the same. The plaintiffs ask for a writ of mandamus to compel the defendant company to connect I he pipes and fur nish the water. Weatheriord & Weather ford are representing the plaintiffs in the suit. It is understood that the Oregon Power company en tends that it is not obliged to pay for the connection because of the order of the city coun cil which compels them to lower their mains preparatory lor the paving. The outcome of thc case will be watched with interest by the people of Albany who reside in the paving district. A large number of citizens have already made thc connection with the water mains at their own expense, but some of them arc said to be waiting the outcome of thc test case which was filed today. Q NEW REFRIGERATOR CARS FOR THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC One thousand new refrigerator cars, equipped with collansible tanks with a capacity of 1 1,000 pounds of ice, will soon be delivered to thc Pacific Fruit Express Company a subsidiary of the Southern Pacific company. The collapsible tanks will enable the coin pa. iy to use the cars for ordinary freight during the periods that the cars are not required for perishables. The first installment of these new cars will be started westward within another month and they will immedi atly go into service. W. B. Micster left this morning for Newport. Frank Porter of Halsey passed through Albany this morning on his way to Scio. Mrs. Parker and daughter, Mrs. An derson, left this morning for Newport. All northbound trains were late ar riving in Albany this morning. Miss McCourt, who is employed in the office of Weathcrford and Weath crford, returned last night from an outing at Newport. - Mrs. Taylor left this morning for the Bay. She expects to remain at thc resort city for several days. Senator M. A. Miller of Lebanon passed through Albany today on his way to Salem and Portland. Rev. F. II. Geselbracht left this morning for Newport. C. D. Rauch left this noon for New port where he will spend Sunday. Card of Thanks. To our neighbors and friends and thc Messrs. Veal Chair Mfg. Co., and employees, we desire to express our sincere appreciation of your kindness and assistance during the sickness and death of our father, David T. Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. PATRICK. Mr. and Mrs. IIARRV PATRICK. The Misses Christine S;md-.trom and Edith Hall returned from lirowns ville this mornii: where they spent the week-end with the lattcr's grand parents. ' Mrs. N. G. ('abler left this morn ing for Detroit where she will spend a week fir ten days. Mrs. Planomdoii. wife of Dr. D. J. Planomdon, of Athena, Ore., is vis iting Miss Kate Barrett of this city. John Marr, superinteiidrnt of the Oregon Timbernun's Fire Patrol, left this morning for G:ttes where he was called on official business. County Clerk Willard Marks return ed last night from Newport. Mrv Marks will remain f-r a few days at Agate Beach Inn. PfiOmBITIHN CANDIDATES ipnin prnmrvp nrnnnn Claim that He Is Guilty of Technical Violation of the Corrupt Practice Act. B. Paget and O. A. Stillmau, prohibition candidates for United States senator and congressman, re spectively, drew another large crowd when they held their second street meeting in Albany last night. Messrs. Paget and Stillmau returned to Al bany last night after an automobile trip lasting two days during which they spoke in 12 towns in the county in support of their candidacy. At ait of the places there has been a disposi tion on the part of the people to give them a respectful hearing. At last night's meeting Mr. Paget again referred to the republican sen atorial candidate's, Mr. Selling's, in decision as to whether he would line up with Taft or Roosevelt. Mr. Pag et said he considered that any man who required six weeks in which to make up his mind who he should sup port was hardly tilted for the office of United States senator. Mr. Paget alo referred to the statement of Sell ing's campaign expenses, which shows that $10,000 was contributed by vari ous friends, which shows a technical violation of the corrupt practices act. Messrs. Paget and Stillmau left this morning for Kugcue. They will visit the various towns of l.ane county to morrow, passing Sunday in Eugene, going later to Uoseburg. SECRETARY OF STATE OLCOTT IS IN THE CITY TODAY Claiming that ninety-seven per cent of the qualified electors of Oregon are m lavor oi the Mute Sky law, See relary of State lieu Olcott this morn ing prophesied the enactment of the new initiative measure at the Novem ber election. Mr. Olcott, accompanied by J. B. Young, an employee of theOolfiee, ar rived in Albany last night and regis tered at the St. Francis. They left this morning for Newport where they will remain for several davs. MUMMY EIGHTEEN INCHES TALL HAS JUST BEEN DISCOVERED Albuquerque, N. M,, Aug 23. An ancienly mummy, eighteen inches high, in a good state of preservation has been found at the cliff dwellings on thc upper Gila, near Silver City, and instructions have been received Institution at Washington. Careful examination shows indisput able evidence and confirms the idea of many scientists that thc old cliff men were a dwarf race. The most striking feature of their dwellings was very small doorways and extremely low ceilings. IS TOO OLD, WIFE WANTS A DIVORCE Milwaukee, Wis.. Aug. 23. Arm in arm, with smile son their faces, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Koppel walked into the office of thc Circuit Court ami asked for a divorce. Thc aged husband, who admits seventy-seven years, leaned heavily on the arm of his wife, who is twenty seven years younger. "I want to get a divorce to marry a younger man," said Mrs. Koppel, while her husband nodded assent. "My husband is too old to take care of me and I must live, lie is willing I should get the divorce and marry some one who could take care of me." Thc aged man smiled assent while his wife told of their plans to go sep arate ways after over twenty-five years of married life. "Oh, no, we never quarrel, said Mrs. Koppel. "He always treats mc kindly but he can t earn enough money now. Mrs. Eva Rogoway was suffering from a rather severe attack of pto maine poisoning yesterday. Miss Jennie Frccrksen has returned from an eastern trip. She was gone about six months and visited a num ber of the larger eastern cities in thc L nited States and Lanada. Jack Cahill of the Warren Con struction company left on the noon train for a few days' visit at New port. O. C Wolfe was transacting busi ness in Silverton yesterday. Attorney Martin of Brownsville was attending to legal matters in Albany yesterday. Rev. and Mrs. Smith who have been visiting with Mrs. Adna Smith Flo, have returned to their home in South Bend, Washington. Mrs. C. J. Simeral was visiting with friends in Mill City yesterday. Mrs. T. J. Wentworth is visiting wi'h friends in Eugene. Mr. Christianson has let thc con tract for the erection of a modern dwelling house in Sunrise addition. Jack 1" linn left on this morning's train for Newport. W. A. Irvin of Salem passed through Albany this morning on bis way to the bay. The Newport train was rrowdrd this morning, many people from Sa lem and other towns in the valley boarding thc train for the resort city at Albany. E. F. Wibs and family left this morning for Newport where they will remain for several days. W. A. Bodine was a passenger this morn in for Lebanon win-re lie will I work in thc Helen Crawford orchard. m p 8 Z IP MIL Ui U Li III No Truth in Rumor to Effect that Road Has Been Leased by N. P. Says President. ROAD HAS 125 EMPLOYEES RESIDING IN THIS CITY Monthly Payroll is $10,000 Other Interesting Data Given Out by Official. A representative of this paper called upon J. K. Weathcrford, president of the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad com- , pany, for such information as might be of interest to the public, and to as certain what the company expected to dy by way of increasing its busi ness in the future, and incidentally to learn if there was any truth in the published rumor to the effect that this line had been leased to the Northern Pacific railroad. We were informed lhat so far as the lease is concerned that it was simply an idle rumor without foundation. We also learned that during the last year, the business of the road has in creased quite materially, and the com pany, for the purpose of keeping up with the advance that has been made i:; the country, is continually improv ing its road. During the past year it has increased its working force about J5 per cent, and it will probably in crease more than that during the com ing year. It has added much new ma chinery to its shops, and employed more men than at any time m the past. At the present time there are more than 50 mechanics actually en gaged in the repair and construction of cars ami other railroad equipment at its Albany shop. The probabilities are that during the coming year the shops themselves will have to be in creased in dimensions, and the num ber of mechanics increased from 25 to 50 per cent. The company is now employing 125 men who are actually residents, and most of them heads of families, in the city of Albany. 1 his does not include the various employees along the line in Benton, Lincoln ami Marion coun ties, but those who reside in the city of Albany. There is actually paid to these men in the neighborhood of ten thousand dollars per month, and as the business increases it will be necessary to in crease this force from time to time. There is probably no other single es tablishment having as large a payroll as i his company within the city of Al bany. The business of the road centers in Albany, and I he country it traverses is supplied from Albany merchants. The road extends for about sixfy miles east of Albany, and after it leaves the town of Lyons it depends entirely upon the products of the for est for its business. This is being developed more ami more each year, and the prospects for further devel opment in the manufacture of lumber are extremely Mattering. On the western portion of the road, the business has been gradually in creasing along jill of the lines, but one of the most promising features is the shipment of saw-logs from thc coast mountains to the sawmills of Albany. It is possible that this trade could he increased to one of great importance to the city. If this proves profitable, the road will extend into the forests tributary to it on the west end, and thereby developing the country as well as building up this city ami in creasing its industries. It is generally understood that thc line will be extended from its west ern terminus, Yaquina, to Newport, with branch lines extending into thc timber in the Mary's Peak district, and possibly into the Siletz country. The records of the company show that more people arc coming to Al bany fiver this route than at any time heretofore, bringing the business of the surrounding country to our city. The probabilities are that thc road will be electrified between Corvallis and Albany and the line extended from some place near Albany to a connection with the west side road at a point not far from Wells or Stiver station. STEAMER WILLMANIA LOADED WITH CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT BEACHED The steamer Willamina, load ed with engines and construc tion equipment for the Eugene & Coos Bay Railroad, was beach ed at a point near Florence early yesterday morning while at tempting to make the harbor. Full particulars of thc accident could not be learned but it is said to be due to a heavy fog which enveloped the coast line near Florence yesterday. Kenneth McLennon was numbered among the Albany residents who spent Sunday at Newport, Miss Dti Bois of San Francisco has arrived in the city to take charge oi thc trimming in the millinery depart ment at S. E.. .Young & Son's. Miss Du Bois was trimmer in one of the largest stores al San Francisco for three years. From there she went to Portland where she took charge of one of the trimming departments at Lipman and Wolf's. Young's store is certainly to be congratulated on se curing the services of such a high clans trimmer.