Tli AlKnm. Tnn.f'iii'i"i-v ''! tlic national commit- lliwiiuailj lciliUCiaij,,.,. j: ,JU. confronu-.l will. Puhlinlied by DEMOCRAT I'U I! I.ISI! I NT. CO U'M. II. Man HOKXIIiROOK, igiug Editor. I'.lilercd at (lie p'Mollicc ;it . Oregon, as second 1 ;i s noiltr i'tlbhshcl il.iv. ,cci : v or y c ly publ filing ixccpt Sun liu-'l cwm I'riday 1. 1 MX MAI I l-.K A'lrln - .!! '-oiiiiiiiinii aliens ;i i if ! uial.' all l.-liiillaiii-cs payable to tin Delil i.rrat I'ulili - Ii:ii ( v. In nr.; . sen i., is should nigi-s hi a-Mics.., suit l.vays give oid as well as new ail'lri ss. SUIiSCKI NT OX KATKS Daily. Delivered by carrier, per week $ .10 Delivered liy carrier, per year $4.01) Hy mail, in advance, per year 3.00 Hy mail, at the end of year 3.50 . Weekly. When paid in advance, one year.... $1.25 At en rl of year 1.5;j At end of three years 2.00 Established in 1865 FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1912. La Follette's Indictment. The following i n d i c t in c n t against the trust record of Theo dore Uoosevelt was filed by Sen ator Uobert M. I -a Toilette in the United Stales senate yesterday: "On the day that Theodore Roosevelt was made president of the United States there were 149 trusts and combinations in the United States. When he turned this government over to William Howard Taft there were 10,020 plants in combination. When he became president the trusts had an aggregate capitalization of three billion dollars and when lie left the presidency they had an aggregate capitalization of thirty one billion dollars and more than 70 per cent of it was water. "1 don't believe that the man who was president at the time of all times in the history of the Sherman anti-trust law when it could have been made potential in deterring trust organization 1 do not think that I lie man wdio was president then is the man to find the way out now." Banking Reform. The democratic national con vention, in session at lialtimore, adopted the following plank on the monetary tpiestion : "We oppose the so-called Aid rich bill or the establishment of a central bank, and we believe the people of the country will be largely freed from panics and cou scucnt unemployment and bus iness depression by such a syste matic revision of our banking laws as will render temporary re lief in localities where such re lief is needed, with protection from control or domiuio'n by what is known as lite money trust. "Hanks exist for the accommo dation of the public and not for the control of business. All leg islation on the subject of banking and currency should have for its purpose the securing of these ac commodaticis on terms of abso lute security to the public and of complete protection from the mis use of the power that wealth gives to those who possess it. "We condemn the present methods of depositing govern ment funds in a few favored banks, largely situated in or con trolled by Wall st reel, in return for political favors, and we pledge our party to provide by law for their deposit by competitive liid dhig in the banking institutions of the country, national and state, without discrimination as to lo cality upon approved securities and subject to call by -the govern ment." The adoption of the above plank by the democratic national convention indicates that the par ly is both sa'iie and progressive. The Aldriclt plan is condemned in no uncertain terms and the ad ministration pledged to a rational program of banking reform. o The Wilson Campaign Fund. It lakes money to finance a great national campaign. Litera ture must be printed, siamps must be purchased, a large corps of stenographers must be employed, speakers expenses must be paid and a hundred and one other bills must be met, if the Democratic national campaign is to be carried (.Ml successfully. Woodrow Wilson has refused to accept contributions from trusts or corporations. He will that is tainted with corporation the prohlcm of raining ade'jitati mills. To meet the expenses of the campaign, the committee has therefore aiiopteil tile plan of raining a popular subscription ami has aslccd the progressive news papers to a.isist in rai.-in the m ix Is. Are yoti willing to contrihnte a small sum to the campaign. If yon are, send your money order or check to the Democrat and the receipt of the same will he acknowledged tliroiiLdi the Co minis of this paper the following day. Governor West is Right. In our opinion Governor West was entirely justified in dema'.id ing the resignation of the mayor of Redmond. The mayor had been duly elect eil to the highest office in the gift of the municipality and had taken an oath to enforce of the laws of the state and city from whom received Ins ollicial title. He not only failed to enforce the state aiK municipal statutes but was him self convicted of gambling. 1 lad Governor West pursued any other course, he would have laid himself open to the charge of being a consummate coward. o The Journal's Prosperity. Without missing an issue and with no perceptible change in the appearance of the paper, the en tire plant and equipment of the I ortland Daily Journal has been moved to the handsome twelve- story building which has just been completed at the corner of Yamhill and Seventh streets. The erection of a $350,000.00 building, not only indicates that the lotirnal is in a prosperous condition but rellects credit upon the business men of rorlkvud, for without their support, the new building would have been an im possibility, and the Journal could hardly have attained the reputa tion of being one of the best news papers west of the Rocky moun tains. o Haunted by Harriman's Ghost. If the sworn testimony of form Governor Odcll of New York- is to he believed, the National Progressive party has indeed been unfortunate in the selection of its standard bearer for the initial campaign of the new pftrty. According to the testimony of this well known figure in New York state politics, the late K. II. Ilarriman was summoned to the W hile Mouse by Colonel Roose velt for the express purpose of discussing ways and means of raising a "slush fund" (or the Roosevelt campaign, and for the further purpose of discussing the general political situation. At this meeting, according to the former New York state governor. Ilarriman agreed to raise a large sum of money for the republican campaign and afterward did raise the sum of $MO,000.00. Now in all candor, how can Colonel Roosevelt, the self anoint ed king of the so-called progres sive movement, explain the Ilar riman conference and the subse quent contribution of Ilarriman and his friends- to the Roosevelt campaign ? I i we are to have a progressive party let it be a genuine progres sive organisation with a genuine and iviiiinpeachable progressive candidate. Let it not be said of the candidate of the newborn party that he failed to enforce the pro visions of the Sherman Anti Trust law; let it 'not be said of him that he is the most consum mate "straddler" on the tarilT question in the history of Ameri can politics; let it not be said of him that he held star-chamber sessions with a exeat railroad ma ttatc am nttcrwards accented trtiM contributions tor lait;n. Nominate a man who has the couraoe to repudiate Perkins, vtlw former partner of Morgan 1, as W ilson repudiated Kv;rn and P.el mont ; nominate a man who has the courage to repudiate lioss l-'linu of Pennsylvania, as Wilson repudiated Moss Xiioytit of New Jersey; nominate a man w ho puts the public e,ood ahove personal ambition ami who is less fa ntili.u Units with the pronoun When the National Progressive party nominates a candidate who is more in harmony w ith the name of the newly created political or ganization, it may perhaps appeal more strongly to the common people hut never with Koosc-celt. . " S 1 & SOCIETY. A social item clipped irom the T.. C'Hiia N u s will be of intercut to many in Albany, a., .Mr. H. Dickinson is a firmer resident of this city: "Mrs. S. F. Dickinson, South Asotin street, entertained last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. II. Dickinson's 7Jnd birtn- oay anniversary. 1 he table was dec orated prettily, having a large birth day cake as a centerpiece. Anions the many gilts was a string of rosc beads, 7 in number, corresponding with the honored guest's ace. The guests were: Mr. and .Mrs. C. Sid dall, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson and daughter l.anra. Miss Amv Sid dall, Mrs. II. Xielson, D. Si. Mali, Miss Anna Xielson. Mrs. A. J. Mc Donald, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Dickinson, Mr. anil Mrs. S. Dickinson, Master Howard and Aubrey Dickinson. ) Miss Gertie Taylor departed for llalsey Thursday to be the house guest tit i.iia lJatton. Society tills week consists mostly 01 numerous small picnics and s eral informal gatherings. ' The social meeting of the Industrial 01 me u. 1'. church met at the par sonage on Wednesday. The after IIOOII DaSSed Willi Social inter,', nir,:.. and a snort program was given. dainty lunch concluded this pleasant ii iei noon. a & w w m a) & s a so so a si ra ia MISFITS -v Contributed By F. P. Nutting. S It keens us old Orecoiiian! hncv ni.oMiig excuses lor tlic weather the middle of August, at a season of the year when the climate is generally of a delightful order; but depend up on u me average will be gooy. A deal of sprinkling the last few days during prohibited hours, without my notices of shut off. These are smashing davs in blind pigdom. There is no profit in the long run in anything that is crooked. Hill and Ted are haying the times of their lives, presenting a squabble that is full of interest to millions. An olT outing season for sure. The stay at home has no grumble coming. Seeing wdiat other people have caus es many a pocket-book to dwindle to its limit. I'hc demand is for small nlaces. a few acres of good soil, well situated. A free canal suits the Pacific Coast. It will be an empire builder. A late joke is the limitiAVhy is a crow r Answer Caws. Umbrageous weather always makes the gloom man conspicuous. June is now the popular month for brides in l.inn couutv; but for nearly J.i years without an exception October I all other mouths, i his was due to alter harvest prosperity. Several years ago this changed, due to the new system of diversity in affairs. md June is now at the head. Selling is not enough. Any business done through must create a demand, advertising. It the song ye sing and the smile ye wear Thai's a making the sun shine every where" Too many in the world that are long on the preach and short on the practice. Whatever the affliction a smile and good cheer helps make it easier. Now is the time to spend a dollar or two on a wreath of boqucts for your neighbor. Don't wait for his fuiicr- il. rite trouble is, each person wants his or her own way about things: but the person who gets it generally is pretty severely punished. One must believe in a thing to make it go. Three New York boys, after read some dime novels starteil out to lick the West. If they ever get as f ir as Albany the Misfit man will nick three clean Albany boys who don I reatl dime novels who will make them look like a bad penny. World's Work says: "The inevi table defeat of Mr. Roosevelt and the victory of Gov. Wilson will remain the two historical political events of the year. Mr. llillcs, Taft's chairman, has .cone into partnership with lrag as a campaign asset. Some German scientists are trying lo turn things topsy tttrvy by having a new system, calling for ItX) hours a day, Easter always the same, a uni versal alphabet, etc. It will never di gest. The Portland Journal deserves to be in a big new bouse. It has beer, making good as a great newspaper. A young man spending a half months on booze, start." n the Fast after million etc.. says a few Don't DR. LE1NIN0ER RETURNS FROM HUNTING TRIP Party Gets Fourteen Bucks and a Bear Preacher Accidently j Shot While Hunting. After a three weeks' hunting trip in the mountains of Douglas county, Dr. II. A. Leininger returned this morn ing well pleased with the result of his summer vacation. The doctor left Albany August tiiird together with a party of six business and professional men from Oregon City, and has ben in pur suit of big game in the mountains south of Linn county. The doctor killed a brown bear, which he treed, and two line bucks. The party had killed 14 bucks up to the time he re turned home. The Oregon City men will remain a few days longer and fully expect to make a record killing before they return. On Monday a hunter was acci dently shot by his companion who mistook him for a deer, says Dr. Leininger. The injured man was a preacher who was enjoying a few davs' hunting Jrip in the mountains. While he is still in a critical condi tion the latest reports are to the ef fect that he will recover from his in jury. PROF. FRANKLIN PROTESTS AGAINST BEER FOR MEDECINAL PURPOSES August 17, 1912 Editor Dmoerat: Is beer a medicine? Is it in any way useful medicinally? Still some think so. Two generations ago per haps everybody thought so. Thirty or forty years ago a few scientific in vestigators learned the true nature of alcohol. Since that time real science has spoken a final word as to the ef fects of the use of beer, brandy, wine, and other alcoholic drinks, whether as beverages or as medicine. All persons taught in American schools know their disastrous effects on the human system. Every athlete knows that he must not touch any of them wiien lie wants to be at his best. Every Arctic explorer knows that the old view of their use is wrontr. and that his men must drink none of them. Great railroad systems have found it to be necessary to forbid all drink ing, either on or off duty, and have discharged men on the testimony of a pnotograpli showing a man with a single glass at a bar. Even the Em peror of Germany recognizes the harmfulncss of beer drinking, and in a public address has advised his naval recruits to join the Good Templars ami inner aiisiinencc organizations. (I will gladly procure for anyone wdio wishes it a copy of this speech either in German or translated.) These are facts that leave no excuse for the beverage use of alcohol except the excuses oi appetite ami ot ignorance ;uid of the fashion of an outgrown past. 1 he talse bebets and supersti tions of the past as to the value of ilcohol m any torm as medicine. though they die hard, are now rapid ly giving way. Thousands of doctors now agree with the great Dr. N. S. Davis, of Chicago, who said thirty years ago that the use of alcohol as a mediciny is never either necessary or proper. It is a dangerous poison, al ways a narcotic and a denressant in its ultimate effects, and never a real stimulant. And even if it were a real stimulant, which science today knows that it is not. oilier stimulants arc liter and better. A large part of the best doctors never prescribe alcohol as a medicine today, l'cw doctors ol any reputation, unless they are them selves deceived by their own appetite for liiptor. now prescribe a quarter as much alcohol as they did some years ago before modern ideas as to its use had spread to them. Seldom indeed would any careful doctor prescribe any usctul medicine by the case. Doctor's prescriptions commonly read, "Do not relill;" and the bottles are usually small. It is high time now for all to know that alcohol is never a proper medicine ill any of its forms, and probably least of all in the form of beer. It is a highly useful fuel when burned in a suitable store. Sincerelv yours. V. G. l'KAN KLIX. TANGENT ITEMS. Fred Eorster and Leonard Moses have gone to work in the fields of Eastern Oregon. !'. M. Sharp with his wife and mother passed through Tangent Sun day for an all day visit with relatives near here. Mrs. I.ydia Grate, who lives near Miller's Station, while on a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Scott near Shcdd. was stricken with paralysis and is now in a serious condition. Dr. Hill is attending her. Perry Parker who has a large clover field near Sand Ridge which when threshed made nine bushels per acre. Tile heavy rains which lasted for two or more days stopped all thresh ing, and thoroughly wet all kinds of shocked grain. This will necessitate a large amount of work in reshocking and several days' sunshine to put it in condition for starting the machines again. Most all the spring grain is now cut except spring oats, and they are now ready for the binder. Indica tions now are flattering lor a large potato crop as they were about all the garden vegetable which needed rain. RETORTER. Grain Bags and Twine t Murphy's Seed Store IDENT Edward Marshall Is Throvn From His Velocipede onO. E. Near Halsey Station. CAR JUMPS TRACK WHILE GOING AT VERY HIGH SPEED Brought to St. Mary's Hospital Last Evening Doctor Says He Will Recover Soon. Edward Marshall, superintendent of Construction on the Oregon Electric, met with a serious accident last even ing when the velocipede on which he was riding jumped the track ami threw him in the air, breaking his col lar bone. He was riding at a high rate of speed just west of Halsey at the time of the accident. It seems some one had placed some small obstacle on the track which caused the car to leave the rails and being heavier on the right side it turned turtle, throwing -Mr. .Marshall in the air. As a result of the accident he was in a state of semi-consciousness all evening. Dr. Shinn, the Oregon Electrics physician here, was sent for and re sponded immediately. On examination he found that the accident had broken Marshall's collar bone and indicted many llesh wounds and bruises. lie was brought to St. Mary's hos pital and is doing nicely today. The doctor says he will not be confined long. SPARKS FROM THE .'. WIRE .-. Washington, Aug. 19. Revolution is spreading in Nicaragua. Health conditions about Managua, the capital, are distressing, according to state de partment reports today from Ameri can Minister Weitzel. Los Angeles, Aug. 19. A motion to dismiss the indictment of Clarence S. Darrow on the charge of having brib ed Robert F. Bain, a McN'amara juror, will be heard by Judge Mutton tomor row afternoon. Dallas, Or., Aug. 19. Miss No. 1 of the Dallas City Lumber company, lo cated two miles from Falls City, was destroyed by lire tonight. The loss is $60,000. With the burning of the mill 125 men have been thrown out of employ ment. The country for a distance of live miles around was lighted up by the tire. Washington, Aug. 19. President Talt will register a second veto against the legislative, executive and judicial mill, it is predicted tonight 1 he bill was passed in both houses. Washington, Aug. 19. President 1 ait closed a day of conferences on the lauama Canal bill with a special passage of legislation which would message to congress suggesting the permit American ships to travel tlic canal toll free, and which would also allow foreign nations to test the le gality ot this provision bv suits in United States courts. ,. N,ew ,V,rk- Aug. 19. Albert C l-ach. district attorney of Richmond county (Staten Island), was shot down in his private office at Staple ton today by Mrs. Elizabeth Ed munds and probably fatally wounded. Washington. Aug. 19. Clinton V Howard, ot Bellingham, was today nominated United Slates district judge lor Western Washington, to succeed Judge Hanford. resigned. o TRYING TO GET TEDDY TO MAKE OS A VISIT G. F. Rodgers. temporary chairman ol the Roosevelt state committee went to Portland today to try to make arrangements for Roosevelt to conic to Salem and Albany on the dav he is in Portland. September II. Col onel Roosevelt is scheduled to be there trom 7:1X1 a. ,. to 8:00 p. m and Mr. Rodgers has every hope of inducing him to make a living trip tin the valley. Capital Journal. o . Taul Greenwood, window trimmer tor the Hamilton store, has resigned trom bis position and left for Oak land, Lahtornia. where he has accept ed a similar position. Fisher, Bradenfc Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS Undcrtakinff Parlors, 3rd and Broadalbin JS LADY ATTENDANT Both Phones THE WATER WAGON COMING TO ALBANY Prominent Prohibition Speakers Will Hold Meeting Here on August 22 and 23. Commanded by B. Lee Faget Sen atorial candidate on Prohibition tick et, and O. A. Stillman, candidate for Congress in the First Congressional District, the "Automobile Water Wag on" is touring the dry and dusty roads of Oregon, stopping at seven to nine towns a day and disseminating "the dry" dctrine of the Prohibition party pertaining to Oregon politics. The automobile water wagon will be in Albany on Thursday and Friday' August 2-'ud and 23rd. The spek ers will hold a meeting at 8 a. m. Thursday morning and 8 p. m. Friday night. Considerable interest has been aroused by the aggressive campaign being waged by the Prohibition party in this state and the arrival of the water wagon is awaited with consid erable interest. Here is what the Oregonian has to sav about their camnaicoi in Wncl.;.,.. ton county: "Refusal of the Republican and Democratic Darties to liquor question as a political issue was uewelt upon by B. Lee Paget, Prohibitionist c.-iiiHidnt fn- tl..:..j - , .u, uiiucu States Senator, in an address at Eels park- tonight, the speaker contrast ed the chaotic ronditinnc v;t:.. :.- both of the old parties and declared many oi tne reiorms advocated .M men puiLioiius were enunciated in the platform of the Prohibition party in 1872. Tonight's meeting ,the 7th of the day, was the largest attended since Mr. Paget and O. A. Stillman, candidate for Representative in Con gress from the First District, began their automobile tour of Washington county yesterday. The speakers were introduced tonight by Rev. Hiram Gould, who presided as chairman of the meeting." NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as guardian of the person and estate of Cornelius H. Sullivan, a minor, will in pursuance to an order Of tile CoUlltV Court rli.K- m-wla j . immt aim entered of record on the 1st day of T..I.. mil ... J. juiy, authorizing and licensing this guardian to make sale of the hnds hereinafter described, on the 14th day of Sept., 1912, at the Court House door in the City of Albany Linn County, Oregon, sell at public sale all the riVlo tU) o.,a of said minor Cornelius H. Sullivan, in ana to the following described property, to-wit: Commencing at the N. W. corner of Block X. 2 in the Eastern Addition to the City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, and running thence East 88 feet: rhenrp snntl. i i;., nt , r. . t. .me jiaiiei to the East boundary line of said Block, 110 feet; thence West on a line parallel with the North boundary line of said Block to tb Vicf f block; thence North to the place'of , , ""."" a" o'mg in the .Eastern Addition to the City of Albany, Linn County. Oregon ;u cl, i... .K maps and plats thereof. terms ot sale: Cash m hand on the day of sale. r A r:r:Ti7 c Tmr Guardian of Cornelius H. Sullivan, a 1II1MUI . Aug. 16 Sept. 13th. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE N'otlfP 1C llPrnKir fy!,.o.. .1. ..wvl-j s'icii mm. me uii- ucrsitrnprl Knn :. hv .I,, rv, " r".. "."i:""' Oregon, Executor of the last will and leamciu ot .Martha A. Phillips, de ceased. All nemnnc Ii..:.,. , ei.ituis against said estate are hereby required to pre sent Ihpni nrnn..!,. :." J .. . ........ ,,.,,,..,, CIIIIeu at Cne ofnee of Win. S. Rislcv, in Albany, Oregon, within six months from this Dated this 26th day of July 19P GFRIuriP 111 otrn t TT,r. ' Wm. S. RISLEY, Executor. Attorney for Executor July 26 Aug. 23. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. " Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was on the 27th day of May, 1912. IV order of llio r- : r- . :J . . ,uuiii- vourc or Linn County, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, duly appointed ad ministrator !' r . .. c wiaic oi .irnold summer, deceased. mi persons having claims against the estate of cm. i a . . i. ., i "eeeaaeu are nere- ! notined to present their said chime tin , !,.. . . . . ,. . '"- i "per vouchers with in SIX months tr.i.i, .!. r .. . , oi tins notice to the administrator of said estate at the office of Hewitt & Sox, m Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Dated August 5th. 1912. J. v. SOMMER. HEWITT & SOX, 'lu'"mlstrator- Attorneys for Administrator. Aug 9 to Sept 6th ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 'nt.v. :. i .i; i neieiiy given that the un signed was on this 5th day of Aug- Courlof;,,tgod:!y !!" La",',-1" recordNuiy'ap5: John Denny.' decked f said", -C,rSO"S !,:lvinS tl'ims against a d c, ate are hereby notified to pre- M a. v'o,"'- C'aims to the min o h,r i'!1 c,.,;lte with Proper h e of ?,x montlls '"" the Hewitt 'c "0t'-ce at ,he of Cotmt'yOr.'" ! Li"" SARAH J. DENNY, n,,,, . .. -Administratrix. hewTttTsox ' I912- Aug. 9Se;,n6ih. 'r Administ"t- t