Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, August 09, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Will Cross Bats In Third Game
of Series for Championship .
of Willamette Valley.
Upon Results of Contest Will
Depend Much A Game Will
Be Played Here Sunday.
Tomorrow the Albany Athletics
will go to Salem where they will cross
bats with the Salem Senators in the
third game of the championship ser
ies and despite the fact that they have
lost the first two games they are de
termined to bring home the bacon
If they don't then Salem will be
awarded the title of champions of the
Willamette Valley. The lineup for
Albany tomorrow will be practically
the same as usual with the exception
of Carson and Lyle Bigbee. The
former went to Medford on the early
train this morning where tomorrow
he will cover third base for Medford
in their game with Weed, California.
Lyle is at Newport resuscitating from
the strenuous duties of a baggage
smasher at which work he is em
ployed during the week.
Marigold, a 'fast infielder of Port
land, will probably play third for Al
bany tomorrow. The Athletics have
a strong pitching staff for tomorrow's
contest upon whom they will depend
to win the game, including Patterson,
Hughes, and Jack Berry, while Sa
lem will use the great and only Baker.
"Chimmie" Richardson of Portland
who umpired the game here last Sun
day so satisfactorily, will officiate
again at Salem. The "Athletics" and
a large crowd of fans will leave Al
bany tomorrow morning for Salem.
The Capital City bunch predict one
o f the largest crowds at the game to
morrow in the history of baseball in
Salem and have had tickets placed in
several of the down-town stores
where they can be secured. The re
sult of tomorrow's game will be
awaited with interest by local fans
for it will decide whether Salem will
be the champions or whether Albany
will get another whack at it.
While the "Athletics" are away
there will be a game on the local dia
mond between North Albany and Riv
erside which will he called at 2
Cayril Bee. timekepoer for a con
struction crew on the Oregon Elec
tric railway, lies at St. Mary's hos
pital as a result of an accident which
occurred at 11 o'clock this mortymg.
Bee lost his balance while riding on
a construction train and fell to the
ground, causing a severe flesh wound
in the right thigh and severe bruises
on other portions of the bod'. He
was brought to Albany where his
wounds were dressed by Dr. Shinn,
the Oregon Electric Physician.
Chas. McCart lost a couple of val
uable brood mares last Saturday even
ing by lire, and it was by the hardest
work that he saved a young colt
from meeting a like fate, says the
The fire was discovered as it was
leaping out of one of the openings of
the barn on the Dr. Dale ranch
which Mr. McCart has been renting
this year. Chas rushed to the barn
and gained an entrance. He made an
effort to cut the halter ropes but in
his excitement dropped his knife and
tliere was no other way of releasing
them and make his own escape. The
barn contained about 40 tons of baled
hay, and this together with some har
ness and a part of his wagon vent
up in smoke.
How the lire originated is a mys
tery, it being at rather an unusual
time for tramps to have caused the
Mrs. G. C. Moon of this city has
returned from Eugene where she
spent the past few days visiting
W. M. Seward, proprietor of the
Seward hotel of Portland, arrived in
the city this morning on a short busi
ness trip, his first visit here for many
years. He expressed himself as high
ly pleased with the progressive ap
pearance of the city.
Mrs. C. S. Bruce and Miss Bertha
Worrell of this city left this afternoon
for Newport where they will spend a
few days at the beach. Miss Allic
Worrell and Miss Bruce went over
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Moore of
Austin. Texas, who have been visit
ing in this city for several weeks at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Rawlings, left for their home in the
south today.
Now Says It Was Only Intended
As Joke and Mother Asks
Court for Annulment.
San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 2. The
old proverb, "Marry in haste, repent
at leisure," was reversed in the case
of Eva De Boise, 17 years old, 92
Henry street.
Miss De Boise was married to
Mitchell Saxe, 22 years "old, last Sat
urday as the result of a joke. Yester
day her mother, Mrs. Amelia A. De"
Boise, at the instigation of the daugh
ter, riled in the superior court a pe
tition .for annulment.
Miss De Boise had been introduced
to Saxe the previous Tuesday. Her
friend Gertrude Sauter, 3314 Twenty
second street, was engaged to Robert
Saxe, a brother of Mitchell.
On Tuesday evening Robert Saxe
and Miss Sauter held a rehearsal of
their marriage at the girl's home.
Miss De Boise and Mitchell Saxe
were present. Somebody suggested
that it would be a good joke if they
all got married, and the double wed
ding was arranged.
On Saturday the four secured mar
riage licenses and were married that
evening at St. Mary's Cathedral. At
the license bureau Miss De Boise
gave her age as 18 years.
Following the marriage there was a
wedding supper at the home of a
friend, and then, at the suggestion of
Miss De Boise, they all went to the
home of her mother to tell her the
At first Mrs. De Boise refused to
believe it and considered it a joke.
However, she kept her daughter at
home that night and made an investi
gation the next day. Satisfied that
her daughter was really married, she
told her to go to her husband. But
the girl refused and asked her mother
if she wouldn't take steps to have
the marriage revoked. Mrs. De Boise
asks for the annulment on the ground
that her daughter is a minor and did
not have her consent to the marriage.
Harrisburg, Or., Aug. 2. The Ore
gon Electric reached the center of the
city this afternoon. A large crowd
was out to celebrate the event.
The company is trying to secure ad
ditional property here and as it al
ready has extensive holdings, it is
thought that Harrisburg will be made
one of its principal stations. The
track will reach the bridge across the
Willamette tomorrow.
The property of Pendleton Acad
emy, which was recently voted to Al
bany College by the College Board of
the Presbyterian church of America,
and into whose hands it passed a
short time ago, has been sold and
will net between $7,000 and $7,500,
which will be turned into the endow
ment fund of Albany College. This
increase in the endowment fund will
be noted with pleasure by the friends
of Albany College.
Newport, Or., Aug. 2. Carl liarr.
aged 14, son of T. M. Barr, of Salem,
had a narrow escape from death yes
terday when the roof of a cave in a
sandbank in which he and Charles
MeClcllan, aged 10, of Salem, were
playing, fell in and covered him com
pletely. Young Barr was discolored and un
conscious when he was removed by
some men who heard McCIellan's
cries for help. McClellan was cover
ed up to his neck, but wriggled out.
At present young Barr is recovering
from his experience, and it is believ
ed that no serious results will follow.
The Lady of the Lake films now
being shown at the Empire theater
drew packed houses last evening and
everybody was highly pleased with
them. The scenes are beautiful and
the acting is extraordinary and every
body who has had the pleasure of
reading Sir Walter Scott's famous
poem should not fail to see these pic
tures. They will be shown for the
last time this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson and
daughter of Millersburg arrived in Al
bany this afternoon on a short shop
ping trip.
E. A. Johnson went to Tangent this
afternoon to look after the installing
of some new machinery in his ware
house there.
Mrs. Geo. W. McCoy left this morn
ingfor Newport where she will re
main for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Irvine and fam
ily of Myrtle Point arc visiting friends
in Albany for a few days. While here
they are stopping at the Van Dran
hotel. I-
Judge and Mrs. J. K. Wcatherford
of this city left this afternoon for To
ledo where the judge wilf look after
several legal matters in the circuit
court there.
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Huston of this
city who have been spending the past
few days at Newport arrived home on
the evening train last evening called
home by the sudden death of Mr.
Huston's mother, Mrs. James Dan-nals.
Crack Safe of Cornucopia Mine
But Are Frightened Away by
Employees of Company.
Thousands of Dollars In Gold
Nuggets Are Savedby Plucky
Man and Woman.
Baker, Or., Aug. 2. Masked men
broke into the office of the Under
wood Placer Mines Company, at
Cornucopia, rolled down an embank
ment the sate containing gold nug
gets valued at thousands of dollars, at
1 o'clock this morning and dynamit
ed it.
They were interrupted by Foreman
Charles Camel, of Walla Walla, who
is in charge of the plant, and fired
several shots at him, one of which
slightly wounded him, but he called
help and frightened them away with
out their booty.
Mrs. R. S. Bishop, telephone opera
tor, who yesterday saved Halfway
from a serious fire by calling out the
farmers and townspeople, was appeal
ed to and she rang people out of bed
and urged them to start in search of
the safecrackers.
The enliro Pine Valley was noti
fied by breakfast time and parties
have passed the day in search. A. C.
Stephens, deputy sheriff of Baker
county, in that district, suspected two
men and telephoned to Baker for aid,
but as Sheriff Rand could not covet
the 90 miles to the mine in time to
help, told him to arrest the men
They have not been apprehended yet.
It was so dark that the number of
would-be robbers is not known, bul
it is believed there were four. The
office is unoccupied at night, so they
had no trouble in forcing the door
and removing the safe, which is
small one. They rolled it over an em
bankment in front of the building and
several feet away before attempting
to open it.
The highwaymen fled, one going
toward the town of Cornucopia and
the others toward Pine Valley.
Reuben Smith, one of the Walla
Walla owners of the mine, was in
Baker and started early this morning
for the scene. The description of the
men is so meager that it will make
identification difficult. That the men
selected a time when the safe was
well filled with nuggets and their
method of going about the work
would indicate that they were familiar
with conditions.
The mine managers have notified
owners at Walla Walla and arc at
tempting to get bloodhounds from
that place.
This is thought to be the only
means of tracing the men, as there is
such a chance for them to escape over
the mountains which surround the
mine and Pine Valley.
Warranty Deeds.
V. H. Golira and wife to A. J.
Steele. Aug. 2nd. 1912. Block in
Goltra's Park addition to Albany. $10.
II. W. Cook and A. J. Cook to G.
E. Muzzy and wife. July 30th, 1912.
Lands in Sec. 25, Tp. 10, S. R. 2
west. $1.00.
C. V. Littler left this evening for
a two weeks' visit with his mother at
Oak Park, Oregon.
C. C. Calloway and wife to Mamie
A. Callaway. July 25th, 1912. Lot
in block 2 in North Brownsville, and
etc. $10.00.
W. II. Goltra and wife to P. J.
Hanson. July 31st, 1912. Lands in
block 9 in Goltra's Park addition to
Albany. $10.00..
A. R. Hall and wife to S. P. Bach.
Mav 17th. 1912. One acre in claim 49,
in Tp. 12, S. K. 2 west. $10.00.
Quit-Claim Deed.
S. P. Bach and wife to Martha A.
Taylor. August 3rd, 1912. One acre
in claim 49, Tp. 12, S. R. 2 west. $10.
Marriage License.
Hugh C'arr, age 21, born in Ten
nessee, and Erma McKinncy, age 20,
born in Missouri.
Ten thousand dollars worth of cat
tle were shipped" out of Harrisburg
Monday evening, one of the largest
single shipments in some years.
Three of the cars were Burt Nor
wood's and three J. W. Surveyor's.
The bridge crew is making fairly
good progress in sinking the piers for
the O. E. steel structure across the
Willamette. Two of the piers arc
complete. The foundation for the
third pier is down about 30 feet, and
the fourth is down about 75 feet.
Work on the others will commence
Dr. W. H. Dale and W. L. Wright
left Tuesday morning for Detroit,
joining Dr. Prill and J. W. Wesley of
Scio at Albany. They used pack
horses from Detroit and are no doubt
enjoying a good hunt in the vicinity
of Marion Lake by this time.
Milt Young claims the distinction
of being the first passenger out of
N'ixson to Albany over the Oregon
Valuables Are Recovered In An
Unusual Manner Purse Is
Returned by Stranger.
When Mrs. Fry, an employee of the
Home Restaurant of this city, return
ed to her residence on Ninth and
Walnut streets last night, she discov
ered that her house had been burglar
ized. The thief had entered the house
by means of a pass key and her purse,
containing two valuable rings and
several dollars in change, was miss
ing. -Mrs. Pry informed some friends of
the burglary and was on her way to
make complaint to the police when
she was accosted by a stranger who
asked her if she was acquainted with
Mrs. Pry. Upon being informed that
was her name, the stranger turned ov
er the purse and by way of explana
tion stated that he obtained it from
some little boy.
When seen by the Democrat repre
sentative this afternoon, Mrs. Pry
stated that she had never seen the
man before and is unable to account
for the recovery of her valuables. She
said her card was in the purse.
The body of Joe Albers, with a
piece of drain tile at the end of a
rope about his neck, floated to the
surface of the Willamette river here
today at noon at a point about 100
feet above the Van Buren street ferry,
and was secured by a passing launch
occupied by Court Butcher. The
body was somewhat decomposed, and
evidently had lain in the water sev
eral days. It is nw at the Bovce
undertaking parlors, says the Corval
lis Gazctlc-Tiines.
Albers was past 60 years of age,
was a German Prussian carpenter
without family tics, addicted to strong
drink, and had been in an unusually
bad way in recent weeks, was dis
couraged, and it is believed that he
suicided about Monday night. He
was seen about his usual haunts here
on Monday, hut no one remembers
having seen him after Monday even
ing. Before that, part of the spring,
he had been working on his garden
patch at the George Avery place on
Oak creek. He came to the city on
Monday and then disappeared.
Albers has an uncle, Joe Heckcr,
at Albany, who will come here and
arrange for burial. A brother died at
Philomath about a year ago. Al
bers had been a well known char
acter about Corvallis for thirty years.
He was never married and was one
of the boys about town. He was al
ways peaceable, never offensive, was
a good workman, and was his own
worst enemy. It is sad to contem
plate that lie should have come to
this unfortunate end.
Washington, Aug. 2. The follow
ing letter, addressed "Legislator,
Washington, I). C, has been deliv
ered to the United States senate,:
"Madison, Ala., July 23, 1912.
"Dear Sirs I will ask a favor of
you, if you please. My former name
is Rundles, and 1 don't like the name,
and decided to ask the legislature for
the favor of sending me a nice name.
I am a young lady of seventeen years
of age. Please do your best in se
lecting a real nice name. I will pay
the cost, so let me hear from you by
return mail. Yours respectfully.
Newport, Or., Aug. 2. Sandrc
Romlvet, a farmer living three miles
north of Toledo, was accidently killed
late Wednesday evening, lie was en
gaged in felling an alder tree which,
when cut about half through, sud
denly split and fell, striking Romt
vet's double-billed ax, driving it into
his groin and severing an artery.
It was about three hours before
the family missed htm and as it
was getting dark they became alarm
ed, went in search and found him
Romtvet was a well-to-do f.irmer,
largely interested in dairying. In ad
dition to a widow he leaves a large
family, all grown up, consisting of
two sons and seven (laughters. About
a month ago one of the sons had his
left thigh fractured and is yet in a
helpless condition.
Roscburg. Or., Aug. 2. Accused of
Stealing $7IXJ from the safe of her
husband, Mrs. Quong Hing, wife of a
wealthy Salem hopgrower and mer
chant, was arrested here today while
enroute to California.
She was accompanied by her three
children and a sister. Mrs. Hing was
found to have the money in her pos
session and the same was turned over
to Mr. Hing, who arrived here at
noon. Mrs. I ling was returned to Sa
lem tonight.
A. H. Buck of Eugene was a busi
ness visitor in the Hub City yesterday.
Three Anonymous Letters Are
Received by Men Alleged to
Be In Liquor Business.
Much Speculation as to Writer
of Letters the Local Option
People Blame Liquor Men.
"This is the last warning. Clean
up, lock up, or stay off the streets.
Death. '
This is a copy of an anonymous
letter received late Saturday after
noon by three residents of Albany
who are said to be engaged in the il
licit sale of intoxicating liquor.
While the wording of the letter is
different than that received by Chief
of Police Ellis Daughtry, all three let
ters were written on the same kind
of paper and mailed at the same time
as the Daughtry letter, which leads
to the supposition that they were
written by the same person.
Whether these letters are the work
of some crank, or were written by
men who arc interested in the liquor
business and mailed for the purpose
of creating a sentiment against local
option, thus bringing about a return
to the high license system, is a mat
ter of speculation among citizens of
The liquor men arc inclined to be
lieve that the letters were written by
some radical temperance reformer
while the friends of local option arc
firmly of the opinion that the destruc
tion of the two blind pigs and the let
ters to Chief Daughtry and the blind -piggers
themselves were inspired by
parties who are cither directly or in
directly interested in the liquor busi
ness. The police officers arc working on
the case and if they arc able to se
cure evidence it will go hard with
the men who are responsible for the
anonymous letters.
W. E. Comau, general freight and
passenger agent of the Oregon I'.lec
tric and United Railways and W. P.
Powers, traveling freight ami passen
ger agent of the same lines, were in
Albany for an hour and a half this
morning while enroute to Lugene
from Portland by automobile on a
sight-seeing trip.
They visited the passenger and
freight depots of the Oregon Klectric
here and called on J. J. Iloydar, the
local agent of the Oregon Elccliic.
Mrs. W. E. Coman accompanied her
husband and Mr. Powers and after a
sight-seeing trip about the city ex
pressed herself as being very favor
ably impressed with Albany.
The party will proceed to Eugene
and return to the metropolis tomor
row, stopping at various points along
the way.
'1 IS 5) (V) S) SI lil
Contributed By F. P. Nutting.
Reputation for lawlessness always
Willi steaks from 25c to 35c Chi
cago is certainly having its legs
Root's statement to tjie president
that he was fairly nominated is en
titled to a, place in the humorous col
umn. The electrification of the S. 7'.,
sounds snappy. Also all the little
ramifications, including sa road to
Wells through one of the richest sec
tions in the world.
Albany should be able to handle the
blind niir business without nnv outside
One thing about Eugene, the peo
ple there build new houses, needed in
a city's development. 38 were started
in July. There is plenty of money in
Albany for that kind of business.
How soon is glory departed some
times. Collins P. Huntington in 1X67
laid ten miles of track in a day, says
a Portland man. Uncle Jim Hill will
have to try again.
A little pamphlet contains the word
sochronism, a stickler to many, but a
small matter to the Misfit man, with
a dictionary handy: Equal time.
It has been figured out that the es
capement wheel is the heart of a
watch, the mainspring the muscular
power and the balance wheel the
nerve center.
A farmer from near Harrisburg in
forms the Misfit man that on the day
the O .E. made the record of four
miles of rails in a day of nine hours
the men began work at 3 a. m. and
quit at 9 p, m., and got triple pay.
Newport Excursionists Did Not
Reach Resort City Until 3
o'Clock Yesterday.
Delayed by numerous "hot-boxes"
on the way, the Sunday excursion
train to Newport did not arrive at
Yaiiiiua until after 1 o'clock and it
was 3 o'clock when the boat bearing
the passengers finally arrived at the
wharf at .Newport, everybody tired
hungry, after being on the train and
boat 7'j hours from the time the
tram lelt this citv.
The train which consisted of sev
en coaches well filled with people,
probably tour hundred in all, lelt Al
bany several minutes late and things
moved along nicely until the grades
oi the mountains were reached when
the engine began to groan and wheeze
ind made the .summit with difficulty.
The train was delayed at Sum mi t
ind other points along the line while
the train crew placed new brasses and
packing on the passenger coaches and
allowed the boxes to cool off.
After making numerous stops for
one cause or another, the train man
aged to reach Vaquiua shortly after
1 o clock in the atternoon where to
cap the climax and to make the tired
passengers still more tardy and dis
gusted, it was discovered that the
boat had not yet arrived, having cross
ed the bay a short time before with
the excursionists from McMimiville,
whose special train of five coaches
bad preceded the Albany train, via
At Yaquitia the entire crowd with
the exception of forty or fifty who
were able to leave Yaquina at once
on the launch "Pish" by paving an
additional fare of 25 cents to cross the
bay, were compelled to wait over halt
an hour until the arrival of the regu
lar steamer "Newport" which is run
in connection with the railroad.
After the boat arrived at Newport.
hundreds of hungry passengers made
a run for the hotel only to find that
tile iMcMimivillc crowd had cleaned
everything up and they would have
to look elsewhere for food. Some of
them managed to secure dinner but
there were many who were unable to.
the lateness of the train in arrivinur
at Yaiiiiua and the boat in landing the
passengers at Newport, cut the time
lor the excursionists to spend at the
beach to less than two hours.
The boat which conveys passengers
across the bay used to sound warn
ing whistles betore leaving, one at a
quarter of six and another one at
six. However, it didn't whistle at all
yesterday and many people were left
behind and compelled to pay extra
money to cross the bay in the launch
es, although they paid for a ticket on
the train which included the two trips
Samuel Sinead died yesterday at
Roscburg, at the age of 64 years, lie
leaves two children there. He was
born in the suburbs of Albany in 1H4S,
one of I.iiiu Comity's first native res
idents. His father owned the present
site of Sunrise for a good many years.
His mother continues to reside here,
an esteemed resident of the city. The
funeral service will be held at her
home it is thought tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Monroe Sinead, of Sweet Home,
a brother, left this noon for Roseburtr.
after the remains.
San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 5. After
being thrown down a 250-foot canyon
by one automobile last night, Kdward
llildebraud, a farmer, was being tak
en to a hospital in Redwood C'iyt,
when another automobile collided
with the machine in which he lay
helpless and pitched him into the
When he finally arrived at the lios
pilal I Iildcbrand had four fracluuM
ribs and other injuries from which
he may die.
1 lildebrand and William Ilcndctli.
another farmer, were in a rig on the
mountain road between La Honda
and Woodside when an automobile
driven by J'arker Lvon. former mavor
of 1'Yesno, collided with them. The
horse ami buggy were hurled from
the road down a steep canyon, the
two men being carried along.
When Lyon reached the bottom of
the canyon he found Ilildebranil was
seriously injured but that Hendetti
had sustained only superficial hurts
trom the aW-tnut plunge.
Lyon assisted I Iildcbrand into his
automobile and was driving him to a
hospital in Redwood City when a
motor stage tilled with passengers
came bowling along and collided with
him machine.
The occupants of Lyon's machine
were thrown into the road, and when
llildebraud was picked up he was un
Charles Sutton, one of Albany's
pioneer residents and a veteran of the
Civil War, died at his home in this
city this morning. He leaves to
mourn his death one daughter resid
ing in Portland and two sons in Cali
fornia. The funeral arrangements
will be completed upon the arrival of
the relatives.