Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, August 09, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Portland Concern Expects to
Make Albany Distributing
Point for This Section.
If Plans of Company Materialize
Warehouse Will Soon Be
Built in Albany.
Grain Crop Is Fair and Average
Crops Will Be Garnered
Fruits Are Doing Well.
Walked Off With $15 Worth of
Gold Plate and Scrap While
Dentist Was Absent.
G. W. St. Pierre, the financial rep
resentative of the Co-Operative Sup
ply House of Portland, arrived in Al
bany this morning and will remain
here for the balance of the week for
the purpose of interesting the people
of Linn county in his company.
The Co-Operative Supply House of
Portland is a new institution for the
Pacific coast. This concern will han
dle everything from a package of pins
to a threshing outfit. Its aim will be
to supply the people of Oregon and
surrounding states with articles which
they arc now sending their money
cast to purchase from the large firms
such as Sears, Roebuck & Co., and
Montgomery-Ward & Co., and in this
way keep the money in the west. This
house buys any and all produce raised
in Oregon, thus furnishing a ready
market for home consumption. It also
takes the raw product such as wool
from the grower and turns it back to
the grower in a finished product, the
work being done by Oregon labor.
It is the intention of the company
to establish a warehouse in this city
some time during the year and make
this a receiving and distributing point
for this section. Millions of dollars
which are now being sent east will in
this way be kept in Oregon.
The present indications are that
there will be a bountiful harvest in
Linn county and preparations to gar
ner the crops are now under way
throughout the county. Threshing
will begin next week in this county
and in a short time will be in full
blast in all sections.
While the grain crop is not extra
large, the present indications are for
a fair vield. fall grain will yield
about SO per cent of an average yield
and will be a trifle short of last year's
yield, the shortage being due to the
unusually cold spring. There will be
an average crop of spring grain, the
yield being better than the yield ot
fall grain.
The hay crop this year was a large
one ami was larger man last jt.u
crop. Early vetch was slightly in
jured by the June rains. There will
be a large crop 01 potatoes. i ne
vield of fruits of all kinds is good
"with the exception of prunes and
peaches. The prune crop will be
about 25 per cent of last year's yield.
When Dr. Collins, the dentist, who
has offices in the Tweedale block, re
turned home Tuesday after being ab
sent from the city Sunday and Mon
day, he discovered that he was minus
about $15 worth of gold scrap and
plate which had been stolen from his
office during his absence, evidently by
the same person who entered the of
fice oi Dr. Leiuinger just across the
street and stole about $1S worth of
gold plate and passed up several dol
lars worth of platinum.
Dr. Collins states that every so
often the gold thieves make their ap
pearance anil that he recalls one time
when thev cleaned out nearly every
dentist office along the Mississippi
This Thorouahfare Will Be
Finished Within Ten Days
Says Supt. Ashby.
The Secret of a Beauty Parlor
Proprietor Is Out Wrinkle
Eradicator Is a Fraud.
The paving crew ot the Warren
Construction company is rushing the
work on the Fourth street paving
and will complete this thoroughfare
wl'hiu the next ten days, when oper
ations will then he commenced on the
paving of First street from Mont
gomery to Main.
V. Ashby, superintendent ot
the paving operations in this city,
stated to the Democrat representative
this morning that the Mock in front
of the piifsenger station on Fifth
street, between Lyon mul l'.akcr,
would be paved as soon as the eh
trie company completes the work of
laying brick alodg that street and all
their switclu-s are installed.
The hinder" has been layed on
Fourth street as far east as Jackson
street and the crew is spreading the
hot dope" today on the block in
front of the county court house.
Frank Isabell. a former resident of
Albany, died at Salem last night and
the remains will be brought to Al
bany for interment.
The deceased was 70 years of age,
and had been ill for some weeks prior
to his death. He was a brother of
Mrs. II. A. La Selle and Mrs. J. D.
Tntmball of this city.
The funeral services will be held
at Fortmiller's Undertaking Parlors
on Saturday at 1:30 p. m.
Probably the first threshing outfit
to begin operations in Linn cotinty
this year was that of Mueller and
Sons which commenced yesterday af
ternoon on the J. li. Birch farm, live
miles east of Albany.
D. II. P.orline. who drove in from
that vicinity this morning, stated that
he was informed by members of the
crew at work there that wheat on the
Kirch farm was running about 20
bushels to the acre, which was better
than was expected.
The new combination pump and
chemical engine recently purchased
by the city of Eugene passed through
this city last evening and while here
gave a demonstration near the St.
Charles hotel which was witnessed by
Mayor Gilbert, the members of the
city council, and a. large crowd of peo
ple. The new engine is a dandy and can
certainly throw plenty of water. May
or Gilbert and the council were very
much pleased with the results of the
The nartv accompanying the cn-
pine consisted of Mayor Bcrgcr of
Eugene. A. L. Shcrrill of Portland,
J. L. Phillips of Seattle. A. B. Hugh
es of Seattle, and Joe Gaba of Eu
gene. The city of Albany is consid
ering the purchase of a chemical en
gine and may purchase one of this
Tarker Brothers were in town to
day purchasing supplies for their large
threshing outfit. They will com
mence threshing on their own place
on Monday if the weather conditions
are favorable.
L. E. Hamilton returned about 10
o'clock last night from a trip to Cas
cadia at which place there is quiet a
colony of prominent residents of Al
bany who are enjoying their summer
It seems to be the general opinion
among the city council and the busi
ness men of Lebanon that it is best
for all concerned not to do any pav
ing this year. There are several rea
sons why the improvement should be
put off, the main reason being mat tne
sewer system will not be completed
before fall, and it is said the Water
company would like to put in larger
water mains before the pavement is
down, and there are other minor
reasons that it would be better to
postpone the work. The firm that
was awarded the contract to put in
the pavement has been communicat
ed with and they have expressed
their willingness to wait until spring
to commence the work. If every
thing is left as it now stands the work
can be taken up in the spring where
it is left off now and what has been
done so far will not be lost, but if a
remonstrance should be taken up now
and the movement killed, all of the
work in the way of advertising and
such as that would all have to be
done over again. While it has not
been fully decided officially that this
work will' be put off, it seems as if this
course will be the one pursued.
,ir. aim .urs. rt. v. lanarti 01
Brownsville passed through Albany
this afternoon to Newport where they
will enjoy a few days at the beach.
T. J. Butler and Robert H. Saw
yer went to Shcdds this afternoon af
ter an engine which will be used at
the new Green's bridge now under
course of construction above Jeffer
son on the Santiam.
C. Christensen of Portland, a form
er Albany resident, passed through
Albany at noon today to Corvallis
where he will 'be engaged for several
Frank Cruson of Lebanon, one of
the efficient mail clerks on the Port-land-Ashland
run, is officiating as
transfer mail clerk at the union depot
during the absence of A. C. Baker.
Miss Lucille Dunn, one of Eugene's
most popular young ladies, passed
through Albany this afternoon to
Newport where she will spend a few
Mrs. John Millard and baby went to
Shedds on the afternoon train where
they will visit friends for a few days.
Attorney-General and Mrs. Craw
ford of Salem passed through Albany
this afternoon to Roseburg where
they will spend a few days visiting
Attorney J. K. Weathcrford went
to Portland this morning where he
will spend the day looking after legal
John B. Gentry left this afternoon
on a six weeks' tour of the Coos
Bay country in the interest of the
A. O. U. V. He went in by the
way of Drain and the auto stage. Mr.
Gentry has been confined to his home
for several days with tonsilitis.
Attorney Mark V. Weathcrford
was a passenger to Toledo this after
noon where he will look after legal
Bishop Scadding of Portland passed
through Albany this afternoon to
Newport to attend tile Episcopal con
ference which will be in session there
for the next three days.
Mrs. Cecil Cathey and children left
this afternoon for Portland where
they will spend several weeks enjoy
ing an outing at the beach.
Rev. Henry H. Marsdcn of St. Pe
ter's Episcopal church of this city,
was a passenger to Newport this af
ternoon where he will attend the
Episcopal conference.
Frank Roe of this city went to
Roseburg this afternoon where he
will spend several days visiting
friends and relatives.
County Clerk Willard Marks issued
a marriage license yesterday to H. L.
Shclton and Laura Sanders, both of
Scio. The ceremony was performed
by County Judge Duncan.
Mrs. John Thomas of this city is
spending few weeks in the moun
tains east of Ashland, visiting her sister.
Dr. Walter R. Rilyeu and Deputy
Sheriff Del Smith left this morning
for Newport where they will spend
a few weeks digging in the sand and
dining with the mermaids.
Both Bilyeu and Smith have tele
graphed ahead that they are coming
and it is understood that a reception
committee will meet them at the
wharf at Newport with the Newport
They informed the Democrat rep
resentative this morning that they
were going to see the sights of the
summer resort if they spent a wdiole
quarter. Address all communications
to Bilyeu and Smith, Newport, Ore.
C. H. WALKER SEES 15,000
Albany, Ore., July 31, 1912.
Editor Democrat:
I read with interest the statement
made a few days since by an Albany
visitor that Albany s population n
five vears would be 15,000, as publish
ed in the Democrat. I agree with
him and make the. following fore
casts for each year:
Assuming that Albany's population
including the suburbs not within the
city limits, to be 7500, the increases
will be as follows: 1st year 4.-U, dml
year 750; 3rd year 950; 4th year,
1850; 5th year, 3500; total, 7500.
The actual gain will very likely go
above rather than below there figures.
With 15.000 population, land with no
improvements out two miles will be
from $400 to $500 per acre. Albany
is "on the map" to slay. I shall keep
this estimate for future reference to
see how near correct I have been.
Always ready to "boost" our fair
L. .1. Lurl, ot this city, will leavu
Albany tomorrow for Denver to at
tend the biennial session of the Su
preme Lodge of the Knights of Pyth
ias, as one of the Supreme Repre
sentatives from the Grand Lodge of
Oregon. The other Supreme Repre
sentative from this state is Marion F,
Davis, of Union. The Supreme
Lodge will convene at Denver Aug
ust 6 for a session of 10 days.
Mr. Curl has been a member of
Laurel Lodge Xo. 7, Knights of Pylh
ias, of this city, for many years, and
has been a member of the Grand
Lodge of Oregon for more than 20
years. After filling various offices in
the Grand Lodge he was elected
Grand Chancellor of Oregon in 1904.
He was elected a Supreme Represen
tative from Oregon to the Supreme
Lodge in 1909 and attended the Su
preme Lodge session at Milwaukee,
Wis., in 1910.
F. M. French, ex-president of the
Oregon Retail Jewelers' Association,
will leave this evening for Kansas
City where he will attend the annual
meeting oi the National Retail Jew
elers' Association which will convene
in that city on August 5th.
Mr. French was elected as the Ore--.on
deli gate at the meeting of the
-late -tss.nrir'.li-Mi wh :i was recently
held in Portland.
San Kraucisco, Cal., August 1.
The Ten - Minute Wringle Eradi
cator, a concoction which is said to
be as marvelous as the waters from
Ponce de Leon's wonderful Fountain
of Youth, will be placed on exhibi
tion tins morning before Police Judge
Sullivan, and there is just the merest
possibility that a demonstration of its
etVicieney will be made.
The powers of the Ten-Minute
Wrinkle Eradicator, however, is a
mere incident to other more import
ant business of a legal nature which
will be transacted. Madame Gertrude
Klarmer, also known as Mile. Ger
trude Pona, who conducts a beautj
parlor at lo6 Geary street, but whose!
name her accuser says, is really
Jones, will appear on a charge of ob
taining money under false pretenses.
Also will appear her husband, Mon
sieur J. Hella Klarmer, on the same
Mrs. Louise Panarousi, who con
ducts an apartment house at 1618A
Turk street, swore to the complaint
yesterday. She says that she has been
swindled out of some $i00 which she
put into the wrinkle eradicator.
Mrs. Panarousi says that she
bought a half interest, but that Ma
dame Pona, or Klarmer, refused to
divulge the secret of its preparation
to her until lately, when she chanced
to come into the room secretly.
.Madame Klarmer, she says, was
breaking eggs. She put the yolks in
to one gMass and the whites into the
other. 1 found the whites were erad-
icators, but I think they are a lizzie.'
"Mrs. .Panarousi doesn't know what
she is talking about," said Madame
the defendant yesterday. "I can re
move any wrinkle you wish to trot
Mrs. Panarousi also made the state
ment that women patrons had come
to be treated wit lithe Ten-Minute
Wrinkle Eradicator and that they had
grumbled because they said it was
not a success.
"Madame Pona told me,M Mrs. Pan
arousi stud, that their grunumng
didn't make any difference, because
they would be afraid to tell their hus
bands of what thy had done. We
charged them $50 or $100."
The strange part of the affair is
that Mrs. Panarousi stated that Ma
dame Pona, or Klarmer, or Jones,
must be about sixty years of age, but
it can't be denied that she doesn't
look a day over thirty.
Says That He is Well Pleased
With Results of Trip In the
Cascade Mts.
Four Small Fires Caused by
Storms Are Extinguished in
Less Than 48 Hours.
W. E. Forsythe, a graduate of the
Oregon Agricultural' College and the
medical department of the University
of Michigan, was visiting in Albany
this morning with his former class
mate, Attorney Mark Weathcrford.
While a student at O. A. C. Mr.
Forsythe was prominent in student
activities and was once president of
the student body there. He and
Weathcrford were classmates at the
University of Michigan for three
Forsythe went to Newport this af
ternoon where he will spend a few
days at the beach.
I'orest Supervisor Nelson V. Mac
Duff of this city has just returned
from a ten days inspection trip to
the mountain districts above De
troit aud when interviewed by the
Democrat representative this after
noon expressed himself as well pleas
ed with the result of his trip, lie
stated that he found the telephones
ami trails in tine condition.
"The trails recently constructed
through the various parts of the
mountains are so well marked," said
Mr. MaeDutT, "that it would be easier
to get lost on one ttf the roads lead
ing out of1 Albany than it would on
the trails. We have sign boards at
every fork in the trails which makes
it extremely easy to find one's way."
While gone Mr, MaeDutT covered
practically the entire eastern section
of Linn county from the northern
boundary to the southern boundary
and visited llig Meadows, Daly Lake,
Lizzard Ridge, Itiugham Basin, Three
Fingered Jack, Duffy Prairie, Eish
Lake, Nigger Baby, Browder Ridge,
Smith Prairie, Bunchgrass Mountain,
Battleax and Colli n mountains.
Battleax mountain is 5500 feet high
and a splendid view can be obtained
from its summit, of Mt. Rainier, M I.
llood, Diamond Peak, Mt. Jefferson,
and Mary's Peak, while these same
views can be obtained from the sum
mit of Collin mountain, including a
view of Mt. St. Helens.
Telephones are located on the sum
mits of both Batlleax and Collin
mountains from which the lookouts
can talk to Albany or Portland. The
only fires so far reported were caused
by the lightning storms a few weeks
ago. all of which owing to the prac
tical use of the telephones were ex
tinguished by the men in less than
forty-eight hours.
The case of Mart Bussard vs.
Jim Irvin which was tried in
Judge Swan's court yesterday af- i
ternoon was taken under ad- j
visement by the court and a dc-
cision will not be announced un- .
til lau-r. The plaintiff brought
suit lor $40.00 and the defendant
put in a counter claim for work,
labor and material furnished.
Lloyd Anderson went to Harris
burg this afternoon on a short busi
ness trip.
C. E. Jlcrran, a well known insur
ance man of Portland, was attending
to business matters in Albany today.
Mrs. C. W. Jones of Salem is vis
iting with her son, Manager West
brook of the St. Francis hotel.
Judge Campbell of the state of
South Dakota is visiting with friends
in this city.
G. M. DeVaney has accepted a po
sition with the Albany Dressed Beef
& Produce Co.
Sam Rot he the Oregon City flor
ist, was transacting business in Al
bany today.
Dr. Howard of Brownsville brought
a patient from Plainview to St.
Mary's hospital this morning.
Attorney X, M. Newport and fam
ily of Lebanon were passengers to
Newport today where they will en
joy an outing at the beach.
H. G. Mower was arrested yester
day afternoon on the charge of being
drunk and disorderly. He was ar
raigned and fined five dollars and
costs. Mower formerly resided at Salem.
Sheriff Harry L. Huwn of Eugene
who was seriously injured several
weeks ago in an automobile accident
between Albany and Corvallis ;md
o has been outlined in the Corval
lis hospital since the accident, was
aken through Albany at noon today
n a stretcher to his home in Eugene.
At the time of the accident physi
cians were very iounui.i n nown
would recover, but owing to tne won-
fU-rttil vitality oi tne j.ane nninij .-
icial. he won in the race with Death,
and is now on the road to recovery.
He was accompanied by Mrs: liown
who has been at his bedside for sev
eral weeks.
The lobby and all apartments in the
St. Francis hotel are being newly
decorated aud other minor improve
ments are being made by Manager
Westhrook. , '
"The month of July was the be-,1
month I have ever experienced in the
hotel business," said Mr. Weslbrook
this morning, ''and I haye been en
gaged in this line of business for the
past twelve years. The rooms have
been full nearly every night and the
business is more than satisfactory.
"Among the men who have regis
tered at the hotel during the past two
months 1 have noticed that a good
many of them are men who arc look
ing for a home and without excep
tion they have been pleased with the
prospects for development in and
around Albany. Many auto tourists
have also passed through the city
and in conversation with them, I find
that they consider Albany a town of
wonderful possibilities."
Lou H. Stinson of Salem, grand
keeper of records and seal?, of the
Knights of Pythias lodge of On-gon.
is in the city today on a fraternal
visit with L. M. Curl who leaves to
morrow for Denver to attend the
Siiprrnv Lodgf.
GET 200,000 FISH
According to a letter received today
by Manager Stewart of the Albany
Commercial Club from Win. L. bin
ley, state game warden of Oregon,
200,0(10 lish for the streams and lakes
of Linn county arc available for de
livery during the present month.
Mr. Stewart has been in corres
pondence for some weeks with the
lish and game department and the lib
eral apportionment made for Linn
county is largely due to his efforts.
The South Santiam and its tribu
taries as well as Clear Lake will re
ceive (he lion share of the liiih.
During the month of July County
Clerk Marks Issued 62 hunting li
censes, IH7 fishing licenses, and 59
combination licenses. 'J' he fee for the
hunting and fishing licenses is $1
each and for the combination licenses
$2, making the amount of money re
ceived for game licenses during the
month $.io7.
Rev. N. C. Krnston, a Seventh Day
Adventist minister of Lebanon, to
day filed with County Clerk Marks his
authority to solmtnie marriages.
J. M. Newton, the mail carrier lie- ,
twen Lebanon and l'o-ter, has been
awarded the contract to carry the
mail through to Cascadia, anil will
commence on the same Thursday of
this week, which is the first of Aug
ust, says the Express. The mail stage
schedule has not been given to Mr.
Newton yet, but the stage will prob
able leave Lebanon each morning
at about 9:30 and will allow about
nine hours to go through, and will
probably leave Cascadia each morn
ing at about 5 o'clock and reach Leb
anon in time for the afternoon train.
Mr. Newton has made a rate for pas
sengers of $2 going up and $1.50 coin
ing out. lie will put three teams on
the route, changing teams at Foster
each trip. This will be quite an im
provement over the present system
and will be greatly appreciated by
the traveling public.
Kti. I.owfcr of Brownsville was vis
iting friends in the Hub City today.
i V, ..-,: .tiTtf.