Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, August 02, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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No. 1.
Son of Well Known Railway
Man Is Given Responsible
Position With 0. E. RR. Co.
A. D. Davidson Will Succeed C.
D. Phillipp as Superintendent
of ore9on Electric.
Although it has not yet been of
ficially announced, it is known that
Carl R. Gray Jr., son of Carl R.
Gray, president of the Great North
ern railway, has been promoted to the
responsible position with the Oregon
Electric as trainmaster, and will as
sume his new duties August 1st.
Mr. Gray is a young man of pleas
ing personality and unusual executive
ability, and his selection for the im
portant position with the electric,
wilt be received with much satisfac
tion by the residents of Albany and
Linn county, lie remained in Albany
several da s when the construction
wo.k '.'5 ;.t its height between tris
city and Saler. ;.iid va very much
i. leas d .v it it the c'lv a', that tine
ann expn.sed himself so.
M.. Gra was edu:at.d in the rai'
road 1 j. i sine a- !jv his I r.'ner, Carl R
Gray, w ho was formerly the presi
dent of the Hill lines in the North
wet aiici who is one f t:ie most ef
ficient railway heads in the country,
n ()'.; at the stei-riii' wheel of 'he
Gnat Northern railway system, suc
ceeding Louis V. llili.
C. D. Phillips who has been super
intendent of the Oregon Hlectric for
some time, has resigned and will be
succeeded -ni August 1st by A. 1 ).
Davidson who will hereafter look af
ter the superintendent's duties on this
line. Mr. I )avidsi m is said to be a
very capable man, thoroughly con
versant with matters concerning elec
tric railroads.
Mrs. Barney Burtcnshaw, a promi
nent Linn county pioneer, who died at
her home in Lebanon Sunday at the
ago of 81 years, was born at Grcen
supvirie, Kentucky, in 1831, and vas
married July 27th. 1848. She came
to Oregon with her husband in 1863,
locating on a farrii near Scio where
they lived until moving to Lebanon
in 1868.
She was the mother of 13 children,
eight of whom with her husband sur
vive. There were also 37 grandchil
dren and 43 great-grandchildren. She
was a highly respected lady, a mem
ber of the Presbyterian church. The
funeral services were held yesterday
afternoon at Lebanon. Mrs. Bert
Stevenson of this city is a grand
daughter of the deceased.
The case of Frank Albrecht of this
city who was arrested last week by
Consn'Tle Catlir. upon a complaint
charging him with selling intoxicating
liquors in violation of the local op
tion law, was called this morning in
Justice Swan's court where it was
dismissed on motion of the district
attorney for the reason that the two
men who made the complaint to
Sheriff Smith last week were unable
to identify Albrecht as the map who
sold the liquor.
Alb.-Pcht was charged by the two
men with sellit'g bquor in a house on
North Jefferson street and when ar
raigned in Justice Swan's court last
week was released on bonds signed
by George Cauhorn and Peter Riley.
Chicago, July 24. Miss Konda Go
wacka in her suit for breach of prom
ise against Adam Kakwiz submitted
this inventory, of damage done. She
put her own valuation on her "broken
92 days of courting at $5....$46O.0O
1 marriage license. 1.50
1 wedding supper (ordered)lOO.OO
Deposit made on flat 200
1 trousseau 175.00
Car fare to meet appoint
ments 3.00
1 broken heart 10.00
Total....'. $751.50
The jury returned a verdict for the
sum claimed.
Texas Clubwoman Who Was Prom
merit In Federation Convention.
T6 "
New York, July 24. Maurice S.
Wormser, who was reputed to be a
millionaire banker when he died, two
years ago, left an estate of $2,9-1 ,i.
lie was the son of Isador Wormser, a
multi-millionaire banker. He is sur
vived by a widow, daughter and son.
Mri Wormser, as administratrix
of her husband's estate, will tile a
report in the Surrogate court to-
morrow. She is the chief creditor of
the estate. She says that she lent
him $60.01)0 in cash and that she is
assignee of $20,000 worth of claims
that she paid in his behalf. Among
other creditors is Margaret Anglin,
the actress, who has a claim of $5,658.
Wormser was -one of Wall street's
picturesque characters. Me was
known for years as a daring plunger.
On one turn of the market, follow
ing the nomination of President Mc
Kinlev, he was credited with having
"cleaned up" $500,000.
The following from the Eugene
Guard indicates that the people of
that city are preparing to put their
best foot forward when the Oregon
hJectric enters liugene:
At the Commercial club meeting
last night, the executive committee
on plans for the Oregon Electric cel
ebration was extended to five by the
addition of W. R. Wallace and W. J.
Hill, and Mr. Wallace was made vice-
chairman. The time for holding the
affair was discussed and the opinion
expressed that Sept. 10, the day be
fore opening the district lair, would
be the right time to have the bii
The plans for the celebration of the
entrance of the Oregon Electric were
entered into at some, length and dec
orations were discussed, but nothing
definite was determined upon cither in
tins respect or in regard to the time,
The general committee will confer
with and co-operate with the commit
tee for the district fair.
The reason . assigned by Supt.
Campbell of the Oregon lines for re
fusing the request that the train lie
over here was that the engine is used
for switching in the Coburg yards
and that the granting of the petition
would mean the employment ot a
superfluous crew.
That Rockey Mason was seri-
ously injured at Newport yes-
tcrday afternoon, was the report
which reached Albany this
morning but later advices are
to the effect that Mr. Mason's
injuries were not as bad as the
first reports would indicat.e
According to the information
received. Mason and Percy
Young of this city were bathing
at. the Natitorium. Mason was
preparing to dive, but in some
manner slipped and fell, striking
his head on the iron railing and
cutting a deep gash over the
As soon as the news reached
D. P. Mason that his son had
been injured, he immediately
wired to Newport and was in
formed by the operator at that S
point that his son was seen on
the streets this morning and
from all information he had ob-
tained, the injury was not a ser
ious one.
Former Albany Man Whose
Name in Order Was Feather
legs Writes Letter.
One of the members of the order
of Powjays to whom an invitation to '
the reunion recently held was sent,;
was V. H. Queener of Stay ton, a
former Albany man, who was unable
to attend and sent his regrets as fol
lows: "Brother Bricklayer. W. A. Cox: '
"The Great Umalicket; and the
brethren of the Ancient and Hon
orable Order, of Powjays:
"Fcatherlegs" weeps when he is
compelled to inform you that it is
physically and financially impossible
for him to gather with you around
that "grand old constitution" which
every true Powjay reveres so much,
on tomorrow evening, but I want to
assure you that my heart will be with
you and when assembled around that
old emblem "the grand constitution'
will you think of those absent who
can yet sing "Mary Had a Little
Lamb" and the "Hull Frog Curled
His Tail on High?"'
Also think of our majority, who
are now assembled around the ros
trum of the Eternal Umalicket in the
Great Beyond. If 1 was in Albany
1 could not meet Brothers "Hame
legs," "Big Six," "Limburger," "Lady
T" ami others that have gone ahead.
Brother Powjays, the feathers on
my legs have changed their color; my
face is furrowed over with a few de
pressions ;and my step is ungainly;
hut I presume that all the old timers
are keeping pace with me, for I am in
no hurry.
I hope that you will reorganize and
that at yitir next meeting I will be
wirli you, to go out west of town and
there commune with those Epitaphs
and talk over the events of nearly
forty years ago, with those who sleen
beneath the sod: to tell them to stand
hard by the Wicket, for they will
hear another rap soon.
Yours in L. H. F.
W. IT. Queener, whose nickname
was Fcatherlegs when he was a mem
ber of the old Powjays, forty years
;igo, is now a resident of Stavton,
where he is, practicing law.
Jacob Lieb. for nearly twenty years
the efficient baker for Conrad Meyers,
I have a bakery of his own soon,
which will be located in the Young
block,- which was recently moved to
Lvon and second streets by Charles
PfeifTer wdio purchased the building.
Jake, as he is familiarly known,
recently returned from a visit of sev
eral months with relatives in Ger
many where he spent his bovhood
days and shortly after his return to
Albany he decided to go into busi
ness for himself. 'He is an expert
baker and will carry a full line of
cakes, pies, bread and other articles
of baked goods.
His bake-ovens which he has order
ed will be located in the basement
of the building, while the ground
floor storeroom is being litted up for
his needs and will be used as the
salesroom. "Jake" has many friends
in Albany where he has resided for
many years and he will no doubt be
given a liberal patronage.
1 he corner storeroom in the same
building, fronting on Lyon street, is
being litted for Walter M. Parker, the
grocer, who will move to the new lo
cation as soon as the work is com
It is understood that Mr. Parker
will dispense with his bakery but will
carry a full line of baked goods and
groceries as usual.
The new stations on the main line
of the Oregon Electric railway from
Albany as far south as Harrisburg
are as follows:
Albany, 77.7 miles from Portland;
Pirtle, 81.2; Blevins, 83.2; Oakville,
8f2; Fayetville, 90.8; Potter, 93.3;
Tulsa, 95.3; Kixson, 98.7; Cartney,
101; Harrisburg, 103.8 miles.
The list of stations is published in
response to a number of requests
received from residents along the line
of the new railroad who are interest
ed in knowing the exact location of
the various stations.
Mrs. Grant Pirtle went to Portland
this morning for a few days' visit
with relatives and friends. She was
accompanied by her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Roy Pirtle.
Attorney and Mrs. Samuel Garland
of Lebanon will leave tonight for a
trip of several weeks to Yellowstone
Park. Mrs. Oarland returned yes
tcrday from Newport where she spent
several clays.
The Misses Sara Millard and Lou
ise Pirtle were passengers on the
electric to Portland this morning
where they will visit friends for a
fpw days. They will also visit Miss
Wancta Riley at Newberg.
Youngest Daughter of the Demo
c ratio Presidential Candidate.
A $160,000 HEIRESS
'Denver, July 24. After losing all
trace of her father for 17 years, Sy
pora Snyder, a 22-year-old half-blood
Indian girl, the wife of a blacksmith
at Evergreen, has discovered that she
has inherited $165,000 as her share of
the estate of Nathaniel Simpson, her
father, who died recently in Kansas
Airs. Snyder's mother, a member of
the lilack Haw k tribe in New M ex-
ien, died at the time of the girl's
hi: th. The infant was taken by a
Miss Josie Anderson and reared in
'the A'iciuity of Evergreen. The form
er Miss Anderson is now Mrs. Joseph
Ilaggues, the wife of a rancher living
in Evergreen.
Xathauiel Simpson, the father, vis
ited his daughter when she was 5
verrrs old. After that she heard noth
ing from him until notified of his
death. ...
St:iiySon left an estate in Kansas
City, consisting of realty and cash,
valued at $320,0(K). His original
wealth came from the sale of oil lands
in i Indian Territory, which he ob
tained through his marriage into the
13Uck 1 lawk tribe.
Despite their new-tounu wealth, V.
II.' Snyder, the young woman's hus
band, declares they will remain in
Iw.crgrcen, where he will continue as
the village blacksmith.
The jury in the case of the Ham
mond Lumber Company vs. the State
Land Board for S500,LKX) damages was
empaneled at Salem yesterday in the
circuit court of Marion county and
was bruoght to Albany last night in
charge of Sheriff Harry P. Minto
where they spent the night at the M,
rrancis hotel.
Thev were taken to Breitcnbush
Hoover, and other points along the
Corvallis & Eastern Railway by spe
cial train this morning where they
will spend the day viewing a number
of power sites in litigation.
I'ollowing arc the men composing
the jury: Robert liolher, Joseph
Reubens. H. H. Vandcvcrt, P. V. Cot
ter, C. M. Lockwood, W. F. Pohle,
Clifford W. Brown, John Gamble, R.
V. Ohmart, Lee Kerber, b. P. bngle
and L. M. Herren. I hey will return
to Salem tonight and the taking of
testimony will begin tomorrow morn
Father Lane went to Portland on
the electric limited this morning
where he will spend the day.
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Chamberlain
left for Los Gatos, California, on
last evening s overland.
Mrs. Frank Albro leaves for Ester
ville, Iowa, tonight, after visiting her
father. W. Meade.
Mrs. Fred Fortmiller and children
went out to Lebanon this morning
where they will spend the day at the
home of Mrs. Kalston.
MVs. J. B. Birch and daughter, Miss
Pauline, left Jhis morning for New
port, where they will remanin for a
few days while enjoying an outing.
F. Mi Bloom, a prominent resident
of Mill City, who spent yesterday in
the Capital City, looking after busi
ness matters, returned home this
Miss Mamie Irvine of 'this city was
a passenger to Detroit this morning
to spend a few days visiting her sis
ter, Miss Jessie, who is enjoying an
outing there.
Mrs. S. L. Russell of Bloomficld,
Iowa, who has been visiting the past
week in Albany at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Grant Pirtle, left for her
home this morning.
l. tv, 7" i La
f- J? $-1
Letter from Wife Who is Said
To Be Visiting Here Causes
Portland Man Grief.
W. D. Tlollingsworth of Portland,
whose wife is said to be visiting
friends in Albany this week, made
two unsuccessful attempts to end his
life on Monday evening at his home,
3o4 North Twenty-sixth street, Port
land, but each attempt was frustrated
by his landlady, Mrs. Hall, who
climbed through the window on both
occasions and shut olT the (lowing
gas, bringing 1 lolliugsworth out of
his stupor.
I lolliugsworth received a letter on
Monday evening which he told parties
was from his wife in Albany. After
reading the missive he said that he
would never be seen alive again and
went' to his rooms, where alter turn
ing on the gas he lay down on the
bed to await the end.
After rescuing I lolliugsworth the
second time. Mrs. Hall, the landladv.
became tired with playing the pant
and notified the police, who warned
him that if he attempted to repeat the
stunt he would be arrested. He did
not try it again. The name of 1 lol
liugsworth does not appear in any of
the Albany directories.
The Knights of Pythias' excursion
train to Breitcnbush will leave the
union depot Thursday morning, Aug
ust 1st, at 7:30 o'clock, and the fare
for the round trip will be $1.60.
The committee having charge of
the excursion met last evening with
A. A..Mickel, the local Southern Pa
cific agent, and completed all ar
rangements for the train. A large
crowd from Brownsville, Lebanon,
ami Scio will join the excursion at
this city and enough cars have been
ordered to accommodate everybody.
Agent M ickel will accompany the
excursionists, and says that his com
pany will provide every thing neces
sary tor the comlort and -covcnicnce
of the crowd. The train will be com
posed entirely of vestibuled chair cars
which are roomy and comfortable.
The tickets for the trip will be in
the hands of the committee on Satur
day and can be secured from A. A.
Mickel, the local agent of the S. P.;
George C. Richards, John G. Bryant,
Lelaud K. Gilbert, and others to be
selected next week. Stops will be
made by the train enroute to Breit
cnbush to permit those who wish to
drop off at towns along the way and
Hag the train on the return trip.
A most enjoyable day is anticipat
ed and everybody who can should
make preparateions to go on this ex:
cursion which will likely be the only
one to be run from Albany to the
mountains this summer.
Mayor Gilbert. Del Crown ami G.
W. IVnncbakcr, manager of the Al
bany Nursery, drove out to Mayor
Gilbert's 40-acrc ranch four miles
cast of Albany near the Oregon Klec
tric, yesterday, where they inspected
the young apple orchard on the tract.
The trees were set out by Mayor
Gilbert two years ago and were all
found to be in perfect condition and
growing nicely. Manager Pennebak
er of the Albany Nurseries said that
he had never seen fruit trees grow
so nicely as those on Mayor Gilbert's
place and was very much pleased
with the appearance of the orchard.
A fire which might havt entirely
destroyed the Parker bakery a few
days ago was discovered by George
Cline in time to prevent the flames
from getting a good start and the
damage done was slight.
Cline, who rooms in the First Sav
ings bank building, was dressing in
his room when he noticed the flue of
the bakery was burning out. He
watched the flames for some little
time and finally noticed that a, blaze
appeared in the roof near the bottom
of the flue. He notified Mr. Parker
and the blaze was quenched before
any damage was done.
E. R. Cummiiigs was in Shedds
yesterday afternoon looking after
business matters.
A. R. Baker, manager of the Ham
mond Lumber Company at Salem, ar
rived in Albany last evening and
went to Mill City this morning.
Robert S. Shaw, manager of the
Hammond Lumber company at Mill
City, left thU morning on the special
for Breitenbush. He arrived in Al
bany last evening from Salem where
he attended court.
SaysHeCould Not Read English
and Portion of Deed Omitted
When It Was Read.
Papers Providing for Original
Transfer of Land Contained
Forfeiture Clause.
That the defendant is unable to
read the Publish language and that
at 'he time a cutaiii Kga' document
was read to him. a portion of the
same was omitted, is the novel de
fense which, appeared in an answr
filed with County Clerk Willard L.
Marks this afternoon
The title of the ease is R Seeek
and 11. J. Seeek vs. A. Jake!, A. J.
Newman and I. V. Newman, the
complaint having been filed several
days ago.
In the complaint the plaintiffs claim
thaton or about the 2lth day of June.
PHI, they sold and conveyed four
certain lots in the city of Lebanon to
the defendants; and that in the in
strument conveying the said lots, was
a toi lYiture clause providing that in
the event the said property is ever
used as a livery, sale or ferd stable,
the properly should revert to the or
iginal grantors. This suit was com
menced for the purpose of cancelling
tjie deed in miestiou ami establishing
title in the plaintiffs.
In the answer filed this afternoon,
it is contended by the defendant A.
Jakel, that he could not read written
l-'nglih ami that the said plaintiff
fraudulently omitted the' forfeiture
clause at the time the same was read
to him.
John O'Donnell who was arrested
on the streets of this city last evening
while in an iiiloicnied condition, was
arraigned in police court this morn
ing where he plead guilty and was
lined ten dollars and o.sts by Judge'
Van Tassel. Not having the change
with him, O'Donnell will assist Super
intendent of slreets liies for lite next
'ive days in beautifying the avenues of
the city, during which time he will
ocupy apartim nH at the city hastik.
When asked by Judge Van I assef
where he got his booze, O'Donnell re
plied that he wouldn't give anybody
Newton Coleman, a laborer, was
also arraigned this morning on a
drunk charge, lie plead guilty and
was sentenced to ten days in jail,
which was suspended providing he
left town and didn't return. He left
Medford, Or., July 24. In an ef
fort to secure manufactories for Med
ford, an official offer of free water,
free sites, free lights and power has
been made by local business men.
The sites will be donated outright,
and tax exemption is promised for a
term of years. Fur '2 months the
California & Oregon Power Company
will give electric power and light, and
the city will furnish free water.
In conjunction with this offer, a
madc-in-Mcdford campaign has been
started, and prizes, aggregating sev
eral hundred dollars, will be given
each year for articles made in this
Washington, Fa., July 16. Miss
Anna Lewis, daughter of W. G. Lewis,
has left her home for the Philippine
Islands, to become the bride of Prof.
James Stewart, in charge of Govern
ment schools in the Philippines, whom
she never has seen. The ceremony
will be performed in Manila. The
bridesmaid will be Miss Mary Lewn,
a sister of the bride, who has enacted
'he role of Cupid in the romance.
Miss Mary Lewis for several years
has been a teacher in the Philinppincs
and thus came to know Prof. Stewart.
Sister Mary wrote home about Prof.
Stewart and finally an introduction
by letter followed. Photographs were
exchanged and it was mri long until
the schoolmaster, on the other side of
the world, had been accepted by the
maiden back in Pennsylvania.