Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, July 26, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Committee on Arrangements
Reported at Regular Lodge
Meeting Last Night.
Agent Mickel of S. P. Company
To Accompany Excursionists
To Look After Train.
State Association to Convene
At Hub City Next January
In Annual Session.
Albany Selected as Meeting
Place at Medford During
Recent Convention.
The special excursion train of the
Knights of Pythias lodge of this city
will be run to Detroit from Albany
on Thursday morning, August 1, and
hundreds of local people have already
signified their intentions of taking, a
day off and going to the woods for
a day's outing.
The committee having the arrange
ments for the trip in charge, consist
ing of George C. Richards, John G.
Bryant, Leland R. Gilbert, Ralph
Mclvechnie and Perry R. Conn, re
ported at the regular meeting of the
lodge last evening, that one fare had
been granted them by the Southern
Pacific company to whatever point
they may wish to go on the line and
that a first-class train has been secur
ed, consisting of large and comfort
able coaches.
A. A. Mickel, the genial agent of
the Southern Pacific company at this
city, will accompany the excursion
ists on the trip and will see that
everything is done for the safety,
comfort and convenience of the
crowd. A number of large banners
bearing the name and number of
Laurel Lodge No. 7 of this city will
"adorn both sides of the coaches,
while several hundred appropriate
badges are being printed for the trip.
The exact time for leaving this city
has not yet been decided but will
probably be announced tomorrow,
after the members of the committee
meet with Mr. Mickel this evening to
comolete all arrangements for the
The crowd will probably be taken
to Breiteubush creek, about a mile
this side of Detroit, where there is
located one of the most beautiful pic
nic grounds in Oregon. Everybody
will take their lunch with them and
a most enjoyable time is promised to
everybody who attends and a long
day will be spent in the Cascades,
the train probably not leaving on the
return trip until 8 or 9 o'clock in the
evening. Further details regarding
the excursion will be announced from
time to time through the columns of
the local press.
Two and One Half Year Old Son
of E. Porter Swallowed 62
Grains of Quinine.
Child's Eyes Are Yielding to
Treatment and Sight May
Be Restored Soon.
Several hundred delegates from all
pans of the state will come to Al
bany in January to attend the annual I
convention of the Oregon Retail '
Merchants Association, which will
be in session here for a week, and
local grocerymen .are now beginning
to make their plans for the enter
tainment of the visitors.
The state convention was held last
February at Medford at which time it
was .voted to meet this year at Al
bany. The state association is one of
the strongest on the coast and at the
last convention many important mat
ters relative to the retail grocery busi
ness were discussed and several reso
lutions passed which were of benefit
to the merchants.
The coming convention at this city
promises to be of even greater im
portance and many new problems now
confronting the merchants will be
discussed and acted upon. Albany
merchants are planning to meet soon
and perfect the local association so
that everything will be in readiness
for the reception of the visiting groc
ers and their ladies during the month
of January.
After swallowing sixty-two grains
of quinine, the two and one-half year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Porter
of Lebanon was unconscious for nine
hours and rendered stone blind, the
death of the child only being averted
by the prompt action of the physician
who was hurriedly summoned to the
Porter home.
The child was brought to Albany
last night and placed in charge of Dr.
Stark of this city and from all indi
cations the child is improving under
the treatment.
Mrs. Porter was being treated by a
Lebanon physician for neuralgia and
left some two-grain quinine pills on
the dresser. These pills were later
discovered by the child who swal
lowed the sixty-two grains and keeled
over on the floor from the effects of
the drug. The family physician was
hurriedly summoned and the prompt
action of the doctor was all that sav
ed the child's life.
While the child has been stone
blind since Saturday, Dr. Stark said
this afternoon that the eyes were
slowly yielding to the treatment and
that he fully expected the eyesight to
be restored in a few days.
Philadelphia July 23. "la the
spring of ISoO, a few miles from t.;m
csu-r, boy child was horn u-
a Cn-rnian . ir 1 named Caroline, lu
a s'lurt time after died, but the riiiM
vc li .my one can give any in
lorii'aiiou about this, kindly write to
i. .1. -hlm, Xo. 4" North Iniid
sftet. Philadelphia."
1 nvt.-iiiion today of the above
not i. c. which recently appeared m
.auiattr papers, brought to light a
st'.-M ci ; wrong, its unhappy cous
quences and finally repentance and
the desire to make amends bv the
settlement of $oO,OM on the "child,
now a man. if alive.
The boy has not been seen by his
father since 18S8. The father, who
lives in Philadelphia, is moderately
wealthy, according to Mr. Xyholm.
O. T. Fou st of Masillion, Ohio, has
asked the police of the various cities
on the Pacific coast to assist in lo
cating Harry S. Covert, a laboring
man, who is wanted there to assiM m
settling up the estate of Ithmar Co
vert, deceased, late of Ashland coun
ty, Ohio. Covert was last heard from
at Granger, Wyoming. A reward of
$50 is offered for information as to
the man's whereabouts.
llrigade Headquarters, in the Field,
near Saisop, Wash., July 22 Two
battalions of the Third Oregon In
fantry, acting as advance guard of the
Red Army, passed batsop, eight
miles from Montesauo, shortly be
lore noon today, alter a cautious ad
vance through hostile territory, and
the inarch on Seattle and the Puget
Sound district will continue through
the day with the Oregon troops
ahead of the column. Camp for the
night will be established near Flma,
with the Oregon troops on outpost.
The demand on the energy and mil
itia experience of the Oregon troops
is extreme, inasmuch as llankers have
to operate through heavy underbrush
and timber, and all roads must be ex
plored. Camp was struck at Montesano at
6 o'clock this morning, all troops get
ting tinder way promptly. In all de
tails of vamp breaking and taking up
reconuoisance, the I Oregon guards
men acquitted themselves with great
credit. One Oregon man was over
come while operating with the ad
vance guard and was picked up by the
Oregon ambulance detachment. Oth
erwise the troops are in fine fettle
and the best ot condition.
For half ground salt
Go to
Murphy's Seed Store
Paris. July 23. Competition be
tween tatlier anil son tor the hand of
the widow of Jeremiah J. Mullen of
.New ork has resulted m the lather
vanquishing the sou, and the an
nouncement ot their approaching
marriage has been made.
Mrs. Mullen is a daughter of John
Fish of 1947 Seventh avenue, New
One night at the opera in New
York Seuor Ignatz Knglez, an Italian
visiting America on some work for
his government, and his son Italo,
saw Mrs. Mullen in a box and both
father and son simultaneously became
When they learned that Mrs. Mul
len was to sail for Furope in a few
days they booked passage to follow
On board Mrs. Mullen showed a de
cided preference for the son, to the
chagrin of the father, but finally the
more experienced pleading of the
father won out, and their wedding
will take place within two months.
Miss Grace Payne of lUaine, Wash
ington, who has been spending a few
days at Xewport, passed through
bany this afternoon enroute home.
Miss Payne recently returned from
Appletou, Wisconsin, where she at
tended a school of expression. She
is a former Albany young lady, a sis
ter of Mrs. Kobert Torbet.
A large delegation of Roosevelt
men of this city are expected to go
to Portland on Thursday to attend the
ig Roosevelt meeting which will be
held there on that day, when five del
egates from Oregon will be apointed
to the National convention to be held
in Chicago next month.
I. R. Schultz of this city is getting
the crowd together to go to Portland
on Thursday and has requested that
all those wishing to go will hand their
name to him at once as a special rate
can be secured on the railroads if a
sufficient number be secured.
It is also understood that the
Roosevelt men of this city will organ
ize in the near future to cooperate
with the state organization and work
toward the election of Theodore
Roosevelt at the election in November.
Bill posters arc busy today decorat
ing the boards of the Hub City with
posters announcing the appearance
here on Saturday, August 3, of Kit
Carson's Buffalo Ranch shows. There
will be two performances one in the
afternoon and one in the evening.
A feature of the show will be the
aeroplane flights to be given during
the day. the company carrying a
Curtiss-Farnum machine with an avi
ator, who will circle over the city and
alight at the show grounds.
The Misses Ailcen Munkcrs and Sa
die Groshong of this city went to
lilodgctt this afternoon where they
will visit friends for a lew days.
A. E. Keith of the Hamilton store
this morninc made a record. He left
Was Arrested After Live Chase
At Alsea by Deputy Sheriff
Hawk Last Week.
George Rowland, who was arrested
Saturday at Alsca by Deputy Sheriff
Hawk of Harrisburg on a charge of
forgery alleged to have been com
mitted at Harrisburg, was arraigned
at that city and bound over to the
grand jury.
He is now in the county jail at this
city wdicre he will remain until the
October grand jury meets. When
Rowland discovered that his crime
was known he took to the tall tim
ber of the Alsea valley where he was
captured by Deputy Sheriff Hawk.
J. A. Smith, a prosperous farmer of
Halscy, is transacting business in Al
bany today. .
Rev. S. E. Irvine who is visiting
with friends and relatives in this city,
is ill with tonsilitis.
Carson Bigbec left this morning
for Vancouver, B. C, where he will
play ball with the Northwestern
league team of that city.
G. T. Hockensmith, manager of the
grocery department of the Young
store, was ill at his home yesterday
but is feeling some better today.
iMiss Carolyn Boynton of New
York City arrived in Albany at noon
today and will spend the week here,
the guest of Miss Flora Mason.
Miss Grace Gilbert, daughter of
Mayor and Mrs. Gilbert, returned
home last evening from a week's visit
with Miss Alice Birtchett near Jef
ferson. Miss Laura Chambers, one of the
saleslady at the Elite, left this morn
ing for Raymond, Washington, where
she will spend her vacation visiting
friends and relatives.
Billy Eastman, the convict-evangel
ist, addressed a large crowd last
evening at the Evangelical church.
He says that a sentiment has been
stirred up against the blind-pigs that
will bear fruit soon.
An eleven-pound daughter was
born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs
Ralph McKechnie of this city. Moth
er and child are both doing well
The proud father is the assistant cash
ier at the rirst National bank.
Mrs. Neal Murray and children ar
rived in Albany last evening from
Portland and went to Newport this
morning where they will spend
month at the beach. They visited
at the home of Dr. and .Mrs. H. J.
Kavanaiigh last evening.
Rov Wood, manager of the Albany
Iron Works, went to Junction City
this afternoon on business.
Mrs. D. P. Mason of this city went
to Amity this afternoon where she
will visit friends for a tew days.
G. C. Gallagher, the genial agent of
the Eilers Piano House, returned last
night from a business trip to Port
ludee and Mrs. Edward W. Ran
nells of the East are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rannclls
in this city. Notice is hereby given that the un-
L. M. Palmer of the Blain Clothing dcrsigned has been duly appointed
store, accompanied by his wife, left ! by the County Court of Linn County,
iliis morninir for Sodavillc where they i Oregon. Executor of the last will and
will visit for a few days. ! testament of Martha A. Phillips, dc
Miss Let ha McCullough of this ' ceased,
city went to Halsev this afternoon! All persons having claims against
Fisher, Braden& Co.
Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and
Holh Phones
. - --'v.
WmMri few 5fccfoV
A new 45-hors;power Doyle auto
stage, with a wagon trailer,, passed
through Albany this morning to Eu
gene where it will be placed on the
run between that city and Blue River,
a summer resort and mining camp lo
cated sixty miles from Eugene.
The auto stage can accommodate
twenty or thirty passengers and the
wagon trailer will be used for freight.
Accompanying the new stage which
was driven by I. C. Doyle, was
and Mrs. F. C. Post and daughter
and a crew for the stage which will
make daily trips from Eugene to Blue
River, alternating with the other
stage which is now in operation. Mr.
Post is the superintendent of the Mc
Kenzie River Express company.
Attorney J. K. Weathcrford took
the afternoon train to Salem where he
will look after legal matters today.
He was accompanied by Robert L.
Shaw of Mill City. '
where she will visit friends and rela
tives for a few days. L- I
Mrs. Tawncy of McMinnville ar
rived in Albany this afternoon for a :
few days' visit at the home of her J
'daughter. Mrs. C. II. Palmer.
his home on Walnut street at 6:40 i ' " -I'P , ,m o,, ;
and reached the store at 6:55. on the ; went to Eugene on the attern..oi
wav catching a large bass and a line ( '"'n where she will spend a few ,
trout in the Calapooia just above tlK-ldays visiting relatives and friends. I
bridge, and, these without a pole, but ! E. L. Wieder and family arrivt.j
with a long line anil a heavy fake , from the east last night and i!i
fish, which he throws a hng distance. t make their permanent hme in this
with his foot on the reel. He tele- j city, having secured a house at the
phoned his wife at 7 o'clock not to i corner of Eleventh and Washington
buy any meat for dinner as he had ! streets. Mr. Wieder is exceptionally
plenty. You dn't have to go away ' favorably impressed with Albany an.l
from Albany for an outing. Plenty is of the opinion that it has by far the
of fish right here if you know how I best future of any town in the H il
and when. ' Lunette Valley.
said estate are hereby rctiuired to pre
sent them, properly verified, at the
office of Win. S. Risley. in Albany,
Oregon, within six months from this
Dated this 26th day of July. 1912.
Wm. S. RISLEY. Executor.
Attorney for Executor.
July 26 Aug. 23.
Grain Bags and
Murphy's Seed Store
Howard Auto Contest at
the Tracy Clothing Company
For the Week Ending July 20th
1 9285
2 1270
3 29750
4 31X180
5 1100(1
6 38250
; 10125
j 9575
) 2000
10 22315
11 25585
12 w 47210
13 . 32930
14 47160
15 26380
16 13935
17 98120
18 9945
19 30515
20 7685
21 35950
27 41450
28 20335
29 24170
30 49410
31 52155
32 24125
33 33455
34 44910
35 71085
36 2000
37 5950
38 9340
39 2(K)0
40 10445
41 '. 18405
42 38780
43 47725
44 8135
15 13535
46 32180
47 2XK
22050 48 9840
11910 49 SKJ0
71475 50 2000
2510 )l 36110
30995 52 11390
53 22775
54 51770
55 23145
56 64525
57 2000
58 38310
59 43225
50 99885
ol 9990
52 31405
53 8150
54 2000
65 2000
56 54875
57 10670
58 25770
59 33775
70 46145
'I 31145
72 51955
73 21230
74 65205
75 7775
76 2000
77 8425
Don't Forget that we give you 2000
Bonus votes on every $10
purchase during our sale
Tracy Clothing Company
330 West First Street