Albany weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1912-1913, June 28, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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niiiMTiiinni rriTiinr! LUIILII IIILIUIII
Miss Flo Nutting Will Have
Entire Charge of the New
One of the attractions at Chautau
qua this year, and one which will
probably become a permanent feature
of the Albany Chautaumin, will be a
playground. While not beint; as large
or as extensive in its equipment iind
amusements, it will follu.v iome--vhat
in is plans and organization, the out
door playgrounds so popular in the
larger and many smaller cities of the
United States.
Not only have playgrounds proved
Dciular among children, but the May-
ground movement has become one of
the most wonderlully influential or
ganizations in our country. Tii in
fluence of playgrounds spreads not
only among those visiting them, but
throughout the communities sur
rounding them.
It may be said that the aim o; the
modern playground is to guide the
child's play impulses so as to eltm
inate the undesirable features and to
make it a wholesome expression of
child nature and child lite. 1 he play
ground furnishes a safe place to play.
free from interruptions; apparatus to
play with, and leadership.
In a report published by a com
mittee from the Playground Associa
tion of America, the following char
acteristics of play at its best are giv
en: 1. It promotes vigorous health.
2. It promotes nervous stability.
3. It develops physical strength.
4. It develops vital and functional
5. It promotes friendliness.
6. It promotes morality.
Play to be valuable should create
enthusiasm and should bring about a
complete forgetfulness of other things
and a loss of self-consciousness
through complete absorption in the
game. It should always tend to
wards becoming such an experience as
will live in memory and give tone and
color to after-life.
The Albany Chautauqua playground
will be open July Sth and will admit
free, children between the ages of 4
and 14 years who hold tickets to the
grounds. Season tickets for children
will be sold for $1.25. It will be un
der the supervision of Miss 11 o Nut
ting who is a graduate of a normal
school of physical education and who
has had special study in playground
The playground has many shade
trees and will be fenced and equipped
with swings, sccsans, a slide, a sand
bin, and for boys, jumping space and
a horizontal bar. There will be class
es in light gymnastics, marching, etc.,
for the older girls and boys and many
games will be taught.
Watch for further plans and the
daily program which will be an
nounced later.
When asked about the conference at
Columbia Beach, Rev. Geselbracht,
who made one of (he principal ad
dresses at the conference, gave out
the following interview to the Dem
ocrat: "The Y. M. C. A. conference at
Columbia Beach June 13-24, was a
grand success from every point of
view. One hundred and twenty pick
ed men, including live oriental stu
dents, from the Pacific Northwest,
came together for Christian fellow
ship and improvement. Some 211 men
were registered as leaders, and 10 as
visitors. The leaders' meeting each
.day gathered to discuss the needs and
ChriMian demands of the hour. Men
were visited in the tents to present
Christ and to talk over life work
plans. The men sought the leaders in
their quarters. Kaeh morning from 8
to 1- was given over to classes ami
platform addresses, the afternoon to
sports of various kinds on laud and
ocean, and each evening scheduled a
vocational conference ami life work
addresses by experts in particular de
pa rt incuts. Kight men consecrated
themselves to the Chritian ministry
and ten chose foreign service; others
definitely to Y. M. C. A. activities and
still more dedicated themselves and
their means as Christian laymen. The
impress of Or. Mason of Seattle, Or.
Boyd of Portland. Dr. Stone of Chi
cago, Presidents 1 Ionian and 4'oster,
Messrs. Lippe and Lewis, prominent
business men in Seattle and Portland,
w ill be lite long. 1 1 is a glorious
pmilege to press life's reality and vo
cational appeal in spiritual and social
callings to college men and to pledge
Cod's benediction to all who heed the
Communication Read at Com
mercial Club Meeting
Last Night.
Exhibits Will Be Prepared for
Display Purposes-Standing
Committees Appointed.
One of the best meetings ever held
in the history of the organization, was
the verdict of those who attended the
meeting of the executive board of the
Albany Commercial Club last night.
The report of the meeting as pre
pared by Manager Stewart, is as fol
lows: "The executive board of the Albany
Commercial Club met in regular ses
sion with President Van Winkle in
the chair, and the vice-president, F. P.
Nutting, secretary, C. H. Stewart, and
the following directors: H. W. Bark
er, V. II. Davis, M. H. Ellis, F. M.
French, G. A. Flood, F. J. Fletcher,
L. E. Hamilton, A. M. Hammer, J.
C. Holbrook, E. H. McCunc, A. C.
Schmitt, Geo. E. Sanders, C. E. Sox
and D. O. Woodworth.
The minutes of the previous meet
ing were read and approved.
A communication was received
from A. G. Prill, president of the Linn
County Fair, inviting the club and Al
bany citizens in general to attend their
fair, which will be held on August
28th, 29th and 30th. The secretary
was instructed to acknowledge the re
ceipt of the invitation and to assure
the officers of the fair that they would
do anything in their power to assist
them in making their fair a success.
An invitation was received to make
a special display at the Salem Cherry
Pair, which will be in session July
1 1th. 12th and 13th. On account of
our Chautautpia Assembly being in
session at that time, it was decided
that it would not be best to try to
make a special display.
Two communications were received,
one from the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, and one from the Portland
Commercial Club, urging the club to
prepare exhibits of our products for
use at home and abroad. On motion
a committee appointed at a former
time, consisting of W. A. Eastburn,
F. M. French and A. C. Schmitt, was
requested to interview the county
court and sec what arrangements
could be made with them for the as
sembling of a proper exhibit at the
State Fair, and to report at next
meeting. The manager was also re
quested to investigate the matter and
if possible report some plan for the
processing of fruits and vegetables for
exhibition purposes.
A letter was received from the Port
land Chamber of Commerce, contain
ing blank petitions for the Blue Sky
bill, and asking that the club circu
late them for signatures. The man
ager was requested to do what he
could to carry out the? request.
A communication was received from
Edward M. Cousin, of Portland, ad
vising the club that he had learned
that the Interstate Commerce Com
mission had ruled in favor of the con
tention put up by Willamette Valley
shippers in the light for lower freight
rates between Oregon and California,
and that a much lower rate would go
in effect by August 1st.
Mr. Fred I-ockKy presented the
"Sunset" scheme of advertising and
printing of booklets, and on motion
the matter was retcrreil to the com
mittee on promotion, of which Mr.
1.. K. Hamilton is chairman.
On motion Manager Stewart was
instmcied to have his annual report
printed in circular form and placed in
the hands of all members of this club.
President Van Winkle reported the
appointment of the following persons
as chairmen of the standing commit
tees: Membership J. C. Holbrook.
Public Entertainment and Conven
lions F. J. Fletcher.
Transportation and Excursions -E.
H. McCunc.
Legislation C. E. Sox.
Railroad Relations li. A. Flood.
Municipal Affairs P. IX Colbert.
Civic Improvement M, H. Ellis.
Cood Road Claib H. Stewart.
Manufacturing A. M. Hammer.
Finance and Auditing V. M.
Promotion and Publicity L. E.
Manager Stewart of the Commer
cial v lub has ht--n notified that the
citv of lotx.iths had proceeded so tar
with their plans for their Fourth of
July cell hi :ttion, that it would be im
possible to give the celebration up.
However, :i lare crowd of Corvallis
people will undoubtedly attend the big
Oitgmi l K-eiuc eelebi aiii'it at tins
city on July 4 in spite of the fact that
liu v ;n e going to celebiate at the Col
lege iity.
Theodore Cow it z and son Henry
of Sweet Home teturued home this
afternoon alter visiting for a few days
in Albany with their son and brother,
1 'baric, who ha been confined m the
hospital heie lor the past iwo weeks
with a broken leg. He broke his leg
last November but it never healed and
it was necessary to break the leg
again. However, they report him get
ting along nicely now.
Miss Zella M. Savage, one of Sa
lem's prominent young ladies, is
spending a tew days in Albany veil
ing ft tends. M is S.n age resided in
llit s eity for over a year, being em
ployed by the Northwestern Mutual
ItiMiiance Company.
Judge Swan went to Portland last
exening where he will look after legal
matters today, returning home this
V. A. Clement and W. H. Moulton.
prominent Salem business men, were
in the Hub Cny yesterday afternoon
transacting business, stopping while
here at tin St. Francis hotel.
E, C Perkins id Springfield was
looking after busincs.'. matters in Al
bany this morning, stopping while
here at the St. Francis.
Throngs Will Come to Hub City
by Excursion Trains and
Autos on That Day.
Eugene, Ore., June 23, 1912.
Editor Democrat:
Another visit to Albany on last
Monday convinces the writer that she
is certainly enjoying a steady growth
in building and other improvements
not out-rivaled by any other city in
the commonwealth of Oregon.
Since my visit on May 30th I no
ticed that a two-story brick has been
placed npon the block formerly oc
cupied by Chinamen and known as
Chinatown and covered with many
old wooden shacks, all of which have
been torn down very recently and is
now covered by the fine two-story
brick mentioned above. And just
across the street the writer also no
ticed the walls of the new six-story
hotel were rapidly going up.
The writer also noticed along Lyon
street leading from First to S. P. de
pot where nothing but dwellings and
vacant lots were to be seen but a
short time ago, is now being covered
by business blocks. The writer count
ing 16 between First and the S. P.
depot. Among them the Elks Hall,
the Pfeiffer store building, the Armo
ry a large double store building, and
the Van Dran hotel, all brick build
ings and all two and three stories
high. The site for the O. E. R. R.
depot is also located on this street.
The K. of P. lodge will build a fine
home on this same street in the near
It sems like a dream to the writer,
when he looks back to the 90's when
he was a resident of Albany when al
most everybody was up against it,
you could hardly give a piece of prop
erty away, no money, no work, no
business, nothing doing. People pust
existing. Just go back there with me
today and note the change. Every
body 'cheerful, prosperity is seen
everywhere. The fields where grain
ground and the pastures where the
bovines roamed are now covered with
line residences and clean, well-kept
streets and handsome lawns. Yes, it
seems but a dream, but it is not. It
is real. Plenty of money, plenty of
work, business is good in a'l branch
es, property is high, everybody smil
ing. What a change has taken place
since those dark, gloomy days of the
90s, not only Albany but the whole
Willamette Valley is prospering. Leb
anon, where I visited on my recent
trip, is improving at a wonderful rate.
June c r.ugene experienced one ot
the severest electric storms last night
in its history. It lasted about one and
a half hours and would make any
thing in the shape of a storm hide its
face outside ot the Chicago republi
can convention.
Look out for Eugene on the 4th.
She is coming to Albany by autos
and train loads, and don't you forget
it. And if there is not room for the
Rooster in the cars, watch for him at
the brakes.
Parker Elected Chairman.
Tn spite of the opposition of
William Jennings Bryan, Judge
Alton B. Parker was today elect
ed temporary chairman of the
Democratic National convention.
Aside from the election of Park
er no business of importance was
transacted and adjournment was
taken until 8 o'clock this evening.
OR A...
Instant approval greeted by every lady who looks through. They
are far different from all others. They are more to please. Our
intentions are always carried outBETTER QUALITY FOR
SUITS at $16.50 to $25.00
COATS at $7.50 to $18.00
If you buy a Home Journal Pattern
Serges from . . 59c to $1.50
. $1.00 to $1.50
. 89c to $1.25
. . 59c to $1.25
Poplins from .
Panamas from .
Twills from .
All colors and widths
The Warren Construction Company
hic:iti ni'tivt inviiur riiurn t in a ihic
im trnintr .if thi i.-riwr nf I ntnl ' H
Seventh streets, and the work will be '
pushed rapidly on this thoroughfore. '
The first block to be paved with
gravel bitulithic is the one lying be- :
tween l.yon and Ellsworth on Sev
enth in front of the residences of Dr. ,
Russell Wallace. C. H. Cusick, J. S.
Van Winkle and others living in that
The work of placing the streets in
shape for the "dope" was completed
last week and nothing but bad weath
er will hinder the operations now.
The work of paving Seventh street
will require approximately three
weeks, the territory lying between
Railroad and Calapooia streets to be
Other streets to be paved with grav
el bitulithic are Fourth from Wash
ington to .Main. First fronv, Mont
gomery to Main, and Sixth from
Washington to Baker. Third street
from Baker to Railroad will be paved
with concrete.
Hazel Maxwell today bought di
vorce proceedings in the circuit court
j here against her husband. George
j Maxwell. She alleges cruel and in
i human treatment and says that he
j paid too much attention to other wo
men. Rev. W. R. llishop. of Portland. C.
, V. liishop. a leading Salem man, and
i Clarence llishop. superintendent ot
the Brownsville Woolen Mills, were
j in the city today in C. 1. Bishop's new
I Cadillac, on their way to Brownsville,
where the former resided in early
'days. W. R. Bishop is at the head of
; four generations, now i"o years of ago.
in the vigor ot a tine manhood.
The Spanish-American war veterans
of this city have been improving the
appearance of their club rooms at the
armory this week by giving the walls
a coat of calsomine and getting every
thing in shape tor the entertainment
of the delegates from various parts
of the state to the annual encampment
which will be held in this city next
Sensational Piano Sales
"rEPEXDABLE PIANOS are not sold at the ridculously low
-L' figures quoted by houses which abuse the public confidence
by sensational statements in their advertising. The piano of
fered at from S25.0O to S45.00 less than wholesale cost is merely
a bate to catch the unwary and unsuspecting buyer.
If these offers were genuine, the Wiley B. Allen Co. or other
substantial dealers would buy them Instantly; but when the pur
chaser is not familiar with the real value of a piano, it is easy
for a "trick" salesman to add some to the price in order to allow
for reductions and it often happens that the reductions do not
equal the amount added.
Of one thing be certain: No honse sells pianos at a loss; no house
sacrifices its merchandize, selling at less than cost; no firm will sell
$25.00, $45.00, or $60.00 below cost in order to avoid paying $6.00
or $8.00 for freight or cartage.
Misrepresentation may, for a time, succeed, but they who
purchase pianos under the belief that they are getting S100 or
$150 in piano value for nothing are storing up trouble for the
future. Go about the selection of your piano calmly. Do
not be influenced by sensational statements in the advertise
ment of any house. Bear in mind the fact that better pianos
are sold at lower prices, and on as favorable terms, any and
every day in the year at The Wiley B. Allen Co.'s stores.
Sensationalism and misrepresentation find no place in our
business. Our pianos speak for themselves. They are well
made, fully guaranteed, and sold at the same identical prices
that are arked on the floors of their manufacturers, whether
in Boston, New York or Chicago. Investigation will con
vince you and will save vou inonev.
Write for descriptive catalog and prices
420 W. First Street, Albany, Oregon
Our New Store: Seventh and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon