NY WEEKLY DEMOCRAT VOL. XLVII. ALBANY. LINN COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 14, 1912. No. 46. ALBA AT HFTH MD LYON Crew of Oregon Electric Place Steel In Street Last Night After 8 o'clock. WELCH COMES TO TERMS WITH HILL MEN YESTERDAY New Passenger Depot Will Be of Beautiful Design and Cost About $15,000. The big crew of the Oregon Elec tric Railway Company under the supervision of Superintendent of Con struction J. O. Johnson and Foreman John Geist, commenced operations at 8 o'clock last night of cutting through the rails of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern tracks on Lyon street and at 11 o'clock had the cross ing completed and in place, the Welch people having come to an agreement with the Oregon Electric yesterday afternoon. The work of placing the rails at the crossing was watched by a large crowd of interested spectators. The big crew of laborers worked like clock-work, swung the heavy rails in to place, where they were securely spiked and bolted, when in the proper position. Today the men will continue rail laying on Fifth street, west of Lyon, and all will be in readiness late this afternoon to move the work train across Lynn street. The grade on Fifth street has been nearly complet ed to Maple street, and the ties put in nlnre rertdv for the rails. Tile new passenger depot at the corner of Fifth and Lyon streets will be one of the prettiest depot struc tures in tile Willamette vaney, oi beautiful architecture and solid con struction, considerably larger than the S. P. depot of this city. It will mzt nhrmt S1S.000. and the contract for its erection will probably be awarded this week. L. E. Moe, local manager of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Kailway rnivp,l .n iiiessnLre last nicht from A Welch stating that the actnrcotETA Welch, stating that the contract in regard to the crossing at Fifth and Lyon had been signed and that work would proceed without interruption. 88 DEGREES IN ALBANY YESTERDAY Yesterday was a pretty warm day in Albany and a run was made on tlie soda fountains and ice cream parlors all afternoon. Tlie official thermometer at the local weather bureau registered a maximum, temperature of but 88 de grees but many others in the city reached 92 degrees at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Especially in the paved districts was the heat noticeable, the pavement holding the heat and making it seem unusually hot. The weather man predicts cooler weather tomorrow. Three people died in San l-'raiTcisco from the heat yesterday and many were prostrated. NEWPORT OFFICIAL WHO SWALLOWED ' WHISTLE WANTS HIS THROAT CUT Gene Brady, a well known drug gist at Newport, was astonished a few days ago when Loreii M. Bycrly, city treasurer of the resort city, walked into his store and asked to have his throat cut. Not that he was tired of living and wanted to "shuttle off the mortal coil," but to remove from his throat a small whistle which he had swal lowed when a boy and which had lodged there, preventing him from getting a good night's sleep. BROTHERS ASK FATHER TO SAVE SISTER WHEN BOAT . CAPSIZES Gvr.eva. Switzerlard. June 5. A Svi5 t'.'ther has ji!-t had a terrible experience i;i a boating mishap on Lake C' n stance. He with his f ir children, tiir e hoys and a girl. ;iti1 accompanied by his brother, v. ent for a row in a lm,t and ere over'ake:i by a t. ''jr.. in v. !:!h tin- bo-, foun dered. Me f.vNr. g I sv.-tm.,).T, ch"-c hi- . ' u'-it. and sv-.:,i w-'h her s.itVly v -di- re. r- t rr.i:i :t! oi;ee to re -H- hi :;-. but thvy had disappear-. 1 r.nd'T lie waters and were drowned. The b- Cotibl not swim ;.mi t; ;r r.:ule 1 are'y jnariagtd to Th Iravc boys, v-i'.h Utth star::i them it- the inerv nodded aprr.r.al or srm'led C"rcnt when the fa:br chose their sister as the first to be saved. WILLAMETTE VALLEY PEOPLE TO BE GUESTS AT NEWPORT Commercial Club of Resort City to Celebrate Opening of New Hotel. Newport, Oregon's most popular summer resort, on Yaquina Bay, will entertain several hundred Willamette Valley people, including the commer cial organizations of Albany and Corvallis, some time about the mid dle of June when the new Nicolai hotel is opened in the resort city. I he exact date had not yet been fully decided noon, for the date of June 20 originally intended as the day of the festivities at Newport, conflicts with the Pioneer Picnic at Browns ville, which will be attended by hun dreds of valley residents. However, it the date can be chang ed it is probable that a big crowd will attend from Albany. Governor Os wald West has been invited to attend the celebration at Newport and has accepted. . The people of the thriving seacoast city intend to make it an event long to be remembered and propose to engage the few remaining Siletz Indians to give their famous and unique feather dance. Squaw horse races, baseball, drills by the life saving crew, and a big clambake on the beach, are other fea tures being planned for the entertain ment of the visitors. LINN COUNTY POMONA GRANGE ' IS OPPOSED TO THE SINGLE TAX That the members of the Linn County Pomona Grange are strongly opposed to the single tax, became a matter of record atthe meeting of the grange held in this city on Sat urday when resolutions were adopted condemning the new idea of land tax ation and The Pacific Grange Bulctin for printing single tax literature in that publication."1 The resolutions adopted are as follows: "Whereas, we believe the grangers of Linn county, first, last ami all the time, are opposed to the single tax; Therefore. Re it Resolved: That the Linn County Pomona Grange is op posed to The Pacific Grange Bulletin being used as a single tax organ." Homer's "Odyssey." The "Odyssey" of Homer has been filmized, and will he shown at the Opera House on Friday evening, and Saturday afternoon and evening, June 7th and Sth, under the auspices of the Chautauqua Association. This is the greatest triumph in the line of moving pictures ever produced up to the presuut time. The "Odys sey" is acknowledged to he the great est classical masterpiece in the world's literature. It has always been prominent in the minds of students and men of letters, and now forms an important part in the educational sys tem of all nations. Ulysses, the wan dering hero, has served for the pur pose of character study for nearly lour thousand years. The story de picted is one of love, war, passion, death, and is thrilling and sensational in every way. It is simply told, vivid in coloring, treating of the ordinaries of life as they were in pagan days, and typifies the best example of man hood at that time. The Milan Film Company of Italy undertook to produce the "Odyssey" in a moving picture, and the final cost amounted to over $200,000. They were first compelled to build a vil lage in Greece, which took nine months to accomplish. Over one thousand men and women actors were then colonized in the village, fit ted out with costumes made to special order, and spent over two years of time in 'rehearsing for these pictures. Several full sized ships of the style in use three thousand years ago were used, and these had to be built in Italy and sailed to Greece. The Italian firm producing this is the same that made "Halite's Infer no." which met with S'seh a happy re- I ception here a few weeks ago. and the same actors and directors took part in the "Odyssey." We have not the space to describe this properly but you can rest, assured that it will be by far the finest show of the kind exhibited here this season. it will be given on Friday evening. June 7th. and on Saturday afternoon and evening. June eUh. Admission 25c. S) LOCAL NEWS. i i) i i , Mrs. W. M. Warner went to Port land 'bis a ft-moo ii where she will jvi-.it tVr several days with relatives and friend. Siv was aco impound : bv Iut daughter Marv and S'.u J)nn ' aid. : Mr-;. K'mer Reford of Lebanon, a i former Albany lady, died suddenly :tt ; lir home in that city this morning. Mr. V evf. rd had gone to the meat -v: r- ( t n-id hmoii returnim hor:v . j-.,.. ;d Hs wi;V d-T'd Her J. ath was pr -b;i'-.Iy ca-?sd by heart fad-jre. i T. J. li'.ith r. one of Linn county's l fiu'i; ::t c .inmi-sioners. returned to St.'.y'oii morning after b-ing in ;A!b'ny yi-.t-Td,?y i, cmittr with the i covnt v co;:rt. lie reports the new Linn-Marion bridge at Stayton near iiig completion. PIONEER IET1 G. S. Hill, of Albany, Makes Principal Address to Yam hill County Pioneers. LINN COUNTY PEOPLE HELP M'MINNVILLE CELEBRATE Colonel R. A. Miller of the Ore gon Pioneers Association Is At the Meeting. Deputy District Attorney Gale Hill of this city was the principal speaker at a meeting of the Yamhill County Pioneer Association, held at McMinu ville yesterday. Colonel R. A. Mil ler, president of the state association of pioneers, made an address in the afternoon. Nearly two thousand peo ple attended the annual meeting of Yamhill county pioneers and o;.e of tlie most enthusiastic meetings in tlie history of the association was report ed by those who attended from Linn county. The address of Mr. Hill was the principal feature of the morning ses sion and is said to be one ot the best speeches ever made in Yamhill county. Mr. Hill is a native son of Oregon, having been born in Linn county. Among the Linn county people who attended the McMinnville meeting were Chas. Cline, John Pen land. W. V. Weathertord. John Collins. Frank Devine, A. li. Weatherford and Bert Crawford. RAILROAD OFFICIALS LEAVE ON INFECTION TRIP THIS AFTERNOON A party of prominent railroad of ficials of the Southern Pacific com pany, including D. W. Campbell, gen eral superintendent of the Southern Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern rail roads; Frank Iiurkholder, chief engi neer of the Southern Pacific; J. K. Weatherford, president of the C. & E-. an'. John II. Stevens, superintendent of the Corvallis & Eastern, left at noon today in Mr. Campbell's private car on a trip of inspection to Ya quina. They will return this evening. LANDLORO PIRTLE LEAVES TONIGHT FOR FOLEY SPRINGS IN CASCADES Grant Pirtlc. the ccnial landlord of the St. Charles hotel, will leave to night for Eugene where he will he joined by Billy Frazier, who travels lor Closset & Devcrs, and the two will leave on the stage tomorrow morning tor Foley Springs. 60 miles eas; of Lugrne, where they v. ill speiKt a few weeks, fishing and "boiling out." During Pirtles absence, the Si. Charles will be managed by John Page, head clerk. EASTERN GIRL HAS HAT THAT FOLDS WHEN IN A CROWD New York, June 6. Fifth avenue was startled on a recent afternoon by the appearance of a new millinery cre ation. It was worn by a young wo man who strolled along evidently un conscious of the excitement she was causing. It is not only the newest thing in tlie way of hats, hut the very newest thing in street tratlic. It resembles somewhat the formerly popular "Merry Widow." Hut compared to this new chapeau the ''Merry Widow" is a Lincoln penny to a lead dollar. It is about five fret in diameter when extended, but v. hen gathered in it is only a foot wide. j The young woman strolled along ; the avenue and, on approaching a ; crowd, would gather in her hat and j pass through. While it folds up to : one toot, its "long diameter" remains I the same, five feet. : "RAT" IN WOWS HAIR SAVES HER i LIFE WHEN ATTACKED By HIGHWAYMEN Washington H'a ). June 5 -A large '"rat" she wore in Imt hair -aved from Id-a'.h or serious injury. Mrs Ashley j Cooper, when she and her daughter , wire attacked not far from tiieir home by two highwaymen. I Mrs. ( ooprr wt felled by a blow ( st!ppo-ed to hav been struck by a :b.ts-;.ill hat. b:t th.- h-avv coil i,f"h'-r : hair br.-k- the blow. H.-r dau. hter. Mi-s Mar:.: a; el LYoprr, phic-Lity at ' ten;; t.d to deft-nd the prostrate wo : in. -iii i.r'd called b r h j Neir.h'-rs r spotidH and fri-;ht"n-i ed a . ay (he fo -tp.-oi. : this yea r's graduating class of A I . bany High, has accepted a position ;at the Meyer departnu nl store in Sa jlcm and b-:'t for the Capital City yes- terday to begin her duties. NEW DEVISE TO PREVENT RAILROAD ACCIDENTS Invention Is Said toBeCheapPer Than Methods Used At Present. Cleveland, June 6. A. L. Ruthvcn is the inventor of a safety device dc signed to prevent collisions of rail Toad trains, both head-on and rear end, and also to prevent trains from running into an open switch or open draybridge, or to collide at crossings. He is demonstrating the device at 414 and 416 Engineers building. Ruthven says the device has arous ed much interest among railway men and that it is in practical use on a Southern railroad. "The system consists of both audi ble and visual signals, an automobile motive power controller and equip ment to cause the present Westing hous air brake system to be operated automatically," said Ruthven. "Each locomotive also is equipped with a telephone whereby the engi neer can communicate over the rails, even though the trains are running at the highest speed. The rails are di vided into alternate blocks with points in insulation at any suitable distance similar to the automobile semaphore block system, which lat ter are about two miles apart. "The cost of installing the system is far cheaper than the present meth od. Neither wires, poies nor sema phores are used, yet absolute protec tion is assured. The demonstrations will continue for some time and the general public is invited to inspect the system." BIG STEAM ROLLER OF PAVING CREW DROPS INTO A HOLE THIS MORNING The big steam roller of the War ren Construction Company, while working on Seventh street near Lyon this morning, struck a soft spot in the street, anil dropped through the dirt about a foot and a ha.lt", but not quite far enough to tip the big machine over. Workmen dug out the dirt around the roller, which was placed in an upright position again and the hole in the itreet tilled . p. ADVERTISEMENT AIDS AGED COUPLE, EACH 74 YEARS OLD, IN MARITAL PLAN Xew Bedford (Mass.), June 5. Without previous announcement of their intended nuptjals Xelson M. Kingsley, atrcd 741". years, and Mrs. Annie L. iitirleigh, also 74 years old. both of this city, were secretly mar ried at Stoninglon, Ct. Kingshy is a member of of Rodman I'ost, (. A. R. This is his second wife, and be is Mrs. Kingsley's fourth husband. Though Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley have lived in the city for some time, they never met until a month ago. They were brought together through the agency of a matrimonial paper. Kingsley said that eight of twelve women whose names he received on a list which he paid paid $1 for were willing to marry him. The others he did not correspond with. lie had the ( pportunity to secure a widow in Oswego, X. Y., who Mr. Ki-iiHi-y said, was overburdened with money, and this she gladly oti'ered to !nm in exchange for iiis ..iTec.ion. GOLD BRICK FROM BOHEMIA MINES IN LANE COONTY IS WORTH $3000 Cottage Grove, Or., June 5. An- i other large gold brick was brought , down from the llohemia district to ; day by Superintendent Hogg, of the j West Coast properties. The bar weighed out $.MNK), and as there is 'only a crew of 15 men at work at i the mines, 'Mr. Hogg feels that he has j made a good showing. The snow is practically all gone now, ami a large I crew will be put at work and ID more" i stamps put in operation at the Cham : pion mill. j The stamp mill at the Vesuvius will j be started just as soon as necessary repairs are made, and plans are being ! made at other properties for a sum mer of unusual activity. Li addition j much development work will be done. ! Th.e s ie -ess nn-t with in the district by he large operators has encouraged oilers to attempt to put their proper tics on a paying ba-iv Mr. Krap.cn in Albany. Mr. J is K rage 11 of York, a r siden- buyer for some of tb--larg; -t ions on the I'aejfn CnaM and' Middle We,t. i- in Albany today tin- gue-t of Chambers M.-Cimmv whom .e n-T.rev.Mili in Xe'A Vol k . it v. Mr. L-atui f"Mp!i!n nt Albany on !i-''.'hg t t -. r,., in the Cni'.-d ; tares, : ,r a i iiy of it-, ve. and v, i!! '-end ;:.' lady a .Sr'Hrft ut tint ran '-.en ,v.'(-! a eoruari,o'i v.;th any other i i i in America Mr. Kragen -nggci ' - there pm- r be the pi-op! her- i i Mipport vh h '-tori and he v. ill third; i.f the lad - s of Albany when he is in the style etuter ot Vmeri' a, selecting suits and coats for f he Chambers & Me Cum; store thii fall. LEFT GITY EARLY Will Be Guests of Governor West While In Capital City Today. TO INSPECT PENITENTIARY AND WILL BE BANQUETED Visits Will Be Made to Many West Side Towns This Afternoon. Nine more automobiles, carrying 50 local boosters, left early this morning for a tour of Linn, I'olk and Marion counties where they will advertise the coming Oregon Electric celebration on July 4. They were to arrive at Jefferson at 8 o'clock, Marion at 9, Turner at 10, and Salem at 11 o'clock. Manager Stewart of the Commercial Club of this city phoned to Governor West this morning announcing the coining of the excursionists, and was told by the chief executive that arrangements would be made to take the entile crowd out to the penitentiary for a trip of inspection, followed by a din ner at the Hotel Marion, where they will lie the guests ot the balem Hoard of Trade. They will remain in Salem until 2 o'clock when they will leave lor Independence, stiver, Wells, and Corvallis, arriving home about K o'clock tonight. Arrangements are being made to entertain the crowd along the route and they will no doubt have a line time. EXCURSION TO BERRY FAIR FROM EUGENE WILL NOT BE RUN FRIDAY Eugene, Or., June 5. The proposed excursion of Kugene citizens to the Lebanon strawberry festival is off. The committee in charge of the can vass were unable to secure the re quisite number of excursionists to se cure the reduced rate granted by the southern i acme. It was also report ed that the Springfield crowd had ar ranged to go in autos. This would necessitate the making up of the en tire party here, so the project was abandoned. Quite a number of citi zens, however, will attend the Leba non festival, going either by train or automobile. it is their purpose to make the trip on Friday. SOCIAL LEADER BUYS HATS BY WEIGHT Chicago, June 4. A hat that weighs more than four or live ounces causes brain fatigue. It is a mental strain and excess baggage. M rs. Kmmous Itlaine, exclusively fashionable and a woman of mental ity, is said to have told all of her friends that they were making a seri ous mistake in buying anything hut four-ounce hats. "They are a mental strain, these big hats, and comfort and good sense is involved in the buying of these light things," she is quoted as saying. Just now a little h'rench hat of black and white straw, the smallest, oddest of things millinery, is being worn by Mrs. lilainc to all sorts of afternoon affairs, and she is striking in it. Mrs. Hlaine may mnke a hat ever so well, but if it exceeds the weight limit she does not buy it. All of her hats are weighed before she buys them. "And do you know," said a clever society woman, "Mrs. Itlaine saves all of her gowns? They are so exclusive, so different and so lovely that it en tertains her to look at tlieiu when they have gone out of fashion, so she labels them with dates and names and puts them away. Vears from now they will certainly be a most wonderful and most fascinating collection." EXPLODING BOILER NEARLY WRECKS PASSENGER TRAIN AT PORTLAND ; 1 'or t land, June 5. A brief minute i time measMrvd the escape of the passengers in the crowded Soo Spok ane train as it wai moving iuro the ; it v over the (.V. & X. tracks at 1 i .1(1 oVIoek tlii-i forenoon. A -K) tor-.e,., it boih-r, employed by the ! bridge bnddt ii in S'dliv.ci ,nl, h, a; 'I wenty -lir-tt n et . , ., ploiled viili,tfr ril.c energy. v.Ikii the liain v. as not ni'-re than 10 vaids up the track. , I .ineiK' "' y btal.et were applied by t he engineer ami the l run v. a h brorilit to a Mop jn;t before it rr'aeli ' ( a portion of tin dismantled boiler. j whieh had been iho,vn onto the tiad: Had the enriches been pass ' ng th- spot a' th' time the ex; !os ion occurred, the .s of lih anions i the pas., iii;ei i mi;;i t ;. e bi en ap- palling. j I'.trt Webb, enpiitiei in charge of 'the boib r. v, is s'an.br.tf directly be- bind it v. iu n the I low up occurred. ; 1 1,- v.a thrown a.'aint the bank and hi' right leg br"k"ii. I le was aIo I scalded and received ruts and bruises i from (lying dbns His ev ape from j death v.as remarkable. FOREST SUPERVISOR MCDUFF TALKS TO FISH LAKE ON PHONE New System of Fire Protection is Now Complete and Works Satisfactorily The telephone lines beimr installed in the forest reserves by the govern ment arc now in good working or der and Nelson V. McDult of this city, forest supervisor of the Santiam district, was able to talk with forestry men at l-'ish Lake this morning. The telephone promises to be an important factor in lighting the Haines which ravage the forests of the Cascade mountains each year, gener ally in August, and will no doubt be the means of saving the government as well as private timber owners, many thousands of dollars. The telephone system will also en able Supervisor McDuff to keep in touch with the small army of men who arc now stationed in the moun tains to protect the timber from the ravages of the tlames. LOCAL NEWS. s Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Barlow of Oak land, California, are visiting in Albany for a few days. The special train bearing the local Masons to Corvallis tonight will leave the depot promptly at 5 o'clock. Mrs. A. 11. Martin of this citv went to Kugene this afternoon where she will spend a few days visiting friends. lYof Carroll II. l'almer of Port land arrived in Albany this afternoon to look after his class in voice culture here. Mrs. Connie White of llarrisbursr arrived iu Albany this afternoon on a tew days visit with relatives ntiu friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Burton of Falls City were visiting iu Albany yester day, while here stopping at the St. Francis. George Finley, a prominent resident of Crawfordsville, was looking after business matters in Albany yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley, Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Hawley Jr., of Port land, were visiting iu Albany yester day afternoon. Miss Flossie McGilvcry left this morning for Portland where she will visit for a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. LTliott. John Page, the popular day clerk of the St. Charles, went to Lebanon this afternoon to enjoy the sights at the strawberry festival. F. P. Smith of Salem passed through Albany tins morning to De troit where he will spend several months iu the mountains. Stephen A. Whitney of this city returned to Albany this afternoon from Southern Oregon where he has been on insurance business. O. F. I.ooney, a prominent resident and dairyman of Jefferson, returned home tins atlernoou alter looking al ter business here this morning. Mrs. J. L. Nixon of Farmington, Washington, who has been visiting iu Albany the past two months at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. W. Mc Clain, returned home today. Contractor McGilvery yesterday morning began the construction work on the new warehouse building on Water street which will be used by the Linn Produce Company. The Drs. Wallace successfully per formed an operation Tuesday upon Miss Helen (filbert, removing her tonsils, which had been giving her trouble for some time. Councilman Hob Snell left this morning for Lyons where he will spend the day whipping the Santiam for the festive trout. He was accom panied by C II. Frazicr of this city. The Misses Myrtle and Mabel Lanlz, popular Salem young ladies, returned to their home iu the Capital City this afternoon after visiting for several flays with friends in Corvallis. Kail road Commissioner Frank J. Miller of Sali-in arrived this noon and will attend the dedicatory exercises of the new temple at Corvallis to night, going over by special train from this city. Miss Carrie Jacks, of Medfonl, ar rived in Albany this morning and will spend the mi miner here at t he home o flier father, W. lb Jacks. Miss Jaelo ha- been teaching the past year in the Mediord school-.. C. H. Iturygraf and William Faglrs of tins city went to Portland this morning to nnei with the head of -liei.L of ibe mniin;, lis' i onion in I ii 1 and ii'abc arar gctiuni : foe the e. , phon of Albany Lo Ige Xo. 359, Tom I'ronirni, one of Linn comity's p inin-'iu fanners and grangers, went out to Leb.tn. ,n this inoi'iiii ; to at tend tin beny fir and bear the good ro: is lecture by C. T. J'lall of Port he 1. lr and Mrs. Cera'd Crawford went to l.cb iuon Ibis r Mti;i;: to visit r'rb "C, and :t". .; d;f. s'r.it bere fen-'i-.al. :or. L the en-ricur pict . at the Kmpire Tln- a ! i e . i a conliuH ttion of tlie hot filler, a i : ov.il of iev ral hundred ,:.-ople v.;ll go f., Su.er next Saturday in-. ruing to attend the big Riders' picnic whi' h is an evi nl of import ance iu north Kenton county each ye?-.