FAT COUNTY JOBS Bodine to Run Again for Sher iff; Francis and Froman Not Adverse to Another Term. DEMOCRATS PICK SAM GAR LAND AS SENATORIALTIMBER Representative Childs Said to Be a Candidate; Lewelling Not Seeking Election. Continued fmm Friday, Feb. s Linn county offices will not. go begging in the year of our Lord 1914. This much became certain when a Democrat representative obtained a line on actiye and deceptive candi dates for keys to the various rooms in the court house. The following county officers were interviewed and in answer to the question, "Do you expect to become a candidate for the nomination at the next primary election?" answered as follows: Sheriff Bodine: Yes. I expect to become a candidate for re-election. I feel that the record I have made dur ing the past two years has been such as to entitle me to a second term but will of course accept the verdict of the public without question. County Trcasiierr Francis: It is my present intention to run again but as yet I have ma.de no formal an nouncement of my candidacy. County Commissioner Russell: I am not prepared to say as to whether or not I will enter the race. County Recorder Froman: It is probable that I will be a candidate at .the primary election but have not definitely concluded to make the race. County Surveyor Geddes: He could not be located but his friends assert that he will become a candi date for re-election. County Clerk Marks: I have ar rived at no definite decision at this time. I have been considering the matter of entering the practice of law and therefore am unable to give you a definite answer. .The Democrat made further in quiries from friends of Mr, Marks in regard to his plans and learned that a large number of his advisors are insisting that he abandon the idea of entering the legal profession and ac cept a renomination. Mr. Marks has twice been nominated for county clerk on both the Republican and Democratic tickets and has made an exceptionally capable official. He is the only county clerk in Linn county who has been made the choice of both political parties. It is understood that County Com missioner Russell will have opposi tion. T. M. Holt, of Thomas, will be a candidate for the Republican nomi nation and D. H. Pierce, of Harris bur:,'' has under consideration the an nouncement of his candidacy. The latter stated 10 a Democrat represen tative tli is morning that lie had not definitely concluded to enter the race but that his friends were urging him to become a candidate. State Representative ChiMs will be a candidate for rc-elec :ion according ti reliable information and it os more than ;.;..bable that Homer Speer, the well kn'.ivn Tangent merchant will enter the race. State Representative Lewelling stated 'hat. he had no inten tion of becoming a candidate for re election. He has also been mentioned as a candidate for joint senator from Linn and Lane counties but asserts that he has no ambition along this line. It is also reported that Rep resentative Porter will not be a can didate for re-election but the Demo- crat has been unable to confirm thejmencing at 8:i: o clock. 1 lie au rCport. 1 mission will be SO cents. This will be U. G. Smith, a well known farmer j the inaugural recital for the new pipe residing two miles south of Albany i organ. W. H. Donley, an organist has been mentioned as a candidate for :hc Republican nomination fnr state senator but it is not known as to whether or not he will enirr t;: race. Attorney X. M. Xewpor; of T.ebar m is talked of as a candidate for the sa!ie nomination and it is con sidered probable that he w.'I become a candid. 1c. He has hoviver made r t no annoui:ccn:ent oi r.is rawnua. y or stated defi":teiy that he will make thejly was perhaps one . the biggest nice. anl mofit comical ever held. There ( Attorney San Garla M is being tir-1 were two bands in the procession and ' cd to accep. ti e Dcnixrati-. nomina- j scores of students wore unusual make- :: -n for s.aic senator from I. inn cott-i- ups. The stunts pulled off were of ty He s ciridcred in exceptionally an entirely original and entertaining; svong crit-.l-YiMc and u 1! a'mihtlc -s character. A stranger remarked: Al-j be nominated if he consents to "toss.bany muM certainly have some high , his hat in the ring." school. I never saw such spirit. ALBANY ELKS WERE JOLLY GOOD FELLOWS LAST WIBHT Entertained Jolly Entertainers and Gave Them a Furs of $21. A good lunch, a lot of fine enter tainment and a purse of $21, was re ceived by the Jolly Entertainers, the wonderful troup of children from the Children's Home of Des Moines, Wash., at the hands ol Albany's local Elks last night. After the performance at tjie Bligh theater, the children repaired to the Elks temple, at the invitation of the Elks for some fun. They were accom panied by the people of Albany who look one or more of the children to their homes for the two nights they were here. In all, about 400 people were present. Arriving at the temple, 'the child ren and their guardians were escorted to the hall and there the festivities began. First the Elks gave their en tertainment which was a varied one and which delighted the children. Then the children entertained the Elks with songs and skits, after which they were dined and given a purse of $21 collected among the Elks. Nev er before, said a prominent. Elk this afternoon, has he seen such genuine pleasure at the Elks' club on the part of both entertained and entertainer. Prof. Draper, the big hearted leader of the children, was nearly over whelmed with gratitude to the Elks and the children could have thanked their hosts in no better way than by showing the appreciation they did. DEMONSTRATION TRAIN AT 5GI0 AND CRABTREE TODA Rolling College Will Be in Al bany en February 14 For Long Period. The demonstration train from the Q, A. C. made West Scio and Crab tree today and tomorrow will make Lebanon and Brownsville, being at the former place during the morning and the latter place in the afternoon. From Brownsville the train will go out of Linn county into Lane, making towns in that section of the valley until February 13, when it re turns to Linn county, stopping at Harrisburg in the morning and in the afternoon making Halscy, Shedd and Tangent. From Tangent the train will pro cecd to Albany, remaining here for quite a period on Saturday. Definite announcement will be made later. ALBANY MAN INVENTS GOOD ROAD MACHINE D. Isom, Jr.,' Exhibits Con trivance to Spread Gravel Evenly. A road pa telling machine which has been invented by J. D. Isom, Jr., of Albany, and which was displayed at the convention of the road super visitors of Linn county today attracted considerable attention. With the machine it is possible to distribute gravel on roads exactly where needed in one operation. The inventor is a son of J. D. Isom. road -upervior of road district Xo. 1 ( which adjoins this city. C. E. Stmiard, of Pirownsville, is in the city this afternoon on business. T. H. Ryder, of Baker, is a busi ness visitor in Albany. Robert Frick, of O. A. C, was in the city yesterday. Invitations Are Out. Invitations In the form of announcement cards re out for the Methodist organ recital at the church on February 11, corn- . of Seattle, assisted by George Wilber Reed, tenor and Miss Oroh Harkness, reader, will furnish the entertainment. Big Rally Last Night The stu dents of the Albany high school, both girls and boys held a big rally last night on First street, to interest peo ple in the basketball game to be plaved tonight at the V. M. C. gym i C I I A Tk -il neiwecn j.ucm anu niimn. uv T TOBAGGQ USE ON Woe Be to Miners and Dealers for Infraction of the -State Law. AGE LIMIT 18 YEARS; CIGAR DEALERS NOTIFIED Juvenile Officer Catlin Says Giving Away Tobacos Is As Grave a Crime. That the crusade againt the sale of tobacco of any description to boys under the aye of IS years, has been launched here and that it will be vig orously pursued, was the statement this morning of County Juvenile Of ficer John Catlin. "The school board recently passed a resolution against such traffic and' against the use of tobacco by min ors,"' said the officer, "in upholding the state law and as the juvenile of ficer, it is my duty to prohibit any infraction of the law. This I most certainly intend to do whenever such a case comes to my notice." Dealers Are Notified. Yesterday Officer Catlin went around and notified each and every tobacco dealer, from grocery store proprietors to cigar store owners that the state law would be rigidly en forced. "We are aware of the fact that a boy is liable to fib about his age,'' said the officer, "but I told cigar dealers that if they are in the slight est doubt about the boy's age, to turn him down, as the sale of tobacco to a boy under the age limit, is punish able under any circumstances and the fact that he gave his wrong age, does not excuse anyone." Giving Tobacco Is Crime. That the grown-ups who give to baccos to minors are just as liable as the cigar dealers, was an emphatic statement of the officer. "We can get them under the same conditions that we would get the dealers," he declared. That youngsters caught using to bacco will be hailed before the prop er authorities and that their parents will be notified, is the intention of Officer Catlin. "With all of the dealers Warned not to sell tobacco to miners," said Catlin, "and other precautions in ef-, feet against the smoking or using of tobacco by youngsters, there should be no reason for boys to use tobac co and if they do I think that their crime is nearly as bad as that of a dealer who would sell the "weed" to a youngster." Crusades on Elsewhere. That the tobacco habit among min ors is assuming alarming proportions is indicated by the crusades inaugur ated throughout the state. In Portland an epidemic of juvenile crime, traceable largely to the cigar rettc habit, has been causing the of ficers of the juvenile court an im mense amount of work the past few days. The juvenile officers, who were in strumental in bringing about the nuti-.s meeting of parent s and teachers, at the Public Library in Portland 11 day; ago. art anxious to have the crusade against cigarettes carried fur ther. The habit, they 'declare, is one of the greatest incentives to thievery which their investigations show. A boy, who will not, steal under ordi nary conditions1, is often impelled to commit a burglary to get the cigar- rcttes which he craves. "Cheese it; cop!" was the warning cry to numerous lads yesterday in Salem to comrades who were smoking cigarettes. The reason was that an ordinance prohibiting the sale of to bacco in any form to minors under 18 years of age became effective to day. Xot only docs the ordinance provide a penalty for selling tobacco to minors, hut it makes it unlawful for minors to use it or have it in their possession. Drastic Ordinance. The ordinance is drastic and the po lice have been notified that it must be enforced. The law provides for the repri manding by the recorder of a minor for his first offense and for subsc- qUcnt violations he shall be fined no, e8$ tnan 2 nor more than $20, or i'm- phoned for not less than one nor more tnan Q days in jail. n E. J. Daly, of Butte, Mont., is in the city visiting with Mr. and Mr, Bert R. Westbrook. Mr. Daly is a brother-in-law of Mr. Wcstbrook. ALBANY UNIVERSITY CO-ED MARRIED AT EUGENE Donald Pagut and Miss Hazel Barta Stole March on Many Friends. Eugene, Or., Feb. 6 Donald Pague, of Portland, and Miss Hazel llarta, of Madison, Wis., juniors in the Uni versity of Oregon, last night celebrat ed the completion of their . mid-year examinations by repairing to the Epis copal church in this city and getting 'married. Today they went to Port laud, where they will make their home. Most of the members of the Delta Gamma sorority and the Avava club, with which the bride and bridegroom, respectively, are affiliated, were not aware that the wedding was to take place. Half a dozen friends of the couple, who were sworn to secrecy, led the ceremony. Afterward the newly married pair took dinner together and then Mr. Pague escorted his bride to the Delta Gamma house and himself returned to the Avava house to break the news to his fraternity brothers. The couple left this morning before the campus had awakened to the fact that another college romance had reached a hap py result. The bridegroom is a son 13. S. Pague, an attorney of Portland, and graduated from Hill Military Acad emy. Miss Barta, although she came from Wisconsin to enter the univer sity, has since made her home with relatives near Albany. Both young people have been prominent in stu dent activities here, Mr. Pague having been a member of the second football team and Miss Barta of the dramatic club. OWLS CLUB AT LEBANON IS CLOSED BY THE CIT Lebanon, Or., Feb. 6. The police, a deputy sheriff and constable raided the local Owls' lodge a few nights ago, arrested Secretary f. E. Far rish and took charge of the club fix tures and destroyed the stock of liq uors. The hearing was set, but be fore the time for the hearing the lodge and.t.nc city officials came to an agree ment by which the lodge agrees to cease conducting its clubrooms and the handling of liquors for its mem bers. The secretary was then re leased. The club had operated for a year and has been keeping liquors on stor age for its members. There has been considerable complaint for several months and at the December election a new charter was adopted by the peo ple, which was stringent on the hand ling of liquors. C. Tiurkc, of Klltfene, transacted business here tliis inuijiintf. 1 News BginntiiK With This Head Id Frnm the Dnilv Issue of SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 9 S $ S IB S ' PERSONAL MENTION FROM SHEDD AND THAT VICINITY Shedd, Or., Feb. 6. (Special hi j Democrat) Glenn Large had busi-! ness calling him 10 Albany la I week. ; V. W. Kobnett and wife were A1-! bany shoppers Thursday. Hurley Morgan of Plainview trans acted business in Shedd Thursday. J f. O. Piukstaff of Tangent had business calling him to Shedd Wed nesday. T. M. Ben neit the barber went to HaKcy Wednesday evening. Henry Frecrksen and wife were Al bany shoppers Friday. H. G. Pugh had business calling him to Albany Friday. Geo. Smith of Oakvillc had busi ness in Shedd Thursday. Herman Zochcrt made a business trip to Halscy Wednesday. Prof. Wilson made his regular trip to Shedd tliis week. James Kelly and family moved to Independence Thursday. J. M D.ckson, president of the Oregon Dairy Association, is with the demonstration tran that will be through here February 13. Mr. Dick son will deliver a short lecture at each stop. Mrs. O. H. Locke, of Chicago and Miss Vclma Davis and Miss Voleni Smith went to Jefferson this after noon to attend a house party given by Mr. Roco Thomas of that place. Born February 6. to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Locke, of Corvallis, a seven pound girl. Mrs. Locke is at tie home of her parent. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nanney, of Albany. "WIFE STOOD IN WAY OF MY HAPPINESS AND I SHOT HER" Hazel Heidman Confesses to Murder of Mrs. Manning According to Police. (By United Press Association) Newark, X. J., Feb. 7. Hazel Heid man, age 25, of Vernon, N. J., has contessed, according to the police, to the shooting and killing of Mrs. Har riett Manning at the hitter's home yesterday. Miss Heidman drank a solution of bichlordie of mercury today and her condition! is critical. Mrs. Manning was shot to death in the preserce of her mother and a sis ter by the woman, who gained admit tance to the home by saying she was a "friend from Philadelphia." The theory advanced is that the first per son was a man dressed as a woman. Mrs. Manning- has been separated from her husband. "Yes, I loved Manning and I waiv ed to marry hint,"' Miss Heidman is alleged to have told the police. "His wife stood in the way of my happiness and I shot her." Freezing Weather In Middle West (By United Press Association) Chicago, Feb. 7. Freezing weather prevailed in the central and middle western stales. Zero temperatures extended as far south as the Texas coast. The .storm is moving east. W Huggins, of Salem, transacted business here this afternoon. Registration is Brisk, That regis tration of voters in Linn county has been brisk during the past few day's was the statement of County Clerk Marks this morning. Coshow Will Probated. Upon. pc tition of O. P. Coshow, the will of the late O. P. Coshow, who died at Brownsville January 24, was admit ted to probate yesterday by Judge McKnight and the said petitioner was appointed executor. The estate is valued at $2000. There arc 13 heirs. Banquet at St. Francis Tonight. Thirty couples of the younger set will tonight banquet at the Hotel Si. Francis, from 7:30 o'clock to 9, after which they will attend the dance at the armory in a body. There will be features of entertainment, several singers and instrumental soloists hav ing been engaged for the occasion. Through the courtesy of Manager 'Bligh of the Bligh theater, Baby Elva, the seven year old singer, appearing :t t'hc theater, will appear on the pro gram. Artillery Band Arrives. Major 'Charles E.' York, leader of the Coast Artillery band, of 29 musicians, ar rived this noon from Eugene and are at the St. Francis. They will give a concert tonight at the armory. Weather Report. The range of temperature for 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock tliis morning was 34 to 41 de grees. The river is 5.6 feet. The wea ther report says cloudy tonight and Sunday. Probably rain. New- Spring Models KK'" "V"-V ...... . " At r n . Just a trifle different. Slightly lower bust, but the same long, graceful lines A Fit for livery Figure $1.00 to $2.50 Pair FLOOD'S STORE 334 West First Street SURVEYING? sT. PENLAND & EATON Room S, Newew Bligh Bldg. SEEKS NEW TREATY Administration Wants Excluding Japanese American Soil. Treaty from TOKIO GOVERNMENT ASKS NEW ALIEN LAND LAW If Ban on Land Ownership in California Is Raised Treaty Will Be Signed. (By United Press Association) Washington, Feb. 7. That Secre tary Bryan is seeking the Tokio gov ernment's consent to a Japanese ex clusion act similar to the Chinese ex clusion law is stated upon high au thority. It is said that the California alien land law is the principal obstacle. Jap an is willing to have a "gentleman's agreement" by which Japanese coolie labor will be excluded from the Unit ed States with the statutory condition that the Japanese laud ownership ban in California will be raised. Tokio cares less about opening !;e United States to more Japanese than it does about protecting those already settled here. The house immigration committee hadn't decided as to whe ther it would resume hearings on the Raker bill. Coroner Fortmiller Still Laid Up. Coroner William Formiller is still confined to his home with an in jured knee. He 'has now been laid up two weeks. Mr. Fqrtmillcr injured the limb in a peculiar way while helping to pry an automobile out of the sand at Newport last summer,' Alignments in the knee joint were sprained. He has been able to be up and around but when. treatment failed to cure, the doctors recommended that the patient remain quiet for an indefinite period. Collect Subscription. M iss Bculah Hinklcy, stenographer of the Commer cial club, this morning started the col lection of the subscription for the re moval of the Brownsville glove fac tory to Albany. The sum to be col lected is $250 and was subscribed by local merchants and business men to defray expenses of the concern in moving. Injured Knee Cap. Harry Cnsick suffered a painful accident yesterday afternoon, and as a result is laid up today with a badly sprained right knee cap. He was descending the stairs of the Cusick bank to the base ment when he slipped and fell half way down, landing on the floor on his knee. A Bell 535-R. I