The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, January 16, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Edilor and Publisher
Entered at the pusinfiire at Albany.
Ore'-n. as si'Cinl-cl:ss matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tues
days and Fridays.
Address all cummunications and make
- all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
Id ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
well as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per week $ 10
Delivered by carrier, per yew.... 4.00
by mail, at end of year .. 3.5U
liy mail in advance, per year - 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year 1.25
lc per word for first publication; 'Ac
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1C65.
Land owners occupying forty
square miles of bottom and prairie
lands between Corvallis and Monroe
have begun the formation of the firs:
drainage district organized under the
laws of Oregon in the Willamette val-
In a special article in Sunday's Ore-
gonian, Mark Woodruf gives some in
teresting facts and figures concern
ing the land embraced in the new dis
trict and makes the prediction that
the step taken by the Benton comity
laud owners, marks a new era in the
growth and development of the Wil
lamette valley. It is pointed otit that
the only thing wrong with the white
lands of the Willamette valley is thai
they carry excess acids and that chem
ists at the experiment stations have de
termined that these lauds are cual to
the best in Oregon when unnecessary
water is eliminated.
The remarkable increase in tnc
value of Willamette valley lands .dur
ing the past few years has made the
problem of proper drainage one of the
most important in the state.
Failure is the natural result of un
scientific methods of farming and the
day has gone by when the farmer can
scratch soil, sow a few grains of wheat
and expect nature to convert his dimes
into dollars. Brains can convert our
water soaked lands into veritable gar
dens of wealth. Lack of brains can
and will ultimately destroy the value
of our lands and result in decrease of
The drainage problem is one of
such great importance to both the
business and agricultural interests of
the state that it should commend it
self to the careful attention of the
farmers, merchants and legislators.
An editorial in Saturday night's
Democrat on the subject "Intolerance"
has been misunderstood. The editor
ial did not refer to any particular re
ligious denomination, or to the
churches as a whole. It did refer to
a well meaning individual who ad
dressed a communication to the editor
of the Democrat in which both the
motives and the right of the editor to
express an honest opinion, were
A Boston woman has offered to
sell her husband for $1,000. Just like
a woman exaggerate everything, ev
en the value of a husband.
Fayetteville, Or. Jan. 12 (Special
to 1 emoei at.) M iss Maine was de
tained at Fugene where she went to
spend her vacation on account of til
ness. She w a aide to rem i n Wed
nesday to lake up her vhool duties
I'artn Curtis is m the sick lUt.
W. Yantis of Salem, spent a week
at the Barton home,
Mc si tames lit ove :u I MeCormick
and Mis Stoke- attended services at
Shedd Thursday afternoon.
Hunters from Albany who have the
lakes rented near Fayet teville wer?t
out Thursday feeding the ducks.
J. F, Miller drove to Corvallis
The Ladies' Aid Society met at the
home of Mrs. Todd A very enjoyable
time was had and four new members
were added to the stvicty.
Mrs. J, II. Mears took the morning
train for llai ri-hnrg.
Mr. ami Mr. C. I l aw-on returnc t
from Kelso, Wanli., Thursday.
Train service was very much delay
ed on the Oregon Electric the pat
few days on account of high water at
Scio, Or., Jan. 10. (Special to Dein-'
ocratj Miss Grace Gill, who is pri
mary teacher in the Wasco school,
spent the vacation here with her par
ents, Mr.' and Mrs. M. C. Gill.
Mrs. A. E. Randal spent New Years
in Salem with friends.
Miss Olive Petit of Albany was
home on a short visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Petit.
Daisy Buchner was visiting relatives
in Salem last week.
Ira Abbot and family have returned
from Portland where Mr. Abbott has
been under the care of Dr. Rockey.
Mis Christine Shindler has returned
to her school at Lyons after spending
the holidays at home.
Marion Arnold spent New Years
with friends at Salem.
Lynn Daley and cousin, Mrs. Bell
Daley, of Medford visited last week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Miss Nelda Wendt spent the holi
days at home. Miss Wendt is teach
ing at Lyons.
Augustine Cain of Portland visited
here last week with his sister, Miss
Agnes and brother, Rodger.
Miss Agnes Wesely of Portland is
Roy $hcUon, secretary of the Linn
county fair made a business trip to
Salem last week.
Miss Burnicc McDonald, who
teaches near here, in what is common
ly called the red school house, but
which is now white, visited the Shcl-
burn school last week,
Mrs. C. IT. Wain was in Stayton
last week visiting her sister, Mrs. R.
E. Calavan.
Dr. J. G. Gill of Lebanon was a Scio
visitor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Winter of Pon-
land were guests at the home of Dr.
A. G. Prill and of J. F. Wcscly.
Mrs. M. C, Gill has been visiting
in Portland.
R. M. Cain went to Portland Wed
nesday on business and will return
by way of Albany to attend the poul
try show.
J. R. Young went to Albany Tues
day to attend the poultry show.
A, E. Randall was in Albany Thurs
day to sec the show.
Mrs. Monty Lesely left Friday for
her home in Eugene.
J. J. Barnes of Stayton was a Scio
visitor Friday.
F. Mi Smith of Lebanon has moved
his family here. Mr. Smith will soon
set up a feed store. .
Miss Wilma Gum returned home
Thursday after spending several days
in Albany .
Dr. and Mrs. E. II. Hobson return
ed Wednesday from it visit with
friends in Salem and Portland. ,
Daisy Buckner attended the poultry
show in Albany Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Churchill visit
cd last week with the lattcr's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Roberts.
D. W. Rumbaugh of Albany was
here Friday on business.
The following officers were elected
at the annual meeting of the Scio
Mutual Telephone Co: President,- E.
C. Shelton; vice president, J. B,
Coney; secretary, C. C. Wudc; niaua-
ger, J. N...VeddLe
The Scio Union Sunday School
elected the following at their annual
election: Supt., W. A. Ewig: Asst
Supt.. W. M. Abbott; Secy., Mrs. I-
T. Bilyeu; Asst. Secy., Nit a Bilyeu
chorister, W. M. Abbott ; organUt.
Daisy Buckner; Asst. organist, Mable
Thayer; librarian. Hazel Philippi.
In tlie Circuit Coiyt of the State o
' i"i tor the bounty ot Lmu. Ui
part men t N'o. 2.
- v . lUcr, Plaintiff,
W. C. Sehult?.
. Suite Bank,
H. Bryant and Al
a corporation, do-
To W. C. Sehnltz, the above named
defendant :
In the name of the state of Oregon
you ;;, e hereby required to appear and
an-jwi-r the complaint of the ah. .ye
named plain lift now on tile with t!ie
clerk ot t!'e above entitled court with-
v t t-o'n the date ot the first
publication of this -nmman. and y."
t:v hrieoy no'itied that ii" you tail
io arpear and answer -aid complain
is hereby required, tor want there
i'c pi. limit!" will ta';c Mhlgmem
artiest you lor the relief inavc! for
ii- said complain, i.t-wi: A ui.l
j'U'i't against you tor the sum o'
v;M S 22 and for the t it r t her sum of
$.;Oi0 reasonable attorney's fees and
for the cots and disbursements of
is sn;t. and for a decree foreclosing
the hens mentioned ami de-cri'ud i"
plaint il l's complaint. and directing
iM'rional nronerty therein describ
ed to be sold to satisfy said judg
ment, and for ivh othei and further
re'-ef as mav he meet in equity.
This summons i published once a
week tor si xeon-evutive weeks in the
Si'ni- eekly Democrat, a new-paper
m'hb-hed in nd l oim: v. bv o - dci
f 1 ion D B MeKnuht, County
.ludge of l-inn County, Oregon, made
on the St li d.iv ot January, 1014. ami
the date of the first publication ol
litis summons is the loih dav of Lin
irv. 114
Attorney for Plaintiff.
!!(v:.v,?ii. i-tvu-.v-j;
(Cortinued from Pai 1).
lion enroutc to your city.
Wants City Protected.
"Our police force is inadequate to
handle any demonstration that might
be started.. A Daily News reporter
just arrived here and states that the
organization will arrive here in the
middle of the afternoon and plans to
stay here over Sunday. I believe this
is a matter entirely for the state to
handle and therefore appeal to your
excellency and request that you take
immediate action to protect the in
terests of the city of Woodburn and
make provisions to feed and shelter
the organization."
Governor Sends Esch.
Acting on receipt of this telegram.
Governor West requested Shcrifl
Esch to go to Woodburn with enough
men to handle any situation that might
Shortly after 3:30 the army arrived
at Woodburn, .ninety-five strong,
Marching at the head was the wife of
a Portland newspaper man, says May
or Livesley. She carried an American
flag and stopped the army at a cor
ner to call the roll. Of the ninety-
eight checking in at the last stopping
place, three had fallen at the wayside
A little company of minute men had
been organized at Woodburn when it
became apparent that the sheriff
could not arrive in time and these
were held in readiness. The organ
ization was requested to move on and 1
left for Gervais. I
Want Free Food.
According to the mayor, members
of the army boasted that they would
get food before night and that without
having to pay for it. Gervais, three
miles away, was reached in a short
lime by the delegation. Here they
were treated with considerable consid
eration. As a result of the trepidation caus
ed by the approach of the crowd, the
city of Gervais was set back some
forty dollars, the price of two hundred
pounds of meat contributed to the
commissary department of the army.
Fears that a pitched battle might en
sue were the request for food ignored,
probably had a chastening effect on
the city fathers. At any rate, the
army was supplied with rations and
pitched a camp a mile outside the
city to spend Sunday.-
Lafe 'Rosenberg, of Corvallis, vis
ited Albany friends yesterday.. ,.
A. B. Smith, of Tacoma, transacted
business here this morning.
C. C. Hargrove, of Salem, is in the
city this afternoon on business.
. .,,. -;, "
i) News cn This Page is
From Daila tosu
s '
Sheriffs Sale.
Under and by virtue of an'execution
issued out of the Circuit Court of the
Stale of Oregon for the County of
Linn, in an action wherein, Jim Riley
was plaintiff and Mr. Ivan W. 'Hope
and B. O. Moore, defendants, upon a
judgment rendered on. the 3rd day ot
February, 1913, in favor of said Plain
tiff and against the said Defendant.
lor the sum of $152,110, and interest
from March -30th, 1911, at the rate ot
S per cent perannum, and the further
sum of $30,lX) as attorney's fees, and
costs of aeiiqti taxed at $15.50. less
$120.00 paid theron May 3rd, 1913:
I have levied upon the following de
scribed real property, to-wit:
Beginning at the S. E. corner of
Section 29, in Township 14 South of
U ange 1 West, Willamette Meridian,
Oregon, and running thence Fast 20
cl ains; thence north 40 chains; thence
W'cst 20 chains thence Nortli 11
cha.ns, niore or less to the South,
boundary line of the D. L. C. of
Tmmias Wood fin, in said Township
and Range; thence South SI degree
30 minutes West, 20.25 chains, nunc
or less, to the Northwest corner of
Lot 1 of said Section 29; thence Ka-t
.i rod-; the;ce chuhIi rods; thence
Yes; 3 rods; thence Smith 20 chains,
move or le-i, to the Southwest coi
ner ot tile Nor; hen st quarter of the
south east quarter of said Sec
tion 2; thence Fast 20 chains to
a point due Nortli of the place oi
beginning; and thence South 2i chains
to tlie place of be tinning, and con
icir.in4 I3S.50 acres more or less, all
lying ami being in Linn county. Slate
of t )regon.
Al.-o a further tract of land begin
ning at die Northeast corner ot Lot
v.-! 2. Section 2. T. 14 S. R. I
We-t o Willamette Meridian, run
ning thence Fa-.t 3 rods; thence South
27 rods; thence West 3 rods: thence
Xorii: 27 rods; to' the place o'
beginning, containing 1 j acre, more or
less, tid laud being and lying in Linn
Comity, State of Oregon.
Notice is hereby given. That I will
on Saturday, tlie 14;h day of Febru
ary, P14, at One o'clock, p. in. of said
day, at the front door of the Court
House, at Albany. Linn County. Ore
gon; sell at public auction to the high
est bidder, tor cur vent lawful money
of the t'nited Stites of America, all
the right, title, claim and in teres'.
aid De fendant IV C. M oore, had on
or since the 3' d day of Febrvary, I'M 3.
in and to tin above described prop
erty, or so much thereof as may b?
M-cessary to satisfy said judgment,
with interest and costs and aceruinw
n ted this 15th dav of lanuarv,
Sheirf of I inn Countv, Oregon,
wky jlt-22-cV-F(-13
Executrix's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court oi Linn County,
Oregon, as executrix of the estate of
L. . Delancey, deceased. All per
sons having claims against said es
tate are hereby required to present
liie same to the undersigned at the of
fice of L. M. Curl, at Albany, Ore
gon, with proper vouchers the"
within six months from the dat
Dated this 15th day of Dece "..
Attorney for Executrix.
Dec 19-26 Jan 2-9-16
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for" Linn County.
Department No. 1.
M. B. CRAFT, Plaintiff,
W. C. SCHULTZ, Defendant.
. To W. C. SCHULTZ, the above
named defendant:
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the
above named plaintiff now on file with
the Clerk in the above entitled court
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, and
you are hereby notified that if you
fail to appear and answer said com
plaint as hereby required, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will take judge
ment against you for the amount de
manded in his said complaint, to-wit,
the sum of $247.85 and for the costs
and disbursements of the action..
This summons is published once
a week for six weeks in the Semi-
Weevlv Democrat b" order of Hon.
D. B. Mc Knight, County Judge of
Linn County, Oregon, made on the
30th day of December. 191.3, and the
date of the tirst publication ot tins
summons is the 2nd day of Luiuarv,
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Jan 2-9-16-23-30- Feb. 6-13-C7 t)
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersiened. the Administrator of the
Estate of James B. Jenks, deceased.'
has tiled with the Linn County Court
of Linn County his Final Account;
thai the Judge of the Linn County
Court has fixed the 2nd day of Feb
ruary, 1914, at the hour .of one o'clock
p. m. for the hearing of objections
if any, to the Final Account, and for
the settlement of said Estate.
Dated this 22nd day of December,
Administrator of the Estate of James
B. Jenks, deceased.
Attorneys for Estate. .
d26 J2-9-16-23
Summon for Publication In Pore
' closure of Tax Lien.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2.
C. H. Cumminffs, Plaintiff,
W. A. Alford, Defendant.
To W. A. Alford,. the above named
In the name ol the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that C. 11.
Cummings, the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency nnnibtred 35, issued
on the 5th day of December, 1903, by
the lax Collector ot Uie County ox
Linn, State of Oregon, for the
amount of Two and 22-100 Dollar,
the same bine the amount then due
and delinquent for taxes for the year
1907, together with penalty, interest
and costs thoreon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which you are
the owner as appears of record, sit
uatsd in said County and. State, and
particularly boaoded and described .as
follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point which : 2 61
chains west of the quarter 'section
post on the east side of Section 5 in
Township 15 South, Range A West of
W illiamette Meridian, i-inn County
Oregon, and running thence north 1.78
chains; thence weit 10 chains: thence
South 10 chains: thence Fast 10
chain: thence north 8.22 chains to the
place of beginning.
Your are further notified that
said C. II Cummiugs has pan; taxes on
said premises for prior or subse
quent years with the rate of interest
on said amounts as follows:
Year's Tax Receipt Rate of
Tax Dt. Pd. . No. A mt. lntr.
loos Men 23 1909 47 $2.4 LSpcrct.
W Meh 24 I10 15 per ct,
I'HO Meh 22 llt 534S 3.75 15perct
Meh 23 U!2 5701 4.4S 15perct
1012 Apr 22 1913 60?3 4.37 ISperct.
Said W. A. Alford. as the owner of
the legal title ot ttie above described
property as the same appears of rec
ord, ami each of the other persons
above named are hereby further noti
fied that C. H. Cummings will apply
to the Circuit Court of the County
and State aforesaid for a decree fore
closing the lien against the pror rty
above described and mentioned i .aid
certificate. And you are hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
after the fir.-1 publication of the sum
mons exclusive of tiie day of said first
publication, and defend this action
or pay the amount due as above shown
together with costs and accrued in
terest and in case of your failure to
do so. a decree will be rendered fore
closing the lien of said taxes and costs
against the land and premises ibove
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable D. R. Mcknight,
ludge of the County Court ot the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, and said order was made and
dated this 15th day of Janpary, l'M4
and the date of the first publication
is this summons is the 16th day oi
January. 114.
All process and paper in this pro
ceeding may be serred upon tiie un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Addres-: First National Bank Bldg..
Albany. Oregon
In l(v 23-30 F6-13-20-27- Meh 6-13-20
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
C. H. Cummings, Plaintiff, .
Flora C. Joy, Watson F. Rinehart,
Ellis W. Rinehart, Guy S. Kmchart
and Frankie Mayer, Defendants.
To Flora C Joy, Ellis W. Rinehart
and Frankie Mayer:
In the name of the State of Ore
You are hereby notified that C. H.
Cummings, the plaintiff herein, is the
holder of Certificate of Delinquency
No. 144, issued on the 30th day of
December. 1908. bv the Tax Collector
of the County of Linn. State of Ore
gon, for the sum ot One and 90-1WJ
Dollars, the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for taxes for
tiie year 1907, together with penalty,
interest and costs tiiereon upon the
real urooertv assessed to Melissa
Rinehart, of whom you are heirs ofj
tne owner as appears oi recora, situ
ated in said county and State, and
particularly bounded and described as
follows to-wit:
Beginning at a point 18.98 chains
East of the Southwest corner of the
Southeast 4 of Section 13, Town
shit) 14. South of Range 5 West, Wil
lamette Meridian, thence running East
10.96 chains, thence North 22.75 chains
to the river: thence ud river with
rueanderings to a point due north of
the beginning; thence South 18.25
chains to the place of beginning, con
taining 22 acres, situated in Linn
County. Oregon.
You are further notified that the
plaintiff has paid taxes on said prem
ises for subsequent years as follows.
all of which payments, together with
the Certificate of Delinquency bear
interest at the rate of fifteen (15 per
cent, per annum from the date of the
several payments.
Years Rate of
Tax Date Paid Amt. Int.
1908 Mar. 23 1910 $1.87 ISperct.
1909 Mar 24 1910 2.07 15 per ct.
lyiO Mar. II 1911 .15 ISperct
1911 Mar. 23 1912 .63 '15 per ct.
1912 Oct. 6 1913 2.00 ISperct.
lotal amount paid since the issu
ance of the Certificate of Delinquency
is beven and K-100 Dollars (S.US).
said llora C. Joy, Ellis W. Rine
hart and Frankie Mayer, as the heirs
of the owner of the legal title of the
above described property as the same
appears of record, ace hereby furtner
notified that the plaintiff will apply to
tlie Circuit Court or the County and
Mate atoresaid lor a decree foreclos
ing the lien against the property above
described and mentioned in said cer
tificate And you are hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
after the first publication of the sum
mons exclusive ot the day ot sa:d
first publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay the amount due as above
shown together with costs and ac
crued interest and in case of your
failure to do so, a decree will be ren
dered foreclosing the lien of said tax
es and costs against the land and
premises above named.
' This summons is published bv or
der of the Honorable D. B. Mc Knight,
Judge of County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the county of Linn,
and said order was made and dated
this 11th day of November, 1913, and
the date of the first publication if
this summons is the 14th day of No
vember, 1913.
All process and papers in this pro
ceedings may be served upon th-; un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, ' at the address hereafter
Attorney for .the Plaintiff.
Address, Albany, Oregon.
nl4-21-28 d5-12-19-26 J2-9-I6
In the Justice's Court of Linn Coun
ty, Oregon, for Justice District No. 1.
FRANK U11RHAMMER, Plaintiff.
W. C SCHULTzV'Dcfendant.
To W. C.Schuhz, the above named
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint of tlie above named plaintiff
now on lite witli the undersigned
Justice of the Peace within six weeks
from the date of the first publication
oi this summons: and you are herein
notified that if vou fail to - "t and
answer said complaint as hereby re
quired, for ""int thereof the plaintilf
will take judgement - ainst yon for
tle amouiu demanded in his anl com
plaint, lo-wii, the satin of $113. 39, ami
for the co ts and disbursements of
tlie action.
T!iis summons is published once a
.vcek for six conscciuive weeks in
Semi-Weekly Democrat, a news -
paper published in said Linn Cmmc
by order of the undersigned Justice! Said J. W. Menzies,' as the owner
of the Peace, made on the 30th day of the legal title of the above de
of December, 1913. and the date of Scribed propertv as t he same appears
the first publication of this summons: of record, and each of the other pcr
c 2nd day of January, 1914. : ?Cms above named are hercbv further
Given under my hand tins 30th day ; notified that C. H. Cummings will
ot Decemner, 1913. ! pppIv to the Circuit Conn of the.
Tustice of the Peace.
Ian 2-9-16-23-30 Feb 6-13.
Statement of the Ownership, Manage
ment, Circulation, etc..
of The Semi-Weekly Democrat, pub
lished twice a week at Albany. Ore
gon, req-'ed bv the Act of August
24. 1912.
Name of Editor: -
Managing Editor: - SAMt.
Business Managers: - SAME.
Publisher: - SAME
Owners: - (If a corporation, give
name and addresses of stockholders
holding 1 per cent or more of total
amount of stock) Wm. H. HORNI
BROOK. Known bondholders, mortgagees,
and other security holders, holding 1
ner cent or more of total amount of
bonds, mortgages, or other securities:
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 20th div of Dec.. 1913.
Notarv Public.
(My commission cxpires'May 22. 10J41
Summons for Publication in Foreclos
ure of lax Lien.
In the circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment -No. I.
C. H. Cummings, Plaintiff,
John F. Duncan, Defendant.
To John F. Duncan, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon.
You. are hereby notified that C. H.
Cummings,' the holder of Certificate
oi Delinquency numbered" 246 issued
on the 6th day of October, 1909, by
the lax Collector ot the county ot
Linn. State of Oregon, tor the amount
oi One and 81-100 Dollars, the same
being the amount then due and de
linquent tor taxes tor the year iywo,
together with penalty, interest and
costs thereon upon the real property
assessed to you, of which you are the
owner as appears ot record, situated
ui said Cou-nty and State, and par
ticularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
Beginning 10 chains S. of the NW
corner of Sec. 33, Tp. 12 S. R. 1 W.
of the Will. Merd., thence E. 12.31
chs.; thence S. L14jchs.; thence W.
12.31 chs.; thence N. to beginning,
containing 1.74 acres, more or lees.
You are further notified that said
C H. Cummings has paid taxes on
iaid premises for prior or subsequent
years with the rate of interest on
said amounts as follows:
ears Tax Receipt Rate of
Tax Dt. Pd. No. Amt. Intr.
1509 Meh 24 1910 5340 $1.90 15 pr ct.
1910 Meh 22 1911 5365 3.16 ISperct.
1911 Meh 23 1912 5696 2.76 I5perct.
1912 Apr 22 1913 6960 2.31 15 per ct.
Said John F. Duncan, as the owner
of the legal title of the above describ
ed property as the same appears of
record, and each of the other per
sons above named are hereby further
notified that C. H. Cummings will
apply to the Circuit Court of the
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lien against the
-operty described and mentioned in
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to a ar within sixty days
after the first publication of the sum
mons exclusive of the day of said first
publication, and defend this action or
pay the amount due as above shown
together with costs and accrued in
terest and in case of your failure to
do so, a decree will foe rendered fore
closing the lien of said taxes and costs
against the land and premises above
This summons is published by or
derpf the Honorable D. B. McKnight,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn,, and said order was made and
dated this 11th day of November,
1913, and the date of the first publica
tion of this summons is the 14 day of
November, 1.913.
AH process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address Albany,
nl4-21-2S d 5-12-19-26 J2-9-16
Summons for Publication in Fore
closure of Tax Lien.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
Oregon, for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2.
C. H. Cummings, Plaintiff,
J. Wi Menzies, Defendant.
To J. W. Menzies, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that C. H,
Cummings, the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 286 issued
on the 7th day of October, 1909, by
the Tax Collector of the County of
Linn, Slate of Oregon, for the amount
of $3.28 the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for the taxes
for the year 1908, together with pen
alty, interest and costs thereon upon
the real property assessed to you, of
which you arc the owner as appears
of record, situated in said County and
State, and particularly bounded and
described as follows, to-wit:
The NE'4 of SE of Section 3,
Township 12 South. Range 1 East of
Willamette Meridian, Linn County,
You are further notified that said C.
H. Cummings has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent
year, with the rate of futerest on
;aid amounts as follows:
Year's Tax Receipts. Rate' of
T;ix Dt. PI. Nn. Amt. Intr.
' .!c:i -'4 join .nV9 S.I. -9 15pcrct.
22 10! l 5.?02 3.03 15 perct
! 10 l
:3 1912 5712 4.S0 15 perct.
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lieu against, the
property ajiovc described and men
tioned in saiti certificate. And you
arc hereby summoned to ami-car with-
l in sixty days after the first publica
tion ot the summons exclusive, of the
day of said first publication, and de
fend this action or pay the amount
due as above shown together with
costs and accrued interest and in case
of your failure to do so, a decree will
be rendered foreclosing the lien of
said taxes and costs against the land
and premises above named.
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable D. R. Mc Knight
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, and said order was made and
dated this 1 1 day of November,
101.1, and tlie date of the first publi
cation of this summons is the 14 day
or Aovenmer, ivkv
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be server upon the un
dersigned residing within the State of
Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
ddreM Albany. Oregon
n 14-21-28 d 5-12-19-26 J2 9-16